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EPLs: Ethos, Logos, and Pathos

Brainstorm and Analysis

Think of family, friends, teachers, religious leaders, people you’ve known, fictional characters, celebrities,
politicians, musicians, etc. (alive or dead). When you think of these people or the character they present,
which of the three elements of rhetoric do you think they most strongly align with in an attempt to persuade

Label your three-column organizer with headers ethos, pathos, and logos. Brainstorm an example that
shows a strong inclination towards a particular label.

Standard- 7-10 Examples per column / + 4 Explanation Statements (1-2 Sent. Each)
Honors- 10-13 Examples per column / +5- 7 Explanation Statements (1-2 Sent. Each)

1. My mom inspires me because she always pushes through hard circumstances. For example even
when shes stressed out she still successed to work through and do the right thing.

Ethos / Pathos / Logos Assessment Question. Review your three column organizer and decide which two
personal examples you could use best to answer the question in 5-7 Sentences.
Consider two of your organized examples. Expand each example so that you consider how they would
personally portray ethos, pathos, and logos in a hypothetical situation. Explain how and why.

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