03 ASA FEM Dynamics Two DOFs Example

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Advanced Structural Analysis

Lecture 07 (example with MATLAB programming)

Date: 02 Nov (Thu)
Lecturer: Myung-Jin Choi (choi@lbb.rwth-aachen.de)

Example. Transient response of two degrees-of-freedom system (Bathe, 2006, Examples 9.1,
9.3, 9.6, 9.7). Solve the differential equation

MÜ(t) + Fint (t) = Fext , (1)

for a linear two degrees-of-freedom (DOFs) system, i.e., U = [U1 , U2 ]T , and

Fint (t) = KU(t), (2)

2 0 6 −2 0
M= , K= , Fext = , (3)
0 1 −2 4 10
and the initial conditions

U(t) = 0, and U̇(t) = 0 at t = 0, (4)

using the following three methods.

(a) exact solution,
(b) central difference method,
(c) Newmark method (constant average acceleration method).

(a) We divide the solution procedure into the following three steps.
(Step 1: Change of the basis)
We can decouple the given differential equations for U(t), by mode superposition. We
introduce a new basis {ϕ1 , ϕ2 }, such that
  U1 (t)
U(t) = e1 e2
U2 (t)
  X1 (t)
= ϕ1 ϕ2 . (5)
X2 (t)

The selected new base vectors are eigenvectors, obtained from the generalized eigenvalue
Kϕi = ωi2 Mϕi , (6)
1 if i = j,
i Mϕj = (7)
0 if i ̸= j,
for i, j ∈ {1, 2}. We obtain the eigenvalues ω12 = 2, ω22 = 5, and the corresponding eigenvec-
 √  ( 1p )
1/√3 2/3
ϕ1 = , and ϕ2 = 2p . (8)
1/ 3 − 2/3
Let Φ := [ϕ1 , ϕ2 ], and X := [X1 , X2 ]T . Then Eq. (5) can be rewritten as

U(t) = ΦX(t). (9)

Note that Φ does not depend on time. Further, Eq. (7) can be rewritten as

ΦT MΦ = 12×2 , (10)

where 12×2 denotes the 2 × 2 identity matrix.

(Step 2: Decoupling of the given equation)

Substituting Eq. (9) into Eq. (1) gives

MΦẌ(t) + KΦX(t) = Fext . (11)

Multiplying ΦT to both sides of Eq. (11), and using Eq. (10), we have

Ẍ(t) + K̃X(t) = F̃ext , (12)

T 2 0
K̃ := Φ KΦ = , (13)
0 5
10/p 3
F̃ext := ΦT Fext = . (14)
−10 2/3

Then, Eq. (12) can be rewritten as
Ẍ1 + 2X1 − √ = 0, (15a)

10 2
Ẍ2 + 5X2 − √ = 0, (15b)
with the initial conditions

X1 (0) = Ẋ1 (0) = 0, (16a)

X2 (0) = Ẋ2 (0) = 0. (16b)

(Step 3: Solution of the decoupled differential equation)

Xi (t) = A cos (ωi t) + B sin (ωi t) + C, i ∈ {1, 2} . (17)
Then, using the conditions of Eqs. (15) and (16), we obtain
5  √ 
X1 (t) = √ 1 − cos 2t , (18a)
X2 (t) = −2 1 − cos 5t . (18b)
Substituting Eq. (18) into Eq. (9), we obtain the final solution
5 √ 2 √
U1 (t) = − cos 2t + cos 5t + 1, (19a)
3 3
5 √ 4 √
U2 (t) = − cos 2t − cos 5t + 3. (19b)
3 3

(b) We obtain the solution at the discrete set of time steps, {t0 , t1 , · · · , tn , tn+1 , · · · , tN }, and
the solution at the current (n + 1)th step is obtained, based on the equilibrium condition of
Eq. (1) at the previous nth step, which is so called an explicit method. That is, we calculate
U such that
M n Ü + K n U = Fext , (20)
U = 0 U̇ = 0. (21)
Here, we consider a central difference method, where we employ

n 1 n+1
U − n−1 U

U̇ = (22a)
n 1 n+1
U + n−1 U − 2 n U .

Ü = (22b)
Substituting Eq. (22b) into Eq. (20) gives
1 1 2
M n+1 U = −n R − 2 M n−1 U + 2 M n U. (23)
∆t ∆t ∆t
The solution procedure is divided into the following two steps.
(Step 1: Initial calculation)
We first calculate the initial acceleration. Imposing the condition of Eq. (1) at time t = 0,
and applying the initial conditions of Eq. (4), we have
Ü = −M−1 K 0 U̇ − Fext
= M−1 Fext
1/2 0 0
0 1 10
= . (24)
Second, we calculate U, as

−1 1
U = ∆t2 0 Ü + 
0 0
U̇ − ∆t U̇
= ∆t2 (25)

(Step 2: Solution for each time step)

At every step n + 1 = 1, 2, 3, ..., we solve Eq. (23) to obtain U. If required, we calculate
U̇ and n Ü, using Eqs. (22a) and (22b), respectively.

(c) We obtain the solution at the discrete set of time steps, {t0 , t1 , · · · , tn , tn+1 , · · · , tN }, and
the solution at the current (n + 1)th step is obtained, based on the equilibrium condition
of Eq. (1) at the current n + 1th step, which is so called an implicit method. That is, we
calculate n+1 U such that
M n+1 Ü + K n+1 U = Fext , (26)
U = 0 U̇ = 0. (27)
Here, we consider a Newmark method, with the constant average acceleration method (trape-
zoidal rule), so that

n+1 1 n 
Ü + n+1 Ü ∆t,
U̇ = n U̇ + (28a)
n+1 n n 1 1n 1 n+1
U = U + U̇∆t + Ü + Ü ∆t2
2 2 2
n 1 n n+1

= U+ U̇ + U̇ ∆t, (28b)
and combining Eqs. (28a) and (28b) gives

n+1 4 n+1 4 n
U − nU − U̇ − n Ü.

Ü = (28c)
∆t2 ∆t
Substituting Eqs. (28b) and (28c) into Eq. (26) gives
4 4 4
M + K n+1 U = Fext + 2 M n U + M n U̇ + M n Ü. (29)
∆t ∆t ∆t

The solution procedure is divided into the following two steps.

(Step 1: Initial calculation)
We first calculate the initial acceleration
Ü = −M−1 K 0 U̇ − Fext
= M−1 Fext
1/2 0 0
0 1 10
= . (30)

(Step 2: Solution for each time step)

n+1 n+1
At every step n + 1 = 1, 2, 3, ..., we solve Eq. (29) to obtain U. Then, we calculate Ü
and n+1 U̇, using Eqs. (28a) and (28b), respectively.

For the computation results, see the attached MATLAB code.

Bathe, K.-J. (2006). Finite element procedures. Klaus-Jurgen Bathe.

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