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Zekri Abdelkader Secondary School 2023/2024

Level : 2nd year FL/LP Duration : 2h

The First Term English Exam

7 th , October . its unforgettable date , it felt like “ EID “ to every MUSLIM in the world , when the
armed Palestinian group “HAMAS” unexpectedly attacked Israel ‘ so-called’ lands .

However , all that positive energy has faded away , with Israel declaring war on Gaza strip , targeting
civilians as a kind of pressure , by the most savage way the humanity ever seen .

Hamas fighters have killed more than 800 israelis in assaults on multiple towns in southern Palestine . In
response , Israel has launched a bombing campaign in the Gaza strip , government media officers in Gaza
announced that : “ the number of martyrs as a result of the Israel aggression on the Gaza strip rose to 14,128
martyrs , including 5,840 children and 3,920 women . They also added that the number of missing people
rose to 6,800 . including 4,500 children and women . “

Although , all this pressure that Israel impose on Palestinians , they remain to fight for their lands . an
unfair disputes has killed tens of thousands of people and displaced millions . and its future lies in its past .

Adapted from : www.

 Reading comprehension:
1- Is the text : a- web article b- speech c- newspaper
2- Say whether this statement are true or false :
a- Israel couldn’t declare war on Gaza strip ……………………………
b- Israel targeted only HAMAS armied group ………………………
c- Palestinians still fighting back Israel ……………………………
3- Answer the following questions according to the text :
a- What the author called the date 7th October

b – After HAMAS attacked how did Israelies response back ?


c – According to the author , did the Palestinians stopped fighting ?


4- What or who do the underlined words in the text refer to :

a) It(§1) : …………………… b) they(§4) : …………

 Text Exploration :
1- Find in the text synonyms of the following words :
a) Victims(§3) = …………… b) Keep(§4) = ………

2-_ Complete the following table :

Verb Noun Adjective
To create ................................................... ...............................................
............................................. Respect ..............................................
To protect ………………………. ……………………..
…………………………. ……………………. Solved
3– complete the following sentences with :hasn’t been able to_could_will be able to_can_were able to
a-Yesterday.the students ………to solve the problem easily .
b-The UNO……..put an end to the Middle East crisis yet .
c-Nowadays .we …… ideas and opinions in peaceful dialogues
d-He ……join the anti-war association soon.
e-Before the end of the revolution.Algerian soldiers……force the French army to start negotiation to
stop the war.
4– Classify the following words according to their final/S/:Wars-physics-personalities-diseases

/S/ /Z/ /IZ/

5- Complete the sentences expressing obligation prohibition or absence of obligation:

a- World organization for peace (WOFP).................................put an end to conflicts and wars
around the world
b- Differences are always tolerated, we.........................agree with each other in all aspects of life
c- People have the right to express themselves freely, we...............................................judged them

written expression : choose one of the following topics:

Topic one : imagine you are a Palestinian child living under occupation , deprived of your basic
rights unlike all children of the world . imitate Martin Luther king’speech in which you tell us about
your dreams . Make the best use of modals you have learned and the following notes : Go to school /
play / health care / eat well / live in peace / happiness ….. etc
Ladies and gentlemen , As a Palestinian child I have a dream ……
Topic two : today we live a totally different life from our grandparent’s life since modernity has
brought new life styles . write a composition of about 80 to 100 words telling about the differences
between the lifestyle of your grandparents in the past and your lifestyle in the present ( you can talk
about eating habits , clothing habits , entertainment ……. )

If you want something ,ask for it

But If you want the best ,make it

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