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Scope and Delimitation

This study will target radiologic technology 100 interns enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in
Radiologic Technology program at Holy infant College Tacloban City with the focus of the
clinical learning Education.

The study will assess the impact of clinical education methods and duration of clinical
exposure on the confidence levels of radiologic interns. Each of the respondents are given
same questionnaires to answer. And this study is limited to Holy infant College Tacloban City.

This study will be conducted within the constraints of available resources and time.

Definition of terms

Radiologic Technology Interns: Individuals enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in Radiologic

Technology program at Holy Infant College, Tacloban City, undergoing supervised training and
education to become proficient in radiologic technology practices.

Clinical Learning Education: The practical, hands-on training and experiential learning that
interns receive in real healthcare settings, focusing on the application of theoretical
knowledge and skill development within the field of radiologic technology.

Impact: The effect, influence, or consequence that different methods and durations of clinical
education have on the confidence levels of the radiologic technology interns. It examines how
these factors shape interns' perceptions of their own capabilities.

Questionnaires: A set of standardized inquiries or survey tools provided to each intern

respondent to gather uniform data about their experiences, perspectives, and confidence
levels regarding their clinical education.

Constraints of Available Resources and Time: Limitations or boundaries related to the

availability of facilities, materials, personnel, and the duration allocated for conducting the
study. These limitations may affect the scope and depth of the research.

Focus on Clinical Exposure and Methods: The emphasis of the study on the duration of interns'
exposure to clinical settings and the various teaching and learning techniques employed
during their clinical education in radiologic technology.

Study Limitation to Holy Infant College, Tacloban City: The research is confined or restricted
to interns enrolled specifically at Holy Infant College in Tacloban City. Therefore, the findings
and conclusions drawn may not necessarily represent the entire population of radiologic
technology interns from other institutions or locations.

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