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IND 315: Statistical Quality

Control (SQC)
Lecture 4: Control Charts for Variables
Fayoum University - Faculty of Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Dept.

11/9/2020 Statistical Quality Control (SQC) - Hagag Maher 1

Hagag Maher Abdelhameed
Assistant Professor of Industrial Engineering
Mechanical/Industrial Engineering Dept.
Mail :
Mob. 01229801023 & 01008249063
Facebook: Hagag Maher

11/9/2020 Statistical Quality Control (SQC) - Hagag Maher 2

Statistical Process Control (SPC)

► Variability is inherent in every process

► Natural or common causes
► Special or assignable causes

► SPC provides a statistical signal when assignable causes

are present

► Detect and eliminate assignable causes of variation

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Statistical Process Control (SPC)
The three fundamental uses of a control charts are:
1. Reduction of process variability
2. Monitoring and surveillance of a process
3. Estimation of product or process parameters

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Statistical Process Control (SPC)
➢ SPC measures the performance of a process, it does not help to
identify a particular specimen produced as being “good” or
“bad,” in or out of tolerance.
➢ It can enable us to decide whether or not to accept an entire
production lot. SPC can give us a basis for rejecting the entire lot.
➢ Statistical process control requires the collection and analysis of
data, therefore it is not helpful when total production consists of
a small number of units
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Natural Variations
► Also called common causes
► Affect virtually all production processes

► Expected amount of variation

► Output measures follow a probability distribution

► For any distribution there is a measure of central tendency

and dispersion
► If the distribution of outputs falls within acceptable limits, the
process is said to be “in control”

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Assignable Variations

► Also called special causes of variation

► Generally this is some change in the process
► Variations that can be traced to a specific reason
► The objective is to discover when assignable causes are
► Eliminate the bad causes
► Incorporate the good causes

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• To measure the process, we take samples and analyze the
sample statistics following these steps
(a) Samples of the product, say
Each of these
nine boxes of cereal taken off represents one
the filling machine line, vary sample of nine
from each other in weight boxes of cereal
# #

# # #

# # # #

# # # # # # #

# # # # # # # # # #


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• To measure the process, we take samples and analyze the
sample statistics following these steps
(b) After enough samples are taken The solid line
represents the
from a stable process, they form distribution
a pattern called a distribution



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• To measure the process, we take samples and analyze the
sample statistics following these steps
(c) There are many types of distributions,
including the normal (bell-shaped)
distribution, but distributions do differ in
terms of central tendency (mean), standard
deviation or variance, and shape
Central tendency Variation Shape

Weight Weight Weight

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• To measure the process, we take samples and analyze the
sample statistics following these steps
(d) If only natural causes of variation are
present, the output of a process forms a
distribution that is stable over time and is


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• To measure the process, we take samples and analyze the
sample statistics following these steps
(e) If assignable causes are present, the
process output is not stable over time and is ?
not predicable ?
? ?
? ?
? ?
? ??
?? ?



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Statistical Process Control (SPC)
(a) In statistical control and
capable of producing
within control limits

Lower control limit Upper control limit

And Lower specification limit And Upper specification limit
(b) In statistical control but not
capable of producing within
control limits

(c) Out of control

(weight, length, speed, etc.)

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Control vs. Specification Limits
• Control limits are derived from
natural process variability, or the
natural tolerance limits of a process

• Specification limits are determined

externally, for example by customers or

• There is no mathematical or statistical

relationship between the control limits
and the specification limits

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Control Charts
• Constructed from historical data, the purpose of control charts
is to help distinguish between natural variations and variations
due to assignable causes

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Control Charts for Variables
► Characteristics that can take any real value
► Continuous random variables

x-chart tracks changes in the central tendency

R-chart indicates a gain or loss of dispersion

x-chart tracks changes in the central tendency

S-chart indicates a gain or loss of dispersion

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Central Limit Theorem
Regardless of the distribution of the population, the distribution of
sample means drawn from the population will tend to follow a normal
1) The mean of the sampling distribution will be
the same as the population mean µ x =m

2) The standard deviation of the sampling

distribution ( s x ) will equal the population s
sx =
standard deviation (s) divided by the n
square root of the sample size, n

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Population and Sampling Distributions
Population Distribution of
distributions sample means
Beta Mean of sample means = x
deviation of s
the sample =sx =
means n


| | | | | | |

-3s x -2s x -1s x x= +1s x +2s x +3s x

95.45% fall within ± 2s x
99.73% of all x
fall within ± 3s x

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ഥ -Charts
Setting Chart Limits: 𝑿
For x-Chart when we know s

Lower control limit (UCL) = x= - zs x

Upper control limit (UCL) = x= + zs x

Where x= = mean of the sample means or a target value set for the process
z= number of normal standard deviations
s𝑿ഥ = standard deviation of the sample means = s / n
s= population (process) standard deviation
n= sample size

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Setting Control Limits
• Randomly select and weigh nine (n = 9)
boxes each hour
Average weight in 17 +13 +16 +18 +17 +16 +15 +17 +16
= = 16.1 ounces
the first sample 9


1 16.1 5 16.5 9 16.3
2 16.8 6 16.4 10 14.8
3 15.5 7 15.2 11 14.2
4 16.5 8 16.4 12 17.3

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Setting Control Limits

x= = 16 ounces
𝑖=1 𝑥ҧ𝑖
Average mean of 12 samples = 𝑥ҧ = = 16 n=9
12 z=3
s = 1 ounce
𝑈𝐶𝐿𝑥ҧ = 𝑥Ӗ + 3 = 16 + 1 = 17
𝐿𝐶𝐿𝑥ҧ = 𝑥Ӗ − 3 = 16 − 1 = 15

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Setting Control Limits

Control Chart
for samples Variation due
Out of to assignable
of 9 boxes control causes

17 = UCL

Variation due to
16 = Mean natural causes

15 = LCL

Variation due
| | | | | | | | | | | |
to assignable
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Out of causes
Sample number control

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Setting Control Limits
For x-Chart when we don’t know s

åR i
where R= i=1
= average range of the samples
A2 = control chart constant factor
x = mean of the sample means
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Control Chart Constant Factors

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Setting Control Limits
Super Cola Example Process average = 12 ounces
Labeled as “net weight 12 Average range = .25 ounce
ounces” Sample size = 5

UCL x = x= + A2 R
= 12 + (.577)(.25) UCL = 12.144

= 12 + .144
= 12.144 ounces From Table
Mean = 12

LCL x = x= - A2 R
LCL = 11.856
= 12 - .144
= 11.856 ounces
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Range Charts (R – Chart)
► Shows sample ranges over time
► Difference between smallest and largest values in sample
► Monitors process variability
► Independent from process mean!

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Mean and Range Charts
These sampling (Sampling mean is

These two charts must be used

distributions shifting upward, but range
result in the is consistent)
charts below

UCL (x-chart detects shift
x-chart in central tendency)


(R-chart does not
R-chart detect change in mean)


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Mean and Range Charts
These sampling

These two charts must be used

distributions (Sampling mean is
result in the constant, but
charts below dispersion is


(x-chart indicates no
x-chart change in central

(R-chart detects
R-chart increase in dispersion)

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Setting Chart Limits
For R-Chart
Upper control limit (UCL R ) = D4 R
Lower control limit (LCL R ) = D3 R

UCL R = upper control chart limit for the range
LCL R = lower control chart limit for the range
D4 and D3 = values from Table S6.1

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Setting Control Limits

Average range = 5.3 pounds

Sample size = 5
From the Table: D4 = 2.115, D3 = 0

UCL R = D4 R
UCL = 11.2
= (2.115)(5.3)
= 11.2 pounds Mean = 5.3

LCL R = D3 R
LCL = 0
= (0)(5.3)
= 0 pounds

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Steps In Creating Control Charts
1. Collect 20 to 25 samples, often of n = 4 or n = 5
observations each, from a stable process and compute the
mean and range of each
2. Compute the overall means ( x= and R ), set appropriate
control limits, usually at the 99.73% level, and calculate the
preliminary upper and lower control limits
► If the process is not currently stable and in control, use the desired
mean, µ, instead of x = to calculate limits.

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Steps In Creating Control Charts
3. Graph the sample means and ranges on their respective
control charts and determine whether they fall outside the
acceptable limits
4. Investigate points or patterns that indicate the process is out
of control – try to assign causes for the variation, address
the causes, and then resume the process
5. Collect additional samples and, if necessary, revalidate the
control limits using the new data.

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X and R chart Example

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11/9/2020 Statistical Quality Control (SQC) - Hagag Maher 35
❑Statistical Process Control (SPC)
❑Process variation
Discussion ❑Sampling from population
❑X- bar Chart
❑Rang R-chart
T H A N K S F O R L I S T E N I NG Hagag Maher

Hagag Maher

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