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Kadi Mohamed Secondary School Level: 2nd year scientific/EM Streams

Time: 1h30 Full Name:…………………………

First Term English Exam

PART ONE: Reading
Read the text carefully then do the following activities
Where is your humanity?
Our modern world has seen many wars and conflicts in many regions. Millions of lives have been
killed and countries completely destroyed such as Syria, Libya, Iraq and Palestine.
Today, in Gaza, the dream of living in peace is so far and war is an endless nightmare. The whole world
is screaming to stop the war. Ilhan Omar is one of them; calling for peace, she said: « We condemn the
slaughter of Palestinian children, of mothers, of fathers, of grandmothers, of grandfathers. Where is your
humanity? Where is your outrage? Where is care for people? »
This conflict goes back to the late 19 th century when Zionists sought to establish a homeland. The Balfour
Declaration of 1917, issued by the British government, endorsed the idea of a Jewish homeland in Palestine,
which led to an arrival of Jewish immigrants to the region. Following World War II, International pressure
mounted for the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine leading to the creation of Israel in 1948.
The establishment of Israel led to the displacement of thousands of Palestinians who became refugees.
The conflict has been marked by violence. More than 10000 people were killed including children, women,
journalists, medical workers and even UNO staff while others were reported missing. The occupation
continues to cut electricity, water and food supplies to Gaza.It is an absolute genocide
Many people around the world engaged in a civic movement aiming at ending these ongoing unjust
attacks on Gaza though protests claimed for an immediate ceasefire which hasn’t yet been established.
Adapted and Modified from the internet

A/ Text Comprehension
1/ circle the right answer , the text is about
a) Human Rights’ abuse
b) Gaza attacks and call for humanity
c) The consequences of wars

2/ Read then say whether the sentences are true or false

1-The idea of Israeli landing in Palestine was introduced by the Balfour Declaration in 1917. ______
2-Ilhan Omar is seeking for war.______
3-Some workers from the UNO have been murdered. ______
4-Public places like schools and hospitals have not been attacked. ______

3/ Answer the following questions according to the text

1-Do we live in a peaceful world ?justify .........................................
2-What is the consequence of the creation of Israel?

3-How was the reaction of people to the Gaza genocide on the global level?
4/ Who or what do the underlined words refer to in the text?
She (§2) ........................ who(§4) …………………… Which(§5) …………………………

A. B/Text Exploration :
1/ Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to :
Struggles (§1) ....................... build (§3) ........................ massacre (§4) ........................
1. Divide the following words into roots and affixes.
peaceful – hopeful – disagreement- indisputable
Prefix Root Suffix

2/Rewrite sentence B so that it means the same as sentence A.
1) A. It is obligatory for all people to fight human abuse .
B. People ………………………………….........................................................................
2) A. The students are not allowed to break the classroom rules.
B. The students……………………………………………………………………………….
3) A / She was able to fight againt racism in her region
B/ She ..........................................................................;;

3/ Classify the following words according to their final /s/

Conflicts – refugees – fighters – hopes _ resolutions
/s/ /z/ /IZ/

Fill in the gaps with the following words. (were able to– war– peacekeepers)
The first UN …………… were sent to the Middle East in 1948. After many weeks of…….…….., the
UNPeacekeepers…………… bring and keep peace there. Between the 1980s and 1990s, UN
Peacekeepers had helpedkeep peace in many countries

Part Two : Choose one of the following topics

Topic One: Write a short paragraph, of no more than 8 lines, to suggest solutions for the fight against
human rights’ abuse in Palestine. You may use task and the notes below:
 Teach human rights in schools’ curriculum.
 Invest in peaceful conflict resolution and negotiation efforts.
 Collaborate with international organizations, such as the United Nations, to promote and protect human
Kadi Mohamed Secondary School Level: 2nd year scientific/EM Streams
Time: 1h30 Full Name:…………………………

Topic Two: justice among students is very important , write a speech of about 80 to 100 words in which you
suggest ways to promote justice in schools

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