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The Journal of Clinical


Estimation of Cefuroxime Dosage Using Pharmacodynamic Targets, MIC Distributions, and

Minimization of a Risk Function
Anders Viberg, Otto Cars, Mats O. Karlsson and Siv Jönsson
J. Clin. Pharmacol. 2008; 48; 1270
DOI: 10.1177/0091270008320923

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Estimation of Cefuroxime Dosage Using
Pharmacodynamic Targets, MIC Distributions,
and Minimization of a Risk Function
Anders Viberg, PhD, Otto Cars, MD, PhD, Mats O. Karlsson, PhD, and Siv Jönsson, PhD

An approach for estimation of dosing strategies based on by evaluating population distributions of (1) percentage of
data-derived models and assessment of the risk associated dosing interval with concentrations above MIC, (2) time of
with deviation from the treatment target is presented. The drug exposure below MIC, and (3) drug administered in
work is illustrated by establishing a dosing strategy to be excess to reach the target. These distributions were gener-
used for a priori individualization on the basis of renal ated using wild-type MIC distributions for Escherichia coli
function for the antibiotic cefuroxime. Treatment involved and Streptococcus pneumoniae. The authors illustrate how
exposing patients to concentrations above the minimum benefits and risks of drug treatment can be weighed quan-
inhibitory concentration (MIC) for 50% of the dosing inter- titatively in decision-based risk functions and subse-
val. The risk (penalty) function incorporated both devia- quently used in the estimation of drug dosing.
tions from the target and the use of excess amount of drug.
Dosing strategies were estimated for a target population by
minimizing the risk function. The population was charac- Keywords: Cefuroxime; dosing strategy; individualization;
terized by a population pharmacokinetic model, and dis- MIC; risk function
tributions of CLcr and body weight were reflective of the Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 2008;48:1270-1281
target group. The estimated dosing strategies were assessed © 2008 the American College of Clinical Pharmacology

Subsequently, dosing strategies can aim at reaching

W hen developing drug-dosing strategies, the
benefits and disadvantages of the treatment are
considered; that is, the desired effects have to be
this target, and the need for individualization based
on a patient characteristic such as body weight, sex,
weighed against the potential side effects. There is or a biomarker can also be assessed. In addition to
usually an association between the magnitude of the consideration of the drug effects/side effects, there
drug exposure and the effect; a too low dosage may may be further aspects to take into account in the
result in insufficient effect, and a too high dosage establishment of a dosing strategy. For example,
may lead to adverse effects. By weighing the effects, using a higher dosing rate than necessary to achieve
a target concentration associated with the greatest a sufficient clinical response results in higher drug
probability of treatment success—sufficient clinical costs, and for parenterally administered drugs, it
effect with tolerable side effects—can be identified. may also imply a logistic problem: the more frequent
dosing, the more time and personnel are required for
administration of the drug. Thus, when considered
From the Division of Pharmacokinetics and Drug Therapy, Department of to be of importance, the development of the dosing
Pharmaceutical Biosciences, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden strategy can also address such aspects.
(Dr Viberg, Dr Karlsson, Dr Jönsson), and the Department of Medical With use of a pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharma-
Sciences, Infectious Disease, Uppsala University Hospital, Uppsala, codynamic (PD) model, it is possible to evaluate dif-
Sweden (Dr Cars). Submitted for publication October 28, 2007; revised
version accepted May 15, 2008. Address for correspondence: Anders
ferent dosing schedules by stochastic simulation
Viberg, PhD, AstraZeneca R&D Södertälje, Clinical Pharmacology & DMPK, and, based on a predefined fulfillment criterion,
SE-151 85 Södertälje, Sweden.; e-mail: judge which of the different schedules is preferred.
DOI: 10.1177/0091270008320923 However, simulating all possible dosing schedules

1270 • J Clin Pharmacol 2008;48:1270-1281


to find the optimal dosing schedule is not feasible. Table I Recommended Dosing Strategy for
An alternative approach is to estimate an optimal Cefuroxime at Uppsala University Hospital
dosing strategy by minimizing a risk function
describing the seriousness of deviations from the tar- Clcr, mL/min Dose, mg Dosing Interval, h
get at which the treatment aims. This method has <20 750 24
been used when aiming at various PK and PD tar- 20-40 750 12
gets.1-7 Dosing strategies have, to our knowledge, not 40-80 750 8
been estimated for a drug in which the target is >80 1500 8
dependent on the time the drug exposure is above a
threshold concentration. Furthermore, the approach
has not been used when target and risk function def-
is suggested on the basis of renal function.22
initions take into account aspects other than the
The recommended dosing strategy at Uppsala
desired effects and side effects, for example, cost of
University Hospital involves 4 dosing categories, as
treatment and amount of drug administered.
given in Table I.
Cefuroxime, which is used as a model substance in
The main aim of this study was to illustrate the
this study, is a second-generation cephalosporin that
approach of optimizing dosing strategies based on
has been used worldwide for more than 2 decades
data-based models and decision-based risk func-
against a variety of bacterial infections. In Sweden, it
tions. Minimization of a multidimensional risk func-
is the most widely used parenteral antibiotic.
tion is introduced as a feasible approach when
Following an intravenous dose of cefuroxime, the
estimating a dosing strategy in which the target is a
plasma concentration exhibits 2-compartment phar-
combination of aspects weighed together, here the
macokinetics, with a total volume of distribution
time of drug exposure above a threshold concentra-
ranging from 12 to 30 L and clearance proportional to
tion and the dose administered in excess to reach
renal function (fraction excreted unchanged in urine
the efficacy target. The work was illustrated by
>90%) ranging from 0.8 to 9 L/h.8-14 Cefuroxime
establishing a dosing strategy to be used for a priori
shows activity against several pathogens (eg,
individualization on the basis of renal function for
Escherichia coli and Streptococcus pneumoniae).
the antibiotic cefuroxime.
Beta-lactam antibiotics, like cefuroxime, show
time-dependent killing; that is, the longer time the
bacteria are exposed to unbound concentrations
above the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), For cefuroxime, the number of dose sizes available is
the better killing is achieved, and no proportional limited. Therefore, the dosing strategies estimated
increase in the killing effect is produced when con- comprise a discrete number of dosing categories;
centrations are increased greater than 4 to 5 times that is, different dose rates are assigned to subpopu-
the MIC of the bacteria.15 lations of the treated population. The treated popu-
However, in vivo as well as in vitro studies indi- lation is then categorized in the dosing strategy
cate that it is not necessary to attain unbound con- using cutoff values of the patient characteristic used
centrations above MIC for 100% of the dosing for individualization.
interval for full effect; rather, 50% of the dosing The methodology used for estimation of dosing
interval is suggested to be a breakpoint for full strategies has been described previously4,5 and
effect during normal dosing.16-18 However, this PD involves several foundations: (1) a population PK
target is not unconditional; for example, when the model and a description of covariate distributions in
dosing interval is very long, the time that concen- the target population, (2) the definition of the aim
trations stay below the MIC might also become with treatment in terms of target and risk function,
long, and the bacteria may start to regrow. Severe (3) the estimation procedures including constraints
side effects following cefuroxime treatment rarely involved, and (4) an assessment of estimated dosing
occur, but a few have been reported, such as strategies. This section will describe the issues nec-
skin rashes, sporadic reports of changes in hemato- essary to consider on an individual basis.
logical parameters, minor changes in liver transam-
inases, and reversible encephalopathy.19,20 Use Description of the Target Population
of cephalosporins might also result in disturbances
in the gut flora (eg, selection of Clostridium This investigation was aimed at establishing a dosing
difficile).21 Although the therapeutic interval for strategy for an adult population with bacterial infec-
cefuroxime appears to be wide, dose individualization tion treated with cefuroxime. A previously developed



Table II Population Parameter Estimates (% Relative Standard Error) in the

Modela Using Creatinine Clearance as a Renal Function Biomarker
Covariate Effectsa

Parameter Estimate IIV, % IOV, % CLcr, %/mL/min WT, %/kg

Clearance, L/h 5.49 (3.2) 30 (25) 17 (46) 1.96 (3.4) —

Central volume of distribution, L 11.1 (5.2) 18 (53) — — 1.13 (23)
Peripheral volume of distribution, L 5.09 (9.8) 46 (37) — — —
Intercompartmental clearance, L/h 3.96 (24) — — — —
Proportional residual error, % 14.9 (14) — — — —
CLcr, creatinine clearance; IIV, interindividual variability; IOV, interoccasion variability; WT, body weight.
a. In the final population model, clearance and central volume of distribution are implemented as
Clearance (L/h) = 5.49 • (1 + 0.0196 • (CLcr – 51.6)) and
Central volume of distribution (L) =11.1 • (1 + 0.0113 • (WT – 74)).

Table III Demographic Description of Patient Definition of the Therapeutic Target

Population (n = 110) Used to Characterize
the Target Population The aim with any drug treatment is to recommend a
dosing strategy that will result in a positive benefit-
Serum risk balance. In this investigation, the treatment tar-
creatinine, get was a combination of exposing patients to
Age, y Weight, kg μmol/L CLcr, mL/min
cefuroxime concentrations above MIC for at least
Median 77 69 94 50 50% of the dosing interval (reaching sufficient effi-
SD 16 13 57 26 cacy) and at the same time minimizing the amount
Range 17-99 47-113 52-377 15-150 of drug administered in excess to reach the efficacy
target as a measure of nonbeneficial effects of treat-
ment. Thus, these 2 aspects were taken into account
population PK model based on 97 cefuroxime-treated in the target and risk function definition and are
patients with creatinine clearance ranging from 6.5 to described in detail in the following.
115 mL/min was used for the description of the PK General model. The dose estimation was performed
rate of cefuroxime in the target population.23 In this using the underlying general model
model, Cystatin C was a covariate for clearance, but
for the purpose of this dose estimation, Cystatin C Target = Predi + εi,
was substituted with creatinine clearance (CLcr) cal-
culated by the Cockcroft and Gault formulae,24 and where Target is the aim of the treatment (here, a bal-
new parameter estimates were estimated (Table II). ance between time above MIC and the amount of
Based on empirical covariate distributions (body cefuroxime administered, described in more detail
weight and CLcr) descriptive of the target population below) and Predi is the individual prediction of Target
and the modified PK model, individual PK estimates based on individual PK parameters, covariates, and the
for one large population (N = 5000) were simulated to estimated dosing strategy. Furthermore, εi is the indi-
be used during the estimation of dosing strategies. vidual deviation from Target, that is, the deviations that
The PK parameters were constrained within ±3 stan- are minimized according to the risk function during
dard deviations of the unexplained interindividual the estimation. The risk function describes how serious
variability about the expected values based on CLcr the deviation (εi) from Target is considered, and exam-
for CL and WT for V. Data for the empirical covariate ples are quadratic risk functions on the linear (RLIN) and
distributions of body weight and CLcr were obtained log (RLOG) scale described in the second equation. The
from 110 consecutively registered cefuroxime-treated optimal dosing strategy was defined as the one mini-
hospitalized adult patients. The characteristics of the mizing the deviations from Target overall according to
distributions from these patients are described in the defined risk function (ie, the dosing strategy that
Table III. minimized the risk function).

1272 • J Clin Pharmacol 2008;48:1270-1281


RLIN = ∑ [Target − Predi]2 A B
20 Time below MIC = 4 h
20 Time below MIC = 4 h
N Time below MIC = 6 h Time below MIC = 6 h

RLOG = ∑ [ln(Target) − ln(Predi)] . 2 15 Time below MIC = 8 h

Time below MIC = 10 h
15 Time below MIC = 8 h
Time below MIC = 10 h


10 10

Target values. As stated, one part of the target (ie, the 5 5

aim of treatment from an efficacy point of view) was 0 0

to expose the individuals to concentrations above 0 25 50 0 1 2 3 4

MIC for at least 50% of the dosing interval; thus, the %T>MIC Drug in excess

target value was set to 50%. To calculate this value,

the MIC must be defined and is part of the definition Figure 1. Graphical representation of the risk functions used in
of the target. In this work, the MIC was set to a fixed the estimations: the solid black line (time below MIC = 4 hours)
value during the estimation. The fixed MIC value represents RF1, and the other lines represent RF2. %T>MIC is the
was chosen in relation to MIC distributions for 2 dif- fraction of the dosing interval to which an individual is exposed
above MIC, drug in excess is the relative amount of drug given in
ferent species of bacteria representing typically excess to reach %T>MIC = 50%, and time below MIC is the hours of
infecting pathogens, E coli and S pneumoniae. The concentration below MIC in each dosing interval.
time during which cefuroxime concentrations were
above MIC (T>MIC) was calculated for each individual Risk functions. In addition to describing the serious-
during the minimization, as a function of the indi- ness of a deviation from target, the risk function defi-
vidual simulated PK parameters, the fixed MIC nitions also balance/weight the penalties resulting
value, and the estimated dosing strategy. It was from deviations in the 2 parts of the Target as follows.
assumed that cefuroxime bound to serum proteins is It was assumed that exposure below target was worse
inactive and that reported MIC values represent than giving too much drug. Therefore, the risk func-
unbound concentrations. Therefore, the target con- tion was constructed so that predictions below the
centration was corrected for fraction unbound that efficacy target (ie, %T>MIC ≤ 50%) were penalized
was assumed to be 65%.9,25 For each individual, the according to a quadratic function on the log scale.
percentage of the dosing interval with concentra- When %T>MIC > 50%, predictions with respect to drug
tions above MIC (%T>MIC) was calculated as %T>MIC = in excess were penalized by a quadratic function on a
100 • T>MIC/estimated dosing interval. linear scale. The 2 different penalties were weighed
The second part of the target, amount of drug so that %T>MIC = 25% gave the same penalty as the
administered, was taken into account when the effi- administration of 100% drug in excess. The risk func-
cacy target was reached, that is, when the individual tion (RF1) is described graphically in Figure 1.
prediction of %T>MIC was greater than 50%. In that An expanded risk function (RF2) was developed
situation, the target was switched to the relative for situations in which the target T>MIC = 50% is
amount of drug administered in excess to reach reached but the estimated dosing interval becomes
%T>MIC = 50% on an individual level (hereafter very long (eg, 48 hours) for the subpopulations of
called drug in excess), and this target was set to the patients with low renal function. This may increase
value 0, meaning that administration of a drug the risk for regrowth of bacteria, as the time the
amount resulting in %T>MIC = 50% yields no risk. patient is exposed to concentrations below MIC is
Drug in excess was obtained according to considerable. Therefore, RF2 was constructed to
include an added quadratic penalty on the linear
scale when the individual was exposed to a concen-
Drug in excessi = ⎧ – − ——— ⎫
1 1 1
/ ——— , tration below MIC for longer than 4 hours per dosing
⎩ τ τ Dose,i ⎭ τ Dose,i
interval. This penalty was weighted so that 6 hours
below MIC resulted in the same penalty as %T>MIC =
where τDose,i is the dosing interval resulting in %T>MIC = 25% (Figure 1).
50% for each dose size for each individual in the
simulated population and τ is the estimated dosing Estimation of the Dosing Strategy
interval. Accordingly, an estimated dosing interval
shorter than τDose,i would result in giving drug in The dosing strategies estimated for cefuroxime
excess. assume intravenous bolus administration and that




Number of reported cases

Number of reported cases




16000 3000


0.125 0.25 0.5 1 2 4 8 16 0.004 0.008 0.016 0.032 0.064 0.125

Minimum inhibitory concentration (mg/L) Minimum inhibitory concentration (mg/L)

Figure 2. Wild-type MIC distributions of E coli (left) and S pneumoniae (right) obtained from the EUCAST database.

only a discrete number of dose sizes (250, 750, and do not require a nonlinear mixed-effects computer
1500 mg) are available. A dosing strategy consists of program.
the dose size(s), the dosing interval(s), and the creati-
nine clearance cutoff values (CO) at which the dose Assessment of Estimated Dosing Strategies
rate should be increased or decreased. In this study, a
series of dosing strategies individualized on the basis To assess whether an estimated dosing strategy was
of CLcr, composing up to 5 dosing categories, were sufficient and to compare dosing strategies, evalua-
estimated. In the estimations, the dosing intervals and tions related to the target definitions were performed
the COs were the dosing aspects estimated, while the as follows. The distribution of %T>MIC and, when
dose sizes were fixed. For each dose size, dosing estimated dosing intervals were long, the distribu-
strategies with 2, 3, and 4 categories were estimated tion of the time of drug exposure below MIC were
(corresponding to the estimation of 1, 2, and 3 COs). obtained for the simulated population to evaluate
Alternative dosing strategies were used when 2 dose the dosing strategies from the efficacy viewpoint.
sizes were used in the same estimation. All dosing Similarly, the distribution of drug in excess was cal-
strategies were estimated using the following fixed culated to judge the nonbeneficial side of cefurox-
MIC values: 0.25, 1, 8, and 16 mg/L. The dose size ime treatment. The distributions of these 3 variables
was fixed to 250 or 750 mg for the 2 lower MIC val- were calculated using wild-type MIC distributions
ues and to 750 or 1500 mg for the 2 higher MIC val- for 2 different species of bacteria representing typi-
ues. The estimation was a stepwise search in which cally infecting pathogens, E coli and S pneumoniae.
the COs were restricted to take on values that were In the calculations, each individual in the simulated
multiples of 10 mL/min CLcr values, as described population was randomly assigned 1 MIC value
previously.5 For each stepwise search, the estimation from each of the MIC distributions. The wild-type
resulting in the lowest objective function value was MIC distributions for E coli and S pneumoniae were
considered the best dosing strategy. obtained from the EUCAST database27 based on
All estimations were performed for steady-state 88 608 and 25 883 reported strains, respectively. The
conditions using NONMEM,26 although the estimations MIC distributions are displayed in Figure 2.

1274 • J Clin Pharmacol 2008;48:1270-1281


10 23% < 50 %T 77% > 0 Drug in excess 28% > 4 hours below MIC
>MIC 50 30

8 25

% of population
% of population
% of population

6 30
4 20

2 10 5

0 0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 12 20 28 36 44
%T>MIC Drug in excess Hours below MIC

10 0.06% < 50 %T>MIC 100% > 0 Drug in excess 30 0.08% > 4 hours below MIC

8 25

% of population
% of population
% of population

6 30
4 20

2 10 5

0 0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 12 20 28 36 44
%T>MIC Drug in excess Hours below MIC

Figure 3. Distributions of the fraction of time with concentration above MIC per dosing interval (%T>MIC), drug in excess to reach %T>MIC =
50%, and time below MIC per dosing interval assessed using the wild-type distribution of E coli (upper panel) and S pneumoniae (lower
panel), respectively, for the traditionally used dosing schedule (see Table I).

RESULTS with a dose many times higher than that needed to

reach the efficacy target.
Traditionally Used Dosing Schedule
Estimated Dosing Strategies: General Findings
The distributions of %T>MIC, the time of drug expo-
sure below MIC, and drug in excess for the tradi- Generally, increasing the fixed MIC value in the dosing
tionally used dosing schedule were assessed using strategy estimation resulted in shorter estimated
the 2 strains of bacteria and are presented in Figure 3. dosing intervals, given the same dose size. Furthermore,
As shown, the dosing schedule results in %T>MIC < the consequence of using the lower dose size com-
50% for 23% of the E coli infections but only 0.06% pared with the higher dose size was shorter dosing
of the treated S pneumoniae infections. In addition, intervals. Dosing strategies involving 2 different dose
all infections caused by S pneumoniae are treated sizes did in no case result in a significant benefit



compared with dosing strategies with only 1 dose

size. It was possible to estimate dosing schedules for A B
all tried settings, but it was a clear difference in the 10 15% < 50 %T>MIC 85% > 0 Drug in excess
assessment of the various strategies depending on 50

the wild-type MIC distribution used. Therefore, the 8


% of population

% of population
remaining part of the result section is organized with
respect to dosing strategies evaluated for each of the 30

2 distributions used in the assessment of the dosing 4 20

2 10
Dosing Strategies Evaluated With
0 0
Respect to E coli Infections 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
%T>MIC Drug in excess
Using the fixed MIC value 8 mg/L and 750 mg in the
estimation resulted in a large proportion of individ- C D
uals exposed to %T>MIC < 50%. This proportion
diminished and the distribution of individuals 10 16% < 50 %T>MIC
84% > 0 Drug in excess
below target was shrunken toward the target when
the number of dosing categories was increased; that % of population

% of population
is, fewer individuals were exposed to very low 6 30
%T>MIC with an increasing number of COs (Figure 4).
Conversely, the proportion of individuals who were 4 20
given drug in excess increased when the proportion
2 10
of individuals below target decreased, that is, with
an increase in the number of COs (Figure 4). Using 0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50
the higher dose size (1500 mg) resulted in an even 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Drug in excess
larger proportion of individuals with %T>MIC < 50%
(results not shown).
When the fixed MIC value was increased to 16 E F
mg/L and the 750-mg dose size was used, good tar-
10 20% < 50 %T>MIC 80% > 0 Drug in excess
get attainment was obtained with respect to %T>MIC 50
< 50%, but the estimated dosing intervals were very 8
short for patients with good renal function (ie, ≤3
% of population

% of population

hours, results not shown). Using the 1500-mg dose 6 30

size resulted also in only a small proportion of the
individuals exposed to %T>MIC < 50%, and conse- 20

quently, a large proportion was exposed to drug in 2 10

excess (Figure 5). In accordance with the results for
MIC 8 mg/L, by increasing the number of COs, the 0
0 10 20 30 40 50
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
width of the distribution of %T>MIC and drug in %T>MIC Drug in excess
excess decreased. For all dosing strategies, and in
particular when using 4 dosing categories (3 COs),
Figure 4. Distributions of the fraction of time with concentra-
the dosing interval for the patients with best renal tion above MIC per dosing interval (%T>MIC) and drug in excess,
function was short (Table IV) but longer than for the assessed using the wild-type distribution of E coli for the dosing
750-mg dose size. strategies estimated using a fixed MIC value of 8 mg/L and a
dose size of 750 mg. Results are shown for a dosing strategy with
To achieve acceptable efficacy, one of the dosing 4 (upper panel), 3 (middle panel), and 2 (lower panel) dosing
strategies resulting from using 1500 mg and MIC 16 mg/L categories.
in the minimization should be chosen (Table IV).
When comparing efficacy and drug in excess among
the different dosing strategies, the benefits of an numbers (6 and 12 hours) when using 2 dosing cate-
increasing number of dosing categories is limited, gories and only estimating CO resulted in the same
and therefore 2 dosing categories would be considered CO (50 mL/min), and similar distributions of effi-
sufficient. Setting the dosing intervals to practical cacy and drug in excess were obtained.

1276 • J Clin Pharmacol 2008;48:1270-1281


Table IV Estimated Dosing Strategies

A B With 2, 3, and 4 Dosing Categories, Respectively,
Using the Dose Size 1500 mg
4.0% < 50 %T >MIC 96% > 0 Drug in excess
2 Dosing Categories 3 Dosing Categories 4 Dosing Categories
% of population

% of population
CLcr, Dosing CLcr, Dosing CLcr, Dosing
6 30 mL/min Interval, h mL/min Interval, h mL/min Interval, h
4 20 ≤50 12.04 ≤30 17.61 ≤30 17.61
>50 5.28 30-80 9.51 30-50 9.50
>80 5.29 50-70 6.23
0 0 >70 4.19
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
%T>MIC Drug in excess Abbreviation: CLcr, creatinine clearance.
A fixed MIC value of 16 mg/L was used in the estimation.


10 4.7% < 50 %T >MIC 95% > 0 Drug in excess 250 mg in the minimization, as shown in Table V. A
large proportion of individuals were exposed to T>MIC
40 < 50%, and, in addition, many of them were exposed
% of population

% of population

to concentrations below MIC for longer than 4 hours
(Figure 6), but only a few individuals exhibited high
4 20 values of drug in excess. However, when incorporat-
ing the risk of being below MIC for more than 4 hours
2 10 in the estimation (ie, using RF2 in the minimization),
0 0
the resulting dosing intervals were shorter (Table V),
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 the proportion of individuals below target and
Drug in excess
%T>MIC number of individuals with concentration below MIC
for more than 4 hours were considerably reduced, and
E F the number of individuals with exposure above target
increased (Figure 7).
10 6.4% < 50 %T>MIC
50 94% > 0 Drug in excess An overall assessment of efficacy (%T>MIC and the
risk of being below MIC for more than 4 hours) and
drug in excess resulted in only small benefits using
% of population

% of population

6 30 more than 2 dosing categories (results not shown).

Hence, the estimated dosing strategy with 2 dosing
4 20 categories using RF2 was reestimated with the dosing
2 10
intervals fixed to 12 and 24 hours. This resulted in a
somewhat lower CO (30 mL/min), but similar effi-
0 0 cacy and drug in excess were obtained.
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Drug in excess
Figure 5. Distributions of the fraction of time with concentration
above MIC per dosing interval (%T>MIC) and drug in excess, assessed
This work illustrates how a dosing schedule for an
using the wild-type distribution of E coli for the dosing strategies antibiotic drug, to be used for a specific target popu-
estimated using a fixed MIC value of 16 mg/L and dose size of 1500 lation, can be developed by minimizing a multidi-
mg. Results are shown for a dosing strategy with 4 (upper panel), 3 mensional risk function. Although cefuroxime was
(middle panel), and 2 dosing categories (lower panel).
used in this example, the methodology could in gen-
eral be applied for drugs used in any therapeutic
Dosing Strategies Evaluated With area and would be especially useful for drugs with a
Respect to S pneumoniae Infections narrow therapeutic index.
The estimation of the dosing schedule involves a
Very long dosing intervals were estimated when using number of critical definitions. One of them is defin-
the fixed MIC value of 0.25 mg/L and a dose size of ing the aim of treatment, which is a prerequisite for



A B c
16% < 50 %T>MIC 84% > 0 Drug in excess 25 58% > 4 hours below MIC
10 60

8 50 20

% of population
% of population

% of population
6 15
4 10
2 5

0 0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 12 20 28 36 44
%T>MIC Drug in excess Hours below MIC

Figure 6. Distributions of the fraction of time with concentration above MIC per dosing interval (%T>MIC), drug in excess, and time below
MIC per dosing interval assessed using the wild-type distribution of S pneumoniae for the dosing strategy estimated using a fixed MIC
value of 0.25 mg/L, dose size of 250 mg, and risk function 1. Results are shown for a dosing strategy with 2 dosing categories.

A B c

10 1.3% < 50 %T>MIC 99% > 0 Drug in excess 25 5.1% > 4 hours below MIC
8 20
% of population

% of population
% of population

6 15
4 10

2 10 5

0 0 0
01 02 03 04 05 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 12 20 28 36 44
Drug in excess Hours below MIC

Figure 7. Distributions of the fraction of time with concentration above MIC per dosing interval (%T>MIC), drug in excess, and time below
MIC per dosing interval assessed using the wild-type distribution of S pneumoniae for the dosing strategy estimated using a fixed MIC
value of 0.25 mg/L, dose size of 250 mg, and risk function 2. Results are shown for a dosing strategy with 2 dosing categories.

1278 • J Clin Pharmacol 2008;48:1270-1281


Table V Estimated Dosing Strategies Using a based on data-based models and decision-based risk
Fixed MIC Value of 0.25 mg/L, Dose Size functions.
of 250 mg, and Risk Function 1 (RF1) and On a macroscopic level, it is known that high con-
Risk Function 2 (RF2), Respectively sumption of antibiotics leads to drug resistance. At
present, it is not known how the treatment should be
RF1 RF2 individualized to minimize the development of
antibiotic resistance. However, if (or rather when)
Clcr, Dosing Clcr, Dosing
mL/min Interval, h mL/min Interval, h such knowledge is available, it would be possible to
include this information in the risk function defini-
≤40 43.3 ≤40 19.35 tion. The risk of antibiotic resistance development
>40 19.9 >40 11.6 could then be weighed against drug effect and drug
Abbreviation: CLcr, creatinine clearance. toxicity when estimating the dosing strategy. Also,
when other types of PK/PD models28 are validated in
patients, it will be possible to use other target vari-
ables than %T>MIC and other risk functions to better
any method employed to establish a dosing strategy. individualize the dosing.
In a simple situation, dosing is to be calculated for During development of new antibiotics, there is
a single patient with known PK characteristics; set- often a limited knowledge of the MIC distribution
tlement of a value of the chosen target (eg, a steady- for the population of pathogens that is intended to
state concentration of x units) and the appropriate be treated. To resemble a drug development situa-
dosing for the individual (given known PK parame- tion, we therefore chose to use a fixed MIC value for
ters) can be calculated. In the approach presented calculation of %T>MIC and T>MIC, rather than using the
here, what is needed is not only specifying the available distribution of MIC values in the estima-
value of the target but also defining how seriously tion of the dosing strategies. If the distribution of
to judge a deviation from the target expressed quan- MIC values is not known at early stages in drug
titatively in a risk function. From the efficacy per- development, it will be necessary to use a fixed MIC
spective, we aimed in our estimations to establish a value based on the higher values of MIC for the
dosing strategy resulting in %T>MIC = 50%, on the species pathogen that is the target of the antibiotic
basis that dosing where %T>MIC < 50% results in less treatment. Fixing the MIC to a value not representa-
effective killing of bacteria and dosing where tive of the intended MIC population will of course
%T>MIC > 50% does not increase the killing. In the end up in a suboptimal dosing strategy. We
alternative risk function, we added consideration of employed several MICs for each pathogen of interest
the duration of continuous time intervals below the and evaluated the dosing strategies with the MIC
MIC. For cefuroxime, concentration-dependent tox- distributions. Using an MIC of 16 mg/L for E coli can
icity is limited, and it can be argued that using a be considered as estimating a highest dose rate
high enough dosing strategy resulting in all required for the population. It is expected that the
patients’ reaching the efficacy target would be dosing intervals estimated applying an E coli MIC
appropriate. However, from both an economical and distribution would be longer compared with using a
an ecological/resistance perspective, we also con- fixed value of 16 mg/L as the average MIC is lower
sidered minimizing the amount of drug adminis- in the distribution. The estimate will, however, also
tered in excess to reach the efficacy target. A major be dependent on the shape of the MIC distribution.
difficulty in the construction of the risk function However, to be able to calculate target attainment,
was to weight the aspects against each other. The as we have defined it, it is necessary to have a repre-
choices made should preferably have a scientific sentative distribution of MIC values. In our example,
basis but will also contain value judgments, as we used the wild-type distribution from EUCAST.
exemplified in this study. If dosing drug in excess The number of reported strains in the database is very
would have been considered worse than treating high, and it is representative of the sensitivity of bac-
below the efficacy target, the risk functions should teria causing infection treated with cefuroxime in
have been defined accordingly, and dosing strategies Sweden. If treatment is intended for resistant species
with longer dosing intervals and/or lower dose sizes not within the wild-type MIC distribution, it will be
would have been estimated in that situation. The necessary to use another distribution. If a representa-
main purpose of this work was to illustrate the tive MIC distribution does not exist, the target assess-
approach of estimating optimal dosing strategies ment will have to be done according to deviations



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