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Ars Moriendi
The Art of Living and The Art of Dying


Ars Moriendi
Part I
1. Read It

If Anybody Cares

Here I Am

Having A Home
I Got Close Once


I Am Out Here

The Door Is Closed

Life Is A Book We Are Writing

If We

Only Take The Time

To Read It

Give Time

A Little

More Time

One More Time

Don’t Get Misunderstood

You Should Get Scraped When We Behave

2. Looked The Same

The Code

Was In Your Head


You Feel





There Is Some
You Need To Explain

Others Look At You

Like You Never Looked The Same

It’s Physical

Without A Touch

Ones say it’s …

But It’s Just A Code

3. This Is Done

My Eyes Are Fire

Even If

Today There’s Nothing I’m Yearning

Anticipation Though

Is Often Too Slow

It Sounds Like A Joke

I’m Pissed Off, Can’t Remember Why

Heard God Was Merciful, Good To Know

But The End Is Near

Near Like Now

You May Think I Need A Head Check

One Two One Two A Thousand & Four

This Is Done
I May Be Out Landed

There Is Some Things I Won’t Beg To Be Lended

I’m Thirsty For Love

And I Won’t Apologize

Is It My Fault
If Suns Rise

Ars Moriendi
Part II
1. A Price To Pay

I Can Feel Resentment

In Your Present

I Just Wonder

For Whom Are You Writing?

What Do You Represent?

It’s Spilling Down The Floor

For More Than An Hour

Is There An End?

To Chinese Ink
And Cow Milk

Just One More Sip


I’ll Shut The Door

So I Can Kiss This Lonesome Dove

‘Till That Day

It Hurts To The Bone

I Wonder How People Die

I Wonder If It Shall
2. A Song

I Promise
I Won’t Collapse

I Swear
I Don’t Have The Feeling

I Died
Time Ago

If Only
I Would Care
About Today

I May
Raise My Hands

But What Else Is There To Say ?

Keep Trying To Explain

Something You Won’t Understand

Won’t You Ever Understand ?

I Am Not Sure Where You Belong

I Guess I’ll Write You A Song
3. Express

Express Yourself

With Speed

‘Cause No One Else

Will Feel

What You Have Within

I Am Not Over

You Should Get Started

Here Is An Ark


Forget To Sign

Ars Moriendi
Part III
1. Be Proud

Be Proud

You’ve Learned to Suffer

Did I ?

You Made An Offer

To Unfold

Did you ?

Be Proud

In Any Day
Once You’ll Stop
You Can Start To Play

Be Ployed

Only By Your Fingers

I’ll Watch The Game

And If You Linger

Be Applauded
At Least By A Singleton

It’s More Than Enough

1. I carry

I Carry A Bag

Even When I Don’t


I Carry A Lag

Even When I Don’t

A Voice

I Carry On

I Get Along

Your Heart Explodes

Will You Get Along ?

Sensitivity In Motion

I Guess You Get The Emotion

At Least A Vibration
Get Into Action
3. Smoke

There Is Enough To Feed You

To Keep It True

I Better Stay Hidden

In The Shade Of The Corner

Save Mother Earth

As The Rain Comes

The Monsters Arrive


Beneath All This Lies

The Pursuit Of Happiness

She’s Beautiful As A Goddess

You Couldn’t Say Less

My Body Is Not Mine Anymore


A Taste Of Smoke

Ars Moriendi
Part IV
1. Nobody Knows

A Will Took Me To Fill The Cup

Cut It Loose
And Let’s Stay Humble

Even If French Fries With You

Taste Noble

I Just Forgot I Wanna Die

I Guess It’s What They Call
Feeling Fine

You’ve Never Really Been In The Woods

It Was Just A Beginning

I’m This Crazy Friend Whom You’ve Forgotten To Take News

This Lazy Frame With No Use

An Old Pair Of Shoes

The Mind Of This Man Is Not Made Like Yours

And Nobody Knows

Where Is It ‘Comin From

And Nobody Knows

But Something Is Happening

But Nobody Knows

Where Is That Coming From

And Nobody Knows

What Is Coming


Can Tell It’s Dinging

2. Just In Love

If You Cry


You’re Just In Love


If You Grieve


You’re Just In Love

The Day May Be Long

The Night May Be Strong
The Feeling May Be Longing

Remember You’re Just In Love

Take Care

Try Not To
Shoot The Dove
Just Because
You’re In Love
3. It Should Be

This World Is Yours

But It’s Not Made For Me And You

Love Is Free
At Least It Should Be

Ars Moriendi
Part V
1. Hit and Run

It's A Hit And Run

It Only Hurts

If Only

You Got Hit

Give It Away

You May Think

It’s The Only Way

But Don’t Blame

It’s A Hit And Run

You Remain


Complexity Of This Word

We Manage

I Got Hit

No Need For A Plum

Don’t Forget To Move Forwards

It Was Just A Hit

Now Run
2. A Head & A Heart

Does somebody knows

What’s happening?

Spit it out
Crush it down
Swallow it

But Somebody Knows

That Soon In The Morning

A New Day Will Be Rising

‘Cause Love Is Just

Something To Smash Over

A Head


A Heart

Over A Head Falling Apart

Can You Tell?

It’s Happening
3. She Knows

She Knows
What It Is To Be Sad

Who Does Not?

The Ones Who Easily Forgot

You Suffered

But Did It Even Made You Better?

I Wish I Didn’t Care

I Really Really Wish I Didn’t Care
I Wish I Haven’t Seen You Lie
Seen You Cry

Little Helper

What If I Die?
Would You Be Sad?

Ars Moriendi
Part VI
1. Memento Mori
Remember My Love

One Day

You Will Die

There Is No Use To Cry

You Knew

Before This Words

What Would Happen





Let’s Just Have A Look

Into Darkness



A Mirror
Pictures A Hole

You Used To Call

Your Soul


As You Didn’t Forget To Live

Don’t Forget To Die

2. The Garden of Remembrance


A Garden




Who Lied

Is Nowhere To Be Seen

But In Your Eye


Grew Wild

Yews Too


They Had The Chance

To Meet You

You Swing

In Time

I Hope

You Won’t Forget

The Night

You’ve Been Mine

I’ll Certainly


That Night
As My Last Whisper

Goes Just Fine

3. The Queen of Spades

I Stare At You

In Your Cof n

Time Has Passed By

Your Grace


Your Body Is A Museum

I Won’t Forget This Place


There Is No Turning Back

Some Say

But I Remember

As I Kissed Your Chest

My Lips

Suddenly Feeling Your Back

Why Not
Do It Again?

You’ll Forever Be

The Queen of Spades

In A Game We Used To Play

You Remain In Silence

I Guess It’s One More Act Of Romance


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