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Self-love and body positivity

Self-love and body positivity are two concepts that have gained a lot of attention in
recent years. The body positivity movement advocates for positive appreciation of
different body shapes and sizes. It’s established that unrealistic images of the feminine
body can lead to eating disorders and mental health issues. These problems have
become so common that many women now question this beauty ideal and look for
ways to feel positive about their bodies.

Tips to help you practice self-love and body positivity:

1. Focus on what your body can do instead of focusing on how your body looks.
Appreciate your body for the things it allows you to do, such as walking, running,
dancing, or playing sports. Those actions are a gift themselves especially to
people who have disabilities and are unable to perform any of those acts.
2. Surround yourself with positive influences by following social media accounts
that promote body positivity and self-love. This can help you feel more confident
and comfortable in your own skin.
3. Be kind to yourself. Treat yourself with kindness and compassion. Don’t be too
hard on yourself when you make mistakes or have bad days.
4. Wear clothes that make you feel comfortable and confident. Don’t worry too
much about what other people think.

Self-love and body positivity are not about being perfect. They are about accepting
yourself for who you are and loving yourself unconditionally. Hopefully these tips help
you on your journey towards self-love and body positivity! 🌸

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