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Finding a rule to write any term in a linear sequence

To find a rule for any term in a linear sequence we use these simple steps:
1. Calculate the difference between each term and the next one in the sequence (𝑢𝑛+1 − 𝑢𝑛 ).
2. If this difference is the same (constant) for all the terms, the sequence is linear or arithmetic.
3. Calculate (difference × 𝑛) for each of the terms.
4. Calculate the number you must add to or subtract from (difference × 𝑛) to get each term. Call this
number c. If c is positive, you will add it and if it is negative, you will subtract it.
5. The rule will be 𝑢𝑛 = difference × 𝑛 ± 𝑐.

1. A sequence of numbers starts: 5, 9, 13, 17, …
a) What is the difference between terms?
b) Is the sequence linear?
c) Work out the rule to find any term in the sequence.
d) Work out the 25th term.
e) Work out the 110th term.

2. A sequence of numbers starts: 19, 16, 13, 10, …

a) What is the difference between terms?
b) Is the sequence linear?
c) Work out the rule to find any term in the sequence.
d) Work out the 20th term.
e) Work out the 100th term.

3. A sequence of numbers starts: 0, 2, 6, 12, 20, …

a) What is the difference between terms?
b) Is the sequence linear?
c) Work out the rule to find any term in the sequence.
d) Work out the 10th term.
e) Work out the 95th term.

4. A sequence of numbers starts: 1, 3, 5, 7, …

a) What is the difference between terms?
b) Is the sequence linear?
c) Work out the rule to find any term in the sequence.
d) Work out the 10th term.
e) Work out the 100th term.

5. A sequence of numbers starts: 7, 11, 15, 19, …

a) What is the difference between terms?
b) Is the sequence linear?
c) Work out the rule to find any term in the sequence.
d) Work out the 25th term.
e) Work out the 110th term.
6. A sequence of numbers starts: 6, 4, 2, 0, …
a) What is the difference between terms?
b) Is the sequence linear?
c) Work out the rule to find any term in the sequence.
d) Work out the 12th term.
e) Work out the 100th term.

7. A sequence of numbers starts: 3, 8, 13, 18, …

a) What is the difference between terms?
b) Is the sequence linear?
c) Work out the rule to find any term in the sequence.
d) Work out the 25th term.
e) Work out the 110th term.

8. A sequence of numbers starts: 40, 35, 30, 25, …

a) What is the difference between terms?
b) Is the sequence linear?
c) Work out the rule to find any term in the sequence.
d) Work out the 25th term.
e) Work out the 110th term.

9. A sequence of numbers starts: 0, 1, 2, 3, …

a) What is the difference between terms?
b) Is the sequence linear?
c) Work out the rule to find any term in the sequence.
d) Work out the 25th term.
e) Work out the 110th term.

10. A sequence of numbers starts: –1, 1, 3, 5, …

a) What is the difference between terms?
b) Is the sequence linear?
c) Work out the rule to find any term in the sequence.
d) Work out the 15th term.
e) Work out the 210th term.

11. A sequence of numbers starts: 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, …

a) What is the difference between terms?
b) Is the sequence linear?
c) Work out the rule to find any term in the sequence.
d) Work out the 25th term.
e) Work out the 110th term.

12. A sequence of numbers starts: 2.25, 2, 1.75, 1.5, 1.25, …

a) What is the difference between terms?
b) Is the sequence linear?
c) Work out the rule to find any term in the sequence.
d) Work out the 25th term.
e) Work out the 110th term.
1. a) 4 b) yes c) 4𝑛 + 1 d) 101 e) 441

2. a) −3 b) yes c) −3𝑛 + 22 d) −38 e) −278

3. a) there is no constant difference b) no c) 𝑛(𝑛 − 1) d) 90 e) 8930

4. a) 2 b) yes c) 2𝑛 − 1 d) 19 e) 199

5. a) 4 b) yes c) 4𝑛 + 3 d) 103 e) 443

6. a) −2 b) yes c) −2𝑛 + 8 d) −16 e) −192

7. a) 5 b) yes c) 5𝑛 − 2 d) 123 e) 548

8. a) 4 b) yes c) 4𝑛 + 1 d) 101 e) 441

9. a) −5 b) yes c) −5𝑛 + 45 d) −80 e) −505

10. a) 2 b) yes c) 2𝑛 − 3 d) 27 e) 417

11. a) 0.5 b) yes c) 0.5𝑛 + 1 d) 13.5 e) 56

12. a) −0.25 b) yes c) −0.25𝑛 + 2.5 d) −3.75 e) −25

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