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Andrés Felipe Trillos Calderón – 2293637

Santo Tomas Universitity – Bucaramanga

Open innovation refers to the collaboration and integration of external knowledge and resources
into a company's innovation process. In the context of small Colombian companies, this practice
has emerged as a key strategy for driving competitiveness and growth. This report presents the
relevant elements found in open innovation within this context.

1. Relevant Elements in Open Innovation in Small Colombian Companies

1.1. Collaboration with Universities and Research Centers: Many small Colombian companies
have established collaborations with universities and research centers to access cutting-edge
technical and scientific knowledge. These alliances have facilitated the development of innovative
products and services.

1.2. Participation in Innovation Networks: Small companies actively participate in innovation

networks, allowing them to share experiences and knowledge with other companies in the same
sector. These networks facilitate the identification of common opportunities and challenges.

1.3. Crowdsourcing of Ideas: Through online platforms and social networks, small Colombian
companies have adopted crowdsourcing to gather ideas from customers, suppliers, and other
stakeholders. This feedback is invaluable for generating innovative ideas.

1.4. Business Incubators and Accelerators: Collaborating with business incubators and
accelerators has enabled small companies to access funding, mentoring, and additional resources
to drive innovation and growth.
1.5. Cultivating an Innovative Culture: Some small Colombian companies have implemented
internal programs to foster a culture of innovation among their employees. This includes
training in problem-solving skills and creativity.

To enhance the competitiveness of small Colombian companies through open innovation, the
following recommendations are proposed:

2.1. Increased Government Support: The Colombian government could establish specific funding
programs and facilitate collaboration between companies and research centers.

2.2. Development of Crowdsourcing Platforms: National crowdsourcing platforms connecting

companies with a broad base of stakeholders willing to contribute innovative ideas could be

2.3. Promotion of Strategic Alliances: Active promotion of the formation of strategic alliances
among small companies in the same sector to share resources and knowledge.

2.4. Support for Innovation Training: Training in innovation management could be offered
through government programs and educational institutions.

Open innovation is proving to be a critical factor in improving the competitiveness of small

Colombian companies. Through collaboration with external stakeholders, participation in
innovation networks, and the promotion of an innovative culture, these companies can address
the challenges of the current market and achieve sustainable growth. The implementation of the
proposed recommendations could significantly contribute to this process.


1. Zartha, J. W., Arango, B., Tobon, M., Gomez, J., Gonzalez, L., & Marquerie, C. (2017).
Open Innovation in an Intermediate City of Colombia. Indian Journal of Science and
Technology, 10(33).
2. Borbon Moya, J. (2023). Open Innovation Practices in Colombian SMEs: Current State,
Barriers, and Pathways to Success.

3. Villarreal, O., & Calvo, N. (2015). From the Triple Helix model to the Global Open
Innovation model: A case study based on international cooperation for innovation in
Dominican Republic. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 35, 71-92.

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