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The Principles of Holistic Nursing Care

It is widely recognized that recovering from a debilitating illness or surgical

intervention can be emotionally draining and can significantly impact a person's

overall well-being. Yet, it is at this time when holistic care comes into play, as it is

founded on a philosophy that entails caring for the entire person, including mind,

body, social life, and spirit. With warmth and caring a qualified practitioner provides

individual care, support, and attention, so that patient could find his/her own peace

and harmony after exhausting procedures or operations. Here would be discussed

fundamental principles of holistic practice.

First of all, teamwork is one of the most significant aspect. Although, it may

appear to be a relationship between a patient and a nurse, the reality is slightly

different. Actually, holistic nursing is more effective while working in a team and

delivering a clear understanding that not only a nurse but also a physical therapist,

pharmacist, and other professionals care about the patient’s prosperity. In addition,

involving family members in meetings can greatly benefit someone in recovery by

providing them with the support they require. It is important for them to feel that

they are not alone in their journey. If people do not have a family, there are still ways

that can lead to happiness, and holistic nurse makes sure to find one.

Secondly, to achieve a positive result in teamwork, holistic practitioners

should establish an admirable and wholesome relationship with a person they are

responsible. It can be only achieved provided they express the willingness to help.

One of the method is to listen what their patients ask or complain about. However,

not just pretend to listen, but truly hear. For this reason, it is obliged to give a

feedback, understand the problem, ensure to fix it, rather than make fake promises.

As a result, patient would feel more comfortable in their company and it would be

easier to interact with him/her.

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Last but not least, is exceptional clinical knowledge and skills. Undoubtedly,

it is impossible to succeed in this holistic practice without being a professional. This

nursing care involves lots of different aspects from traditional medicine and

psychology. It is vital to be prepared and provide high-quality assessments. Besides,

communicative skills play an important role too. Be cheerful, kind, and explain hard

things in clear way, respect patients’ privacy, while knocking before entering and

leave them alone if they need to should be taken into account as well. People can

only trust the professional when they are sure he/she are aware of their job.

In conclusion, I would like to say that recovery, as a process, can be not only

physically tiring but also emotionally. Holistic nursing care and its principles are

about specialists pay attention not only to diagnoses but also to people they are

helping, to their personalities and feelings. They make peoples’ journey more easier

and never let them feel alone.

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Works Cited

Dahlkemper, Tamara R. Caring for Older Adults Holistically. Terri

Wood Allen, 3rd ed., 2022.
Frisch, Noreen Cavan, and Rabinowitsch David. “What's in a
Definition? Holistic Nursing, Integrative Health Care, and Integrative Nursing:
Report of an Integrated Literature Review”. Journal of Holistic Nursing, vol.37,
no.3, 2019, pp.262-265.
Helming, Mary A. Blaszko. Dossey & Keegan's Holistic Nursing: A
Handbook for Practice. Edited by Marian Bianco Long. Jones & Bartlett
Learning, 2020, pp. 244-250.
Mandal, Lata, et al. “Rationing of nursing care, a deviation from
holistic nursing: A systematic review”. Nursing Philosophy, vol. 21, no.1, 2019,

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