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# SBsD’s NPD Checklist

Made by Tumblr blog [shitborderlinesdo]( All

information is taken from the DSM-5.

## Section I

*Must check TWO or more of the following:*

- [ ] I have identity issues, and I depend on others in order to define myself. My

self-esteem depends on others as well. How others view me influences how I view
myself, which is why I try to present myself as important or powerful.
- [ ] I struggle to identify with the feelings and needs of others, and I tend to
underestimate the effect I have on others.

- [ ] I have difficulty settings goals for myself, and how I set them really
depends on the praise I receive from others. I tend to set goals unrealistically
high in order to see myself as exceptional, or contrarily too low so I can feel
more powerful when the task is easy.
- [ ] I have unstable relationships. I can become so focused on my own anxieties
and problems I forget the needs of my partner.

## Section II

*Must check TWO or more of the following:*

- [ ] I have cognition problems and difficulty perceiving myself, other people,

and events.
- [ ] I have problems with interpersonal functioning and being aware of my own
actions and feelings.

- [ ] I have affectivity problems and difficulty controlling the range and

intensity of my emotional responses.
- [ ] I have difficulty controlling my impulses.

## Section III

*Must check BOTH of the following:*

- [ ] I can be self-centered, and I feel entitled to good treatment from others,

as I am dependent on it.

- [ ] I like to be the center of attention, and I seek admiration from others.

## Section IV

*Must check FIVE or more of the following:*

- [ ] I tend to exaggerate my achievements and talents and like to be praised for

- [ ] I require excessive admiration.
- [ ] I set unreasonable expectations for both myself and the people around me.
- [ ] I am often envious, and I covet what other people have.

- [ ] I am often preoccupied with fantasies of my own success, power, brilliance,

beauty, or ideal love life.
- [ ] I tend to take advantage of situations and am opportunistic.
- [ ] In a way, I believe I am “special” and unique, and I like to surround myself
with other people who are “special” and unique.
- [ ] I struggle with empathy and have a difficult time relating to others.
- [ ] I can have an arrogant or haughty attitude.

## Section V

*Must check ALL of the following:*

- [ ] My symptoms impair my personality and social functioning

- [ ] My symptoms have lasted a while and started in early adulthood or earlier.

- [ ] My symptoms are consistent across a broad range of personal and social

- [ ] My symptoms are not caused by medication, drug use, or another medical

## Section VI

*Common symptoms and behaviors (not required for diagnosis):*

- [ ] I can have either low or high self-esteem. I find it depends on the people
I’m with and how they’re treating me at the time.
- [ ] I hate being alone for too long.
- [ ] I often feel incredibly misunderstood by others.
- [ ] I like to constantly be moving up and making progress and can become
obsessive with it.
- [ ] When upset, I tend to withdraw from others.
- [ ] I am often depressed and/or anxious.

- [ ] I tend to overestimate myself, which can often lead to disappointing myself.

- [ ] I find I compare myself with others often, having no other means of defining
myself unless I can use someone else as sort of a “measuring tape.”
- [ ] When talking myself, I tend to ramble.
- [ ] I think a lot of people are jealous of me.
- [ ] I find being competitive is very difficult for me because there is a chance
of losing.
- [ ] I try to read people’s weaknesses while hiding my own.

- [ ] I can become anxious and spiral into a depression if I don’t receive praise
or admiration.
- [ ] I find I like to have the Best of everything. The newest electronic, the
most expensive brand of something, etc.
- [ ] I am incredibly sensitive to criticism. I don’t usually show it outwardly,
but being criticized can leave me feeling humiliated, degraded, and empty.

If you did not meet the minimum criteria for this checklist, you may want to look
into anxiety disorders and depressive disorders. If you experience the symptoms
above but only in episodes and not persistently, you may want to look into [Bipolar
(Narcissistic traits could be a side effect of a manic or hypomanic episode.) If
you met the criteria for for Sections II and V but not the others, you may want to
look into [other personality

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