Litclub 4

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Topics for the next time:

1) What makes a scene/plot of the story good?

For me:
- solution of the problems
I'm reading books in the 90% of all cases with the aim to find an answear to questions,
which can appear unexpectedly
For example I hate magical realism. I read only 1 book from these literary movement - 100
years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marces and for me it was really impractical
There was a scene, when policmen chased 1 guy (they wanted to kill him) and this guy
hide in the one room of the house. Of course, police saw that. But when they open the
door to this room, were was this guy... Guess what? Author said that police didn't saw
him...He was invisible for them in that time!
Okay...And what I would do in this situation? Where is the solution? This story wouldn't
have happy ending in my case...
Extremely impractical
- small amount of main chaeacters
Okay...I will hate 100 years of Solitude today, because in this novel there were men with
the same names every generation...Аурлеано or Aркадіо... And it was awful because they
didn't dyed and took part together 'til the end of thw book... It got on my nerves...

2) The results of jealousy and envy in the books

Hera is the goddess of marriage, women and family, and the protector of women during
Jealous у

Zeus wife
Was into betrayal, loves women

Get revenge on his mistresses

His mother's name is Semela
Wasn't a goddess
Zues likes to spend time
It's impossible for god/ess to appear before the human in their god form
So Zeus came to Semela in human skin/form
And it happend that Semela became pregnant
Hera found out about this and wanted to get revenge on Semela
She appeared on Earth like a cute old woman and went to Semelas hause
She said her that Zeus can be a simple man, who just deride on her, make fun of her...
maybe he is not a god.
Hera also gave Semela advise to make/force Zeus appear in the form of a god
Semela made Zeus appear in the form of a god, and she had immediatly died because
gods/ess for humans in their real form are like a fire (very dangerous)
But Dionis survived because he was a demigod.

Free relationship
Hera was on the Greek side in Trojan (тройджан) war (she made her son Hefestus to
make coat of armour for Achiless, because Ahilesses boyfriend Patroklus was killed by
Gedeon (guy from the side of Troy, so Acchiles wanted to get revange)) only because
Paris didn't gave her the golden apple with the title "The most beautiful"
As we know Paris gave this apple to Aprodithe because she promised him to marry him
with the most beautiful girl on the Earth. And Paris was on the side of Troy.

Because she was envy...because she was not the most beautiful

Snowwhite and Evil Queen

Принизливо - humiliatingly

3) Types of characters which are full with charisma and inspire readers

lack of love
Vile, amoral

Lord Henry
I'm not justifying him, I'm just stating the facts

1. Which types of characters can you compare with yourself and why?
2. There are stories, when authors write about characters\plot, which connected
with\ describe their own life. Why do authors do that? Examples
3. What is your attitude to books on psychology, motivation, time management,
etc.? Do you think they can help people, or is it just hype from pseudo-

1) Books which don`t live up your expectations (you start read them but then understand
that it`s not yours books); why don`t you like it; what will you change in it; why do you
make yourself to end reading it \ why do you give up it?
2) Books\ moments in the books, which make you cry; make an impact on you; books
after which you have extreme feelings (horror, shock, etc.); why?
3) There are stories, when authors write about characters\plot, which connected with\
describe their own life. Why do authors do that? Examples
There are stories, when authors write about characters\plot, which connected with\
describe their own life. Why do authors do that? Examples


- Poetry (everything that you want to discuss about poetry, maybe, read something; what

 “Ну скажи – хіба не фантастично” – poem (verse) about the love between the boy
and girl, but this love is unrequited (not mutual) ; the boy tells us his thoughts – he
can`t forget his love.

Forget, forgive and let it go.

The haiku is a Japanese poetic form that consists of three lines, with five
syllables in the first line, seven in the second, and five in the third.

 “Lightning One Candle” – Yosa Buson

Haikus focus on a brief moment in time, compare two images, and creating a
sudden sense of enlightenment. A good example of this is haiku master Yosa
Buson’s comparison of a singular candle with the starry wonderment of the spring

 “A Poppy Blooms” – Katsushika Hokusai

Katsushika Hokusai, a disciple of Bashō, writes another powerful haiku that
translation cannot accurately capture. In it, he compares a written poem to a
blooming poppy. He uses imagery of the spring season to describe his
writing process.

- Music lyrics as the kind of the poetry

2) Direct and indirect description of the characters - which method is better or can better
reveal all traits of the character?

- You rack your brain and make attempt to think logicaly – guess something, predict –
- More interesting to see the character`s development in his actions – Faust – Goete
– Mefistofel reveals Faust`s traits due to the temtations – and due to this we know
Faust`s character
- – when author doesn`t take part in story – only watch – example – Madame Bovari
– author only describe the woman and the society, give them choices, what to do
with their lifes….but author don`t discuss things or decides something for the


- When the character of character isn`t as important as the plot of the story or the
main idea of the story (will be shortly and clearer for reader – who is who)
Norwegian wood – emphasise on main idea (Death is the part of life but is not the
end of life), description of Tokio and casual life of main characters in Tokio
- Maybe in crime stories when we need to find the solution of the problem but not
concentrate on characters (I mean emotions because the personal\ past life can
play a vital role in crime story)
- In mythologie or in history – we don’t need enigmas – only clear and short
description of character.

Advantages and disadvantages of methods

When we use not that description in not that kind of story – direct description of character
in love stories or indirect description in crime stories…. But it depends on authr`s style of
writing and on his readears tastes

3) What is your attitude to books on psychology, motivation, time management, etc.? Do

you think they can help people, or is it just hype from pseudo-experts?

If person doesn`t have the appropriate education – he can`t write books in which he
advises how to do something. Experiense is good but we all are different and have
different circumstances to do something. I read this kind`s of books but they don`t help me
because pieses od advise for me were kinda of awkward (I don`t remember them because
I don`t use them now). So I thing this books are kinda of hype. many Authors (not all)
wanted money, showing simple people the successful success
1) Books which don`t live up your expectations (you start read them but then understand that
it`s not yours books); why don`t you like it; what will you change in it; why do you make
yourself to end reading it \ why do you give up it?

1) About teacher – was changed – fall in love in my mind - discuss – offer – difficult -
always lost the focus on the story – hard. Change the concept of the story – best
solution to this story

I'm reading books in the 90% of all cases with the aim to find an answear to questions,
which can appear unexpectedly
For example I hate magical realism. I read only 1 book from these literary movement - 100
years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marces and for me it was really impractical
There was a scene, when policmen chased 1 guy (they wanted to kill him) and this guy
hide in the one room of the house. Of course, police saw that. But when they open the
door to this room, were was this guy... Guess what? Author said that police didn't saw
him...He was invisible for them in that time!
Okay...And what I would do in this situation? Where is the solution? This story wouldn't
have happy ending in my case...
Extremely impractical

2) Books\ moments in the books, which make you cry; make an impact on you; books after which you have
extreme feelings (horror, shock, etc.); why?

Protect Harry even when he was the son of his rival. Defend Harry from a lot of troubles. He helped him
with patronus – silver doe – in the last part of the story. At the end of this all we understood that Severus`s
love save not only Harry but all Wizarding world from Voldemort because VD can`t understand the love, but
Snape not only understand it – he dedicated the part of his life to this mission.

2) There are stories, when authors write about characters\plot, which connected with\
describe their own life. Why do authors do that? Examples

Franz Kafka's life was very difficult because his own father did not like him. His father was
cruel to him, especially in upbringing, so Kafka had an unstable mental state. And he
expressed this in his works. For example, "Methamorphosis": Kafka tells about the use of
a person in the needs of others due to his lack of inner support and self-confidence. Kafka
says that you need to be able to see the line between people who use you and cooperate
with you. Because if a person uses you, then, in the event of an accident with you, they will
easily forget about you and just as easily find a replacement for you.

1. Which types of characters can you compare with yourself and why?
Topics for the next time:

1) How can you change the ending of the story, which you didn't like? (Save the character
from the death, take out some obstacles, kill annoying characters, etc.). Come up with
some ideas - imagine that you're author of this book

Hard to say, because in almoust all books author wanted to say

something to the readers and some bad scenes in the books are
part of the authour's art- some kinda of enlightment for readers as

Severus Snape , Sirius Black, dobby, Tonks, Remus save from

death because he doesn't deserve the death...after revealing his life
story to the readers

Films - Alice through the looking glass

When in childhood white queen lied to the mouther that red queen
ate all cookies, and than red queen run away but she bump into
monument and her head became as heart...and in the future she
could't be a main queen of..Wonderland, because she couldn put
on a crown on her the main quenn was a white
queen...and therfore red queen was so angry...and wanted to
And Alice tried to change the past
But the main idea was in word's of Time: "You cannot change the
past, but you can learn something from it"...
So even in this case...if we had changed the events, we wouldn't
have listend to main idea of movie)

In some books - ani utopies - changed word which is awful...but we

mustn't chage the story because it's our near future - we must
change reality

2) Which types of characters can you compare with yourself and why?

Jack Sparrow -often behave myself very enthysiastic, like a clown,

can be like a fire..
Typical character from slytherin - ambitious - when I do something I
understand that there is only one obstacle in my way to sucess - it's
me... So I try to struggle with myself and expand my comfort zone to
be the best and to do the best things
Darsy, Lizy - come to term with pride
3) There are the books, where there are many half-independent stories but all they are in
the one book (like a TV show "Black Mirror").
We will discuss this kind of stories:)
NB: Movies/serials/TV shows are also acceptable
**we will discuss all that you want)

Very interesting approach to write stories because:

When you have little ended ideas but with the same characters and
plot - it's easelier to bring your stories to the reality...saying that it is
your own style)

So...i don't have a bad impression to this)


1) How does the book's title work in relation to the book's contents?
If you could give the book a new title, what would it be? Your

2) Guilty pleasures in books

About which things do you like reading but...a lot of people think that
it's a kind of awkward/odd?
3) Which types of characters do you like the least?
4) Share your favorite quotes from the books. What do they mean?

5) Which songs can describe atmosphere/plot/characters and be like the

main song in your favourite books? Why?
(Example *spoilers*: the main song in TVshow "Stranger Thing" (4
season) is "A deal with God", because the main character is a girl Max,
who wanted "to swap our places" with Billy - her step-brother, who died
due to the 001- consequently she struggled with 001, tried not to die and
this song helped her)

Topics for the next meeting :

1) How did your opinion change throughout the time to the books, which you have
read again? (It's about when you have one opinion about something but after the
chunk of time you changed it due to your experience/explanation, etc.)
- Dorian Grey - didn't understand the main topic of this book, but then my literature teacher
explained me this and i was in shock, firstly, but then it
In the uni we don't have the close look to the stories because we study history of world

2) Adaptation to the books: Is it cool for you? Do you prefer watching

movies/TVshows/serials, which are the same as the books or are you disappointed
when something is changed? Why?

I don't like when it makes a large difference between

Harry Potter
Film director must follow this description
should match the images
perceive - сприймати

3) Which songs can describe atmosphere/plot/characters and be like the main song
in your favourite books? Why?
(Example *spoilers*: the main song in TVshow "Stranger Thing" (4 season) is "A deal with
God", because the main character is a girl Max, who wanted "to swap our places" with Billy
- her step-brother, who died due to the 001- consequently she struggled with 001, tried not
to die and this song helped her)

Lord Genry
Dark Hourse - Katy Perry

So you wanna play with magic?

Boy, you should know what you're fallin' for
Baby, do you dare to do this?
'Cause I'm coming at you like a dark horse

Jane Air
Drivers license - Olivia Rodrigo

Living for love - Madonna

When Jane found out that Edward Rotchester (the man, whom she liked) had a law
wife...but he didn t said Jane something about her

And Jane run out of Edwards house but she didn't stop to love him

And I know we weren't perfect

But I've never felt this way for no one
And I just can't imagine, how you could be so okay, now that I'm gone?
Guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me
'Cause you said forever, now I drive alone past your street

Yesterday - Beatles
Snape was humiliated by JP and his friends
They were laughing because they use his own spell against him. And Snape was very
angry and he accidentally cried to Lily that she is mudblood (because her family wasn't
from wizarding world). And these words humiliated Lily (because Snape was her best
ftiend and he always support her and helped her) and she didn't want to accept Snapes
So he wanted to have yesterday...where he had excelent relationship with Lily

Topics for the next time:

1) Guilty pleasures in books

About which things do you like reading but...a lot of people think that it's a kind of
- maniacs
- men, which are older than me

2) Which book tropes do/don't you like? (enemies to lovers, friends to lovers, slow burn,
More information you can find on Internet, if you didn't come across this
Here is a chunk of explanation:

- age gap
- teacher/student
- slow burn in the books
- fast burn - in real life now
- female/female & slow burn

Don't like: magical realism

3) Gray characters (characters, which are both not good and not bad): do you like them?
Can they make an impact on the plot of the book? Examples
- Narcissa Malfoy
- they weren't important if i can't recall their names

4) Reading habits: something about your reading rituals, which make reading for you more
comfortable; when/where/with whom do you like to read? How you make yourself to read?
What inspire you to start reading?)

5) Book shopping: Which books have you bought recently? Why? What makes you to buy
books? Is it spontaneous?

6) Harry Potter: controversial characters (, which are annoying for you), plot twists, which
you don't like or with which you don't agree. Why?)
- Lily
- Ron&Hermione
- Luna&Ginny
- Narcissa&Lucious
Topics for the next time :

1) How does the book/movie/TV show's title matches the book/movie/TV show's contents?
If you could give the book/movie/TV show a new title, what would it be? Your ideas)

Parfume: the story of a murderer

- he didn't have his own smell, but he had a great possibillity to make
- killed girls for their smells
- to discover the smell of beauty, sucecc
- he thinks that only smell can make impact on other peoples opinions. And in
this story it is true

2) Which types of characters do you like the least?

Hypocritical, anoying characters, who can betray or humiliate others

Peter Petigru
Lili & James - higest self- bullyer

Type of character, who doesn't want to develop, to venture out from comfort
Sharl Bovary and the city where he with Emma live

3) Share your favorite quotes from the books. What do they mean?

There is no such thing as a moral or an immoral book.

Books are well written, or badly written. That is all.

Books can give us all inf about this word. But which inf you will use in your is another question)
In this case - which moral codex you have...or how many "immoral" books/ inf
you must read to spoil yourself

So...difficult qestions/ quote

But it wourth an attention and deeper analisis, i think)

4) If you have already read the manga, what would you advise people who have never
read it to read
- publishing house
- support translation business
1) Which location in the books would you most like to visit and why?
2) Was kinds of book (plot/characters/atmosphere) are satisfying for you to
read? Why?
3) How to prevent the formation of a plot of anti- utopia nowadays? What
must people change/add?

Topics for the next time ☕:

1) Ban/censorship in books: is it correct to change the book's

language/descriptions, which were written not in 21th century due to the
sense of morality, religion, political view, idea of equality, etc. in the
21th century?

It's the unique authourth's thought, which refleckts the history, culture and
moments of life in that period of time
Now is now and past is past
If someone don't like something in classical books ,for example, firsltly
change your oppinion;))), secondly - read the modern literature
Noone makes you to read the books with "not appropriate for you" context

2) Which books from your country do you like the most? Which books can
represent your country?

Dramas by Volodumur Vunnuchenko

Espesially drama "Black Panter and White Bear"
It's about the artist, who is trying to find and maintaine balans between his
work and home.
But in the end his work site wins.
And this story has bad end because main characters dyed
I don't see this play in the theatre but if i was a theatre director, i will put this
play firstly)

Poetry - eloquent

3) Which location in the books would you most like to visit and why?

Tokyo from book "Norwegian Woods" by Haruki Murakami, because

Pay more attetion to background - location and nauture
I obsessed with sunsets and in this book Tokio for me is connected with
sunsets or with beautiful views

Anti-utopia "The Brave new word" by Oldos Haksley

The word is perfect
People are always happy (due to the good drugs)
Every person has a role in society
You don't have any prohibitions
You know how to do everything
Ideal new word)
It sounds great
Humans were programmed from the beginning what to do and how to do

I think that i will get mad in this society

Because i like to see the divercity of characters, of people, because we all are
unique and for me it's perfect
But for...1 this new word...why not?)

4) Something about the movies/serials)))

**Which kind of movies/serials do you love?
What can capture your attention (characters, effects, plot twists, etc.), when
you're watching movies/serials?

Topics for the next time:

1) Literature with LBGTQ+ characters: books, recommendations 💖🏳‍🌈

2) Controversial authors: Can we separate authors work from his life,

when the author behave himself in unappropriate way? (For example:
author is a rapist, but his book is bestseller. Should we buy/promote his
Art reveal the soul of the person. When we buy or support the art of the
murderer, we automaticly become an accessory (partner) of this crime. We
promote his art, buy his art, so we show that it is normal to committed
something bad.
Yep, we can say “Oh, it’s only art. I support only art but not the artist.” But
THAT`S is the problem. Because money goes to the artists pocket…and this
is support…sponsorship anyway.
So we must cancel those people. And it mustn`t depend on the art. Even
when it is masterpiece.

3) How to prevent the formation of plot of anti-utopia nowadays? What

we must change?
People must be smarter than they are now, because when people are
smarter, it is harder to manipulate. We must develop ourselves because all
changes are come firstly from ourselves: firstly change yourself and then
change the world.

4) Audio vs paper books: pros and cons

Are audiobooks the same like paper books for you?)
- Consentration
- Like to read in my speed to imagine all scenes
- Fell the pages, scent\ smell of the book
- See the progress: how many pages I have read

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