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Number : 6/P.I.

AD/A-a/XII/1444 Gontor 5, 8th Of Dzulhijjah 1444 H

Enc. : - Sheet 26th Of June 2023 M
Subject : Lending Request

Dear Honorable,
CID Staff
At Darussalam Gontor Campus 5

Assalamu’ailaikum Wr.Wb.

The Chief Of Sacrifice Day Committee at Darussalam Gontor Modern Islamic

Institution Campus 5 Darul Qiyam on Period 1444-1445 H /2023-2024 M, request your
kindness to Lend Us Some Articles For Our Agenda at :
Day, Date : Monday, 26th Of June 2023 M
Place : Volley Field
Time : 19.00 - Selesai
The Articles that we need below :
1. Sound Amount 2 Set
2. Mic Wireless Amount 2 Pcs
3. Mic Mimbar Amount 1 Pcs

Thus us and thanks for your attention, may Allah bless us here and hereafter.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Known by,

Chief Of Sacrifice Day Committee
Approved by,

Supervisor Of CID CID Staff

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