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SESSION (2021-2024)




This is to certify that the project entitled Skill Assessment of Team Managers for
Tata Communications is the Bonafide record of project work done by HARISH
PRASAD JOSHI of BBA during the 3rd year.

Signature of the H.O.D. Signature of PROJECT GUIDE

Submitted for the Project Viva-Voce examination held on .


I affirm that the project work titled _______ for_________. being submitted in
partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of BBA is the original work carried
out by me. It has not formed the part of any other project work submitted for
award of any degree or diploma, either in this or any other University.

Signature of the Candidate

I certify that the declaration made above by the candidate is true.

Signature of the Guide



I would like to express my gratitude to my mentor ____ and our Director ______
for giving me this wonderful opportunity of making a report on a topic _____ for
______. from my summer. It was such an immense pleasure to be able to work
on this report as it helped me learn a lot of new things.

I would also like to thank _____ for seeing the potential in me and giving me the
opportunity to work with __________. This internship taught me a lot and all
thanks to my mentors that helped me through thick and thin through my internship
journey. The internship for me could be a success because of the guidance,
support, and appreciation that I received from the entire team of Learning &
Development at each and every step of the journey.

I am also thankful to my parents and friends for their moral support during my
research period.


Offer Letter





During my internship at One Success Marketing Management Pvt.
Ltd., a leading company in the finance sector located in the UAE, I
embarked on a rewarding professional journey. This report details
my experience and key contributions as a Sales Executive, focusing
on the promotion of the company's stock broker platform, which
caters specifically to the USA stock market. One Success Marketing
Management Pvt. Ltd. stands at the forefront of the financial
industry, deeply rooted in the vibrant UAE economic scene. My
role as a Sales Executive was pivotal in enhancing the visibility and
effectiveness of the stock broker platform, designed to meet the
needs of the USA market's savvy investors. The company's mission
is grounded in providing top-tier financial services, characterized
by innovation and a commitment to helping clients skillfully
manage the financial market's intricacies, thereby driving
sustained growth and success.

Vision: Our vision extends beyond the horizons of conventional financial

enterprises. One Success envisions itself as a global leader, setting benchmarks
in financial innovation, client satisfaction, and technological prowess. We aspire
to be the catalyst for positive change in the financial experiences of our clients,
transcending geographical boundaries.
Values: The values that underpin our operations are not merely words; they are
the guiding principles that shape every facet of One Success Marketing
Management Pvt. Ltd. Integrity, Innovation, Collaboration, and Client-Centricity
form the cornerstones of our organizational ethos, reflecting our unwavering
commitment to ethical practices and client success.

Product/Service: One Success Marketing Management Pvt. Ltd. proudly

champions a cutting-edge stock broker platform tailored for the unique demands
of the USA stock market. Our platform is more than a tool; it is a gateway to
informed decision-making and financial empowerment. Additionally, our suite of
financial services encompasses and , each
crafted to meet the diverse needs of our clients, offering user-friendly interfaces
and a comprehensive range of tools to navigate the complexities of the financial
At the heart of our mission lies a dedication to providing unparalleled
financial services, coupled with a visionary approach that anticipates and
adapts to the ever-evolving needs of our clients. Our geographical nexus in
the UAE, a global hub of economic activity, serves as a strategic vantage point,
allowing us to seamlessly connect with international markets and discerning

In our pursuit of excellence, we champion two distinguished platforms, each

embodying our commitment to fostering financial growth and empowerment.
The first,, emerges as a digital haven, meticulously
designed to cater to the discerning needs of investors navigating the
complexities of the stock market. This platform serves as a testament to our
technological prowess, offering a user-friendly interface and a comprehensive
suite of tools that empower investors to make informed decisions in the ever-
fluctuating financial landscape.
The second jewel in our financial crown is, a platform that
epitomizes integrity, trust, and reliability Noor Capital stands as a paragon of
stability and security, providing a robust foundation for investors seeking a
seamless and trustworthy stock trading experience. With cutting-edge
technology and a commitment to transparency, Noor Capital emerges as a
bastion of financial assurance in an industry characterized by volatility. As we
navigate the intricate tapestry of global financial markets, One Success
Marketing Management Pvt.
Diverse Instrument Portfolio: With a panoramic
view of the financial landscape, we take pride in
offering a comprehensive suite of over 400
instruments. Investors navigating our platforms
can seamlessly traverse the realms of:-

• Cryptocurrency: Engage in the dynamic world of

digital assets.

• Company Stocks: Invest in the success stories of

global corporations.

• Forex: Navigate the complexities of foreign exchange


• Indices: Explore opportunities tied to market indices.

• Commodities: Participate in the trading of tangible

assets .

This diversified portfolio reflects our commitment

to providing investors with a versatile toolkit to
navigate the complexities of the financial markets.
As we continue to evolve, our dedication to
excellence remains unwavering, propelling One
Success Marketing Management Pvt . Ltd. to the
forefront of financial services in the UAE and

Market Analysis: Navigating the Dynamics of the USA

Stock Marketing the pursuit of comprehensive market
understanding, a meticulous examination of the USA
stock market became the cornerstone of my role as a
Sales Executive at One Success Marketing Management
Pvt. Ltd. Leveraging reputable sources, such as and Bloomberg reports, I engaged in an
in-depth research endeavor to discern trends, identify
potential clients, and conduct a thorough competitive
analysis. Insights :
Drawing upon the wealth of data provided by, I delved into the intricate details of
market trends, macroeconomic indicators, and sector-
specific analyses. This source served as a strategic
compass, offering real- time updates and expert insights
crucial for shaping targeted and informed marketing
strategies. From sector performance to individual stock
dynamics, played a pivotal role in
deciphering the ever-evolving landscape of the USA stock
Bloomberg Report Expertise:
The utilization of Bloomberg reports added an additional
layer of depth to the market analysis. These reports,
known for their accuracy and comprehensiveness,
became invaluable tools for gaining nuanced insights into
market dynamics, financial news, and emerging trends.
Bloomberg's extensive coverage provided a panoramic
view of market movements, empowering me to identify
potential market entrants, assess risk factors, and align
our promotional strategies with the prevailing market

Daily Market Analysis:

A daily immersion into the intricate fluctuations of the
USA stock market was paramount in staying abreast of
real-time trends and shifts. By tapping into the wealth of
data provided by, I gained a
comprehensive understanding of daily market
movements, sector-specific dynamics, and emerging
trends. This daily ritual served as the foundation for
delivering precise and relevant information to clients,
enabling them to make informed investment decisions in a
dynamic financial landscape.

Trends, Clients, and Competitors:

The market analysis journey extended beyond data
collection, evolving into a strategic exercise to identify
emerging trends that could shape investor behavior.
Potential clients were meticulously profiled, taking into
account their preferences, risk tolerance, and
investment goals. Concurrently, a detailed competitive
analysis mapped out the landscape, highlighting the
strengths and weaknesses of key players. This tripartite
approach formed the bedrock for tailoring our
promotional endeavors, ensuring alignment with
market trends, targeted client needs, and a keen
understanding of the competitive landscape.

Quarterly Report Surveillance : Beyond daily analyses, a

strategic focus was placed on tracking the release of
quarterly reports from relevant companies. This
proactive approach allowed me to anticipate market
movements triggered by corporate disclosures. Whether
it was financial performance, strategic initiatives, or
outlook projections, staying attuned to these reports
enabled me to offer clients a forward-looking
perspective, aligning their investments with the
trajectory of key market players.

Client Acquisition:
Cultivating Meaningful Partnerships Through Strategic
Initiatives Beyond the conventional realms of client
acquisition, my role as a Sales Executive at One Success
Marketing Management Pvt. Ltd. unfolded as a nuanced
dance of strategy and relationship-building.By executing
tailored strategies, we not only welcomed new clients into
our fold but also laid the groundwork for enduring
partnerships, characterized by trust, support, and value.
Solutions Bespoke: Central to our client acquisition
strategy was the provision of a distinctive offering – the
swap-free account for trading, devoid of brokerage
charges. This bespoke solution was not merely a
transactional incentive but a testament to our
commitment to aligning our services with the unique
needs of our clients. By eliminating traditional brokerage
charges, we aimed to foster an environment conducive to
seamless trading experiences, creating a compelling
proposition for potential clients in the USA stock market.

Personalized Relationship Management: The introduction

of a dedicated relationship manager elevated the client
experience from transactional to relational. Every client,
upon acquisition, was assigned a relationship manager
who served not only as a point of contact but as a future
investment advisor. T

Continuous Advisory Support: The role of the relationship manager

extended beyond the initial onboarding phase. Clients were not just
recipients of services; they became integral participants in a collaborative
financial journey. Regular advisory support, market insights, and proactive
communication created an ecosystem where clients felt empowered to
make informed decisions. This commitment to ongoing support
strengthened the client-advisor relationship, contributing to a culture of
trust and loyalty.
Value Beyond Transactions:In our pursuit of client acquisition, the focus
extended beyond the immediate transaction. Instead, we viewed each client
interaction as an opportunity to provide tangible value. By offering swap-
free accounts and dedicated relationship managers, we aimed not only to
attract clients but to demonstrate our commitment to their long-term
financial success. This holistic approach positioned One Success Marketing
Management Pvt. Ltd. as a partner invested in the prosperity of its clients.

As this report unfolds, the resonance between these client-centric

initiatives and the overarching goal of promoting the stock broker platform
for the USA stock market becomes evident. Through strategic client
acquisition and relationship cultivation, we not only expanded our client
base but also contributed to the creation of a community where clients felt
supported, informed, and empowered in their financial endeavors.

Platform Promotion: Elevating Engagement Through Personalized

ConnectionIn the dynamic landscape of One Success Marketing
Management Pvt. Ltd., our approach to promoting the stock broker
platform transcended the ordinary. It wasn't just about enhancing visibility;
it was about fostering genuine connections. Our strategy involved the art of
personalized engagement, utilizing direct client calls to weave a narrative of
unique benefits and differentiators that set our platform apart in a crowded
Personalized Conversations:At the heart of our platform promotion
initiative was the art of conversation. Rather than relying solely on digital
avenues, we harnessed the power of direct client calls. These personalized
conversations allowed us to not only convey the benefits of our stock
broker platform but also to actively listen to the needs and concerns of
potential clients. This two-way communication fostered a sense of trust and

Tailored Benefits Highlight: During client calls, we artfully unfolded the tapestry
of benefits that distinguished our platform from others. Whether it was the
user-friendly interface, exclusive features, or personalized support, each call
became an opportunity to showcase how our platform was uniquely designed to
cater to the specific needs and aspirations of our clients.

Humanizing the Platform: In an era dominated by digital interactions, our client

calls injected a human touch into the promotion process. By sharing success
stories, addressing queries, and understanding the individual goals of potential
clients, we humanized the platform. This personal touch resonated deeply,
transforming the stock broker platform from a service into a collaborative
Exclusive Offerings Over the Phone: To add an element of exclusivity, we
introduced exclusive offerings and perks during client calls. These
personalized incentives, conveyed directly to potential clients, not only
piqued interest but also created a sense of urgency and exclusiveness. The
immediacy of the offer during a direct conversation heightened the impact
of our promotional initiatives.

Relationship-Focused Approach: Beyond mere promotion, our client calls

adopted a relationship-focused approach. Each conversation was an
opportunity not just to acquire a client but to initiate a lasting relationship.
By actively understanding the unique financial goals

1 . Navigating a Multifaceted Internship Journey

During my tenure as a Sales Executive intern at One Success

Management Pvt. Ltd., my role unfolded as a dynamic
blend of responsibilities that extended beyond
conventional bounds. Engaging in a multifaceted set of
tasks, my key responsibilities encompassed:
Market Research and Analysis: Conducted comprehensive
research on the USA stock market dynamics, leveraging
sources such as and Bloomberg reports.
Analyzed trends, identified potential clients, and
performed competitive assessments to inform strategic

Daily Market Analysis: Engaged in a daily immersion into

the intricacies of the USA stock market, providing real-time
insights to clients. Monitored market movements, sector-
specific dynamics, and emerging trends to offer informed
recommendations aligned with their investment goals.

Client Acquisition Strategies: Executed tailored strategies

to acquire new clients, fostering relationships through
personalized outreach initiatives. Highlighted the unique
benefits of our stock broker platform during client calls,
showcasing the distinctive features that set us apart from

Educational Initiatives: Initiated and participated in

educational campaigns to empower clients with the
knowledge necessary to navigate the complexities of the
financial landscape. Conducted webinars, crafted guides,
and facilitated informative sessions to enhance client

Platform Promotion: Developed and implemented

marketing initiatives to enhance the visibility of the stock
broker platform. Utilized a combination of storytelling,
immersive digital experiences, and personalized client calls
to create an irresistible allure for potential clients.

Relationship Management: Facilitated the provision of

swap-free accounts for trading with no brokerage charges.
Assigned dedicated relationship managers to clients,
ensuring ongoing support and personalized advisory
services. Focused on cultivating enduring relationships
beyond transactional interactions.

Quarterly Report Surveillance: Proactively monitored and

analyzed quarterly reports from relevant companies,
anticipating market movements triggered by corporate
disclosures. Provided clients with forward-looking
perspectives based on the insights derived from these
Investment Instrument Guidance: Guided clients in
navigating diverse investment instruments, including
company stocks, cryptocurrencies, commodities, forex,
and indices. Tailored advice based on individual risk
tolerances, preferences, and financial goals.

Platform Onboarding Support : Provided support during

the onboarding process for new clients, ensuring a
seamless introduction to the features and
functionalities of our stock broker platform. Addressed
queries and facilitated a smooth transition into active

Continuous Communication and Feedback: Established

and maintained regular communication channels with
clients, seeking feedback to enhance user experiences.
Actively addressed inquiries, concerns, and suggestions,
fostering a culture of client-centric responsiveness.

This immersive set of responsibilities not only enriched my

understanding of the financial services sector but also
contributed to the holistic growth of One Success
Marketing Management Pvt. Ltd.

Enhanced Communication Skills: - Elaboration: The internship

propelled the refinement of my communication skills.
Engaging in client calls, educational initiatives, and
relationship management required a nuanced approach,
fostering effective and articulate communication. This
included tailoring messages to diverse audiences, conveying
complex financial concepts with clarity, and actively listening
to client needs.

In-Depth Knowledge of the Stock Market: - Elaboration: The

internship provided a profound immersion into the intricacies
of the stock market. Through daily market analyses, research
endeavors, and client interactions, I deepened my
understanding of market dynamics, including trends, factors
influencing stock movements, and the broader economic
landscape. This knowledge formed the foundation for
informed decision-making and client advisory services

Research Proficiency in Stock Market Analysis : - Elaboration:

The internship sharpened my skills in conducting
comprehensive research for stock market analysis. Utilizing
reputable sources like and Bloomberg
reports, I honed the ability to decipher market trends, identify
potential clients, and perform competitive analyses.
Client Relationship Management:

Elaboration: Navigating the nuances of client acquisition and

relationship management cultivated my skills in building and
sustaining client relationships. From personalized client calls
to continuous communication and feedback loops, I learned
the art of establishing trust, addressing client concerns, and
fostering enduring partnerships beyond transactional
Strategic Market Promotion: - Elaboration: Developing and
implementing marketing initiatives for platform promotion
expanded my skills in strategic thinking and promotional
strategies. The combination of storytelling, digital
experiences, and client calls honed my ability to craft
compelling narratives and create an attractive market

Adaptability and Continuous Learning: - Elaboration: The

dynamic nature of the financial sector necessitated
adaptability and continuous learning. Keeping pace with daily
market movements, staying informed about industry trends,
and adapting strategies in response to market dynamics
enhanced my ability to thrive in a fast-paced and ever-
evolving environment.

Educational Outreach and Content Creation: - Elaboration:

Initiating educational campaigns and content creation for
client empowerment developed my skills in simplifying
complex financial concepts. Crafting webinars, guides, and
informative sessions showcased my ability to distill
information into accessible formats, catering to diverse
learning styles.
Analytical Thinking and Decision-Making: - Elaboration: Daily
market analyses and involvement in strategic decision-making
sharpened my analytical thinking and decision-making skills.
Synthesizing diverse data points, interpreting market trends,
and contributing to strategic initiatives required a meticulous
and analytical approach.

Customer-Centric Approach: - Elaboration: Emphasizing a

customer-centric approach, including providing swap-free
accounts and dedicated relationship managers, reinforced my
commitment to understanding and prioritizing client needs.
This skillset extends beyond transactional interactions to
fostering a culture of client satisfaction and loyalty.

Onboarding and Support Proficiency: - Elaboration: Guiding

clients through the onboarding process and providing ongoing
support honed my proficiency in customer service. Addressing
inquiries, facilitating seamless transitions, and ensuring a
positive client experience underscored the importance of
support in maintaining client trust and satisfaction.

Systems: - Recommendation: Invest in advanced CRM systems

that incorporate predictive analytics and automation. These
systems can streamline client interactions, track calling activities,
and provide insights into client preferences. Integration of
intelligent CRM tools can enhance the efficiency of promotional
calling and contribute to more personalized client engagements.

Implement Data-driven Calling Strategies: -

Recommendation: Utilize data analytics to
refine calling strategies. Analyze calling data
to identify peak times for client engagement,
optimize call scripts based on client
responses, and tailor promotional messages
according to the preferences and behaviors
observed through calling interactions. Data-
driven calling can enhance the effectiveness
of platform promotion efforts.

Explore Voice Analytics Technologies: - Recommendation:

Consider integrating voice analytics technologies to gain
deeper insights from client calls. These tools can analyze the
tone, sentiment, and keywords used during calls, providing
valuable information for refining communication strategies,
understanding client sentiments, and adapting promotional
Diversify Marketing Channels for Platform Promotion: -
Recommendation: While calling has been an effective
channel, explore diversifying promotional efforts across
additional channels.
Implement Real-time Market Analysis Tools: -
Recommendation: Enhance the daily market analysis
process by incorporating real-time market analysis tools.
These tools can provide instant updates on market trends,
news, and fluctuations, allowing for more timely and
informed decision-making. Real-time analysis is crucial for
adapting promotional strategies based on current market

Introduce Gamification in Calling Activities: -

Recommendation: Introduce gamification elements in
calling activities to boost motivation and engagement
among the calling team. Implementing friendly
competitions, rewards, and recognition for exceptional
performance can create a dynamic and energetic calling
environment, leading to increased productivity and

Continuous Training and Skill Development for Calling

Team: - Recommendation: Facilitate ongoing training
sessions and skill development programs for the calling

Dynamic Internship Overview: Engaged in a transformative

internship at One Success Marketing Management Pvt. Ltd.,
gaining deep insights into the financial services sector.

Location and Focus: Based in the vibrant UAE, the internship

concentrated on promoting a USA market-focused stock broker

Role and Responsibilities: Served as a Sales Executive, involving

comprehensive market analysis and client acquisition strategies
tailored for the USA stock market.

Daily Activities: Immersed in a routine of market insights

gathering, educational initiatives, and strategic promotions,
surpassing conventional internship tasks.

Skill Development: Cultivated key skills including effective

communication, indepth understanding of the stock market,
strategic decision-making, and client relationship management.

Diverse Tasks and Learning: Engaged in a variety of tasks, from

client calls to market research, contributing to a well-rounded
professional skill set.
Concluding Reflections: Expressed gratitude towards One
Success Marketing Management Pvt. Ltd. for fostering an
innovative and educative environment.

Future Recommendations: Suggested strategies for

diversification, embracing continuous learning, and integrating
technology for the company's growth.

Impact and Forward Look: Anticipating applying the rich

experiences and skills acquired in future roles within the
financial services sector.

Overall Experience: The internship was not just a professional

growth phase but a journey marked by collaboration,
innovation, and a shared pursuit of excellence, setting the stage
for future endeavors in the dynamic financial services industry.

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