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US 2015O165032A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2015/0165032 A1
Ailhas et al. (43) Pub. Date: Jun. 18, 2015

(54) ORAL PHARMACEUTICAL FORMULATION Publication Classification

A647/4 (2006.01)
(71) Applicant: ETHYPHARM, SAINT-CLOUD (FR) 469/48 (2006.01)
A647/12 (2006.01)
(72) Inventors: Caroline Ailhas, Alizay (FR): A 6LX3/97 (2006.01)
Catherine Herry, Saint-Ouen Du Tilleul A647/10 (2006.01)
(FR) A 6LX 9/07 (2006.01)
A619/20 (2006.01)
(52) U.S. Cl.
(21) Appl. No.: 14/407,858 CPC ............... A61K 47/14 (2013.01); A61 K9/1075
1-1. (2013.01); A61 K9/48 (2013.01); A61 K9/2013
(22) PCT Filed: Jun. 14, 2013 (2013.01); A61 K31/197 (2013.01); A61 K
47/10 (2013.01); A61 K47/12 (2013.01)
(86). PCT No.: PCT/EP2013/062398
S371 (c)(1), The present invention concerns an oral pharmaceutical for
(2) Date: Feb. 27, 2015 mulation made from a microemulsion between an aqueous
Solution comprising at least one BCS (Biopharmaceutics
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data Classification System) class III active principle and one oily
phase comprising an oily vehicle that is self-emulsifiable on
Jun. 14, 2012 (FR)....................................... 12555.93 contact with water.
Patent Application Publication Jun. 18, 2015 Sheet 1 of 7 US 2015/O165032A1



Passage Passage
paracellulaire transcellulaire

domaine apical domaine apical

domaine basolatéral domaine basolatéral

JS - Jonctions serrées
Patent Application Publication Jun. 18, 2015 Sheet 2 of 7 US 201S/O165032 A1

Plasia iners sma membrane

Patent Application Publication Jun. 18, 2015 Sheet 3 of 7 US 2015/O165032A1

Tween 80.

- - - - - - - - - 4. - - -
w x

O () 2. 3G 4 5) 60 8} 9{ Ot)

Miglyol 810

FIGURE 4: Composition Des MicroEMulsions hulle DANs EAu REALISEES A PARTIR DE MiGLYoi Et DE LABRASOL

Eau Tween 80
60 Capmui MCM
- - - -v.- W. - - - vf . - - - Y -. - - -a . w - - -

- - -, - - - - - - )

Captex 355

Patent Application Publication Jun. 18, 2015 Sheet 4 of 7 US 201S/O165032 A1

80+3 'e
Patent Application Publication Jun. 18, 2015 Sheet 6 of 7 US 2015/O165032A1

·90-30 '$
90-3 ' 90-3 '/> 90-3 ’9
Patent Application Publication Jun. 18, 2015 Sheet 7 of 7 US 2015/O165032A1

d(0.1: 140228 m d(0.5): 24898 pm 414,010 urn

EOlaf glométrique


FIGURE 9: Distribution GranulomETRiQUE EN volume du GRAIN compose DE 33% de LABRASol

US 2015/O165032 A1 Jun. 18, 2015

ORAL PHARMACEUTICAL FORMULATION of the transporters. The clinical solution applied is to take
OF BCS CLASS II MOLECULES Smallerdoses at closertime intervals which may soon become
burdensome for the patient.
0001. The invention concerns an oral pharmaceutical for 0006 An increase in the lipophilicity of baclofen and
mulation of a BCS class III molecule such as baclofen having thereby its transcellular permeability was observed when pro
improved bioavailability and permeability.
ducing prodrugs of baclofen ester (Leisen, et al., 2003).
0002 The oral route is the first envisaged route when Through these properties a greater concentration of prodrug
developing a novel pharmaceutical entity since it is conducive was found at the target tissue i.e. the brain due to easier
to promoting treatment compliance. However, this route is crossing of the blood brain barrier. However, greater affinity
being abandoned for numerous molecules under develop for the efflux pump P-gp is to be noted as well as partial
ment on account of their low oral bioavailability. This may be hydrolysis of the prodrug to baclofen which finally leads to a
due to various factors related to the very properties of the lower level of baclofen at the site of action after administra
molecules or to the physiology of the gastrointestinal tract tion of the prodrug compared with administration of baclofen
(Fasinu, et al., 2011). Various approaches have been investi alone.
gated over the last ten years to improve the oral bioavailability
of these molecules including physical or chemical means. 0007. Abaclofen absorption window was evidenced at the
small intestine due to the presence of transporters (Merino, et
0003. The BCS classification of molecules (Biopharma al., 1989). To increase bioavailability, this absorption window
ceutics Classification System) is a significant tool used for the could be used to advantage for pharmaceutical techniques
development of oral forms in the pharmaceutical industry and allowing the retaining of the oral form at or upstream of the
has been adopted in particular by the FDA, EMEA and WHO window (Davis, 2005). Alonger residence time at the absorp
(Dahan, et al., 2009). This system is divided into four catego tion site should theoretically allow more extensive movement
ries of molecules and is based on the fundamental elements
of molecules across the intestinal barrier if they are not likely
which control oral absorption i.e. intestinal membrane per to undergo pre-systemic degradation before being absorbed.
meability and the solubility of a molecule in the gastrointes Therefore, bioadhesive forms adhering to the intestinal
tinal medium. A molecule is considered soluble if the maxi mucus through the use of cationic polymers such as chitosan,
mum dose of an immediate-release form is soluble in 250 ml or gastro-retaining forms allowing the Swelling and floating
or less of an aqueous medium having a pH of between 1.2 and of the form in the stomach have been developed in recent
6.8, and is considered permeable if its absorption through the years in the pharmaceutical sector but their efficacy is highly
intestinal membrane is 90% or higher. A BCS molecule dependent on intra- and interindividual variability.
belonging to class III is highly soluble and Scarcely perme
able. This latter characteristic is the factor limiting oral bio 0008 Under normal physiological conditions, the paracel
availability and may lead to abandoning the development of lular pathway takes up less than 0.1% of the total surface area
an oral formulation of molecules nevertheless having strong of the intestinal epithelium, and it is therefore not a major
therapeutic potential. pathway (Anilkumar, et al., 2001). This can be attributed to
the presence of tight junctions between the cells which limits
0004 Baclofen (FIG. 1) is a BCS class III molecule. Its the absorption of molecules of size greater than 0.1 nm.
physicochemical characteristics are summarized in Table 1. Therefore action on the latter could allow a significant
increase in absorption. The tight junctions play a barrier role
between the components of the apical and basolateral
PHYSICOCHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS domains, and are composed of various protein complexes
OF BACLOFEN (INTERNAL REPORT) involved in the regulation of the integrity of the junctions
Molar mass 213.66 g/mol (Zonula occludens, actin, claudin-1,...) (FIGS. 2 and 3). This
Melting point 180-191° C. integrity is modified by confrontation with various physi
pH of a saturated solution 6.5 ological and pathological agents and in particular by second
pKa pKa = 3.87 ary messengers originating from the signalling pathways.
pKa = 9.62 Two factors appear to be involved in the face of action by
Solubility Soluble: 0.1N HCl, 0.1N NaOH absorption enhancers: the contraction an actin-myosin ring
Slightly soluble: water (3 mg/ml)
Very slightly soluble: Ethanol, Methanol and phosphorylation by kinase and phosphatase proteins.
Log P -1 Anilkumar et al. listed the absorption enhancers that are the
subject of research for this indication. These include surfac
tants, biliary acids and derivatives, fatty acids and derivatives,
0005. At usual therapeutic doses, baclofen is known to chelating agents, chitosan and the derivatives thereof, and the
have good oral bioavailability. Yet its low log Pindicates some polycarbophylcysteine conjugate.
hydrophilicity and hence low permeability. This observation
can be accounted for by the presence of specific transporters 0009. Therefore, since the tight junctions have a barrier
at the Small intestine allowing the molecule to pass. The role and hence a defensive role in the body, it is important that
transport of the molecule is greater at the jejunum. Therefore the enhancers acting on the opening thereof should have
low transport at the colon would indicate the presence of reversible action not inducing any toxicity.
another transport mechanism through the intestinal barrier 0010 Surprisingly, the inventors have discovered that the
(Merino, et al., 1989). This region of the digestive system bioavailability and more particularly the intestinal membrane
does not contain any transporters but since the molecule is permeability of BCS class III molecules can be considerably
hydrophilic and of small size, Some passive transport through improved by the formulation thereof in the form of an oil-in
the tight junctions is possible. It therefore appears that when water microemulsion, the BCS class III molecule being aque
a higher plasma concentration of baclofen is desired, the ous and the oil phase being formed of an oil excipient that is
taking of a higher dose is not efficient on account of saturation self-emulsifiable in contact with water.
US 2015/O165032 A1 Jun. 18, 2015

0011. In particular, they have observed an increase in receiver compartment during the permeability assay allows
baclofen permeability on Caco-2 cells when it is in an oil-in observation of the opening of the tight junctions. Measure
water microemulsion formulation between an aqueous solu ment can also be performed after the assay to evaluate cell
tion of baclofen at 6 mg/mL in 0.01 M fumaric acid and integrity (Nollevaux, et al., 2006). The apparent permeability
Labrasol R. of Lucifer Yellow under normal conditions is 3.10 cm/s
0012 Consequently, the subject of the invention concerns (Oroxcell, 2011).
an oral pharmaceutical formulation containing a microemul (0021 Preferably the ratio by weight of BCS class III active
sion between an aqueous phase comprising at least one BCS ingredient/oil excipient self emulsifiable in contact with
(Biopharmaceutics Classification System) class III active water is between 1:10 and 1:100, more preferably between
ingredient and an oil phase comprising an oil excipient self 1:40 and 1:80.
emulsifiable in contact with water. (0022 Preferably the oil phase represents 1 to 50% of the
0013 The formulation of the invention has the advantages microemulsion, more preferably 2 to 30%, further preferably
of improved intestinal membrane permeability and non-tox 5 to 25%, and still further preferably 15 to 20%.
icity. 0023 Preferably, the aqueous phase of the microemulsion
0014 By microemulsion is meant an emulsion having a of the formulation of the invention is a solution in which the
droplet size of less than 200 um. BCS class III active ingredient is solubilised.
0015. By “oil excipient self-emulsifiable in contact with 0024 Preferably, the microemulsion of the formulation of
water is meant an excipient which will spontaneously form the invention is an oil-in-water microemulsion formed of an
an oil-in-water emulsion with an aqueous phase i.e. droplets aqueous phase comprising at least one BCS (Biopharmaceu
of the aqueous phase Surrounded by a lipid layer containing tics Classification System) class III active ingredient and an
the excipient. oil excipient self-emulsifiable in contact with water.
0016 To assess the potential of an absorption enhancer to 0025 Preferably, the active ingredient of the formulation
increase permeability, in Vivo techniques in the rat or ex-vivo of the invention is selected from among the following BCS
techniques (on infused rat intestine) can be carried out (Koga, class III molecules: ranitidine, cimetidine, atenolol, Vanco
et al., 2002) (Lin, et al., 2007) (Constantinides, et al., 1996). mycin, baclofen, fexofenadine, calcitonin, calcein, the bis
In vitro techniques are also used on ratintestinal membrane or phosphonates, peptides such as octreotide, lanreotide, leupro
cell cultures. As first approach, evaluation on the Caco-2 cell relin, insulin and the analogues or agonist of GLP-1
line is very often applied (Sha, et al., 2005). (glucagon-like peptide-1).
0017. The Caco-2 cells are derived from the culture of 0026. The particularly preferred active ingredient of the
human cells of cancerous origin capable of differentiating in formulation of the invention is baclofen. According to one
the presence of a suitable culture medium (Pontier, 1997 preferred embodiment it is solubilised in the aqueous phase,
1998). Their properties are a function of the number of sub preferably in 0.01 Mfumaric acid.
cultures to which they are subjected. The clone of cells 0027 Preferably, a suitable oil excipient self-emulsifiable
obtained at passage 198 shows characteristics close to those in contact with water has an HLB number (Hydrophilic
of enterocytes. The size of Caco-2 cells is slightly smaller Lipophilic Balance) higher than 12, more preferably 13 or 14,
than that of healthy enterocytes but they have a monolayer for example it is Labrasol R (Gattefossé) composed of capry
comparable to that of the epithelium of the small intestine. locaproylmacrogolglycerides, or semi-solid Gelucire 50/13(R)
The brush-border is differentiated and developed with very composed of lauroylmacrogolglycerides (Gattefossé).
tightjunctions of 10 to 50 A (narrower than those of the small 0028. A particularly preferred suitable oil excipient self
intestine). From a biochemical viewpoint, Caco-2 cells also emulsifiable in contact with water is selected from the group
express the enzymes of the enterocytes. In addition, numer formed by:
ous transporters are present but their expression is lower than 0029 C8 to C10 fatty acids, whether or not pegylated
the levels found in vivo and the P-gp efflux pump is over Such as sodium caprate or one of the derivatives thereof;
expressed which may underestimate absorption compared 0030 C8C10 triglycerides, such as the triglycerides of
with in vivo. capric (C10) and caprylic (C8) acid, for example Mig
0018. The MTT assay is an indicator of mitochondrial lyol and Captex R (Sasol Germany GmbH, 2012),
integrity and activity and can be likened to measurement of 0.031 mixtures of mono-, bi- and triglycerides, such as
cell viability (Sigentec). This assay is based on the activity of CapmulR (Abitec, 2012),
a mitochondrial enzyme. Succinate dehydrogenase. In the 0.032 mixtures of mono-, bi- and triglycerides of esteri
presence of the MTT substrate (3-4,5-dimethylthiazol-2yl fied fatty acids of propylene glycol, e.g. capric and
2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide), the tetrazolium salts of caprylic acids such as caprylocaproylmacrogolglycer
the substrate are converted to insoluble crystals of formazan ides or a mixture of mono-, bi- and triglycerides of
through the activity of the Succinate dehydrogenase. After PEG-8 esterified fatty acids in a proportion of 50 to 80%
solubilisation, the quantity of formazan salt is assayed by caprylic acid and 20 to 50% capric acid e.g. Labrasol R.
spectrophotometry and compared with a negative control 0033. The Miglyol(R) (Sasol) and Captex(R) (Abitec) prod
having a cell viability of 100% (Buyukorturk, et al., 2010). ucts are triglycerides of capric acid (C10) and caprylic acid
0019. Measurement of transepithelial electrical resistance (C8). CapmulRMCM (Abitec) is a compound of mono- and
(TEER) (in ohms/cm) allows evaluation of cell integrity diglycerides of capric and caprylic acid (Table 2).
(Pontier, 1997-1998). This allows evaluation of the toxicity of 0034 Labrasol(R) (Gattefossé) is composed of capryloca
the assayed product. Measurement is performed before and proylmacrogolglycerides, which is a mixture of mono-, bi
after the assay and loss of resistance must not exceed 30% for and triglycerides and of esterified fatty acids of propylene
a conclusion of non-toxicity (Oroxcell, 2011). glycol (Gattefossé). Its characteristics (Table 2), and in par
0020 Lucifer yellow (LY) is a marker of paracellular ticular its miscibility with water prove to be of particular
transport (Buyukorturk, et al., 2010). Its measurement in the interest from a formulation viewpoint.
US 2015/O165032 A1 Jun. 18, 2015

0035 Gelucire(R) 50/13 (Table 2) is a semisolid excipient medicinal product intended for the treatment of alcohol
of high HLB, having 13 compounds of Lauroylmacrogolg- dependence or for the maintaining of alcohol abstinence.
Captex (R) 300 Captex (R)
Miglyol (R) 810 Miglyol (R) 812 Miglyol (R) 829 EPNF 355 EPNF
Composition Triglycerides of: Triglycerides of: Triglycerides of: Triglycerides of: Triglycerides of:
65-80% caprylic acid 50-65% caprylic acid/ 45-65% caprylic acid/ 50-80% caprylic acid 50-80% caprylic acid
(C8:0)/20-35% 30-45% capric acid 30-45% capric acid/ 20-50% capric acid 20-50% capric acid
capric acid (C10:0) 15-20% succinic acid
Physical state Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid
at Tan,
Solubility Hexane, toluene- Hexane, toluene- Hexane, toluene- Organic solvents Organic solvents
diethylether, diethylether, diethylether, incl. 95% ethanol incl. 95% ethanol
ethylacetate, ethylacetate, ethylacetate,
acetone, isopropanol, acetone, isopropanol, acetone, isopropanol,
96% ethanol 96% ethanol 96% ethanol
Refractive 1448-1451 1449-1451 1456-1459 1440-1452 1440-1452
Density at O. 94-0.95 O. 94-0.95 1.OO-1.02 O.93-O.96 O.93-O.96
20° C. (g/cm)
Viscosity at 27-33 27-33 230-270 25-33 25-33
20° C. (mPa s)

Captex (R) Capmul (R)

2OOP MCM, EP Labrasol (R) Gelucire (R) 5013

Composition Propylene glycol of 50-90% caprylic acid Triglycerides and monoidi 40-50% palmitic acid
50-80% caprylic acid/ 10-50% capric acid/ PEG-8 esters of: (C16)/48-58%
20-50% capric acid 45-75% mono; 50-80% caprylic acid/ Stearic acid
20-50% di; 20-50% capric acid (C18)
10% triacylglycerols
Physical state Liquid Semi-solid Liquid Semi-solid
at Tamb m.p. = 50° C.
Solubility unkn. unkn. Ethanol 96°: very soluble Ethanol 96: insoluble
Chloroform, methylene Chloroform: easily soluble
chloride: very soluble Methylene chloride:
Water: soluble (HLB = 14) easily soluble
Mineral oils: insoluble Water: dispersible
(HLB = 13)
Mineral oils: Insoluble
Refractive unkn. unkn. 1.450-1470 unkn.
Density at unkn. unkn. 1060-1070 unkn.
20° C. (g/cm)
Viscosity at unkn. unkn. 80-110 unkn.
20° C. (mPa s)

lycerides (Gattefossé). Palmitic acid and stearic acid are the 0038. The pharmaceutical formulation of the invention
constituent fatty acids of GelucireR). may be any oral pharmaceutical formulation known to per
0036. The particularly preferred self-emulsifiable oil sons skilled in the art, whether liquid or solid.
excipient of the microemulsion of the formulation of the 0039 Suitable liquid formations are any liquid pharma
ceutical formulation wherein the microemulsion between an
invention is Labrasol R, i.e. a mixture of caprylocaproylmac aqueous phase comprising at least one BCS class III active
rogolglycerides composed of a mixture of mono-, bi- and ingredient (Biopharmaceutics Classification System) and an
triglycerides of esterified fatty acids of propylene glycol-8, in oil phase comprising an oil excipient self-emulsifiable in
a proportion of 50 to 80% caprylic acid and 20 to 50% capric contact with water will remain stable.
acid. A further subject of the invention concerns a formulation 0040. The microemulsions, once formed, can be directly
of the invention for use thereof in the treatment of alcohol
dependence or for maintaining alcohol abstinence. placed in Soft or hard capsules e.g. in gelatine for oral admin
0037. A further subject of the invention concerns the use 0041) Numerous techniques are known to formulate a
of a microemulsion between an aqueous phase comprising at solid form from a liquid formula (Jannin, et al., 2008). Spray
least one BCS (Biopharmaceutics Classification System) ing in a cold chamber for example can be used to freeze
class III active ingredient and an oil phase comprising an oil droplets which recrystallize in the form of solid spherical
excipient self-emulsifiable in contact with water to produce a particles.
US 2015/O165032 A1 Jun. 18, 2015

0042. The aqueous phase of an emulsion can also be spray sition but varying the proportion of this mixture with the oil
dried in a fluidised air bed to form a “dry emulsion'. and water phases. The objective was to formulate an oil-in
0043. It can also be sprayed onto neutral beads optionally water (O/W) microemulsion and water-in-oil (W/O) micro
having adsorption capacities such as spheroids of microcrys emulsion.
talline cellulose. After drying, these spheroids can be used to 0060 Six assays were carried out to obtain an O/W micro
formulate tablets with compression excipients. emulsion using a Surfactant-co-Surfactant mixture of
0044) The use of excipients solid at ambient temperature Tween(R)-80Labrasol(R) in 2:1 proportion and Miglyol(R) 810
but liquid when hot allows application of thermogranulation for the oil phase (FIG. 4).
or extrusion-spheronization techniques. 0061 Four assays were conducted to obtain a W/O micro
0045 Finally, adsorption on a solid carrier such as micro emulsion using a Surfactant-co-Surfactant mixture of
crystalline cellulose or silica, in a mixer-granulator, allows Tween(R)-80Capmul R. MCM in 1:2 proportion and Captex(R)
the adsorption of a large amount of liquid excipient whilst 355 for the oil phase (FIG. 5).
maintaining good flow properties. After drying, the carrier 0062. The aqueous phase composed of purified water was
impregnated with emulsion can be used to formulate tablets added last under agitation. The microemulsions are formed
with compression excipients. instantly. Once the composition of the mixtures was selected,
0046. The formulation of the invention may comprise any assays were performed with an aqueous solution of 0.01 M
additional conventional excipient used in formulations. fumaric acid with 6 mg/ml of baclofen.
0047. The formulation of the invention comprises 10 to 80 0063 ii. Binary Mixtures
mg active ingredient per unit dose, preferably 20 to 60. 0064 Labrasol.R and GélucireR 50/13 are excipients
EXAMPLES which self-emulsify in the presence of water. Various water/
Labrasol(R) or water/GelucireR 50/13 ratios were tested. The
Example 1 mixtures of water/Gelucire(R) 50/13 were formed at a tem
perature higher than 50° C. whilst the mixtures of water/
Materials and Methods Labrasol (R) were conducted at ambient temperature.
0065 iii. Characterization
0048 a. Raw Materials 0066 1. Viscosities
0049 i. Active Ingredient 0067. The viscosity of the emulsions was determined
0050. Baclofen was obtained from PCAS. using a rotary Brookfield DV-II+ viscometer and SC4-18
0051) ii. Adsorption Enhancers spindle with cylindrical Couette geometry.
0052 Labrasol.R and GelucireR 50/13 were supplied by 0068 2. Particle Sizes
Gattefossé(R, Miglyol(R) 810 by Sasol R. Germany GmBHand
Capmul R. MCM and Captex R 355 by Abitec(R). 0069. The particle size of the emulsions was measured by
0053 iii. Other Excipients dynamic light scattering on Coulter(R) N4 plus particle ana
0054 The excipients used for the different assays were the lyzer. Measurements were taken at an angle of 90° directly on
following: Fumaric acid (Merck), Avicel(R) PH102 (microc the emulsions taking into account the characteristics of the
rystalline cellulose, FMC Biopolymer), Neusilin (magne dispersing medium (viscosity, refractive index) then after
sium aluminometasilicate, FugiChemicalIndustry), HPMC dilution in water. The dilution factor is dependent upon the
603 (hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, Shin Etsu), Tween 80 intensity measured at 90°, which must lie between 5.10 and
(polysorbate 80, Sigma). 1.10 counts/sec for validation of the measurement. Each
0055 b. Baclofen Solubility Assays measurement was performed in triplicate.
0056 Beforehand it is important to determine the solubil 0070 3. Stabilities
ity of the active ingredient in the excipients to be evaluated. 0071. The stability of the emulsions was determined visu
For the purpose of cell assays, it is important that the active ally over two months by observing the onset or non-onset of
ingredient should be in molecular form to obtain cross-mem phase separation and by particle size measurement. The mea
brane transport. Solubility was determined via visual method surements obtained at time t—14 days and t=45 days were
by adding exactly weighed quantities of baclofen to the compared.
selected excipients, after being left under agitation for 24 h. 0072 d. Selection of Formulas: Permeability Assays on
First the solubility of baclofen at ambient temperature in Caco-2 Cells
Labrasol(R), Miglyol(R) 810 and Captex R355 was determined. 0073 i. Cell Culture
The solubility of baclofen in GélucireR 50/13 was deter 0074 The Caco-2 cells were placed in culture and differ
mined after melting the excipientata temperature higher than entiated over 21 to 30 days. They were subjected to a number
50° C. and placing thereof in a thermostat-controlled oven at of subcultures of less than 110. The culture medium was
60° C. At a second step, to increase the solubility of baclofen DMEM (Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium) supplemented
in an aqueous medium, this solubility was determined in an withinactivated 10% foetal calfserum, with 1% non-essential
acidified solution of 0.01 M fumaric acid. According to an amino acids and antibiotics.
internal report on binary compatibilities, fumaric acid does (0075 ii. Permeability Assay
not cause any stability problems with baclofen. 0076. The Caco-2 cells allowed evaluation of the potential
0057 c. Lipid Formulations of eight formulas given in Tables 5a, 5b, 5c and 5d., for
0058 i. Microemulsions improvement in the apparent permeability of baclofen. The
0059 Miglyol(R) 810, Capmul R. MCM and Captex R 355 dilutions are those chosen by the Subcontractor as a function
are excipients non-miscible with water. Since baclofen is a of baclofen concentration measured by the assay technique
hydrophilic molecule, it was chosen to formulate microemul and as a function of the lowest non-toxic concentration given
sions from these excipients using pseudo-ternary diagrams. by preliminary toxicity studies. The compositions of the api
That is to say having a fixed surfactant/co-Surfactant compo cal and basolateral media are given in Table 3 below.
US 2015/O165032 A1 Jun. 18, 2015

Composition of the apical and basolateral Centesimal composition of the emulsion of water-labrasol solution
media for assays on Caco-2 cells
Apical medium Basolateral medium (25% Percentage Percentage (5% Percentage
labrasol (10% labrasol labrasol (1% labrasol
HBSS HBSS Ingredients Solution) solution) Solution) Solution)
O.1% BSA O.1% BSA Labrasol 25 10 5 1
200 IM Lucifer Yellow Aqueous 75 90 95 99
pH 6.8 pH 7.4 Solution
of baclofen

Total 100 100 1OO 100

0077 Samples were taken after the placing the test speci
men in the apical medium: at T5 minutes and T 125 minutes in
the donor compartment and at T65 minutes and T125 minutes
in the receiver compartment. The assay of baclofen was per TABLE 5d
formed using LC/MS/MS analysis. emulsion of the water-Gélucire solution
0078. The apparent permeability of baclofen and the Percentage Percentage
recovery ratio were calculated as follows: Ingredients (5% Gélucire solution) (1% Gélucire solution)
Papp=AG/(AtxA), Co where Papp=apparent perme Gélucire 50/13 5 1
ability (cm's") Aqueous solution of 95 99
0079 AQ=difference in amount of baclofen measured
between the two samplings Total 100 1OO

0080 At=time interval between the two samplings

I0081. A exposure surface area (cm)
Residual Accumulated
0082 Co initial concentration deposited in the donor
compartment. amount in amount in receiver Amount at T5
Recovery = donor + compartment in donor
0083. The result was interpreted as follows: compartment between T5 and compartment
at T125 T125
Interpretation of apparent permeability results
0084. The result should be between 75 and 125%.
Permeability Low Medium High
I0085. Each assay was performed three times. For the
P, x 10-6 cm/s <O.S O.S to S >5 validity of the assay, the permeability of a reference com
pound was also measured as positive control. This compound
was 20 uM metoprolol, a molecule with active transcellular
transport. Baclofen alone was also used as negative control.
0086 iii. Evaluation of Cell Integrity
Centesimal composition of oil-in-water microemulsion 0087 1. Measurement of Transepithelial Resistance
Ingredients Percentage I0088. Before each assay transepithelial resistance was
measured. This must be higher than 1500S2. A second mea
Captex 355 60 Surement was performed after the assay. If loss of resistance
Capmul MCM 2O
Tween 80 10 is higher than 30%, the monolayer is considered to be dete
Aqueous solution of baclofen 10 riorated.
Total 100
0089 2. Lucifer Yellow Test
0090 Throughout the assays the crossing of Lucifer Yel
low from the apical to the basolateral compartment, a marker
of paracellular transport, was also evaluated. 200 uM of Luci
TABLE Sb fer Yellow was co-incubated with the test compound and its
Centesimal composition of oil-in-water emulsion permeability evaluated in the same manner as for the latter.
Concentrations were measured by fluorescence in both com
Ingredients Percentage partments at the start and at the end of the assay.
Miglyol 810 2O 0.091 3. MTS-PMS Test
Tween 80
0092. The MTS-PMS test is a derivative of the MTT test
Aqueous solution of baclofen 2O
and allows verification of cell viability. The living cells con
vert MTS to formazan that is soluble in the culture medium.
Total 100 The amount of formazan produced is evaluated by measuring
absorbency at 490 nm. This amount is directly related to the
proportion of living cells in the medium.
US 2015/O165032 A1 Jun. 18, 2015

0093. e. Placing in Solid Form: Adsorption/Granulation TABLE 7

Results of baclofen Solubility in various media
0094 Further to the results of the assays on cells, the
excipient selected for the formulation of a solid form was Solubility
Product Temperature of baclofen
Labrasol (R). The adsorption/granulation assays were per
formed in a Diosna PVAC 10 mixer/granulator. A 2 L bowl Miglyol (R) 810 Ambient <0.1 mg/ml
and 0.8 mm spray nozzle were used. Captex (R) 355 Ambient <0.1 mg/ml
Labrasol (R) Ambient 0.2-0.4 mg/ml
Gélucire (R) 50/13 60° C. 0.5-1 mg/ml
0095 i. Granulation Tests 0.01M fumaric acid aqueous medium Ambient 6-7 mg/ml
0096 Granulation tests were performed on microcrystal
line cellulose (Avicel(R) PH102) as indicated in Table 6. The 0102 Baclofen appears to be soluble in an aqueous
rotational speed of the bottom blade was 200 rpm and the medium and practically insoluble in oil excipients.
speed of the chopper was 1500 rpm. The spray flow rate was (0103) b. Lipid Formulations
30 g/min. A drying time of one hour at 50° C. in vacuo was 0.104 i. Microemulsions
needed to obtain granulate containing residual moisture of 0105. In relation to the compositions obtained various
less than 5% (Mettler thermobalance). The granules were observations can be made. Regarding the microemulsions
then screened through 0.5 mm mesh size. containing Miglyol(R) 810 and Labrasol (R) (FIGS. 4 and 5),
compositions 1, 2 and 3 allow clear media to be obtained and
TABLE 6 composition 10 produces a milky medium. Compositions 8
and 9 are opaque with phase separation after 24 h.
Composition of granulation assay 0106 The four compositions produced with Captex R 355
Function Quantity (g) and Capmul R. MCM give clear microemulsions.
Dry load of excipients Formula (%) QS 300 g 0107 The microemulsions produced with active ingredi
ent did not exhibit any visual difference compared with those
Avicel (R) pH 102 Adsorbent 95 285 without active ingredient.
HPMC 603 Binder 5 15
(0.108 ii. Binary Mixtures
Quantity (g) 0109 Labrasol(R) is miscible in any proportion in water.
Wetting solution — Formula (%) QS 300 g Howeveraclear, homogenous mixture is obtained at Labrasol
concentrations higher than 1% in water. At concentrations
Purified water Granulating agent 50 150 below 1% the medium becomes turbid and particles visible to
Labrasol (R) Absorption enhancer 50 150 the naked eye are seen to sediment.
0110 Gelucire R is also miscible in water but only water/
Gelucire(R) mixtures at concentrations below 5% remain in
0097. Particle size was measured with a Malvern R laser liquid form at ambient temperature.
particle size analyzer and the data processed using Master 0111 iii. Characterization
sizer 2000 software. The granulate compressibility and flow 0.112. In relation to the criteria discussed below, some
capabilities were evaluated by measurement of the tapped compositions were retained for permeability assays on cells
apparent volume (STAV 2003 volumeter, automatic tapper), and are characterized herein.
calculation of the Carr index and by measuring the flow time 0113 1. Viscosities
of 100 g of powder through a standardized funnel. These tests 0114. The viscosities of the microemulsions are given in
were conducted in accordance with the European Pharma Table 8 below. The torque value gives an indication on the
copeia inforce (European Pharmacopeia 7" Edition, 2012). reliability of measurement.
0098 ii. Adsorption Assays TABLE 8
0099 Simple adsorption assays were also performed in a Viscosity of the microemulsions at ambient temperature
mixer by adding Labrasol R to Avicel(R) PH102 or Neusilin(R)
(Magnesiumaluminometasilicate) under impeller agitation of Spindle Measured
150 and 300 rpm respectively. The flow rate was 20 g/min and rotation speed viscosity
Sample (rpm) Torque value (%) (cP)
assays were conducted under heat at 40°C. in vacua to flui
dise the oil excipient: Labrasol. The following adsorbents Microemulsion 6 85 423
Miglyol (R), Labrasol (R)
were also tested: Fujicalin R, Hubersorb(R), 600 and Syloid Microemulsion 30 60 59
(R244FP. Capmul (R)/Captex (R)

Example 2 0115 The viscosities of the binary mixtures are close to

that of water.
Results 0116 2. Particle Sizes
0117 Particle sizes were measured 14 days after prepara
0100 a. Solubility Values of Baclofen tion of the systems, before and after dilution for the micro
emulsions and for the binary water/Labrasol(R) mixtures. The
0101. The solubility values indicated in Table 7 below results are given in Tables 9 and 10.
were determined in relation to visual observation of particles 0118 For the microemulsions, dilution causes destabili
in the media. sation and the onset of an opaque medium having intensity at
US 2015/O165032 A1 Jun. 18, 2015

90° that is too high for measurement of particle size. Dilution tance higher than 30% between the initial and final measure
is needed to obtain intensity within the range recommended ments, indicating loss of membrane integrity. The 6 other
by the manufacturer of the particle size analyzer. The char formulas and the controls caused a variation lower than 30%
acteristics and in particular the Viscosity of the nondiluted indicating recovery of cell resistance after the assay. Mem
Miglyol(R)/Labrasol(R) emulsion do not allow measurements brane integrity is therefore not affected by these formulas.
on the Coulter particle size analyzer. 0.124 Concerning action of the formulas on the tightjunc
0119 For the water/Labrasol R mixtures, dilution was tions of the cell layer, the apparent permeability of Lucifer
identical to that of the assays on Caco-2 cells. Yellow was monitored for each assay (FIG. 7). Strong action
0120 3. Stability of the Microemulsions at T-45 Days of the microemulsions was observed and of the 10 and 25%
0121 Particle size measurements given in Table 9 were Labrasol formulas on paracellular transport, of between 4 and
also carried out and compared with those obtained at 14 days. 7.10 cm/s. However, for the microemulsions this result can
No phase separation was observed for the microemulsions be related to membrane destabilisation. The 1 and 5% Labra
placed at ambient temperature after 45 days. sol formulations and 5% Gelucire R formulations also cause
0122 c. Permeability Assays on Caco-2 and Membrane the transporting of Lucifer Yellow greater than 3.107 cm/s.
Integrity However it remains low since lower than 0.5x10 cm/s
0123. Measurement of transepithelial resistance (FIG. 6) (Table 4). The controls do not cause any opening of the tight
before and after the permeability assay gave information on junctions.
the toxic potential of the eight formulas and of the different 0.125. The MTS-PMS test showed that our formulas do not
controls. Solely the microemulsions led to a variation in resis generate any cell toxicity.

Dilution Dispersing medium Proportion (%) Size (nm)

Measurements at T = 14 days
non-diluted Emulsion Miglyol (R), Labrasol (R) N/A Viscosity = 423 cP. No results
placebo emulsions Refractive index = 1.45
Emulsion Captex (R), Capmul (R) N/A Viscosity = 59 cP, 1OO 21.3
Refractive index = 1.45
non diluted Emulsion Miglyol (R), Labrasol (R) N/A Viscosity = 423 cP. No results
emulsions with Refractive index = 1.45
active ingredient Emulsion Captex (R), Capmul (R) N/A Viscosity = 59 cP, 1OO 24.2
Refractive index = 1.45
Placebo emulsions Emulsion Miglyol (R), Labrasol (R) /S000 Water 12-17 1
after dilution 10-20 50-70
2S-80 130-195
SO-60 218-285
Emulsion Captex (R), Capmul (R) 1/10000 Water 1-2 1-3
98-99 230-500
Emulsions with Emulsion Captex (R), Capmul (R) 1/10000 Water 5 17
active ingredient 11-12 75-77
after dilution 88 1OOO
Emulsion Miglyol (R), Labrasol (R) 1/5000 Water 1OO 180-390
Measurements at T = 45 days
Non-diluted Emulsion Miglyol (R), Labrasol (R) N/A Viscosity = 423 cP. No results
emulsions with Refractive index = 1.45
active ingredient Emulsion Captex (R), Capmul (R) N/A Viscosity = 59 cP, 1OO 27.2
Refractive index = 1.45
Emulsions with Emulsion Miglyol (R), Labrasol (R) 1/5000 Water 12-13 1
active ingredient 14-20 70-74
after dilution 6S-87 190-200
Emulsion Captex (R), Capmul (R) 1/10000 Water 1 4-5
99 530-630


25% Labrasol (R) 10% Labrasol (R) 5% Labrasol (R) 5% Labrasol (R) Placebo 1% Labrasol (R)
50% of 1 mm 50% of 1 mm 30% of 1 mm 20% of 1 mm >2 lm
50% of 15 nm. 50% of 12 nm. 40-50% of 10 mm 80% of 13.5 nm.
20-30% of 400 mm
10% Labrasol (R) - /200 5% Labrasol (R) - /100
525.7 mm +/- 105.6; Pl = 0.044 657.5 nm +/- 170; Pl =
US 2015/O165032 A1 Jun. 18, 2015

0126 The apparent permeability results for baclofen in TABLE 12

relation to the different formulas are given in FIG.8.
0127 Cell assays confirmed the low permeability of the CHARACTERIZATION OF THE FLOW OF EXCIPIENTS
baclofen with an apparent permeability lower than 3.107
cm/s. This permeability is increased to 3.10 cm/s for the Flow Density C
Miglyol(R)/Labrasol(R) emulsion. It becomes very high for the rate (gis) (g/mL) Ic (%) flowability
Captex R/CapmulR) and 25 and 10% Labrasol(R) emulsions Avice (RPH102 O O.34 15.1 Goo
ranging from 5 to 7.10 cm/s. However, as for the results Avice (RPH102+ O O.34 16.4 Fairly good
Labrasol (R)
concerning LuciferYellow, the permeabilities associated with Fujicalin (R) 2O2 O.47 6.9 Excellent
the microemulsions are certainly due to the observed loss of Fujicalin (R) + Labrasol (R)
Neusilin (RUS2
membrane integrity. The formulas of 1 and 5% Labrasol(R) Neusilin (RUS2+ 23 O48 6.0 Excellent
and the formulas containing GelucireR) do not allow an Labrasol (R)
increase in the apparent permeability of baclofen. The appar Neusilin (RUFL2
Neusilin (RUFL2+
ent permeability of metoprolol is very high since it is higher Labrasol (R)
than 6.10 cm/s, as expected. This was a control used for Hubersorb (R) 600 O O.08 25.0 Acceptable
transcellular transport and its lack of effect shown above on Hubersorb (R) 600+ O O.17 32.9 Very poor
Labrasol (R)
the opening of the tight junctions validates the experimental Syloid R. 244FP O O.O7 14.8 Goo
conditions. Therefore the most promising formulas to Syloid (R) 244FP+
Labrasol (R)
O O.30 12.5 Goo
increase through-membrane crossing of baclofen are the for
mulas containing Labrasol(R), more particularly the 10% and
25% formulas which respectively allow 20 and 28-fold I0137 Therefore the adsorbed powders without flow (Hu
increases in the apparent permeability of nonformulated bersorb(R) 600, Avicel(R) PH102, Neusilin(R) US2, SyloklR)
baclofen. Also, the recovery rates calculated during assays 244FP) were not selected. Neusilin(R) US2 and Fujicalin(R)
were in the region of 100% which confirms the non degrada which were adsorbed exhibited very good flow and could
tion of the product during the assay. No loss was observed. therefore be used.
0128 d. Solid Form Transport 0.138. I. Discussion
0129 i. Granulation
0130 Granulate containing 33% Labrasol(R) was obtained. I0139 Choice of Formulas for Permeability and Stability
It was of yellow colour and fatty to the touch. Assays
0131 The particle size results are given in FIG. 9. 0140. As expected, the solubility of the active ingredient in
0132. The data obtained with the Stav volumeter and the the liquid absorption enhancers proved to be very low since
flow times are given in Table 11 below. lower than 1 mg/ml. Baclofen is a hydrophilic active ingre

Tapped volumes, densities, Carr index and flow time of granulate containing 33% Labrasol (R)

V1O Carr index

Weight VO V10 V500 V1250 p0 tapped V500 (100 x (V10
(g) (ml) (ml) (ml) (ml) (g/ml) p (g/ml) (ml) V1250)/V10) Flow time (s)

33% 100.14 184 172 158 158 O.S4 O.63 14 8.14

Labrasol (R)

0133) ii. Adsorption dient (AI) as indicated by its log P of -0.96 (Benet, et al.,
0134. Adsorption assays on microcrystalline cellulose at 2011), whereas the absorption enhancers are oils.
the same concentration as obtained with granulation gave a 0.141. However, products such as Labrasol(R) and Gélu
yellow, fatty powder of “wet sand appearance and forming cireR 50/13 have the particularity of having a high HLB in the
clusters. order of 13-14 (Gattefossé) allowing their miscibility with
water. The decision was therefore taken to form binary mix
0135 Adsorption tests on NeusilinR allowed a powder to tures of Labrasol(R) or Gelucire(R) with an aqueous solution
be obtained containing 60% Labrasol R. This is a white mix containing previously solubilised baclofen. The Labrasol R/
ture of dry appearance and highly volatile. water ratios were chosen to evaluate possible impact of
Labrasol (R) concentration on the cells. Regarding Gelucire(R),
0136. The objective of this step was to choose an excipient it was sought to maintain the mixture in liquid form at ambi
for future compression tests; the flow characteristics of the ent temperature, which limited the range of concentration to
loaded excipients were determined by measuring flow rate below 5%. It was observed that at low concentrations (lower
and the Carr index (Ic) (Table 12). than 5% for Gélucire R and lower than 1% for LabrasolR) the
US 2015/O165032 A1 Jun. 18, 2015

mixtures of Labrasol and Gelucire exhibit turbidity. Particle size if the surfactants used are neither ionised nor ionisable.
size measurement indicates that the particles of the Labra Consequently the replacement of the aqueous phase of the
solR) mixture are much larger than those observed in higher micro-emulsions via 0.01 M fumaric acid up to 6 mg/ml of
concentrations (2 um versus 13 nm). The sizes obtained for baclofen does not cause visual destabilisation of the micro
the most concentrated Solutions can account for the observed emulsions.
sedimentation. Finally, four formulas of Labrasol(R) at 1, 5, 10 014.9 The stability of the systems was also monitored by
and 25% and two formulas of Gelucire(R) at 1 and 5% were particle size measurements 14 and 45 days after forming the
prepared and sent to the Subcontractor. microemulsions.
0142. As for the micro-emulsions composed of Miglyol(R)/ 0150. For the Captex R/CapmulR) emulsion, a measure
Labrasol(R), all three displayed visually clear, stable compo ment of 21.3 nm was obtained at 14 days for the placebo
sitions (Table 13). formula, which confirms the presence of a microemulsion. A
measurement of 24.2 nm was obtained for the formula with
TABLE 13 active ingredient indicating that the active ingredient does not
have any influence on particle size as Suggested in the work by
(Prajapati, et al., 2012). However, work conducted by
Aqueous Buyukorturk et al (2010) and Gundogdu et al (2011) does
Micro-emulsion Miglyol (R) Labrasol (R) Tween (R) 80 phase show active ingredient influence on globule size. After 45
1 10% 27% 53% 10% days the measured size was 27.2 nm, which confirms the
10% 23% 47% 20% stability of the system. To examine the influence of dilution
3 20% 20% 40% 20% on our sample, different dilutions were carried out. Through
out this study the systems became opaque indicating desta
0143 For assay on cells, composition 3 was selected on bilisation of the formulas and possible phase inversion as
the basis of various criteria. First, the Tween'80 used as explained by Prajapati et al. Phase inversion was confirmed
Surfactant is known to have toxicity problems; the formulas by measurements on the Captex R/CapmulR) emulsion since
containing the least amount thereof would therefore appear to size measurements appeared to be much larger in the order of
be safer. In addition, the proportion of water is higher and 230 to 500 nm. Here too the presence of the active ingredient
therefore allows the adding of a greater amount of active does not appear to have an influence on these measurements.
ingredient. Finally the proportion of Miglyol, of importance 0151. Measurement of the particle size of the Miglyol(R)/
from an absorption enhancing viewpoint, is also higher. Labrasol(R) emulsion could not be carried out on account of
0144. The four microemulsions prepared from Captex R/ the high viscosity of the medium measured at 423 cl. To
CapmulR produced clear, stable formulas (Table 14). evaluate the stability of the Miglyol(R/Labrasol(R) emulsion,
the system was diluted on the assumption that dilution does
TABLE 1.4 not affect the particle size of an emulsion as reported by
Prajapati et al. For the Miglyol(R/LabrasolR) emulsion, mea
STABLE CAPTEX (R, CAPMUL (RMICROEMULSIONS Surements taken with active ingredient at 14 days appeared to
be higher than those obtained for the placebo. However, the
Micro-emulsion Captex (R) Capmul (R) Tween (R) 80 Aqueous phase measurements with active ingredient taken at 45 days were of
1 60% 20% 10% 10% the same order of magnitude as those of the placebo emulsion.
2 64% 22% 11% 3% It therefore seems difficult to draw a conclusion on the par
ticle size stability of the Captex R/CapmulR) emulsion. How
ever it was nevertheless possible to observe the lack of any
visual phase separation over the two-month observation
0145 On the basis of the same criteria as above, compo period, which would indicate the macroscopic stability of the
sition 1 was selected for assay on cells. systems.
0146 The permeability of baclofen could therefore be 0152 a. Interpretation of Permeability Results in Relation
measured when incorporated in two microemulsions of dif to Characterization of the Formulas
ferent composition. 0153. The observed very low permeability of non-formu
0147 The transport mechanism of baclofen (Merino, et lated baclofen, lower than 0.5x10 cm/s, leads to the
al., 1989) is active transport by means of transporters but assumption that the applied concentration (30 ug/ml) is close
these are saturated at high dose. Not knowing the transporter to the saturation of the transporters. This value can be com
composition of the Caco-2 cells, it is sought to have a high pared with the assays of 25% and 10% Labrasol(R) and 1%
concentration of baclofen in the formulas so that the trans Gelucire(R) diluted in the same manner 200 times. 1% Gelu
porters that are present are saturated. Therefore only the cire R does not allow an increase in apparent permeability
increase in paracellular transport was evaluated. The Satura whilst the assays with Labrasol(R) allowed a strong increase of
tion concentration of baclofen in water is 3 mg/ml (internal this permeability 20- and 28-fold.
pre-formulation report). However, its solubility is highly 0154 Regarding the formulas diluted 100 times (5%
dependent on pH as indicated by the amine and carboxylic Labrasol (R), 1% Labrasol(R) and 5% GelucireR), the perme
functions present on the molecule. Therefore the addition of ability values were very low; at times lower than that of
0.01 Mfumaric acid shown to be compatible with baclofen by nonformulated baclofen. Yet the concentrations of baclofen
the internal pre-formulation report, allows the solubility of deposited on the cells for these assays were twice higher than
baclofen to be increased twofold to 6 mg/ml. The pH is then those of the negative control. It is therefore possible that the
3.88. concentration of the control does not fully lie at complete
0148. According to Constantinides et al (1996), the pH of saturation of the transporters. In this case the permeability
a micro-emulsion does not influence its stability or its particle values cannot be properly compared since they are dependent
US 2015/O165032 A1 Jun. 18, 2015

on the concentration of active ingredient which proves to observation these were not taken into account due to the
differ from one formula to another. The assays with Gelu toxicity evidenced on the cell layer through loss of membrane
cireR) are a good illustration thereof. The GélucireR concen integrity.
tration was higher for 5% GelucireR) than for 1% GelucireR), 0159 Finally, having regard to the significant increase in
even after dilution. This could account for the permeability permeability obtained with Labrasol (R), the remainder of the
results with Lucifer Yellow which were higher in the former study chiefly focuses on this excipient in particular for assays
case and would seem to indicate a slight effect of Gelucire on of pharmaceutical forms.
paracellular transport. However, the permeability of baclofen 0160 b. Adsorption/Granulation Assays
was higher with 1% GelucireR, no doubt due to the lower 0.161 Transport assays of the solid form obtained by
concentration ofbaclofen allowing facilitated transport of the granulation with microcrystalline cellulose did not allow the
molecule. adding of an amount of Labrasol R higher than 33%. By
0155 Despite the effect of baclofen concentration, a visual comparison with the adsorption assay the Labrasol(R)
strong difference in permeability can nevertheless be granulate appeared to exhibit improved properties via a less
observed between the 10 and 25% Labrasol R formulas and “moist effect, with the obtaining of a granulate which in
the 1 and 5% Labrasol(R) formulas. Initially, it was sought to theory would allow better flow properties in particular for
find structural differences of the mixtures by measuring par future compression assays. The Carr index calculated at 8.14
ticle size. Koga et al demonstrated the importance of Labra led to assuming good flow properties but low compressibility
SolR concentration on particle size which appeared to properties. However with a standardized funnel no flow was
increase with concentration. Baclofen would therefore be observed.
better surrounded by Labrasol(R) allowing an increase in its 0162. Other adsorption assays were then performed on
permeability since the active ingredient and the lipid compo Neusilin R, a silicate having adsorption capacity three times
nent allowing the opening of the tight junctions possibly higher than microcrystalline cellulose (Neusilin application
arrive at the same time at the membrane. Initial measurements data, The adsorption technique is pre
on the nondiluted formulas were performed. For the 1 to 5, 10 ferred since it allows the adding of larger quantities of liquid
and 25% formulas, the measurements obtained were of the compared with granulation. This latter technique also
same order of magnitude as those measured by Koga et al. but requires the adsorption of a certain amount of water which
no relationship between LabrasolR concentration and par reduces the volume available for the oil. A dry mixture con
ticle size was clearly identified. The onset of a 400 nm popu taining 60% Labrasol R was obtained which is encouraging
lation was even observed for the 5% formula which disap and can allow the use of this powder in an oral pharmaceutical
peared in the placebo formula and would indicate influence of form.
the active ingredient on particle size. However, measure LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS
ments performed on the formulas after dilution cancel out the
hypothesis of influence of particle size since the observed (0163
differences disappear. In addition a significant increase in
particle size was noted with dilution.
Ac Acid
0156. It is pointed out that taking into account the dilutions ATP Adenosine triphosphate
performed on the cells, two identical concentrations of Labra BCS Biopharmaceutical Classification System
solR) were assayed (Table 15) and did not give the same BP British Pharmacopoeia
permeability results. This point is an argument in favour of the BSA Bovine serum albumin
importance of the initial concentration of active ingredient C10, C8 Fatty acid composed of 10 or 8 carbon atoms
cP centipoise
regarding increased membrane transport. The active ingredi dio, diso, 0, 50 and 90% deciles
ent/Labrasol(R) ratio therefore proves to be of importance in doo
the observed results. Table 15 gives the increase factors DAG Diacylglycerol
observed in relation to the active ingredient/Labrasol(R) ratios DMEM Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium
DMF Drug master File
used. DSC Differential scanning calorimetry
WO Water-in-oil
TABLE 1.5 EMEA European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products
E European Pharmacopoeia
Increase In baclofen permeability as a function of active FDA Food and Drug Administration
ingredient Labrasol B ratio and Labrasol (8 concentration GRAS Generally Recognized AS Safe
OW Oil-in-water
Al Labrasol (R) Papp Labrasol (R) HBSS Hank's Balanced Salt Solution
ratio increase factor concentration HEPES 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazine ethane Sulfonic acid
HLB Hydrophilic/Lipophilic Balance
1f1.7 O O.O1% PI Polydispersity Index
18.8 O O.05% P3 nositol triphosphate
1.13.4 7 O.O.3% TJ Tight Junctions
1,18.5 2O O.05% LCMS, Liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass
1 55.5 28 O.125% MS spectrophotometry
LY Lucifer yellow
ME Microemulsion
MTT 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide
0157. It would therefore appear that the increase in appar unkn. Unknown
ent permeability of baclofen only occurs on and after a certain NF French standard
Labrasol R threshold in relation to baclofen concentration. WHO World Health Organization
AI Active ingredient
0158 An increase in apparent permeability was also Papp Apparent permeability
obtained for the micro-emulsions However, despite this
US 2015/O165032 A1 Jun. 18, 2015

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