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Journal of Cardiac Failure Vol. 13 No.

2 2007

Fluid Restriction in the Management of Decompensated Heart

Failure: No Impact on Time to Clinical Stability

Dublin, Ireland

Background: To examine the clinical effect of fluid restriction in patients admitted to the hospital with
class IV heart failure (HF).
Methods and Results: This is a single-blind randomized controlled study. Time to clinical stability was
compared between the fluid restricted (FR: n 5 34) and free fluid (FF: n 5 33) groups respectively show-
ing no significant difference (8.3 6 6.3 days versus 7.0 6 6.0 days, P 5 .17). There was no significant
difference between groups in time to discontinuation of intravenous diuretic therapy (FR: 2.7 6 4.5
days, FF: 3.2 6 5.6 days, P 5 .70). Changes from baseline to achievement of clinical stability in serum
urea (P 5 .23), serum creatinine (P 5 .14), BNP (P 5 .42), and sodium (P 5 .14) did not differ between
the FF and FR groups. Baseline serum sodium levels did not predict the time to clinical stability (b 5
0.11, 95% CI: 0.60, 0.23).
Conclusions: Fluid restriction is not an evidence-based therapy although it is occasionally applied in the
management of HF. These results suggest that FR is not of any clinical benefit in patients with acute de-
compensated HF and this hypothesis should be tested in a larger randomized controlled study. (J Cardiac
Fail 2007;13:128e132)
Key Words: Acute decompensated heart failure, Management, Fluid restriction.

The aim of treatment of acute decompensated heart fail- Methods

ure (HF) is to promptly achieve hemodynamic stability and Study Design
symptomatic improvement.1 In addition to a standard phar-
macologic approach, fluid restriction is frequently applied This was a single-blind, randomized, controlled, proof of con-
to expedite recovery.2 However, to date there are no data cept study conducted at St. Vincent’s University Hospital. Ethical
to support the use of this strategy. Indeed, recent guidelines approval was granted by the Medical Ethics and Research Board
and the principles of the study adhered to those outlined in the
for the management of acute decompensated HF do not rec-
Declaration of Helsinki.
ommend the application of this intervention.1 Furthermore,
adherence to fluid restriction can be difficult for patients3
Selection of Patients
and should only be employed if benefit is likely.
The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of Patients admitted age 18 years of age or older with a confirmed
fluid restriction on the clinical course of patients admitted diagnosis of class IV HF and giving informed consent were eligi-
to hospital with New York Heart Association functional ble for the study. The diagnosis of HF was based on presenting
class IV HF. symptoms, physical examination, radiologic evidence of HF on
chest x-ray and was confirmed by the HF team.
Exclusion criteria were patients with serum creatinine on ad-
mission greater than 2 times the upper limit of normal (ie, 230
mmol/L [mg/dL]), with life-threatening illness that could compro-
From the Heart Failure Unit, St. Vincent’s University Hospital, Dublin,
Ireland. mise survival and patients considered unlikely to comply with
Manuscript received May 8, 2006; revised manuscript received Septem- fluid restriction such as those with a history of cognitive impair-
ber 21, 2006; revised manuscript accepted October 10, 2006. ment or dementia.
Reprint requests: Dr. Kenneth McDonald, Department of Cardiology, Patients were consented within 24 hours of admission and ran-
St. Vincent’s University Hospital, Dublin 4, Ireland.
1071-9164/$ - see front matter
domized by computer-generated protocol to either fluid restriction
Ó 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. (FR) of 1 L per day or free fluid (FF). Members of the HF team
doi:10.1016/j.cardfail.2006.10.012 with the exception of the HF nurse were blind to the

Fluid Restriction in Decompensated Heart Failure  Travers et al 129

randomization process. Patients, family members, nurses, and al- duration). Data were analyzed on an intention to treat basis; how-
lied health care professionals were asked not to reveal patients ever, the effects of patient withdrawal was assessed for all major out-
randomization status to the attending HF physician for the dura- comes and reported if effect was statistically significant.
tion of the study.
Study Withdrawal
Patients were withdrawn from the study in the following cir-
cumstances: an increase in serum creatinine of greater than 25% The baseline demographics for the FF (n 5 33) and FR
above baseline levels for 2 consecutive days; nonadherence to (n 5 34) groups are presented in Table 1. The patient pop-
fluid restriction as per protocol for 2 consecutive days; or with- ulation are representative of a typical community HF pop-
drawal at patients own request. ulation, being older (74 6 12 years) than most represented in
clinical trials.5,6 Statistical comparisons between the groups
Study End Points
baseline characteristics were made to ensure that randomiza-
The primary study end point was time in days to clinical stabil- tion eliminated any potential confounder variables. Signif-
ity defined by achieving all of the following parameters: symptom- icantly fewer patients were hypertensive in the FR group
atic improvement with no evidence of fluid overload; stable (P 5 .01). No statistical difference between the groups’
weight for 48 hours (no change greater than 1 kg); off intravenous baseline biochemical marker levels was observed (all
(IV) HF therapies for 48 hours; and no change in cardiac medica-
P O .05).
tion for 48 hours.4 The secondary end points for this study were as
follows: changes in renal parameters; changes in B-type natri- Time to Clinical Stability
uretic peptide (BNP) levels; duration of IV HF therapy; compli-
ance with fluid restriction protocol. There was no significant difference in time to clinical sta-
bility between the FF and FR groups, respectively (7.0 6 6.0
Assessment of Biochemical and Clinical Parameters days versus 8.3 6 6.3 days, P 5 .18) even when controlled
In addition to routine clinical assessments, the renal profile was for age and gender effects (Fig. 1). The time to clinical
measured daily for the duration of the intervention. BNP was as- stability in either arm was not influenced by baseline serum
sayed for the first 7 days and alternate days thereafter until clinical sodium levels (b 5 0.11, 95% CI: 0.601, 0.234), even
stability was achieved. Weight was recorded each morning (after when adjusted for treatment effects. No etiology factors
voiding, before breakfast, and before diuretic administration). were predictive of time to clinical stability nor did they ap-
Management of the patient’s HF status was reviewed on a daily pear to influence the model coefficients when introduced
basis by the HF physician and medications, including the contin- into the model.
uation of IV HF therapy, were adjusted accordingly. After the pri-
mary end point of clinical stability was achieved, patients reverted Duration of IV HF Therapy
to FF status.
There was no significant difference between FF and FR
Compliance with Fluid Restriction groups respectively in the number of days to discontinua-
tion of IV HF therapy (3.2 6 5.6 days versus 2.7 6 4.5
Patients who exceeded 200 mL above the recommended daily days, P 5 .70; Fig. 2). Furthermore, the average daily IV
fluid allowance for 2 consecutive days were deemed noncompli-
ant. Daily fluid intake was managed and recorded by the patient Table 1. Demographics of the Free-Fluid
with the aid of the primary nurse and monitored by the HF nurse and Fluid-Restricted Samples
for both groups. Patients reporting difficulty in adhering to the
Free Fluid Fluid Restricted
fluid restriction protocol were counseled by the HF nurse.
Baseline Characteristics n (%)/Mean 6 SD
Statistical Analysis n 33 34
Age (y) 73 6 13 75 6 11
Data are presented as the mean 6 standard deviation (SD) for Gender: Male 16 (49) 20 (59)
continuous variables, whereas the frequencies and percentages are Weight (kg) 72.1 6 20.5 76.2 6 16.2
used to summarize categorical (discrete) variables. Comparisons Etiology
between the FR and the FF groups were made using independent Ischemic 19 (59) 25 (76)
EF: !45% 19 (61) 20 (67)
sample t-tests for continuous normally distributed data and Mann- Mean EF 40.2 6 14.8 37.4 6 11.8
Whitney for nonnormal distributions (two-sided a 5 0.05). Treat- Diabetic 7 (21) 8 (23)
ment effects on outcome measures were assessed using repeated Raised cholesterol 10 (30) 16 (47)
measures analysis of variance. Linear regression was used to iden- Hypertensive 14 (42) 5 (15)
Pulmonary disease 6 (18) 4 (12)
tify the independent predictors of time to clinical stability and
time to discontinuation of IV HF treatments when adjusted for ACE inhibitor/ARB 23 (70) 23 (68)
age and gender. Because of the small sample size, it was not feasible b-Blocker 8 (24) 10 (29)
to adjust for all baseline demographic and etiology factors; however, Diuretic 6 (18) 2 (6)
each were introduced singularly into the final model to ensure that Nitrate 22 (67) 20 (59)
Statin 12 (36) 12 (35)
they did not effect the final parameter coefficients. Each patient’s
average compliance was calculated over the duration of the inter- EF, ejection fraction; ACE, angiotensin converting enzyme; ARB,
vention (ie, the proportion of compliant days to total intervention angiotensin receptor blocker.
130 Journal of Cardiac Failure Vol. 13 No. 2 March 2007

12 changes in these markers (Table 2). No significant change

P = 0.176
was observed in creatinine (P 5 .35) and sodium (P 5 .60).
At clinical stability there was no significant difference
between groups in levels of serum sodium (FF: 137.6 6
Time to Clinical Stability (days)

9 3.2 mmol/L versus FR: 137.8 6 3.8 mmol/L, P 5 .84), se-

rum urea (FF: 8.4 6 3.1 mmol/L vs FR: 10.8 6 5.5 mmol/
L, P 5 .10), serum creatinine (FF: 111.7 6 30.5 mmol/L
[mg/dL] versus FR: 128.2 6 37.5 mmol/L [mg/dL], P 5
.06), and BNP (FF: 560.9 6 439.2 pg/mL versus FR:
602.0 6 644.8 pg/mL, P 5 .94).

Compliance With Fluid Restriction

3 The total daily volume of fluid consumed was signifi-

cantly different between both groups (1466.6 6 607.3 mL
versus 1074.3 6 319.2 mL; P 5 .001; Fig. 3). In addition,
the total daily fluid output did not differ significantly be-
0 tween the groups (FF: 1625.4 6 748.4 mL, FR: 1971.5 6
FF FR 721.3 mL, P 5 .25). There was no significant difference
Error Bars show Mean +/- 1.0 SE
in the average weight loss in both groups from baseline
Fig. 1. Time to clinical stability (days) in free-fluid and fluid- to clinical stability (FF: 3.0 6 3.6 kg, FR: 2.6 6 3.0 kg,
restricted groups. P 5 .65). No patients were withdrawn from the FR because
of failure to comply. The average number of compliant
days in the FR arm was 73% (ranging from 40% to
diuretic dose in the FF and FR groups did not significantly
100%). Fourteen patients (21%) were withdrawn because
differ (73.6 6 30.4 mg versus 75.9 6 18.0 mg, P 5 .22). In
of increased creatinine levels, 4 (12%) from FF and 10
addition the average daily dose of oral diuretics was not sig-
(29%) from FR group.
nificantly different between the FF and FR groups, respec-
tively (52.7 6 23.2 mg versus 61.8 6 27.1 mg, P 5 .24).
Biochemical Markers

Using repeated measures analysis of variance, an in- The results of this study question the routine application
crease in urea (P ! .01) and a reduction in BNP (P ! of fluid restriction in the management of acute decompen-
.01) was observed in the sample. There was no significant sated HF. Commencing within 24 hours of admission this
interaction effect between the randomization arm and intervention did not reduce the time to clinical stability.
Furthermore, fluid restriction did not reduce the duration
of IV HF therapy, the average dose of diuretic used or alter
P = 0.70 the reduction of BNP. Finally, there were more withdrawals
due to elevated creatinine in the FR group, which may
suggest an adverse impact of this intervention in certain
4 situations.7
Duration of IV Therapy (days)

Fluid restriction may seem a logical intervention in the

management of HF, although there are no scientific data
3 to support its application. Its uncertain status as a therapeu-
tic strategy in HF is reflected in the recently published
guidelines for HF care, where its use is recommended in
chronic HF as a nonpharmacologic approach,8 but not dis-
cussed in new guidelines for the management of acute de-
compensated HF.1 Indeed, it could be argued that fluid
restriction in the setting of IVs diuretic use could in certain
circumstances predispose to an adverse outcome. This
could be explained by accentuating the impact of fluid
loss with the resultant heightened activation of the renin-
0 angiotensin-aldosterone system predisposing to renal
FF FR dysfunction.9 Therefore, as a practice that prevails in med-
Error Bars show Mean +/- 1.0 SE
icine it is clear that proof of impact is needed to support or
Fig. 2. Duration of intravenous therapy (days) in free-fluid and refute its continued use. Holst et al have described the de-
fluid-restricted groups. sign of a prospective randomized study examining the
Fluid Restriction in Decompensated Heart Failure  Travers et al 131

Table 2. Differences Between Free-Fluid and Fluid-Restricted Groups in Biochemical Marker Levels
From Baseline to Clinical Stability
Median (Range)
Free Fluid Fluid Restriction
Baseline Stability Baseline Stability P*
Sodium (mmol/L) 138 (133e144) 138 (130e143) 138 (123e145) 139 (128e146) .14
Urea (mmol/L) 6.5 (3e17) 8 (3e17) 7 (3e16) 9 (4e24) .23
Creatinine (mmol/L)(mg/dL) 105.5 (62e177) 104.0 (66e186) 111 (63e205) 125 (65e213) .14
Brain natriuretic peptide (pg/mL) 608 (148e3240) 479.5 (24e1520) 853 (217e2310) 346 (37e2960) .42

*The P value relates to the interaction effect between randomization arm and changes in the biochemical marker from baseline to clinical stability using
repeated measures analysis of variance. The removal of withdrawn individuals from the analysis did not significantly change the P values for any marker.

benefits of fluid restriction in the outpatient management of study did not address the value of fluid restriction in pa-
HF,10 although the results have not been published. Another tients with severe renal dysfunction. Because this group
study examining the impact of a nutritional intervention on may not respond as well to diuretics,14 it is possible that re-
chronic HF could not attribute the observed benefit specif- stricting fluid intake may be of benefit in this subgroup. Fi-
ically to fluid restriction.11 The results presented here are nally, the majority of the patient population studied in this
the first published data addressing the role of fluid protocol responded promptly to IV diuretic and vasodilator
restriction in acute decompensated HF. therapy. It is possible that those failing to respond to initial
Though arguing against routine application of fluid re- strategies may benefit from fluid restriction.
striction, the presented data do not necessarily exclude Previously reported findings in other clinical settings3,15
a role for this intervention in certain subsets of patients. Hy- and among chronic HF patients 16 have reported difficulties
ponatremia is a poor prognostic indicator in HF12 and has in adhering to a fluid restriction regimen. Difficulty with
been routinely suggested as an appropriate indication for fluid restriction in HF may in part reflect the heightened
fluid restriction.12,13 In this study, admission serum sodium stimulation of the thirst center in acute decompensated
did not influence the time to clinical stability or response to HF as a result of the activation of the renin-aldosterone-
fluid restriction. However, this study did not have sufficient angiotensin system.17 Van der Wal et al16 reported that
patients with low serum sodium levels to adequately ad- 73% of stable community HF patients were compliant
dress this issue, because the mean sodium level on admis- with fluid restriction of 1500 mL using a self-reported mea-
sion was 138 6 4.0 mmol/L with only 3% having surement of compliance. Although the restriction of fluid
a sodium level lower than 130 mmol/L. Furthermore, this intake to 1 L/day may appear severe, our data indicate
that fluid restriction can be adhered to in this population
with an average of 73% compliant days over the study
1800 period. However, we did not assess tolerability of this
P < 0.01
intervention by questionnaire.
It is an interesting observation that the mean difference
between the 2 arms was only 400 mL/day. This may in
part explain the lack of clinical benefit of fluid restriction.
Average Fluid Intake (ml)

It is somewhat surprising that fluid intake was not greater
in the FF arm given the heightened thirst drive in heart

The sample size was small and these results should be
tested in a larger population. Moreover, the small sample
size did not allow for effective analysis of fluid restriction
300 in certain subgroups, such as those with hyponatremia, as
well as a more complete analysis on the impact of param-
eters such as BNP. The difference in fluid intake between
0 the 2 groups was small (400 mL/day). Although more re-
FF FR strictive fluid management may be of benefit, compliance
Error Bars show Mean +/- 1.0 SE
would likely become an issue. Patients with severe renal
Fig. 3. Average fluid intake in free-fluid and fluid-restricted dysfunction were excluded, and it is possible that fluid
groups. restriction may be of benefit in this population.
132 Journal of Cardiac Failure Vol. 13 No. 2 March 2007

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