Personal Statement

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Coming and growing up from a small village of Kwahu Besease in the Eastern region of

Ghana, I had always been enthused and interested in building and construction as a

profession. This made me pursue all my educational levels in Building Construction/

Technology; and Construction Management at the senior high level and tertiary levels. But

as I passed through the years of the different levels of education, my true passion for

computer literacy emerged. It is worth noting that I come from a family of five (5) siblings of

which I happen to be the only one pursuing higher education. Because my other siblings did

not get the luxury of our parents paying for our school education, when my uncle decided to

take care of my educational needs, it was a joyous moment to behold by the whole family.

However, this opportunity took me through only the Senior High School and Polytechnic

levels where I obtained Senior Secondary School Certificate (S.S.S.C.E) and Higher National

Diploma (HND) all in Building Construction. When I gain employed into my current job

where I have worked for over sixteen (16) years, there was the need to upgrade my academic

credentials. I thereby pursued a Bachelor of Science in Construction Technology and

Management from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST- Kumasi)

while I bore and paid for all the total cost and expenses by myself.

Over the years I have strived to research and self-teach myself some aspects of basic

computing which has earned me some knowledge in computer technology which has been

recognized by management team of my organization. This feat or milestone achievement has

earned me the opportunity to be assigned the roles of Systems Administrator of my

organization’s online platform called Integrated Waste Management Systems (IWMIS), IT

representative for the Brong-Ahafo region, an active member of the Jospong Social Media

Army amongst others. All these feats or milestone achievements have been attained with

virtually no formal computer literacy education.

As stated in the paragraphs above, growing up, I had interest in building construction but

upon completion of school and working for over sixteen (16) years, I had to venture into a

different field of study. And, one area that I have excelled so much over the years is computer

literacy; a more diversified field with wide array of branches to choose from, professionally.

Considering my passion for computer literacy and my talent of quick-learning and

researching, I have decided to study Computer Science at the Master’s degree program level.

I am very optimistic that this direction of study will enable me reach my career objective of

being able to hold a more challenging position and becoming a Computer Science

professional within any sector of the industry where my prior experience, personal ability,

academic prowess and a commitment to professionalism would be of great value. To

combine data-driven, Analytical Data Science, Cybersecurity with extensive experience in

Artificial Intelligence (AI) to build, train, and deploy machine learning models and deliver

cutting-edge technologies by collaborating with technical research scientists and machine

learning engineers.

In conclusion, I am thrilled about the opportunity to study computer science at this

university. My passion for computer literacy, research capabilities and several years of

working experience, make me an ideal candidate for the program. I am eager to learn from

the esteemed faculty and contribute to the research community. I am confident that this
program will enable me to achieve my career objectives as stated above and enable me make

a meaningful contribution in this diversified field of computer science.

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