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Michael Downey

Name: _____________________________

Unit 1 · Lesson 9: Subtract Rational Numbers Date: 9/8/2020


Objective: I will subtract rational numbers using rules for adding integers.

Vocabulary Steps:

Rational Numbers: whole numbers, fractions, and decimals 1. Create common denominators.
represented as a ratio of two integers; can be represented 2. Keep the sign of the first number.
in fractional form: 3. Change the subtraction sign to an
x addition sign.
where x and y are integers and y ≠ 0 .
y 4. Change the sign of the second number.
9 5. Solve.
4.5 =
 Add the absolute values.
a  Keep the same sign.
Fractions: numbers expressed in the form
• a is the numerator; number of parts; dividend  Subtract the absolute values.
• b is the denominator; total parts in the whole;  Keep sign of the greater number.

Equivalent Fractions: different fractions that have the same


and 2 are equivalent since 8 = 4 ⋅ 2 = 2
12 3 12 4 ⋅ 3 3

Example # 1 Example # 2
Directions: Solve by subtracting the rational numbers.

13.67 ─ (─3.85) 2  1
− −− 
7  5

Solution: Solution:
17.52 3


Copyright © Swun Math Grade 7 Unit 1 Lesson 9 P HW

Unit 1 · Lesson 9: Subtract Rational Numbers

Directions: Subtract.

3  5 2. ─8.12 ─ (─42.3)
1. −− 
4  8

1 1 4. 18.815 ─ (─71.005)
3. −7 − 8
5 2

1 4 6. 8.119 ─ 14.28
5. 7 − 13
4 5

Explain the steps you used to solve problem number _______.

First, since the negative integer was greater, I flipped the 14.28 and the 8.119 and then I subtracted, the difference of which
was; 4.161 and again, since the negative was the larger integer, I made the end integer into -4.161.



Copyright © Swun Math Grade 7 Unit 1 Lesson 9 P HW

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