FBI Affidavit Detailing Sex Parties in Detroit and Windsor.

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AUSA Eaton Brown (313) 226-9100

S ecial A ent Todd Reineck 313 237-4495

for the
Eastern District of Michigan
United States of America
Judge: Unassigned,
Filed: 10-12-2011 At 03:59 PM
I, the complainant in this case, state that the following is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
On or about the date(s) of March 2007 in the county of Wayne and Oakland in the
__=E.:;;;as;..;;,;te;;.;.;rn"'--__ District of Michigan, the defendant(s) violated:
Code Section Offense Description
18 USC Section 2422(a) Interstate travel for the purpose of engaging in prostitution
This criminal complaint is based on these facts:
[lI Continued on the attached sheet.

Todd Reineck, Special Agent FBI
Printed name and title
Sworn to before me and signed in my presence.
Date: October 12,2011
City and state: Detroit, Michigan
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I, Todd C. Reineck, ("Affiant"), being duly sworn, depose and state the following:
1. I aIil Ci11p'loyed as a Special AgerA (SA) with the Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI), and have been so employed since February 21,2006. I am currently
assigned to the Violent Crime Squad in the Detroit Division of the FBI and have been assigned
investigations involving violent crime and child sexual exploitation. Since December of 2010, I
have been assigned as the Task Force Coordinator for the Southeast Michigan Crimes Against
Children Task Force (herein referred to as "SEMCAC").
2. This affidavit is made in support of criminal complaints charging David
KILVINGTON, Steven THOMPSON, and Mark J. LEBLANC with transportation andlor
coercion and enticement in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 2422(a).
The elements ofTitle 18, United States Code, Section 2422(a) are: whoever knowingly persuades,
induces, entices or coerces any individual to travel in interstate or foreign commerce ... to engage in
prostitution, or in any sexual activity for which a person can be charged with a criminal offense, or
attempts to do so, shall be guilty of this offense.
3. The facts and information contained in this affidavit are based on my own
investigation which includes information conveyed to me by other law enforcement officials, other
cooperating individuals, my personal experience and training with related offenses, and my
personal knowledge and observations during the course of this investigation.
4. Because this affidavit is being submitted for the limited purpose of securing
arrest warrants, I have not included each and every fact known to me concerning this investigation.
I have set forth only the facts that I believe are necessary to establish probable cause for arrest
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warrants for David KILVINGTON, Steven THOMPSON, and Mark J. LEBLANC.
5. As part of my training and experience as well as discussions with other law
enforcement officers with experience in cases involving computer use, I have become familiar
with the Internet. Due to the structure of the Internet, connections between computers on the
Internet routinely cross state and international borders, even when the computers communicating
with each other are in the same state.
6. In addition, based upon my own knowledge, training, and experience in child
exploitation investigations and the sex trafficking of adults and minors, and the experience and
training of other law enforcement officers with whom I have had discussions, computers have
revolutionized the manner in which these crimes occur. For instance, the Internet allows users,
while still maintaining relative anonymity, to easily locate (i) other individuals with similar
interests in child or adult exploitation; (ii) potential victims, (iii) web sites that offer forums for any
topic or visualization, and (iv) social media or "on-line classified ads." These communication
links allow for individuals to make contacts around the world. Additionally, these
communications can be quick, relatively secure, and as anonymous as desired. All ofthese
advantages, which promote anonymity for all, are well known and are the foundation of many
transactions, advertisements, or communications between individuals over the Internet.
7. On March 19,2007, an email complaint was filed with the Oakland County
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Sheriffs Office. The email was written by an individual, referred to as FBI-I. The following are
the two emails sent by FBI-I:
My 17 year old daughter got involved with drugs and prostitution through an on
line escort bulletin board www.scorpsguideusa.com:
<http://www.scorpsguideusa.com/> She went [to what] they call a meet and greet last fall
and met several men there who got her a job with a escort agency and also
supplied her with drugs, both pot and meth. These meet and greets are held in
public places with close to 100 people, men and girls attending. There is a
required donation by everyone and the men meet the woman there and arrange for
sex after wards. The two men who set her up with the agency and supplied her
with the drugs were a man who's screen name is Linker, his real name is [XXXX
XXXX] from Lansing area and another older man who my daughter only knows buy
his screen name of Silver Eagle. She also had sex with these men many times,
some times they paid her sometimes they did not. They are both in their 60's and
she did not want to but she need the drugs and did not want to get into trouble.
How can this go on ? These men are accepting money from prostitutes, setting up
dates and then the drugs, is this not illegal? My daughter contracted a STD doing
this and is now trying to quit the meth and stop working the sex business. Please
do not let this happen to anyone elses daughter and stop this sort of public
recruitment. She told me the last meet and greet in Canton at the Shark Club had
over 120 people and they gave away awards for best sex services provided, Its all
on the web site. The next Meet and Greet is this Friday march the 2nd in the
north east suburbs, they g ve the exact location out on the site the night before.
This is not right and it can not be legal can it?
Thanks You [FBI-I]
I still do not understand how you can let this keep happening to these young girls.
The party I wrote you to complain about took place and there were over 90 peopl there.
There was another one put on by a different board www.aessource.net:
<http://www.aesource.ent> that took place in Dearborn last Friday. My daughter
friend said there were over 70 people at that one. Both times she said that drugs
were available., there was appointments made for dates later and in her case she
performed oral sex on someone in the bar parking lot for $50.00. These are public
resturants and bars these are held at. Some of the girls work for pimps amd some
work by themselves. The men are all ages and have lots of money. My daughters
friend is 20, but she was still able to drink. She said the man who got my little girls
hooked, [XXXX XXXX] from Lansing, was at both parties and he had young girls with
him that looked high. Please stop these people. They take money from the girls to run
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these escort boards and get them involved in a bad lifestyle. The 3 boards I know ofhave
4 parties planned in the next month, 2 in the metro area and 2 in Lansing. One of these
meet and greets is on Good Friday in Lansing, how wrong is that !
The boards are
www.scorpsguideusa.com: <http://www.scorpsguideusa.com>
L""'h:+t-!/uTI"U";'-"F :AoCOt+ut;4nlt
"."'\ ".1' ......i;;'J\"Jv... \. V .::1-"1""."""".&,....... - ..."a. 't.;p.;' \';- ",. .-""w ... " U"-tha. .......
www.aesource.net: <http://www.aesource.net>
All are free to join and all have the parties and names of who went open for
Is this legal, why can it not be stopped?
Thank you again [FBI-I]
Law Enforcement Investigates Scorps
8. On April 13, 2007, SA Christopher Johnson and SA Michael Glennon
interviewed a confidential informant, referred to as FBI-2. FBI-2 stated that he/she utilized a
website called "Scorpsguide" with a website address ofwww.scorpsguideusa.com (Scorps).
FBI-2 provided the following information to the interviewing agents: Scorps is a free-of-charge
website for individuals involved in prostitution, either as prostitutes (service providers) or johns
(customers). Scorps contains approximately four message boards for online chat sessions. Two
of the four message boards are private. One private message board is for women, typically the
service providers, and the other private message board is for men, customers. To use the private
message boards, a user (either a customer or a service provider) must make a donation to Scorps.
Within both private message boards are gatherings known as "Meet and Greets." These
gatherings exist to introduce customers to the service providers. Scorps's meet and greets have
been held in different cities in Michigan and in Windsor, Canada. The customers and service
providers who attend these gatherings travel to the meet and greets from a variety of cities and
states in the U.S. FBI-2 stated that Mark J. LEBLANC created and operates
www.scorpsguideusa.com . LEBLANC uses the screen names "Scorp" and "Silvereagle."
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9. On January 1, 2008, an individual was sentenced to probation for violations
related to prostitution. The defendant was a service provider-member of Scorps. The arrest and
sentencing of the defendant caused concern for Scorps. As a result, numerous communication
threads were created on two other prostitution-related websites, www.escortvault.com (EV) and
www.aesource.net (AESource), discussing defendent's arrest and what actions Scorps was taking
to evade law enforcement.
10. On June 27, 2008, law enforcement suspended its investigation into Scorps
when the website closed down and members flocked to other online communities.
Law Enforcement Investigates AESource (AES) and Escort Vault (EV)-
11. On July 31, 2008, SA Christopher Johnson and Canton Police Department
Detective Sergeant Rick Pomorski met with a confidential informant, referred to as FBI-3. FBI-3
provided printouts from Escort Vault (EV)'s website. These printouts showed that service
providers utilized EV to post escort advertisements. FBI-3, a service provider, was fearful for
hislher life, because of threats he/she received from members on EV. The threats were made
because FBI-3 had been arrested in a prostitution sting. FBI-3 was then removed from the EV site
by its moderators. FBI-3 also stated that AESource (AES) is another prostitution site used by
service providers and customers.
12. On August 4,2008, SA Michael Langeman gained access to AESource and its
message boards. The main page ofAESource lists multiple sections for service providers to place
their advertisements. These areas have headings such as East Side Entertainers, West Side
Entertainers, Central Michigan, and Up North (which all refer to Michigan). There are also
headings for service providers to advertise in Canada, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and many other
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states. The message boards enable members to converse about current events related to the
website. One such message board entitled, "Private Board," had a subtitle of, "Who will be at this
WWR?" WWR is defined as a "Who's Who Rendezvous (WWR)." These WWRs are meet and
greet gatherings
-- a chance to meet fellow board members (both hobbyists [customers] and SPs
[service providers]) in an informal setting. No business is allowed to be discussed and attendees
are instructed to conduct themselves as they would in any bar. The purpose of a WWR is to allow
SPs to market themselves and for the hobbyists to see the ladies and get to know their personalities
before booking an appointrnent.
A post by "numberguy" (later identified as Steven
THOMPSON) illustrated the purpose ofWWRs: "AES wishes to make the Who's Who
Rendezvous as secure as possible. In order to accomplish this we will only provide specific
information on the WWR to those who have been vouched as legitimate hobbyists or are sp's."
13. On September 18,2008, SA Johnson and Madison Heights Police Department
Sergeant Tim Pawloski interviewed a confidential informant, referred to as FBI-4. FBI-4 stated
that he/she worked for unknown male, Torn LNU, who operated the escort agency "Elitepetite."
FBI-4 stated Torn LNU utilized websites called www.backpage.com and www.escortvault.com
(EV) to advertise his escorts.
14. On October 14,2008, SA Johnson accessed EV. A message thread titled,
"EV for $5 per month." This thread was created by the usemarne, "Thaifood" (later identified as
David KILVINGTON from email addressisaarIchow@yahoo.com. Paypal records, and
1 See above for the meet and greet gatherings described by FBI- 2.
2 Surveillance of Meet and Greet gatherings through Scorps has clearly shown that
prostitution discussion occurs and dates are made during the gatherings, although the sexual
act may occur in a different location either before or after the gathering.
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photographic identification from multiple witnesses). The following are excerpts from the
message thread:
Footnote #1 --- Some restrictions on new private rooms may apply. There will be
a minim urn lliliilber of menlbcrs required iii. neVv scction (expected to
about 12 -15). There may also be a maximum number of allowed members (any
more than 50, and it might be a candidate for a new PUBLIC room. Also, some
restrictions may apply on the frequency of adding/dropping members from the
new private rooms, as this has to be done by EV management.
These Private sections are to be used for general hobby discussion. Escorts who
wish to set up private sections which are not for general purposes, but dedicated to
their individual business or marketing, may do so for an additional one-hundred
($100) per year. For these escorts, more details on this plan are available in
another escorts-only section.
15. On October 14,2008, SA Johnson accessed EV and observed a message
thread entitled "I'm having problems logging on to my account, what should I do?" This thread,
written in response, was created by the usemame "Thaifood" (KIL VINGTON). The following
are excerpts from the message thread:
"First, if you get locked out for any reason than a ban (which you'd be notified of
when you try to log in), you can try emailingmeatisaanchow@gmail.com
A limited number of memberships may be paid using the 'MoneyPak' refill cards
for the 'GreenDot' debit cards ... Paypal may be accepted later."
KIL VINGTON also posted a message on EV regarding meet and greets: "There wi11likely
be no more than six official EV events per year - some public venue, some private
venue...It is our intention to take the party show on the road and start visiting cities that
rarely/never get parties: Toledo [Ohio], Kalamazoo [Michigan], Saginaw [Michigan],
Fort Wayne [Indiana], etc."
16. On November 6, 2010, Detroit Police Department Officer Robert Kane
interviewed a confidential informant, referred to as FBI-5. FBI-5 met a client for prostitution
who was a member on EV and AESource. This client helped FBI-5 gain access to these websites.
3 A check of AESource revealed that the site also utilizes personal messaging.
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At the time ofthe interview, FBI-5 was earning $1,400 per week as a prostitute and member ofEV
and AESource.
17. On April 21, 2011, Affiant and SA Allan Southard interviewed a confidential
informant, referred to as FBI-S. FBI-S advised helshe is a prostitute on AESource. FBI-8
obtained an invitation to AESource's Cinco De Mayo meet and greet party from usernarne "Scorp"
(LEBLANC) after sending an instant message on AESource to the owner, known as, "The Number
Guy" or "MOD" (later identified as THOMPSON).
Connecting Scorps With AESource and EV -
IS. On May 05,2011, AESource conducted a meet and greet gathering at Royal
Lanes in Warren, Michigan. In attendance at the party was LEBLANC, previously identified by
FBI-2 as the person who had created and operated Scorps. LEBLANC appeared to be in charge
and was collecting money from the customers.
19. On May 13,2011, SA Sandra Berchtold and Sgt. Price interviewed a
confidential informant, referred to as FBI-9. FBI-9 stated helshe had been a member of Scorps in
2004 and learned how to verify people through another member on the website. FBI-9 advised
that once a service provider joined Scorps, the website sent out a "tester" to confirm the legitimacy
ofthe new prostitute. The prostitutes were expected to give donations to Scorps at each party in
the approximate amount of $1 00. After the website went down, everything from Scorps
transferred to EV. FBI-9 advised that EV excludes service providers under the age of 18 from its
parties. The more donations a member provides to EV, the more things that member will be
allowed to do on the website. The female members give an average of $1 00-200 per month to
EV. However, FBI-9 stated helshe has seen "donations" as high as $1,000 at meet and greet
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gatherings. Some ofthe donations were sent to a post office box on Northwestern Highway, but
the web sites now use GreenDot, an online service, to process payments. FBI-9 stated Scorp
(LEBLANC) is involved with EV's operations. FBI-9 also provided information about
AESource. AESource runs like EV with a similar donation process. FBI-9 stated helshe thinks
Scorp (LEBLANC) is also a consultant for AESource.
20. On June 22, 2011, Affiant and Sgt Price interviewed FBI-8. FBI-S advised
helshe had been invited to AESource awards party scheduled for later that day at Fairlane Bowl in
Madison Heights, Michigan. FBI-8 stated the invite came from the "WWR Team." The invite
stated "MOD" (later identified as Steven THOMPSON), would be taking donations at the party.
The cover at the door would be $20.00. FBI-8 mentioned there were 72 service providers and 108
johns on the invitation list including "Scorp" (LEBLANC), "MOD" (THOMPSON), and
"CaptSpaz. "
21. In attendance at the party on June 22,2011, was THOMPSON who identified
himself to FBI-8 as "MOD" and "TheNumberGuy." THOMPSON has been identified as the
owner ofAESource and is listed on the website as "Administrator." FBI-8 advised THOMPSON
did not collect any donations, but he did work the door to the party. FBI-8 advised that Scorp
(LEBLANC) was the person who collected all ofthe donations from members at the party
including a donation of$60.00 from FBI-8. LEBLANC told FBI-8 not to discuss any business at
the party and to be careful what he says to people. LEBLANC also told FBI-8 not to make any
appointments at the party. "Wicked Kittie," a female service provider, was at the party helping
take $10 donations from members interested in gift bags that were being handed out. Inside the
gift bags were chocolate candies, a gold ticket, a black, a green ticket, or a service provider's set of
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underwear. FBI-8 advised that the gold ticket allowed the recipient one free one hour
appointment with one of ten different service providers. The black or green ticket was worth one
free 30 minute appointment. The bags with the underwear had the name ofthe prostitute to whom
the underwear belonged. Two of the girls who gave away underwear were "Wicked Kittie," and
"Sexy Cassie." FBI-8 advised that awards were given out at the party for service providers who
could perform various sexual acts. A number of the party's attendees arrived in cars with
out-of-state license plates.
22. On June 25, 2011, FBI-8 contacted Affiant to advise that FBI-8 had been
designated as a "donor" on the AESource site due to hislher $60.00 donation at the party on June
22,2011. This status allowed FBI-8 access to the private board and the "playpen" area. The
"playpen" area contains nude photographs of service providers.
23. On July 27,2011, EV conducted a meet and greet gathering near Island Lake
Recreation Area in Brighton, Michigan. THOMPSON's car was parked at the lot. A number of
the party's attendees arrived in cars with out-of-state license plates.
24. FBI-8 attended a September 7,2011, AESource meet and greet gathering at
Fairlane Bowl. FBI-8 advised that THOMPSON and LEBLANC were present at the party.
LEBLANC introduced FBI-8 to everyone at the party. A number ofthe party's attendees arrived in
cars with out-of-state license plates. At approximately 9:30 PM, a white male and white female
from the party exited the bowling alley and drove away in a white Buick Lacrosse. The Buick
traveled to the Livernois Gatehouse Suites Hotel located in Troy, MI. The occupants parked and
exited the vehicle and entered the hoteL Later that night, at approximately 10:00 PM, a white
male and a white female left the party in a grey Chevrolet Yukon. The Yukon traveled to the Best
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Western Laurel Suites Hotel on 6 Mile Road in Livonia, Michigan. Thereafter, both occupants
went into the hotel.
Mail and Payments for EV and AESource-
25. On December 09,2008 and again in May of2011, Paypal records for
isaanchow@gmai1.com were obtained. David KIL VINGTON opened this account in a business
name Data Vault Services.
26. On October 06, 2011, Affiant accessed EV. A message thread titled, "EV for
$60 per year," created by username, "Thaifood" (KIL VINGTON), contained the following
"Summary ofpayment options:
1) Cash or money order mailed to EV. Ifusing a money order, it can be left blank
or made payable to Vault Data Services. Mail to: Vault Data Services, PO
Box 877, Troy, MI 48099-0877."
27. A mail cover was conducted on Post Office Box 877, Troy, MI 48099-0877.
Mail was received from June 24, 2011, through July 14, 2011, addressed to Vault Data Services
and to Michelle Reynolds. Michelle Reynolds has also been identified as "Asian Beauty," a
service provider on EV. On September 7, 2011, KILVINGTON was seen arriving at a Meet and
Greet Party with a woman matching the description of Michelle Reynolds.
28. On June 21,2011, FBI-7 advised he/she logged into hislher AES account and
went to the Forums section, All AES, How to Make a Donation to AES thread that showed AES
using 29193 Northwestern Highway #697, Southfield, Michigan, to receive mail. FBI-7 further
stated that this mailing address is owned by "TheNumberGuy," Steve THOMPSON.
29. A mail cover was conducted on 29193 Northwestern Highway #697,
Southfield, MI 48034-1011. Mail was being received on July 09, 2011 at this location addressed
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to AESource.
E-mail Correspondence-
Michigan issued Search Warrants for the email accountsisaanchow@yahoo.com (the account
associated with KIL VINGTON) and numberguy@ymaiLcom (the account associated with
31. A review of numberguy@ymaiLcom e-mails shows aesource.net was
registered on December 24, 2008 to numberguy@ymail.com (THOMPSON's account) and on
October 1, 2009, numberguy@ymail.comreceived an email fromhelp.desk@hostdime.com (a
website hosting company), addressed to THOMPSON thanking him for payment for the server
32. On March 13,2009, THOMPSON sent an email to
rX:X:XXXXXXXX]@yahoo.com discussing their goal of creating a national prostitution
membership site, and the advantages ofsuch a site for service providers who travel for prostitution.
The email read, in pertinent part:
" ... I wanted to post here what I added to the Marketing area thread about a new
board....The nationwide boards are basically TER and Eros. I think everyone is aware ofTER's
limitations but it is a national board to post on ... Membership is easy to obtain and there are issues
ofLE [law enforcement] sniffing around potentially .. .I know you ladies hate the discussion areas
here but if the assholes are eliminated the discussion area can be used to show your personalities
and sell yourselves as well as provide information. My though is to try to create a nationwide
board where the ladies invite the hobbyists. The goal would be to make it the best hobbyists out
there. This may work best for ladies travelling as many of you will be doing soon. The reason
I'm posting this now is if you are traveling, looking at the local boards in the areas you are
traveling too, and talking to the ladies you can help recruit people. The advantages? Hopefully
to end up with quality hobbyists in a number of areas of the country and make booking
appointments easier. It would be by invitation to try to keep the quality up. The screening
should keep LE [law enforcement] and press away ... I think now may be the time to do this just as
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we picked the perfect time to start this board ... I don't know about the rest of you but the more I
think about this, I think we can pull this off... "
33. On March 03, 2009, THOMPSON received an email from a service provider
stating that had b'cen b3lli1ed from the .A.ES \vcbsitc:
" .. .I can only assume that this is is about the complaint from MagicSeth. As I have never had
another complaint or issue. His complaint is ridiculous at best! He was upset that I would not
perform special services to him that I do not offer. I do not in any way have a pimp. I am not
abused. Ect. .. Our second appt. together he tried to get me to perform a service that I do not offer,
and our conversation during the appt. is what made me nervous, as he was trying to make what was
taking place more personal, and he simply did not like my responce. Then attempted to get me to
stay way after the time. His is simply mad, and lying. I am asking you to let me back on the
board. Another thing is, isnt it weird that he just posted a great review on ev last wk ...."
34. On August 22, 2009, THOMPSON received an email from another service
provider who was banned from the AES website:
"can you please tell me why I cant login? .. please do not kick me off..I have not done
anything to really deserve this PLEASE numberguy I will do anything .......This is ho};\' I make my
living I am a singal parent my daughter is 9 she starts school in two weeks I need money .....
THOMPSON responded:
"I told you I was giving you a chance to admit you were [XXXX]. I would have worked
through it with you. You tried to hide it instead. That's why I'm pissed off. I'll think
about it...You can't tell me you didn't know that changing names after a bad review was
wrong. You had decent reviews otherwise and it wouldn't have been a bid deal ...1
originally banned you for 30 days but I'm willing to reconsider. I'm not unsympathetic to
you having to feed your kids but don't try to bully me into doing it. .. "
35. On March 11,2009, THOMPSON received an email from another service
" ...Do you think is possible that I can make around 1500 to 3000 in one week with your
help? In that way, I can leave with enough money to pay my debts because I'm worried to
head back home empty handed and screwed ..."
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36. On April 15, 2009, THOMPSON sent an email to a service provider:
"I'm one ofthe owners of AESource. I understand you were busted yesterday. I'd like to
get some details on how they set you up so we can protect other members ..."
that read:
"I don't know if you got my email about my account being frozen for a week for a 11 line
signature, and I was hoping you could help. I'm a paid subscriber and I also donated at the Novi
party. Please help me. I need this for my bills, I'm a single mom that goes to school full time.
Thanks for your time. [Emily X, AKA ScaXXXXXX]"
38. On September 11,2011, whatsupscorp@hotmaiLcom (an email associated
with LEBLANC) sent an email to THOMPSON that read:
"Gentlemen. The purpose ofthis correspondence is to confirm our meeting on September
12,2011 at 4p.m. We will meet at the Denny's restaurant located on Telegraph Road in
Southfield. I suggest we begin the meeting with discussion of the recent nDOS attacks
and effectives measures to counter same. See you there. _Regards Scorp.
39. On September 12, 2011, physical surveillance was setup at KILVINGTON's
residence. KILVINGTON drove to Denny's Restaurant in Southfield, Michigan, where he met
with THOMPSON and LEBLANC for approximately three hours before the three left the
Training and Experience of Law Enforcement -
40. SEMCAC has investigated over 62 cases involving state and federal
prostitution, child exploitation, and commercial sex trafficking of adults and children. Since
joining the Violent Crime Squad in 2006, and as a member ofthe task force since 2009, Affiant has
personally participated in 32 investigations. Nearly all ofthe investigations involving
prostitution and commercial sex offenses were facilitated by the use of on-line communications,
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websites, e-mail, and other fonns of electronic communications in the same fashion as have been
utilized by Scorps, EV and AESource. Based on my training and experience in investigating and
prosecuting these cases it is common for pimps to take make substantial efforts to evade law
enforcement. These pimps continue to exploit individuals for criminal sexual activity in order to
earn money. It is also common for pimps to exploit adults by producing pornographic images of
them and by posting the images on the Internet in order to advertise on-line prostitution services.
41. Based on my training and experience, I am aware that code words are
regularly utilized in an attempt to thwart or confuse law enforcement's investigative efforts. The
infonnation obtained through active interaction with the EV and AESource web sites as well as the
infonnation obtained through multiple FBI confidential infonnants, has established probable
cause that EV and AESource operate in the same fashion, and utilize the following tenns of art:
"hobby" =commercial sex acts; "donations" pay-for-access website access; "members" john's
or customers of the women who pay for sex; "business transaction" = negotiations for acts of
prostitution, "SP" service provider I prostitute.
42. Based on Affiant's knowledge, training, and experience, the infonnation
provided by the infonnants listed above is consistent with conduct related to commercial sex
transactions. Clients frequently meet prostitutes in hotels, typically for a period of 30 minutes to
one hour, for sex after which the clients will leave the hotel. Also, statements made above by
confidential infonnants and the observations oflaw enforcement involved in this investigation, are
consistent with conduct related to commercial sex transactions for members ofEV and AESource.
In particular, it is common for service providers and clients to act with discretion and meet prior to
or after meet and greet gatherings, in order to engage in acts of prostitution. Furthennore, it is
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also common for the service providers to travel interstate to meet with johns in other cities. They
use AESource and Escortvault to list their travel schedule. Some AESource service providers
have advertised in the Metro Detroit area (outcalls only), Toledo, Ohio, and Chicago (O'Hare),
Illinois. Still other service providers have advertised on AESource and EV in Fort Wayne,
Indiana, Utica, Michigan, Toledo, Ohio and in Tennessee.
43. For the reasons set forth above, I believe probable cause exists that David
KILVINGTON, Steven THOMPSON, and Mark J. LEBLANC did knowingly persuade, induce,
entice, or coerce individuals to travel in interstate or foreign commerce, to engage in prostitution,
or did attempt to, in violation ofTitle 18 U.S.C. Section 2422(a) and is currently being committed.
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44. Access to the information contained in this affidavit and related papers by the
public might hinder and impede this investigation by revealing the identities of persons
interviewed by agents conducting the investigation. Public disclosure of the information would
have an adverse impact on the on-going investigation. Accordingly, it is respectfully requested
that this Court issue an order sealing, until further order of the Court, all papers submitted in
support of this application, including the application and search warrant. As explained above,
these documents discuss an ongoing criminal investigation that is neither public nor known to all
of the targets ofthe investigation. Accordingly, there is good cause to seal these documents
because their premature disclosure may seriously jeopardize that investigation
Special Agent
Federal Bureau ofInvestigation
OF OCTOBER, 2011 ~
~ ~
United States Magistrate Judge
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