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OGL 482 Pro-Seminar II

Unit 3 Assignment:
Career Plan Template
Section 1: Creating your BHAG
Following the information in the “Good to Great Connections” PowerPoint presentation and all
the additional information provided under the content area and taking your Personal Mission
Statement development efforts into consideration, carefully develop your own personal long-
term BHAG (***one amazingly HUGE, your world-changing goal***). The timeframe for your
BHAG is 10-25 years out, however, it will depend upon your age. For example, a 55-year-old
person might be closer to the 10-year BHAG, whereas a 30-year-old or younger person should be
considering a BHAG 25 years out. This BHAG may be related to your overall life/lifestyle
aspirations, or it could be related to some organizational, protean, or entrepreneurial vision you
have for the future. Dig deep and go beyond the job. That is up to you. What it needs to be is

Answer the following:

1) What is your BHAG (***one amazingly HUGE, your world-changing goal***)? THIS

I will empower and enable others to reach their full potential through connection and
intention. I will encourage wholeness by building and sustaining cultures that are
inclusive and positive.

2) Why is this your BHAG?

This is my BHAG because I feel my purpose in life is connect with others and be a
teacher or mentor for them in their journey. The mentors within my life thus far have
instilled a confidence in me that I didn’t have before they gave me opportunities to
improve my skills and saw a potential in me. My extraverted personality and the way that
I am constantly intentional and thoughtful make me a perfect candidate to succeed in
fulfilling this goal. I work with a very diverse group of people of varying identities and
experiences, and they have shown me how valuable new perspective is. I want to be a
“boss” who celebrates differences and empowers individuals to be the most successful
version of themselves through guidance and resources.

3) How does your BHAG align with your vision statement from Unit 2

Last Update: December 2022
Vision statement: Through each future personal and professional endeavor I embark on, I will
ensure that the impact I have is positive, I use my gifts to uplift others, and I follow my intuition
to find spaces and individuals who allow me to be my whole self and support me in finding
balance and inner harmony.

My BHAG aligns with the vision statement I created. In both I mention creating positive spaces
where I encourage and guide others towards success. My intuition is a tool I can fall back on
when finding individuals and spaces to invest my time into. The concept of wholeness both in
the workplace and otherwise is a reoccurring theme for me. I want to celebrate diversity and find
connections that are deep and more genuine than in most workplace settings.

4) How does your BHAG align with your mission statement from Unit 2?

Mission statement: I will strive every day to find opportunities to lead and serve others. I will be
aware of what others need to reach success by being present and empathetic.

My BHAG certainly aligns with the mission statement I created. I want to be of service
and put intentional time and energy into the development of others. I am a servant leader, which
means remaining aware of what my followers need to be successful and knowing them on a
personal level so that I can adjust my approach to fit their personal needs and personalities.
This is especially important as I work with many kinds of people and want them to be
empowered to be their authentic selves and pursue their genuine interests.

5) List your top five (5) obstacles in order from number 5 being least difficult and
number 1 being the most difficult you need to overcome to obtain your BHAG and
explain the relevance of each one.

Obstacle 1: Find a workplace and obtain a position of influence.

This will be my most challenging obstacle in achieving my BHAG. I must find a space
and community that align with my goal and support the culture that I envision. My
position must enable me to provide resources and guidance to my followers, perhaps
teaching a skill that I am competent in. I need a workplace that promotes wholeness and

Obstacle 2: Discover where I want to settle down.

I have lived in a few new cities in my twenties, and I still don’t know where I want to
start building my life. The work that I do will be dependent on which corner of the world
feels like home. It may be hard to find work in whichever place ends up being for me.

Obstacle 3: Finding a purpose I am passionate about.

I have yet to discover an organization that has a mission that I am passionate about. I
need to be intrinsically motivated to perform well. There are many missions, values, and
beliefs that I hold close and would refuse to work against. For example, I care deeply
Last Update: December 2022
about sustainability and therefore could never work for a company who creates massive
environmental damage. I hope to do work that I am proud of.

Obstacle 4: Leaving my current work.

Soon it will be time for me to leave my workplace to find what’s next for me. I find that
idea to feel very uncomfortable because I have worked for Starbucks for many years and
the individuals at my store are like family. I must take the leap or else I could put off
leaving for many years. The position I am in and company I work for don’t support my

Obstacle 5: Financially supporting myself with this BHAG.

My goal could be fulfilled most simply through various roles in society or volunteer
work. I want to be frugal enough to sustain the lifestyle I enjoy and support my love for
traveling and holidays. This goal is not inherently going to make me wealthy, but this
purpose is more important to me than wealth accumulation.

Section 2: Career Vision

Consider your long-term vision for your career. Respond to the following questions, and make
connections to your personal mission statement, your BHAG(s), the themes you developed in
Unit 2 and the textbook/supplemental readings (as applicable).

Answer the following:

1) Analyze the type of career you want to have, in terms of an organizational career or
a protean career, and make sure it is clear you understand the concepts as outlined
in the textbook. Why?

After learning about and understating the concept of a protean career, I find this path to be
more intuitive than the classic organizational career path. I hold the core values of freedom and
personal growth rather than simply monetary or status advancement. I appreciate prioritizing
one’s own work life balance and setting boundaries over the varying seasons that life brings. My
work satisfaction comes from feeling like I am having a positive impact, as well as working
within a team with a supportive and inclusive culture that feels like a family. I desire a career
that allows me to serve others or serve society in some way, to do value-based work preferably
within my own community. I picture myself always having a balance that allows time and space
for my family, friends, and hobbies.

2) Analyze your career with an explanation as one that moves you up the organization
or one you develop seeking alternative career paths. If you see yourself taking an
alternative career path, which one(s) sounds the most likely? Why?

Last Update: December 2022
I would be open to working through a career lattice rather than a career ladder. I don’t
have it in me to be cutthroat or competitive, or even to have the desire for constant status and
monetary gain. I genuinely just want to grow and be of service in whichever position is best
suited for my personal strengths. I have fallen in love with the process of collaboration and
working in a group, rather than being a boss who provides all the direction and answers.
Moreover, the most intuitive part of the career lattice perspective is that I desire to keep
learning new skills and having a variety in the work that I do. I want to grow to be as well
rounded as possible so that I can be flexible in the work that I do and valuable to the
organizations I am a part of.

3) Discuss and explain if you see yourself working an alternative or flexible work
schedule/arrangement? If so, which ones and why?

As someone with many hobbies and interests, who additionally values time invested in
family and friend relationships very highly, I would be open to having a flexible schedule.
Having done all my college and senior year of high school online, I have mastered having
deadlines without designated work time or a designated workplace. I would be willing to
work remotely because this would also potentially give me flexibility to travel and move.
However, I need human connection and therefore would still desire group work and meetings
to feel connected. A more appealing solution may be flextime, to have some control over the
hours and days that I work. Based on my educational experience, I feel that I would be more
productive and happier with daily flextime because I can be more available for the people
and responsibilities in my life.

Last Update: December 2022
Section 3: Long-Term Strategy
Develop a strategy for moving toward your ideal future work/life situation and the realization of
your BHAG(s). Consider the timeframe for your BHAG(s). Provide a vivid description of life
“the way it will be” once your BHAG is realized.

1) Critically think about and then list out (not a narrative format) the interim steps or
milestones you have laid out for yourself that will aid you in reaching your BHAG
(you should have at least 10 to earn a rating of excellent and be referenced by time)

1. Following my December graduation, I will start working five days a week rather than
four. With the additional income, I will begin a savings account. This will help me move
to a future role and living situation and have more ability to travel and obtain the work
life balance that I desire.
2. After the Holidays, I will start seeking out volunteer work that I find intuitive. This will
strengthen my resume, grow my empathy, and broaden my experiences.
3. In the springtime, I will apply for paid internship opportunities through Amazon and
4. In May or June, I will leave my position as a Shift Supervisor for Starbucks. This will
signify five years with the company in several different positions.
5. In summer of 2024, I will expand my knowledge and skills working an internship that
correlates with my interests. I will grow my ability to lead and my perception of what a
leader is.
6. During the summer of 2024, I will be applying for more permanent positions that pique
my interest. My lease will end at the very end of August, so I can be flexible in my living
7. During the interview process over the summer, I will be curious about the organization’s
cultures and norms to ensure I am entering an environment that aligns with my BHAG.
8. After I obtain my new role in 2024, I will begin building my network. I will attend
protests, parades, and community events to meet and connect with others. Additionally, I
will be intentional about getting to know my peers and followers in the workplace.
9. A year into working my position, I will begin to seek out opportunities to innovate and
establish a space where wholeness is encouraged. I will lead by example and be an
authentic and genuine presence in the workplace.
10. I will then use my network and resources to help develop others. I will celebrate the
diversity of the team and help serve others in achieving what is important to them.

2) In addition to career-related roles, consider your other life roles in relation to your
career goals. What are the 3 most precious things you are willing to sacrifice,
besides time, to achieve your BHAG? Why?

Sacrifice 1: Financial Gain

Last Update: December 2022
I am most concerned with having a career that aligns with my personal mission
and values. There is work I could do that would probably make me much more money so
that I could afford more tangible assets and excursions. At the end of the day, I just want
to be making a positive impact on individuals and society. I don’t need excessive income
more than I need to feel good about the people and organizations that I associate myself
with and support. I am willing to sacrifice financial freedom to fulfill what I believe my
purpose is.
Sacrifice 2: Comfort/stability
I am an individual who suffers with anxiety and thrives in comfortable situations.
However, to achieve my BHAG I am willing to take risks and step out of my comfort
zone. I know that accomplishing greatness and establishing meaningful relations takes
vulnerability, openness, and courage. I might not find the right space for me immediately,
but I am willing to continue to search for the place that I can have an impact. This may
mean leaving situations that feel secure and stepping into the unknown in search for an
environment where I can bring my BHAG into fruition.
Sacrifice 3: Expectations
I must get used to the fact that some individuals may disappoint me along my
journey, and that every endeavor I embark on both personally and professionally will not
be a success. I will sacrifice my expectations while working tirelessly to achieve my
BHAG, even if that means starting over or reworking my original plans. I must ensure
that I don’t let disappointment stop me from continuing to try to make a positive impact
and helping others. Moreover, I must not let bad experiences lead me to be less trusting
or to become closed off from deep connection.

Last Update: December 2022
Section 4: The one to two year plan
Using a SMART goals-based approach, as well as project planning and management skill best
practices, create a detailed project plan for at least two specific goals. At least one must be
related to your long-term BHAG. The other may be related to some other aspect of your career
development or career-life integration. Both of these goals need to be things that you are
passionate about accomplishing.
Your selected goals and SMART plan (see SMART goal information provided in the unit)
should be structured based on a one to two-year timeline. It should include specific milestones,
action items, sub-tasks as well as task-related interdependencies as applicable. With respect to
each goal, critically think about what specific things you will do in the next one to two years to
achieve these goals.

Develop a clear and detailed SMART plan, with facilitating goals and steps/actions required
to accomplish your selected goals. It should be evident, by looking at the format and structure
of your plan, that you have developed some significant skills respect to project management.
Include Gantt charts (T) or other visual project representations as you see fit, and be sure to
address your approach to tracking/measuring your progress (M).

1) What is your #1 Goal? I will grow my ability to regulate my emotions.

a. Specific: I will gain stronger awareness and control over my emotions to feel
calmer and better able to handle stress and conflict.

b. Measurable: I will journal about my emotional experiences daily, and what caused
them. Every Sunday night, I will reflect on my week and jot down any takeaways
and patterns.

c. Attainable: I journal regularly, and with the space from finishing school I will
have more time to be intentional and specific about my emotions.

d. Relevant: I have struggled lately both professionally and personally to remain

level-headed in a variety of situations, and this is an area where I want to better
understand and care for myself.

e. Time-Based: I am going to start following career opportunities next summer and I

am getting my degree in the next couple weeks. I want to prepare for my future
roles by better understanding my emotional triggers and tendencies. I will do this
for a minimum of three months, and then reevaluate if it would be beneficial to
continue or begin a different exercise to work toward this goal.

2) What is your #2 Goal? Obtain a position leading a team within an organization whose
culture and mission align with my own passions.

a. Specific: The next job I will accept will give me the opportunity to mentor others
and provide them with the skills and resources to be successful. The work I do

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will make me feel good, meaning I will be making a positive influence and
abiding by the morals and values I hold close. The culture will be very close knit
and wholeness will be celebrated.

b. Measurable: This goal will be achieved a few weeks or even months into the
position, when I can confirm that the new position is a proper fit for me. It can
additionally be measured further along into my journey as I grow my network and
help establish a culture.

c. Attainable: I have been training academically and professionally to take on a

greater leadership role. My resume and knowledge are impressive enough to
successfully get hired. I will be curious about the company’s culture and norms
before accepting any role.

d. Relevant: I have outgrown my journey with Starbucks, and it will soon be time to
embark on my next professional endeavor. I have spent the last several weeks
understanding myself and my ideal future, and I know what I want.

e. Time-Based: I will find this position sometime within the summer of 2024 but
start job searching in the spring. This timeline is somewhat flexible because while
I am committed to finding a position, I won’t rush into a space that isn’t what I
am looking for.

Last Update: December 2022

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