Application of Moving Sliding Mode Control For A D

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Research Article

Advances in Mechanical Engineering

2018, Vol. 10(3) 1–13
Ó The Author(s) 2018
Application of moving sliding mode DOI: 10.1177/1687814018762184
control for a DC motor driven four-bar

Orhan C and Alper Kadir Tanyıldızı2

The angular velocity of the input link of a mechanism fluctuates due to the inertia of links and the external forces,
although it is generally assumed constant in design. The control of the crank angular velocity of a four-bar mechanism
driven by a DC motor by moving sliding mode control is considered in this study. A time-varying slope is proposed
based on the error state. The mathematical model of the motor-mechanism system is derived using Eksergian’s equation
of motion. First, the state space equations are solved numerically for constant motor voltage to show the velocity fluc-
tuations of the crank. Then both the conventional sliding mode control method and the proposed moving sliding mode
control method are applied to obviate this unwanted velocity fluctuation. The method is verified by numerical simula-
tions as well as experimental studies. The results of both the sliding mode control and the moving sliding mode control
methods are compared. It is shown that a moving sliding surface in the sliding mode control increases the robustness of
conventional sliding mode control by decreasing the reaching time. Also, the performance of the moving sliding mode
control against parametric variations and external disturbances is experimentally investigated by adding a mass and apply-
ing an unexpected force on one of the links of the mechanism.

Moving sliding mode control, four-bar mechanism, velocity control

Date received: 14 September 2017; accepted: 31 January 2018

Handling Editor: Yong Chen

Introduction fluctuations slightly, the changing of motor voltage or

current according to the speed error to control motor
Four-bar mechanisms, which have four rigid links and speed is very popular. Tao and Sadler4 developed some
four revolute joints, driven by a DC motor, are com- control strategies based on proportional–integral–deri-
monly used in a variety of real-world applications. In vative (PID) control theory to reduce the crank angular
general, the angular velocity of the crank of the velocity fluctuations of a four-bar mechanism driven
mechanism is assumed to be constant. But the reaction by a DC motor and coupled a gearbox. It was shown
torque of the crank varies due to the external forces by numerical simulations that crank speed fluctuations
and the inertia of links of the mechanism and as a
result the velocity of the crank is fluctuated. Hence, the
expected behaviour of the mechanism such as timing 1
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Firat University, Elazig, Turkey
requirement can be altered and its performance is Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Firat University, Elazig, Turkey
reduced.1–3 Therefore, in order to design a high-
Corresponding author:
accuracy machine system, the correction of speed fluc- Orhan C xakar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Firat University,
tuations is very important. Although using the flywheel Elazig 23119, Turkey.
for the mechanical system corrects the speed Email:

Creative Commons CC BY: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
( which permits any use, reproduction and distribution of the work without
further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages (
2 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

can be reduced substantially adjusting the DC motor adopted an online-trained FNN to estimate the bound
voltage using feedback control. of uncertainties in real time. Hwang and Kuo14
Since PID controller is very sensitive to the nonli- designed a stable F-SMC for highly nonlinear systems.
nearities, the tuning of the PID gains properly is quite The uncertainties were assumed to be large enough and
difficult. During the past decades, to increase the cap- an adaptive fuzzy model was employed to model them.
abilities of PID controllers, many artificial intelligence An equivalent control using the known part of system
(AI) techniques such as neural networks (NNs), fuzzy dynamics and the learning fuzzy model is designed to
systems and fuzzy neural network (FNN) have been achieve the desired control behaviour. The verification
employed.5–7 Gündoğdu and Erentürk8 used a fuzzy and usefulness of the proposed control were demon-
logic controller (FLC) to regulate crank speed fluctua- strated by the simulations and experiments of velocity
tions of the four-bar mechanism driven by a DC motor. control of the four-bar linkage system. Then, Hwang
Performance of the proposed method was compared and Hsieh15 designed an estimator for the tracking
with the optimum PID control method suggested in error to obtain a sliding surface and to decrease the
Tao and Sadler.4 It was shown that the FLC method is number of unknown nonlinear functions required to
more efficient and robust than the PID control. In their learn. Koca et al.16 used SMC in conjunction with type
study, it was observed that the rise time to steady-state 2 fuzzy logic for the control of crank angular speed of a
condition was very fast without a large overshoot and four-bar mechanism driven by a DC motor. The pro-
the percentage of speed fluctuations was very low com- posed method reduces the number of fuzzy rules.
pared to open-loop responses and PID controller cases. Recently, Al-Jarrah et al.17 investigated, experimen-
The drawbacks of PID control such as sensitivity to tally, the dynamic performance of the four-bar mechan-
nonlinearity can be avoided by sliding mode control ism driven by a geared DC motor under different
(SMC) which has been used effectively in many control operating conditions using various control schemes
areas recently. SMC constitutes choosing the sliding such as filtered PID, filtered SMC, filtered FC and fil-
surface and determining the control law for the state tered genetics-based reinforcement neuro-controller.
variables to move on the sliding surface. Sxevkat and Another way to improve the robustness of SMC is
Telli9 applied the SMC to the four-bar mechanism dri- to rotate and/or shift the sliding surface during control
ven by a DC motor and compared the results with those action which is called as moving sliding mode control
of Tao and Sadler4 and Gündoğdu and Erentürk.8 (MSMC) proposed by Choi and colleagues.18,19 SMC
They adopted a filter in order to alleviate the chattering with a moving sliding surface (MSS) has a robust and
phenomenon in SMC. It is concluded that the perfor- fast response. The MSS was designed to pass the initial
mance of the SMC is better than that of nonlinear PID conditions at first and subsequently moved towards a
and FLC. predetermined sliding surface by rotating and/or shift-
The performance of the SMC strictly depends on the ing. Employing the MSS, it is possible to lessen the sen-
control gain. When the control gain is large, the reach- sitivity of the system to extraneous disturbances by
ing time to the sliding surface from the initial state is means of shortening the reaching phase without
minimized. But the chattering phenomenon, which is increasing undesirable chattering of the control signals.
undesirable for practical applications, occurs for large Furthermore, the reaching phase can be almost elimi-
values of the control gain. One way to alleviate the nated by increasing the dwelling time of the surface,
chattering phenomenon is to employ a boundary layer, hence guaranteeing system robustness during the whole
which includes the uncertainties around the sliding sur- interval of the control action. Due to these advantages
face. But this approach degrades the robustness. of MSMC, it has various applications in engineer-
However, the bound of the uncertainties is difficult to ing.20–23 However, some researchers proposed a differ-
obtain beforehand for practical applications. Fung ent time-varying sliding surface.24–27
et al.10 applied SMC for position control of a crank– In this article, MSMC is employed to control the
slider mechanism driven by a PM synchronous servo velocity of the input link of a four-bar mechanism dri-
motor. They utilized a simple fuzzy inference mechan- ven by a DC motor. A simple time-varying sliding sur-
ism to estimate the upper bound of uncertainties for face slope is proposed. The results are compared with
SMC. It was shown that the proposed method has those of conventional SMC. Also, an experimental
robust control performance to parametric variations study was performed to demonstrate the performance
and external disturbances. Then Fung and Shaw11 pre- of the method in the real applications. However, the
sented a method named as region-wise linear F-SMC in robustness of the method against parametric variations
order to increase the performance of the controller by and external disturbances is investigated.
minimizing the number of fuzzy rules. Lin et al.12 added In what follows, the equation of motion of the
a supervisory controller to FNN-SMC controller pre- motor-mechanism system is built up and represented in
sented in Kao et al.7 in order to stabilize the system the state space. Then the theories of the conventional
states around the bounded region. Lin and Wai13 SMC and MSMC are introduced briefly. Next the
Cxakar and Tanyıldızı 3

Figure 1. Schematic representation of a four-bar mechanism driven by a DC motor with a gearbox.

effectiveness of the proposed MSMC method is demon- torque; Tm = Km ia is the torque generated by the motor;
strated by the numerical simulation proposed in and Tf represents the torque due to mechanical losses
Tanyıldızı and Cxakar.28 Then an experimental study such as brush friction, gear friction and dry bearing
with comparisons is given. In the last section, the friction.
results are concluded. Eksergian’s generalized equation of motion for a sin-
gle-degree-of-freedom system is given by Paul29

Mathematical model of a DC motor– 1 d=(q) 2

=(q)€q + q_ = Q(q, q,
_ t) ð3Þ
gearbox mechanism system 2 dq
The kinematic diagram of the rigid four-bar mechanism where q is the independent or generalized coordinate
with a DC motor and a gearbox is depicted in Figure 1. and q_ and €q are its time derivatives. For the four-bar
Output shaft of the gearbox is coupled to link 2. The mechanism, they correspond to the angular position,
lengths of the links are given by ri (i = 1–4). The angu- velocity and acceleration of the crank, respectively. = is
lar position of the input link 2 is represented by q and the equivalent inertia; the term 0:5(d==dq) is called as
the angular positions of the other moving links are the centripetal coefficient and Q is the equivalent force.
described by f1 and f2. Gi and ci (i=2,3,4) are the mass The equivalent inertia is determined from the kinetic
centres of the links and the distance of the mass centre
energy of the mechanism in the form of EK = 0:5=q_ 2
of the link i to the close joint, respectively.
and it can be written for the four bar mechanism as
The mathematical model of a DC motor including a
geared speed reducer with the velocity ratio n is given X
by Sadler et al.1 =¼ mi u2i þ v2i þ Ii h2i ð4Þ
dia 1 
= Va  Ra ia (t)  nKg q_ ð1Þ and the centripetal coefficient is determined as
dt La
where Va is the input voltage; Ra, La and ia(t) are the 1 d= X 4    
armature resistance, the armature inductance and C¼ ¼ mi ui u0i þ vi v0i þ Ii hi h0i ð5Þ
2 dq i¼2
the time-dependent armature current, respectively; Kg is
the constant for the motor voltage and n defines the where mi and Ii are the mass and the mass moment of
velocity ratio of the input shaft to the output shaft of inertia of the link i, respectively; ui and vi are the x and
the gearbox such that n . 1. On the other hand, the out-
y components of the velocity influence coefficients
put torque of the DC motor–gearbox system is given by
for the mass centre of the link i in Cartesian coordinate
  system; u0i and v0i define the components of acceleration
T2 = n nJ€q  nBq_ + Km ia  Tf ð2Þ
influence coefficient which are the derivatives of the
where J is the mass moment of inertia of the rotor velocity coefficient with respect to the independent
including the mass moment of inertia of the gearbox variable q; and hi and h0i are the velocity and accelera-
which reduced to the motor shaft; B is the viscous tion coefficients corresponding to the rotation of the
damping at the bearings; Km is the constant of motor link i, respectively. The equivalent force can be
4 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

determined from the virtual power principle (W_ = Qq)

_ e(t) = ½ e1 (t) e2 (t)  = ½ x1 (t)  xd1 (t) x2 (t)  xd2 (t) 
as follows ð10Þ
m h
X i X4 where xd is the desired trajectory. Equation (9) is a lin-
Q¼ Fjx uFj þ Fjy vFj þ Ti hi ð6Þ ear homogeneous differential equation for s = 0. In this
j¼1 i¼2 condition, c is the pole of this equation and the error
reaches asymptotically zero for the positive value of c
where Fix and Fiy ( j = 1,2,.,m) are the components of for any initial condition provided that there exists a
external or active force; uFj and vFj are the x and y com- control law. In order to obtain a control law, a
ponents of the velocity influence coefficients of the Lyapunov function, which is defined as V(s) = 1/2s2
point at which the external force Fj acts. In this study, with V(0) = 0 and V(s) . 0 for s . 0, can be used.
the external forces Fj are not included and the input Consequently, the stability in the sliding mode condi-
torque acting on the crank T2 is the active force only, tion is guaranteed and a good tracking performance
so the generalized force is Q = T2. It should be noted can be achieved for dV =dt = s_s  0.
that the nonconservative and dissipative forces can be The general control rule can be chosen as
included in equation (6) when they are presented. The
necessary velocity and acceleration influence coeffi- u(t) = Ksign(s) ð11Þ
cients of the four-bar mechanism are calculated and
given in Appendix 1. where u(t) is the control input and K is a strictly positive
Equations (1) and (3) represent the mathematical real constant with a lower bound depending on the esti-
model of the DC motor–gearbox mechanism system. mated system parameters. Note that, in this study, the
For the solution of this equation set, the fourth-order control input is the motor voltage, Va, and in the simu-
Runge–Kutta method is employed in this study. For lations a voltage limit is used to avoid damage to the
this, the new state variables x1, x2 and x3 are introduced motor. The control input with the sign function is the
as discontinuous control law that requires infinite switch-
ing on the sliding surface. In this way, the trajectory is
x1 = q forced to always move towards the sliding surface. The
switching control signal has an important disadvantage
x2 = x_ 1 = q_ ð7Þ
of SMC which is known as chattering. To eliminate
x3 = ia chattering, the sign function can be changed by satura-
tion function which can be defined as
and then the state space equations can be written as
8 9
< s.e 1 =
x_ 1 = x2
sat(s) = s\  e 1 ð12Þ
1   : ;
x_ 2 = Cx22  n2 Bx2 + nKm x3  nTf e\s\e s=e
=+n J 2 ð8Þ
1  where e is a constant which introduces a boundary layer
x_ 3 = Va  Ra x3  nKg x2 around the switching surface.

SMC design MSMC design

SMC is known as a variable structural control method In conventional SMC, the sliding surface is fixed with a
robustly controlling complex high-order nonlinear sys- constant slope of nonoptimal or optimal value of c in
tems. The most important advantage of SMC is the the error state space. Hence, if the representative point
insensitivity to parametric variations and external dis- lies in the stable zone, that is, the second and fourth
turbances. In SMC, the user chooses a sliding surface quadrants in the phase plane, then the absolute value
in the state space and the control law forces the state of e2(t) becomes small for a fixed gain of K when large
variables to get close to the sliding surface and to slide values are chosen for c. This yields a longer reaching
towards the origin. For a second-order system, there is time to the surface s(t). On the other hand, if a small
a sliding surface defined below value for c is chosen, the convergence speed on the sur-
face itself will be slow, leading to a longer tracking
s(x, t) = ce1 (t) + e2 (t) ð9Þ time. Therefore, if an appropriate small value for a
time-varying slope c is chosen, fast tracking will be
where c is a strictly positive real constant which deter- achieved without increasing the gain K. This is the key
mines the slope of the sliding surface and e1 and e2 are feature of the MSS proposed in Choi and Park.18 The
the tracking errors defined in the state space as surface is initially chosen to pass arbitrary initial
Cxakar and Tanyıldızı 5

Table 1. Mechanism and motor parameters for numerical simulation.4,9

Mechanism parameters
Links (i)
1 2 3 4

ri (m) 0.5593 0.102 0.610 0.406

ci (m) 0.0 0.305 0.203
mi (kg) 1.362 1.362 0.2041
Ji (kg m2) 0.00071 0.0173 0.00509
bi (rad) 0.0 0.0 0.0

DC motor parameters
R (O) L (H) Km (N m/A) Kg (V s) J (kg m2) Tf (N m) B (N m s)

0.4 0.050 0.678 0.678 0.056 0.00 0.226

V s: Volt-second; N m s: Newton-meter-second.

reaching time is shortened. On the other hand, if the

sign of the ratio is negative this means that the error is
decreasing and vice versa. However, as the velocity
error approaches zero, the magnitude of the ratio and
consequently the slope of the surface grow.
It should be noted that, when the mechanism starts
to run at zero velocity and acceleration, the velocity
error has a negative sign and the acceleration error is
zero. Hence, c0 with a positive value guarantees that
(a) (b) the sliding surface is in the stable zone. c0 is the mini-
mum or the initial value of the slope in this case. On
Figure 2. Illustration of moving sliding surface: (a) rotating the other hand, at the beginning of the reaching phase,
sliding surface and (b) shifting sliding surface. the velocity error decreases, while the acceleration error
increases to compensate for the velocity error at first.
Then the acceleration error decreases as the velocity
error approaches zero. Consequently, the slope changes
conditions, and the surface is subsequently moved
from a minimum value cmin to a maximum value cmax
towards the predetermined sliding surface. When the
which are determined by the error ratio at the initial
reaching phase is achieved, the movement is terminated
time t0 and at the final time of the reaching phase tr,
and the sliding phase continues with a constant slope
respectively. After the reaching phase is achieved, the
value as the conventional SMC. The movement can be
movement of the slope is terminated and fixed at its
executed by rotating/shifting the slope c as shown in
last value. After that, because the sliding phase starts a
Figure 2. Rotating is proposed in the stable zone, while
large positive constant value of c, the velocity error will
shifting is proposed in the unstable zone. In this article,
approach zero asymptotically.
MSMC with the rotating type of sliding surface is
adopted for velocity control of the four-bar linkage.
An MSS is proposed such that its time-varying slope is Numerical simulations
defined as follows
For the numerical simulation, a four-bar mechanism
  and a DC motor without gearbox is considered. The
e2 (t)
c(t) = c0  ; 0\t\tr ð13Þ parameters of the motor-mechanism system shown in
e1 (t)
Figure 1 are given in Table 1.4,9 The state space repre-
where c0 is a positive constant and tr is the time where sentation of the four-bar mechanism and the motor
the reaching phase is completed. Essentially, the error system is simulated using the Runge–Kutta method. A
ratio e2 (t)=e1 (t) in the equation corresponds to the MATLAB code is implemented for the integration of
slope of a surface which satisfies s(t) = 0 at any time t. equations of motion given in equation (8). The system
By adding c0, a neighbour of this surface is taken to is simulated for a 5-s duration with 5 3 1024 s time
eliminate nonidealities, such as delays. In this way, the step where the motor voltage is 30 V. The crank angu-
surface approaches the representative point and the lar position and velocity are set to ‘0’ (zero) for the
6 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

Table 2. Comparison of the velocity parameters for SMC and MSMC.

Control law Slope c Average speed Rise time (s) Overshoot (%) Speed fluctuations (%)

No control – 37.0353 0.1015 57.3415 15.21

SMC 80 30.0047 0.0336 0.1246 0.22
MSMC Moving 30.0014 0.0269 0.1019 0.19

SMC: sliding mode control; MSMC: moving sliding mode control.

velocity and acceleration values from their desired val-

ues at each time step. For the conventional SMC, the
parameter c is chosen as 80 which was taken from
xevkat and Telli.9 It should be noted that, although the
conventional SMC with a filter is used in Kao et al.7
and Sxevkat and Telli,9 it is strengthened with the satura-
tion function to eliminate chattering in this study.
The block diagram of the system with MSMC is
shown in Figure 4. For the MSMC, the errors were cal-
culated first, then the specific c values were calculated
for each error state satisfying s(t) = 0 by means of
equation (13), where c0 = 6 and tr = 0.0293. The value
of tr was taken to be slightly smaller than the rise time
of the conventional SMC. In this example, the rise time
for conventional SMC was found to be 0.0303 s. The
control voltage was calculated using equation (11)
where the saturation function given in equation (12)
Figure 3. Crank velocity for the without-control case. was used instead of the sign function. The obtained
results, such as average speed, rise time, overshoot and
initial conditions. The time history of the crank velocity speed fluctuations, for both SMC and MSMC are given
(v2 = q)_ for 2 s is plotted in Figure 3. It is seen that the in Table 2. The comparison of the crank velocity for
velocity of the crank fluctuates between 34.903 and MSMC and the conventional SMC with two zoomed
39.465 rad/s after a high level of overshoot. regions including the reaching and sliding phases is
It is desired that the crank rotates with 30 rad/s con- shown in Figure 5. It is seen that the desired velocity is
stant velocity. To achieve this, both SMC and MSMC achieved in a short time in the case of MSMC com-
methods were applied and the results were compared. pared to the conventional SMC, as expected. The rise
The errors e1 and e2 are calculated by subtracting the time for MSMC was determined as 0.0269 s and it is

Figure 4. Moving sliding-mode-controlled motor-mechanism system.

Cxakar and Tanyıldızı 7

Experimental study
An experimental system depicted in Figure 8 was set up
in order to examine the effectiveness of the control
methods. The crank of the four-bar mechanism is dri-
ven by a DC motor without gearbox. The parameters
of the mechanism and the DC motor are given in
Table 3.
For the data acquisition and motor control, a
dSPACE DS1104 R&D real-time controller board was
used. It is fully programmable from the MATLAB/
Simulink block diagram environment and all I/O can
be configured graphically. After the configuration, the
real-time model code can be generated, compiled and
automatically downloaded to the DS1104. To drive the
motor, an IGBT-based H bridge power convertor was
Figure 5. Comparison of the crank velocities for MSMC and used (Leybold Didactic GmbH, 732 297). The control
conventional SMC. signal was compared with the ramp function and sent
to the DS1104SL_DSP_PWM unit to generate PWM
signals for the IGBTs. The angular position and velo-
11.5% shorter than that of the conventional SMC. For city of the crank were measured by a Nemicon NOC-S
the MSMC, the change of the slope and the error ratio type 2500 pulse/rev incremental encoder. The block
with time are shown in Figure 6(a) and (b). It is seen diagram of the real-time control system is depicted in
that, while the error ratio is decreasing, the slope Figure 9.
increases with time. The slope has a constant value of First, the system was run without any control by
100.5 after tr = 0.0293 s because the moving algorithm applying a constant input voltage of 30 V to the motor.
was terminated at this time. The discontinuous point The experiment was performed for 5 s with a time incre-
on the error ratio graph shows that the representative ment of 0.0002 s. Figure 10 shows the step response of
point crosses the desired velocity, that is, the velocity the crank angular velocity such that it fluctuates
error is zero. It should be pointed out that because between 13 and 19 rad/s because of the variable inertia.
these discontinuities occur after the reaching phase this Second, the conventional SMC was used to control
method is not affected. The time tr has a crucial role in the velocity of the crank. The desired velocity value of
the performance of the method. The smaller the value the crank was chosen as 20 rad/s. The system was run
of tr, the longer the reaching time. On the other hand, and the velocity error was determined by comparing
the larger value of tr may result in a longer tracking the desired velocity and the velocity data taken from
time. The sliding surface for the MSMC is also shown the encoder. The motor control voltage was calculated
in Figure 7. using the velocity error and its derivative in SMC

(a) (b)

Figure 6. Change of (a) slope and (b) error ratio with time, for c0 = 7 and tr = 0.0293 s.
8 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

Table 3. Mechanism and motor parameters for the experimental study.

Mechanism parameters
Links (i)
1 2 3 4

ri (m) 0.455 0.045 0.536 0.272

ci (m) 0.0 0.268 0.136
mi (kg) 1.311 0.506 0.208
Ji (kg m2) 0.0019 0.0167 0.0058
bi (rad) 0.0 0.0 0.0

DC motor parameters
R (O) L (H) Km (N m/A) Kg (V) J (kg m2) Tf (N m) B (N m)

25.5871 1.4643 1.0672 1.3758 0.00051 0.00 0.00169

Power (kW) Torque (N m) Speed (r/min) Voltage (V) Current (A)
1.1 3.2 1500 200 5.5

Figure 8. Experimental setup of a four-bar mechanism driven

by a DC motor.

Figure 7. The sliding surface for MSMC.

formulas. The PWM signal was generated by the

dSPACE DS1104 controller board and applied to
the motor driver. The crank velocity is shown in
Figure 11(a). Unfortunately, in this case, the desired
velocity could not be reached, although it is expected in
SMC that the velocity error approaches zero asympto-
tically in a finite time. It is thought that this unexpected
behaviour may be due to the motor trigger rate being
lower than the sample time of the applied voltage. It is
expected in the SMC that the applied voltage changes
between the positive and negative peak values.
However, as can be seen in Figure 11(b), the peak vol-
tage value was not reached with few exceptions during
the runtime. For this reason, the motor could not reach
the desired velocity. In order to avoid damage to the
motor, the experiments were not continued for the dif-
ferent SMC parameters. Figure 9. Block diagram of the real-time control system.
Cxakar and Tanyıldızı 9

system are shown in Figure 13. It is clearly seen that

the method is insensitive to parametric variation.
In the second case, a nonlinear unknown force was
simulated by touching to the link 4 suddenly when the
mechanism was working. In this case, the amplitude of
the force and the time duration were not known. The
velocity response and the control voltage are shown in
Figure 14. It is seen that the system response is dis-
torted as soon as the force is applied, then the control-
ler stabilizes the crank velocity in about 0.4 s by a large
change in control voltage. Note that the experiments
were also made for different crank velocities. Similar
results were found although the results were not given
here for brevity.

Figure 10. Crank angular velocity for the without-control case Conclusion
in the experimental study. In this study, MSMC was adopted for velocity control
of a four-bar mechanism driven by a DC motor.
Then the proposed MSMC algorithm was applied to Although, in SMC, the slope of the sliding surface is
control the system and it was observed that the result chosen by the user optimally or nonoptimally, it is cal-
was very satisfactory. It is evident from Figure 12(a) culated based on the error state at each integration of
that the velocity reaches the desired value in a very time during the reaching phase in the proposed
short time. The crank velocity comes to a stable zone in MSMC. The initial values of the slope and the rotating
0.165 s. The rise time is 0.017 s and the velocity fluctua- time have a crucial role in the performance of the pro-
tion is vitally reduced such that the velocity fluctuates posed method. The rise time of the conventional SMC
between 19.50 and 20.45 rad/s despite the overshoot of can be chosen as the time of the rotating procedure
17%. Moreover, the chattering is significantly elimi- terminated.
nated as shown in Figure 12(b). These show the effi- The numerical simulations as well as the experimen-
ciency of the proposed MSMC method. tal studies showed that the MSMC has a smaller reach-
One of the important properties of SMC is that it is ing time and robust control compared to the
insensitive to the change of parameters and to the dis- conventional SMC. A most important result observed
turbing effects. In order to show the effectiveness of the in the experimental study is that, in the SMC, the
MSMC over these effects, two experiments were also desired crank velocity was not achieved. It was thought
carried out. In the first case, a 0.5 kg mass is added to that this may be because the motor trigger rate is lower
link 4 to simulate the change of parameters without than the sample time of the applied voltage. On the
changing the controller parameters used in previous contrary, in the case of MSMC, the desired velocity
experiment. The velocity and voltage responses of the

(a) (b)

Figure 11. (a) Crank velocity and (b) control voltage for the conventional SMC.
10 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

(a) (b)


Figure 12. (a) Crank velocity, (b) control voltage and (c) velocity error for MSMC.

(a) (b)

Figure 13. (a) Crank velocity and (b) control voltage in the case of added mass of 0.5 kg.
Cxakar and Tanyıldızı 11

(a) (b)

Figure 14. (a) Crank velocity and (b) control voltage in the case of unknown force.

was achieved in a short time that shows the efficiency 6. Wai RJ and Lin FJ. A fuzzy neural network controller
of the MSMC method. with adaptive learning rates for nonlinear slider-crank
mechanism. Neurocomputing 1998; 20: 295–320.
Declaration of conflicting interests 7. Kao CC, Chuang CW and Fung RF. The self-tuning
PID control in a slider–crank mechanism system by
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
applying particle swarm optimization approach. Mecha-
respect to the research, authorship and/or publication of this
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Appendix 1 independent variable q
The vector loop closure equation of the four-bar link-
age shown in Figure 1 can be written as dxi ∂xi X2
ui ¼ = + gj
dq ∂q j=1
∂f j
A0 A + AB = A0 B0 + B0 B ð14Þ ð23Þ
dyi ∂yi X2
This yields two explicit constraint equations as vi = = + gj
dq ∂q j=1
∂f j
For the four-bar mechanism, the coordinates of the
f1 (q, f1 , f2 ) = r2 cos q + r3 cos f1  r1 cos b1  r4 cos f2 = 0
mass centre of the links are
f2 (q, f1 , f2 ) = r2 sin q + r3 sin f1  r1 sin b1  r4 sin f2 = 0
Cxakar and Tanyıldızı 13

x2 = c2 cosðqÞ y2 = c2 sinðqÞ they can be determined by differentiating the velocity

x3 = r2 cosðqÞ + c3 cosðf1 Þ y3 = r2 sinðqÞ + c3 sinðf1 Þ influence coefficient of the mass centre of the links with
x4 = c4 cosðf2 Þ y4 = c4 sinðf2 Þ respect to the independent variable q
and the velocity influence coefficients of the mass centre ∂ui X2
∂ui ∂vi X2
of the links are determined as follows u0i = + gj ; v0i = + gj ð31Þ
∂q j=1
∂f j ∂q j=1
∂f j

u2 =  c2 sinðqÞ v2 = c2 cosðqÞ
For the four-bar mechanism, they are obtained as
u3 =  r2 sinðqÞ  c3 sinðf1 Þg1 v3 = r2 cosðqÞ + c3 cosðf1 Þg1
u4 =  c4 sinðf2 Þg2 v4 = c4 cosðf2 Þg2 follows
ð25Þ u02 =  c2 cosðqÞ
The acceleration influence coefficient or the second- v02 =  c2 sinðqÞ
order influence coefficient is the derivative of the velo- u03 =  r2 cosðqÞ  c3 cosðf1 Þg12  c3 sinðf1 Þg 01
city influence coefficient with respect to the independent ð32Þ
variable q, and it can be written as v03 =  r2 sinðqÞ  c3 sinðf1 Þg12 + c3 cosðf1 Þg01
u04 =  c4 cosðf2 Þg22  c4 sinðf2 Þg02
dgi d 2 fi ∂gi X
gi0 = = = + gj ; i = 1, 2 ð26Þ v04 =  c4 sinðf2 Þg22 + c4 cosðf2 Þg 02
dq dq 2 ∂q ∂fj
Note that in equations (4–6) hi and h0i are the velo-
The acceleration influence coefficients of the four- city and acceleration influence coefficients related to
bar linkage are determined as follows the rotation of the links, respectively. For the four-bar
mechanism, hi and h0i (i = 2, 3, 4) are defined as follows
r2 cos (q  f2 ) r2 cos (f1  f2 ) sin (q  f2 )
g10 =  + g1
r3 sin (f1  f2 ) r3 sin2 (f1  f2 ) h2 = 1, h02 = 1
r2 sin (f1  q) h3 = g1 , h03 = g 01 ð33Þ
+ g2
r3 sin2 (f1  f2 )
h4 = g2 , h04 = g 02
r2 cos (q  f1 ) r2 sin (q  f2 ) From equation (4), the equivalent mass moment of
g20 = + g1 inertia for the four-bar mechanism can be written as
r4 sin (f1  f2 ) r4 sin2 (f1  f2 )
r2 cos (f1  f2 ) sin (q  f1 ) = = m2 c22 + I2 + m3 r22 + c23 g12 + 2r2 c3 cosðq  f1 Þ
r4 sin2 (f1  f2 ) + I3 g12 + m4 c24 g22 + I4 g22
The angular acceleration of the links 3 and 4 can be cal- ð34Þ
culated as follows
and its derivative with respect to q divided by 2 which
€ 1 = g 0 q_ 2 + g1 €q;
f € 2 = g0 q_ 2 + g2 €q
f ð29Þ is named as the centripetal coefficient can be found as
1 2
The acceleration of the mass centre of the link i (i = 2,
3, 4), aGi, can be calculated as follows 1 d=  
= m3 r2 c3 ðg1  1Þ sinðq  f1 Þ + m3 c23 + I3 g1 g 01
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 dq
02 02 2  
aGi = ui + vi q_ + u2i + v2i €q ð30Þ + m4 c24 + I4 g2 g02
where ui and vi are the components of the acceleration
influence coefficient of the mass centre of the link i and

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