Table 4 Capacities and Gaps

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Annex 2.

1: Contingency Plan Template for School Version: 2

Date: 27 August 2019

School Name:___________________

School ID:______________________

Key Areas for

Details Capacities Gaps Vulnerabilities
Risk Understanding 1. Understanding of Hazards and its
2. Conduct of Risk Assessment
3. Planning and undertaking actions based on
risk assessment results
Contingency Plan and 1. Contingency Plan
Dissemination 2. IEC
Communication 1. Understanding of advisory including warning
2. Understanding and implementation of DO 21
3. Equipment
Coordination 1. Division Office
3. LGUs
4. Partners
5. DepEd CO
Monitoring 1. Monitoring of
plan of school
2. Monitoring of hazard
situation, including
communicating with
school officials, district/division office and LGU

3. Monitoring RADaR
completion, validation and
submission to Central
4. Monitoring of
implementation of support
for learning continuity

Annex 2.1: Contingency Plan Template for School Version: 2
Key Areas for Date: 27 August 2019
Details Capacities Gaps Vulnerabilities
5. Tracking of Learners and personnel
6. Transportation
Convergence 1. Interface among offices within the school
2. Existence of DRRM Team
3. Command System
4. Twinning with other divisions
Support for Learning 1. Implement and monitor Temporary Learning
Continuity Spaces (TLS)
2. Buffer stocks for learning materials
3. Alternative Delivery Modes
4. Psychosocial Support
5. Emergency School Feeding
6. Learner's Kits
7. Teacher's Kits
8. Hygiene kits
9. Provision of Water Sanitation and Hygiene
10. Updated disaggregated data on learners and
master list of students in school and alternative
learning schools (ALS)
11. Clean up drives
12. Signed memorandum of agreement (MOA)
with private enterprises for emergency purchase

Support for Schools 1. Signed memorandum of agreement (MOA)

used as Evacuation between LGU and school on the use of schools as
Centers evacuation center including the roles and
responsibilities of both institutions;

2. Repair, maintenance and replacement of

schools identified as evacuation center by the

Support for Schools
used as Evacuation

Annex 2.1: Contingency Plan Template for School Version: 2

Key Areas for Date: 27 August 2019
Details Capacities Gaps Vulnerabilities
3. Resumption Strategies including assessment
of readiness of the schools
4. Establish functional referral pathways to
respond to child protection concerns using the
existing PNP and DSWD operational guidelines

8. Feedback mechanism to report gaps in the

delivery of services, grievances and other needs
to improve education interventions

9. Twinning of schools for teacher-volunteers for

deployment in the affected schools that need
additional volunteers
10. LGUs preposition additional Temporary
Learning Spaces (TLS)
Drills 1. Regular conduct of drills
2. Existence of protocols – command system,
evacuation route, safe place, family reunification

3. Coordination with and participation of

parents, relevant agencies and partners during
Fund Sources

Prepared by: Noted by

_______________________ __________________________
School Head
This template should be accomplished by SDRRM Team with the School Head.
Each item should include brief explanation of the school current activities or programs.
Capacities - include the strengths, attributes and resources available within school to manage and reduce disaster risks and strengthen resilience.
Gaps - challenges and/or problems incounter by the school that affects the capacity to respond during emergencies.
Vulnerabilities - it can be determined by physical, social, economic and environmental factors or processes which increase the susceptibility of an individual, a community, assets or systems to the impacts o

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