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☐ Al Hussan International School – Al Khobar

☐ Orbit International School – Al Khobar

☐ Jubail International School – Jubail
☐ Al Hussan International School - Riyadh
☐ Al Hussan International Grammar School
☐ Al Hussan International School - Yanbu

First Trimester



Grade 5

Final Revision (1)

Name: ………………………………

Class: ……………………………

Date: …………………………….

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☐ Al Hussan International School – Al Khobar
☐ Orbit International School – Al Khobar
☐ Jubail International School – Jubail
☐ Al Hussan International School - Riyadh
☐ Al Hussan International Grammar School
☐ Al Hussan International School - Yanbu

-Comprehension and skills:

Not Bathing for 100 Days

Seven Arctic explorers were asked to participate in an experiment. When one participates, one

joins in. One is part of something. The experiment the explorers participated in had to do with

bathing. Two of the Arctic explorers did not bathe. They did not bathe for 100 days! The remaining

five explorers bathed at regular intervals. They bathed at regular times. At the end of the 100 days,

all the explorers were checked. What were they checked for? The explorers were checked for


A microorganism is a tiny creature. It is an organism that cannot be seen with the naked eye. It

can only be seen with microscopes. Microorganisms are sometimes called microbes. We cannot

see microbes, but we live with them. They live on us. They live in us. In fact, we have more

microbe cells in and on our bodies that we do human cells making up our bodies! We are

outnumbered by microbes! Many people think, “Ugh! I’ll get sick!” when they think of microbes. We

call microbes that make us ill germs.

The truth is that most microbes are not germs. Only 4 percent of microbes make us sick. This

means that out of 100 microbes, only four are bad. We need microorganisms. Without microbes,

we would have vitamin deficiencies. One has deficiencies when one has less than what one

needs. Our hearts would not be as strong, and we wouldn’t be able to digest our food.

Microorganisms help keep us healthy.

What was the experiment’s result? The result might seem surprising. The explorers who had

bathed at regular intervals had no fewer microbes on their skin than the ones who had not bathed!

The same number of microorganisms was found on the skin of the washed and unwashed

explorers! The experiment results do not mean that people should not bathe. Think about how

dirty someone would be if one did not bathe for 100 days. Most important, think of how one would

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☐ Orbit International School – Al Khobar
☐ Jubail International School – Jubail
☐ Al Hussan International School - Riyadh
☐ Al Hussan International Grammar School
☐ Al Hussan International School - Yanbu

smell! He or she would stink! The point is that our bodies maintain a healthy balance with

microorganisms. We are not harmed by most of them.

1. This story is mainly about

a health

b explorers

c experiments

d microorganisms

2. What is true about the number of microbial cells in and on our bodies?

a We have less microbial cells than human cells.

b We have more microbial cells than human cells.

c We have less microbial cells than human cells only if we bathe.

d We have more microbial cells than human cells only if we bathe.

3. Think about how the word participate relates to join. What words relate in the same way?

participate : join

a bathe : wash

b smell : dirty

c maintain : balance

d results : experiment

4. We need microorganisms to

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☐ Al Hussan International Grammar School
☐ Al Hussan International School - Yanbu

a make vitamins

b harm our heart

c keep from stinking

d help digest our food

5. The bell rang every hour. The bell rang at regular __________.

a cells

b balances

c intervals

d deficiencies


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☐ Al Hussan International Grammar School
☐ Al Hussan International School - Yanbu

Turtles are reptiles. Reptiles have scales, lay eggs and are ectothermic.

Ectothermic means the animal’s body temperature depends on its external

environment. If the environment is too warm, the animal must move to where it

is cooler. For example, moving from sun to shade. If the environment is too cool,

the animal must move to where it is warmer.

For example, moving from shade to sun. The most obvious difference between

turtles and other reptiles is its shell. A turtle’s shell is part of its skeleton. The

shell has three parts. The top rounded section is the carapace. The bottom €atter

section is the plastron. These two sections are connected on the sides by

“bridges”. The shell has nerves and blood vessels.

A turtle’s shell grows as the turtle grows. The shell has two layers. The inner

layer is made of bones. These bones include the backbone, breastbone and ribs.

The outer layer (what we see) is made up of hard scales called scutes. Scutes are

made of keratin. Keratin is the same material in our fingernails and hair. Some

turtles can pull their head, legs and feet into their shell for protection.

Tortoises are land turtles with hard shells. Tortoises also have thick skin to help stop loss of

moisture. "

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☐ Al Hussan International School - Yanbu

Turtles with softer shells include many water turtles. Water turtles have webbed feet for swimming.

Sea turtles have feet like flippers. They can stay under water a long time. They must come up to

breathe. Like other turtles they lay their eggs on land.

Some ancient turtles lived when dinosaurs did. Some of these turtles had teeth. Today’s turtles

don’t have teeth. However, they do have strong jaws and beak-like mouths. Some only eat plants.

Others eat plants and meat.

1) Write ‘Yes’ if the following statements are true, ‘No’ if they are false, and ‘Not specified’ if there

is no discussion about these in the passage.

a) Turtles that we see today don’t have teeth, but have strong jaws. ______

b) Hard shell and soft skin set tortoises apart. _____

c) Ectothermic animals have to regularly change their habitat according to

external temperature. _____

d) Because of their feet-like flippers, sea turtles can stay underwater for a very

long time. _______

2) State two differences between sea and land turtles




3) What is plastron?


4) What, according to the passage, is a specific protective measure the turtles have?



5) What is keratin and where is it found?

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☐ Orbit International School – Al Khobar
☐ Jubail International School – Jubail
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☐ Al Hussan International School - Yanbu



_Vocabulary and skills:

Give definitions for the following words:












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☐ Orbit International School – Al Khobar
☐ Jubail International School – Jubail
☐ Al Hussan International School - Riyadh
☐ Al Hussan International Grammar School
☐ Al Hussan International School - Yanbu

-Underline the complete subject once and the simple subject twice.

1. A small family lived on a faraway planet.

2. The family’s two children played near the space launch.

3. The little girl dreamed about life on Earth.

4. Huge spaceships landed daily on the planet.

5. The spaceship mechanics repaired huge cargo ships.

6. Twinkling stars appeared in the black sky.

B. Underline the complete predicate once and the simple predicate twice.

1. The planet’s inhabitants lived in underground homes.

2. A special machine manufactures air inside the family’s home.

3. The athletic girl jumped high into the air.

4. Many toys and games cluttered the children’s playroom.

5. The children’s father described weather on Earth.

C. Circle the complete subject in each sentence. Underline the complete


1. The underground home contained large, comfortable rooms.

2. The playful child rolled his clay into a ball.

A. Read each sentence. Circle the complete subject. Underline the simple subject.

1. My whole family had a picnic on Saturday.

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☐ Al Hussan International School - Yanbu

2. The warm, sunny day was perfect for an outing in the park.

3. My cousin Fred brought his guitar and harmonica.

4. Everyone sang favorite folk songs.

5. The people in the park applauded us.

B. Read each sentence. Circle the complete predicate. Underline the simple


1. We watched the space shuttle on TV this morning.

2. The huge spaceship rocketed into space at 6:00 A.M.

3. During the flight, the six astronauts released a satellite into space.

4. The space shuttle Columbia circled Earth for three days.

5. The spacecraft landed smoothly on Monday at noon.

What part of each sentence is underlined?

1. My cousin lives on a big ranch in Montana.

simple subject
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☐ Al Hussan International School - Yanbu

complete subject

simple predicate

2. Her family raises cattle on the ranch.

complete subject

simple predicate

complete predicate

3. Rosa’s job is feeding the chickens before school.

simple subject

complete subject

simple predicate

4. Her brother John feeds the horses.

complete subject

simple predicate

complete predicate

5. My cousin Rosa rides her horse across

the range.

simple subject

complete subject
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☐ Al Hussan International School - Yanbu

complete predicate

6. John spreads fresh hay in the pasture.

simple subject

simple predicate

complete predicate

7. Their nearest neighbors often go into town with them.

simple subject

complete subject

simple predicate

8. The dinner bell rings at 6:30 every


simple subject

complete subject

simple predicate

9. The whole family sits on the porch and reads about space.

simple subject

complete subject

complete predicate

10. Rosa searches the Internet for sites about animals.

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☐ Al Hussan International School - Yanbu

complete subject

simple predicate

complete predicate

In each of the following sentences, underline the complete subject once

and the verb, including any helping verbs, twice.

1. Four of my friends had won tickets to the Whitney Houston concert.

2. This car is powered by solar batteries.

3. At the back of your literature book is a glossary of literary terms.

4. The world’s second-largest continent is Africa.

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☐ Al Hussan International School - Yanbu

5. George will have already left for the movies.

6. Do you ever watch the game show Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego?

7. At the bookstore the mystery writer will autograph copies of her new novel.

8. One of our favorite sports is basketball.

9. Tonight we can sleep in our tents.

10. Jorge sent the package to me by parcel post

In each of the following sentences, underline the complete subject once

and the verb, including any helping verbs, twice. Then, circle the simple subject.

1. Throughout history, many people have feared the wolf.

2. Fables such as “Little Red Riding Hood” have given wolves a bad reputation.

3. The loud, mournful howling of wolves can be frightening, too.

4. Packs of wolves greet each other with howls before a hunt.

5. The howls of the wolves can also warn other wolves to stay away.
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6. The quick, tireless, and clever wolves are excellent hunters.

7. The wolves strengthen elk and deer herds by eliminating weak animals.

8. Ranchers in areas with wolves dislike the animals for attacking their livestock.

9. Large numbers of wolves have been killed in the United States.

10. The endangered species is being reintroduced in some areas of the country.

In each of the following sentences, underline the complete subject and then write the simple

subject on the line provided:

_______________1. Apparently, the strangers were gold prospectors.

_______________ 2. Their sudden appearance quickly aroused the



_______________ 3. This quiet desert town had never seen such a sight.

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☐ Al Hussan International School - Yanbu

_______________ 4. With keen interest the townspeople observed the



_______________ 5. Nobody in the town knew anything about the strangers.

_______________ 6. Down the street trudged the exhausted strangers.

_______________ 7. They went straight to the county clerk’s office.

_______________ 8. Nothing could stop the hungry, thirsty men.

_______________ 9. Each of the prospectors filed a claim.

_______________ 10. These new claims lay together in the Sangre de Cristo


_______________ 11. Several curious townspeople questioned the prospectors.

_______________ 12. The prospectors’ answers did not satisfy the



_______________ 13. The exact location of their claims remained a secret.

_______________ 14. The silent, secretive group stayed in town.

_______________ 15. An ambitious young reporter from Taos met with the


_______________ 16. The reporter’s newspaper wanted their story.

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☐ Al Hussan International School - Yanbu

_______________ 17. The editor of the paper promised the reporter a large


_______________ 18. The prospectors would not discuss their claims.

_______________ 19. The reporter’s interview with the prospectors was


_______________ 20. The secret of the seven prospectors was kept.

For each of the following, write S on the line if it is a complete sentence. Write F

if it is a sentence fragment.

1. ___ Long, long ago, in a faraway land.

2. ___ There lived a princess named Gretchen.

3. ___ The most beautiful girl in the land.

4. ___ She was still very unhappy.

5. ___ Her 21st birthday was approaching.

6. ___ Her twin brother, Prince Reginald, would become king.

7. ___ She would have to marry King Jomen of Far Land.

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8. ___ A very cruel and unkind man.

9. ___ She decided to run away and formed an excellent plan.

10. ___ The plan required the help of her friends, Grumpy and Happy.

11. ___ They were eager to help, as they did not like the idea of their friend being

unhappy for the rest of her life.

12. ___ She disguised herself as a maid and left the palace.

13. ___ Unfortunately, her brother saw her and thought she was being kidnapped.

14. ___ Set out to rescue her.

15. ___ She ran until she reached Near Land.

16. ___ A happy and somewhat silly place full of very silly people.

17. ___ When Prince Reginald reached Near Land.

18. ___ She agreed to go home when he promised that when he became king, he

would not make her marry anybody.

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☐ Al Hussan International School - Yanbu

Write S for complete sentence or F for fragment.

_____ 1. Unless it rains

_____ 2. We are playing soccer outside.

_____ 3. A better man for America.

_____ 4. Building a bridge to Stuart.

_____ 5. I can’t do it.

_____ 6. Bob hurried.

_____ 7. Because Bob hurried.

_____ 8. Sit down!

_____ 9. Play with his sister.

_____ 10. Because of the rain.

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☐ Al Hussan International School - Yanbu

_____ 11. Sally smiled sweetly at the sugary samples.

_____ 12. Too much homework to finish before class.

_____ 13. In class, we talked about Tupoc’s poetry.

_____ 14. Including his use of rap and how it relates to life.

_____ 15. When the sun comes up.

-Identify sentences and fragments:

1. Though e-waste is a major contributor to the pollution of groundwater.

2. The airline pilot, realizing that there was not enough fuel to reach JFK

International Airport.

3. Deciding whether or not to buy a new car, which would put me in debt for

another ten years.

4. A puppy being a huge responsibility.

5. After the latest storm ravaged the metropolitan area.

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☐ Al Hussan International School - Yanbu

Decide if each part of the sentence is sentence or fragment:

1. Startled by the loud noise of the engine. I dropped the _____ _____

wrench and jumped out of the way.

2. George was standing on the corner. Watching all the cars go by. _____ _____

3. Rex gathered some dry twigs. And tried to start a fire for us. _____ _____

4. All of us waited at the door. To let the man in the wheelchair by. _____ _____

5. Written by a Black poet. Who had spent many years in the ghetto. _____


6. I have wanted to drive a race car. For as long as I can remember. _____ _____

7. Even though Mr. Harvey is more than seventy years old. He enjoys _____


watching young, active children.

8. She gave me her phone number. So I could call her later. _____ _____
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☐ Al Hussan International School - Yanbu

9. Without spilling a drop on the driveway. Jill drained the oil _____ _____

from her car.

10. Our instructor gave us a mid-semester test. Which was not as _____ _____

difficult as we had expected.

11. Merely by giving him a gentle tap with a newspaper. Skippy can _____


be controlled quite easily.

12. He grinds his teeth only during his sleep. Never while studying _____ _____

or watching TV.

13. Ms. Barns has a very low, soft voice. She plans to use an _____ _____

amplifier during her speech.

14. He asked me to check my figures with the clerk. The usual _____ _____

procedure in matters of this sort.

15. After a long day of hard classes. A student needs a good rest. _____ _____

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☐ Al Hussan International School - Yanbu

Choose the correct answer:

Any of these sentences ________ confusing. (is/are)

Every boy, girl, man and woman ________ important. (is/are)

Salt and pepper _______ always on the table. (is/are)

Rice and curry ________ my favourite dish. (is/are)

The instructions ________ that 300 grams of salt __________ to be added.

(say/says; is/are)

Physics ________ the science of matter and energy. (is/are)

Two fish or a cat _______ what I want for a pet. (is/are)

*Her family ____________ very hospitable. (is/are)

*None of the universities _____ going to open a campus in Antarctica. (is/are)

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☐ Al Hussan International School - Yanbu

Practice sentences:

1. One of the students ( is/are ) studying algebra.

2. The exhibit of the artist’s paintings ( was/were ) very interesting.

3. Mrs. Andrews, along with, Mr. Stone, ( do/does ) volunteer work.

4. All of the salesmen, including Mr. Stone, ( was/were ) at the meeting.

5. Every one of the girls ( do/does ) her shorthand homework.

6. Either Julia or her friends ( is/are ) planning to attend.

7. Both of the carpenters ( is/are ) planning to do the job.

8. Neither the students nor the instructor ( want/wants ) to miss class.

9. The women, as well as the men ( sing/sings ) beautifully.

10. Most of the nurses ( work/works ) every day.

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Exercise 1: If a word is singular, write S before it. If it is plural, write P.

_____ 1. morning _____ 11. mosquitoes

_____ 2. calves _____ 12. actress

_____ 3. women _____ 13 cave

_____ 4. she _____ 14. we

_____ 5. pencils _____ 15. leaves

_____ 6. shelf _____ 16. chief

_____ 7. they _____ 17. men

_____ 8. heights _____ 18. babies

_____ 9. geese _____ 19. Congress

_____ 10. it _____ 20. Mice

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1. An electric computer (solves, solve) difficult problems quickly.

2. Many colleges (has, have) computers.

3. Over one hundred thousand forest fires (is, are) reported each year.

4. Sometimes lightning (causes, cause) fires.

5. Careless people (is, are) often at fault.

6. Forest rangers (says, say) that we can prevent forest fires.

7. Some Polynesian divers (descends, descend) almost forty-five feet without

special equipment.

8. The owl's eyes (makes, make) it look wise.

9. Actually, the owl (sees, see) poorly during the day.

10. Every year scientists (discovers, discover) new drugs to fight diseases.

1. The girls from John Carroll (is, are) arriving early for class.

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2. The heads of state (arrive, arrives) for the conference.

3. The bag of golf balls (is, are) for practice.

4. The boxes of chalk (is, are) at the chalkboard.

5. A shipment of clothing (is, are) expected soon.

6. A little practice in the evenings (help, helps) us play better.

7. The little baby with the dimples (slide, slides) down the bank.

8. The problems with Bobby (has, have) to be solved.

9. A package from my daughters (was, were) left on the doorstep.

10. The courses in college (require, requires) a lot of studying.


1. Laura, together with Jesse, (sing, sings) the alto part.

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☐ Al Hussan International School - Yanbu

2. The girls, as well as Tom, (hum, hums) quietly.

3. Mr. Michaels, with his two sons, always (win, wins) the trophy.

4. The estate, including the paintings, (was, were) sold.

5. Relaxation, along with good food, (has, have) improved her health.

6. The agents, with their co-workers, (was, were) checking the story.

7. Sam, in addition to his brothers, (sleep, sleeps) in this tent.

8. The hunters, with their two guides, (like, likes) to stalk game.

9. Arteries, on the other hand, (carries, carry) the blood away.

10. The heart, along with the 100,000 miles of arteries and veins, (supplies,

supply) the oxygen needed by all parts of the body.

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