Lost in Life-Short

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Pristina , 2021




Dini and Melita………………………Pg.17

Din has started to get rich…………Pg.28


Money has no religion?.................................Pg.35

Din and Melita become parents……………Pg..49

Dini had gathered agents…………..Pg.56

Din & Bleinda………………………Pg. 67

Agents become richer……………..Pg.77

Secret Love of Dini…………………..Pg.104


River floods…….……………………….Pg. 115


Torino, Italy, 12 January 1928………………Pg.116

Dini become poorer…………………Pg.133

Dreni has to pay for his great-grandfather's sin..Pg.140

Cursed place / sin …………………………Pg.149

Dren in sin planet and charity research……Pg.155

Dren Mission without his will………………...Pg. 172


Sun City and Dreni……………….………………Pg.180


Dren/ sin ……………………………………………………Pg. 191

Oh God, do I think my time is running out?..........193
Book Lost in Life is thriller gender
The book Lost in Life is thriller genre, the story begins with Din, who is
the main character in the first part of the book, who is an adventurer. He
belongs to a poor family who starts his adventure after being robbed of
gold by an owner and runs away from his house, and hides in a cave
where he finds gold treasure hidden for centuries and invests in the
purchase of numerous properties in Prishtina and in all parts of Kosovo.
He manages to get rich immensely and so forgets all his previous family
given to wealth, forgets everything valuable and human, becomes cruel
together with his agents, he builds a great fortune. After the curse
begins, he loses the property and also his agents are cursed and die
strangely and everyone loses the property gained by force. In the second
part, Dreni, who is the descendant of Dini, is forced by the High Gate -
the major power from God to pay the debt and the damage caused by his
ancestor. The book "Lost in Life" is a book full of developments,
dramatic actions and conveys the message that economic power should
not be misused for personal purposes and the time will come when all
sins must be paid. For more read the book that will bring you a lot of
emotions and spiritual drama.

In the following you can read 12 pages from the book, to order you
can contact me via email or phone. burjani@yahoo.com Tel.
Copy right reserved for Author.
Chapter I

Everything began with Din

Year 1894, spring, Village Artar 10 kilometers from Pristina - Kosovo

Wake up Din? Wake up? Was calling him a Father? You have to go to market! We are left
without food? You, definitely need to sell something and then to buy food for all of us. There is
no flour at home, there anything left!

What we are going to eat now! And in the evening as well?

You have to do something my son?

I’m sick, and I can do nothing more?

Thanks God all of you grew up!

Ok dad, I will try! Din answers.

I was unoptimistic! Why to go at market? Or what I have to sell?

As a family we have only five chickens, and a cow, a little bit of land. Pristina is the place where
we belong, a lot of people comes to bay and sell something in city- it is in the heart of ancient
“Dardania” , my dad always said : “is pretty difficult to live in such a place if you are not trader
or you don’t have any shop in property”.

Many empires usurped gold and miner from our beautiful land. They went and they come in
different way , gain and again!
We always want freedom..!

I was born in Artar Village; ten kilometers nearly to city of Pristina. There were two small shops
in the village, and a small motel. From my village It takes about some hour walking to get to

I always loved Prishtina, I couldn't get there any time wanted, very rarely I went with dad, and it
was difficult to find transportation to come back.

Pristina is beautiful place with lake in middle of ancient part of town. Prishtevka in heart of
city, and other lake called Vellusha in another part of the city, with beautiful trees, small ancient
beautiful houses, which is built with stones.

Streets with stones and many craftsmen who work fine clothes, gold chains. People highly value
gold and called it damned because many people was dying trying to become rich.

I walked the stony road slowly thinking, what can I do? I can't even sell the only chickens we
had or the only cow!

-I thought as well maybe we must sell them too?

-But the question is what will we do later?

-How to live?

- I had thoughts on my head?

I decided to go to Pristina in to the market and steal something; there weren't many other
solutions in my head!

I am poor! How to live? Many people in my age do the same thing in this poor place?

Walking to the street I went to call my friend Haten.

-Haten do you want to join me? Ok he said, as usually he is always ready for adventure!
I told him my plan to go to Prishtina, and as well I told him that we should steal something in the
city, usually he is an expert to steals food in the city and brings at home to eat with family! The
first task for us is to steal something valuable, the second - to leave quickly and sell it later
somewhere else?

Agree says Haten , we went to the market with Haten to study the alley opposite, to follow when
traders come to rob one of them!

Haten was watching and monitoring situations related to what was happening on the street and I
was getting ready to take the gold in the small bags they held in their hands. There were four
gold traders, they talked about the details of the trade and agreed to do business in the next few
days, and three of them went on, only one of them left alone.

The dealer was about 60 years old, police, police, he scream and whistled, they grabbed my bag
he sayd . I started to run away, he calls cop, cops? I started running without stopping on the road.
The older dealer had a big belly and could not catch me at all.

Haten was caught by police. I ran through green fields and large trees centuries old and without
stopping in panic, I had no idea where to stop? After three hours of walking I stopped.

I raised my head to the old stone cave dripping with water. I go inside and look around the cave.
After two hours of rest I was wondering where to go and what to eat? It is almost a river. I was
walk along the river and think what to do next?

I catch a fish and a frog I started lighting the fire in the cave to prepare food, I was very hungry.

-I fried the fish and the frog and ate them..I started to feel good starting to eat.
I had no clock with me, nor did I know the sun had set. After a few hours I heard bats flying over
my head.

-I was a little scared! What should I do?

-I have to stay until morning when light appear!

-But I can't even go back home because the police would looking for me.

-All the options I had were the only solution left for me to live in this cave for a while.

At night I heard strange voices calling me: Din, Din, I really started to be afraid, it was total
darkness, and nothing could be seen around!

The voices started to sound tearful, and I had nowhere to hide! A great light appeared with an
old man too.

The old man said - you have to get the gold hidden in the cave that has been there for a hundred
years, and this gold was hiding here for good purposes, most of the gold should be given to the
poor and the elderly and orphans, only a small part 1/6 you can take for your need to take care of
yourself and your family.
If you do not obey this command you and your family will be cursed and you will be devastated
by disease and poverty, other generations of your family will pay the price for their misfortune
which you can do to them!

I started to get very scared, if I could get this gold and go away, secondly should I have to share
with others gold which mention the old man who said- all gold must be shared, it was strange
to me a kind a order, but I was thinking in the end what is left for me? Too little! I can’t agree
at all. But the old man threats me!
Better if not this old man appear at all, I was thinking! What I have to benefit, I get just a little-
1/6 of his gold and also there as not so much gold to be share with others.

Now maybe at this moment until I feel a little happiness in this cave, in my house the police have
probably already surrounded my house to catch me!
It's good that I'm not there with my dad and mom and my three brothers and a sister.

This can be described as lucky at least for the present time!

But why did this elder man choose me for this mission?

My only mission is to steal and not have problems with food and clothing, I left school.

Why I have to go to school in vain? Only traders are living well in this city, police and state
administrators, others are poor and without basic things for life, they have to work in the field if
they want to eat. I'm tired of thinking only about the bread to provide.

I have no other option to live as a man with dignity just to rob rich people or state

-How should I be marry without money, how to have a home?

Nothing is left from gold for me - very little! I stopped thinking useless about what was going on
in my head, not even worth it?
The morning finally came; the sun was shining on the tops of the mountains where I went out to
look for food. I saw a note on the stones, wrote “Ulpiana”

. There were also peasants working their fields, there were boys, also and beautiful girls!

I was interested in getting some bread and cheese and milk and going back to the cave again.

I started planning to visit the near village in the next day, and later the city and to take some gold
with me to exchange with money then to buy something in the city store.

Surely Pristina is big city with beautiful houses should have a lot of shop too.

I went down to a beautiful lake and went to walk in beautiful mother nature , I sit under the tree
to rest a little bit, I start thinking how sad I'm for my family.

I miss them all especially parents on the village Artar, and as well Pristina with beautiful shops
in the city, cafeterias of my beloved city, and I can't forget difficulties to be adopted to live in
this place under new circumstances.
I can’t stop thinking about my mother with the pain mother has to try all the time to prepare food
for us and in mostly situations there is nothing to prepare for food - because was missing
elementary things at home, while I'm in this place hiding from police to not catch me , surely
mom and dad and others in family - are all upset about me and they don't know where I am for
time been?

Surely, Dad and brothers has come out to search me through the streets of the city and they can’t
find me? Who knows what they thought about me could have happened to me?

The Haten have taken the gendarmes, now is probably in jail. I was thinking all over and over
around, full my mind was in one point what is happening to him now?
I started moving around there was also a place to rest under the shade of tall trees. What to do
next? Just to sleep, and to think what I should to do next, for while I lay down and I have seen
pleasant dreams when the
whole family was together, during the sweet sleep under the shade of the trees I dreamed of my
brother and mother.

We were all together, suddenly in my dream - called the voice of my father who told me wake up
Din, wake up, I woke up!

When I opened my eyes suddenly, I saw a beautiful girl with curly white hair on the other side of
the lake, I saw her from a distance across the river.

- I notice her beauty.

Her brilliant face had a beautiful dress with high socks.

Now comes a week surviving by eating the same food, fish, pears, leaves, salads. I am tired and
bored living in this cave without light.

-Every night with the same -feelings, emotions and fears!

Dini thought, tomorrow I have to go down from the mountains to go to the city of Prishtina, it
takes a long time to walk in the city from this place - going there can change my life maybe even
my destiny, there I have to buy food with little gold. I have to exchange gold for money.
I have no money.

I have to sell gold to buy something to eat - another much different food. I'm tired of eating the
same fish foods, salads.

Morning is dawning again. I finally woke up and I have to wash my sleeping eyes in the river,
now is the time to go slowly to the nearby village, I started walking through the forest.

The forest is crowded and dense with wildlife, wolves, dogs. I will probably arrive in the village
in about an hour.

And around four hour of walking I reached in to the city.

Walking slowly in the city that had numerous houses, small children in the street and the elderly
walking down the street. I entered a city store, inside was an old man who asked me where you
from are? I answer him who is coming from another city, I am from another place not far from
Prishtina and I came here to visit the beautiful city.

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