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Wed 21st Nov 2023 Elevation Studies

Ordination of Priests
Min Samuel Kimani

Jer 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; Before you were born I
sanctified you you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”

“Ordination is an authentication to do a certain work or mandate..”

 Your spirit-man is ancient, he is found in GOD before your ordained time.

 There is a war in the realm of the spirit; your spirit-man is more ancient than the enemy.
 This is why we are encouraged to pray in the spirit.
 We are distracted by the jobs of this world while we should be more concerned about our work.
 It is good to make money & be successful, but we should also get to know why we are in this
world for a time.
 Finishing your work on this world in due time warrants a reward or treasure stored up for you
when you go back to Heaven.

“Your Spirit-Man is ancient, he is found in GOD before your Ordained time.”

 For you to begin your work, you first must be sanctified, concentrated & ordained to walk in
God’s purposes for you.
 There were men of GOD in the Word who were concentrated, sanctified & ordained for GOD’s
 For us to understand our mandate, let us define what sanctification, concencration & ordination

 Sanctification is the separation unto God to meet His standards on a particular assignment or
agenda. This is to all believers.

 Concencration is the personal dealing with God that acts as a Covenant to sustain and
empower a priest to carry out his purpose.

 Ordination is the legal authorization to fulfill a specific assignment or agenda.

“There were men of GOD in the Word who were Concentrated, Sanctified & Ordained
for GOD’s purposes.”

1. Moses [Lev 8:6, Exo 34:29-25, Exo 19: 16-19]

2. David [1 Sam 16:13, 2 Sam 5:4-8]

3. Paul [Acts 9:10-19]

How Do you know Your Ordination?
 Your concencration is found in your ordination.
 Your concencration is what keeps you, ie. Samson’s hair was his concentration [Judges
 Exercising your faith; what you know about the Way, is what leads you to your ordination.
 Jeremiah 1:7 “But the Lord said unto me, Say not I am a child: for thou shalt go to all that I send
thee and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak.”
 We each carry a seed that has the potential to exercise our mandate in Christ.a
 The full measure of The Lord’s work rests in each believer.

“The World Is Waiting For The Manifestation Of The Sons Of GOD.”

 People, even some Believers are resorting to witchcraft because as a Church,we have refused to
manifest the glory of God.
 Let us fulfill our ordination, for in that fulfillment; we shall find peace & security.
 Jeremiah 1:8 “Be not afraid of their faces: for Iam with thee to deliver thee, saith the Lord.”
 We can allow ourselves to be of use for God to deliver us & our people.
 Jeremiah 1:10 “So I have this day set thee over the nations and to destroy and to throw down &
to build up and to plant.”
 Our order as priests is to represent God here on Earth wit h power.
 Nations in this context are not governments & borders, but spheres of influence ie. Business,
health, military, education etc.
‘Priesthoods that were stolen by the enemy are being restored; The Holy Spirit has
restored our ordination.’

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