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Significance of the study

The purpose of this stady was to investigate the impact of clinical Learning education
Duration on the confidence levels of Radiologic Technology interns, the study could be of
importance of the following:

Intern student.This Study will help them to boost confidence since this will provide
information about the benefits that they can acquire in having a Duration in their Clinical
learning Educaticn. The interns would be able to perform accurate and responsible in ther

Teachers. They could help each other in implementing plans in helping the Interns by
teaching them the right way and important details all about Clinical learning education.

Future Researchers.The conducted studies will further

open doors for fortune researchers to refine and expand studies in relation to Impact of
clinical learning education on the interns.

Definition of terms

Boost Confidence: To increase or elevate the interns' belief in their capabilities, skills, and
knowledge related to radiologic technology. This heightened confidence empowers interns to
perform their tasks with assurance and proficiency.

Benefits: Advantages or positive outcomes that interns can gain from having a longer duration
of clinical learning education. These benefits could include enhanced skills, increased
competence, and improved performance in their field of study.

Accurate and Responsible Performance: The interns' ability to perform tasks with precision,
correctness, and reliability, coupled with a sense of accountability and professionalism in
their roles within radiologic technology.

Implementation of Plans: The action of putting strategies or educational plans into practice. Teachers
collaborate to execute effective teaching methodologies and educational plans geared towards aiding
interns in their clinical learning experiences.

Teaching the Right Way: Educators' efforts to impart knowledge, skills, and essential details to interns in
a manner that aligns with best practices and industry standards within the realm of clinical learning

Future Researchers: Individuals who will conduct subsequent studies or investigations in the field of
clinical learning education, leveraging the findings and insights from this study as a basis to refine,
expand, or explore further aspects of the impact of clinical learning education on interns' confidence
levels. These researchers will aim to contribute additional knowledge and advancements to this area of

Radiologic Technology Interns: Individuals undergoing supervised training within a radiologic technology
program, typically involving clinical rotations, to become proficient in medical imaging techniques and
Clinical Learning Education: The practical training or experiential learning that takes place in real
healthcare settings, allowing students or interns to apply theoretical knowledge, develop skills, and gain
hands-on experience under supervision.

Duration: The length of time or period allocated for a specific activity or process. In the context of the
study, it refers to the time interns spend engaged in clinical learning education activities.

Confidence Levels: The interns' self- assurance, belief, or perception of their capabilities, competence,
and readiness to perform tasks or responsibilities within the realm of radiologic technology.

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