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You will be presented with a search image and an identified object or objects and
asked how well they match. To make this rating, please take the following steps:

1. Identify the unique features of the search image

2. Research the identified object(s)

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3. Rating:
1. Match
2. Likely Match
3. No Match

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1. Unique Features of the Search Image

The search images you see in this test will not be identified. You will see the search
image only, with no labels or captions to explain it. You may know what some of the
images are, but you may not recognize others. To understand whether or not there is

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a match between the search image and the identified object(s), and how strong that
match is, you'll compare the search image with what you discover by researching the
identified object(s).

You do not need to research the search image, but you must look at it carefully and
note any unique identifiable traits, features, or characteristics. These can include
things like color, shape, size, texture, patterns, building materials, architectural
features, artistic style, and so on.

Note that the identified object(s) may not be shown at the exact same angle or size as
the search image, so the unique features will be your identification anchors as you
compare the two.

2. Identified Object and Research


2.1 Identified Object

The goal is to provide a name and/or relevant information about the object in
the search image (the object inside the red square, if visible). The kind of
information may vary given the object and the way the object is presented.

The closer and more specific the match is, the better. Some objects are more
commonly known, for example a Tiger vs. a Serval Cat, and you are asked to
apply your best judgment when considering a rating. Here is a simple example:

• Search Image: Flamingo (large pink long-legged aquatic bird)

• Identified Object 1: Flamingo (identical to the bird in the search image)
o Rating 1: Match
• Identified Object 2: Scarlet Ibis (shares many, but not all, characteristics
with bird in the search image)
o Rating 2: Likely Match
• Identified Object 3: Garden Ornament (is not a bird)
o Rating 3: No Match

We are more interested in identifying the object in the image itself and less

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interested in identifying in the artist, creator, or other information tied to the
search image. Identified objects that identify the search image more precisely
deserve a higher rating. Here is another high-level example:

• Search Image: Mona Lisa (painting)

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Identified Object 1: Mona Lisa by Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci (painting +
artist information)
o Rating 1: Match
Identified Object 2: Mona Lisa (painting)
o Rating 2: Match

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• Identified Object 3: Leonardo da Vinci (artist information only)
o Rating 3: Likely Match
• Identified Object 4: Louvre, Paris (location of painting)
o Rating 4: No Match

2.2 Research

For each search image you will see one of three different types of identified object

results: Infocard, Website Snippet, or Image Search. All three types come with
hyperlinks that will lead to websites, but each type requires a different research and
rating approach.

Requirements for all identified object types:


• The linked website should be in English or have a English version available

without needing to use a third party page translation tool.
• The linked website has to provide the image of the result type somewhere and
name, details have to be in close proximity or clearly belong to the image.
• The identified object result itself must show an image.

If the identified object result or website does not meet one or more of these
requirements, it is not valid and cannot be considered when making your rating. If this
means you do not have enough evidence to make a judgement, rate No Match and
leave a note in the comments box.
An infocard may contain the following elements:

• Generic image of the object

• Title or name of the object

• Category of the object
• Summary about the object

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• Link to "Show More" for more information

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Expected Research:
Use all presented information to understand what the identified object is and to what

degree it matches the search image.

Use the "Show More" link for further clarification as it often provides important
infomation such as additinal images and descriptions.


Rate the match based on all available information in both infocard and link.

• Match: The search image and identifed object are very similar or identical and
the search image appears to have been correctly identified.
• Likely Match: The images show similarities, and may even be related in some
way, but there is reason to believe that the identified object may not be
identical to the search image.
• No Match: The identified object looks significantly different and/or the title
and description is incorrect for the search image (for example, the search
image is a cat and the identified object is titled dog and describes a dog).
Website Snippets
Website snippets are a list of websites that contain the identified object or
information about it. Depending on the snippet, more or less information is
presented. Opening all provided links is essential to making a correct rating.

Note: Sometimes the text in the snippets may appear to be cut off or broken, as in
the top example. This does not make the identified object invalid. Please rate

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Expected Research:

It is important to open all "Show More" links provided in the list. Find the identified
image on the linked page without doing further clicking, unless it is to click on the
image to get more details. The linked page has to identify the object for a match.

Rate the match based on the provided information from all linked websites.

• Match: All valid websites appear to identify the search object correctly. This
includes cases where one website identifies a painting or other work of art and

the other identifies the artist.

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• Likely Match: At least half of all valid websites appear to identify the search
object correctly.
• No Match: Fewer than half of the valid websites agree on the identity of the
search image or they don't match any of the unique features of the search

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Image Search
Multiple thumbnails that each contain a link to the webpage where the image was

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Expected Research:

Up to eight image might be presented. Behind each image is a webpage, which can
be accessed by clicking the image. While the research stays the same, the workflow is
as follows:


1. Look at all the images

2. Click all the images that are similar to the search image in order from most
similar to least similar, and try to identify the search image using the page
titles, image captions, or within the text. If the image is missing, skip that page
and pick the next best.
3. Rate the identified object based on the following:
1. Match: All valid websites appear to identify the same search image
2. Likely Match: At least half of all valid websites appear to identify the
same search image correctly.
3. No Match: Fewer than half of the valid websites appear to identify the

search image as the same thing. This includes cases where none of the
websites appears to be a match for the image or none of the websites

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match each other.

2. Rating

The specific research for each result type allows you to determine the degree of

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match of the identified object compare to the search image.

2.1 Match

Rate Match when the identified object appears to identify the search image correctly.

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In cases where there are multiple thumbnails, all of them must agree.

Search Image

Identified Object
Match: The image provided on both the infocard and the webpage that opens after
clicking "Show More" show a different angle of the Plaza de España from what is
shown in the search image, but the unique identifying features, like the color of the
bricks and the number, shape, and size of the towers, confirm it as a match.

Search Image

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Identified Object

Match: Both website summaries contain the same image. The lower one does not
refer to the title of the image or the painter on the initial page but when you clicked
on "Show More," the painting's the name and painter are confirmed, which gives it a
majority. Note that the cut-off text in the summaries does not affect the rating.
Search Image

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Identified Object

Match: The links from each of the eight identical images name the painting "View of
Search Image

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Identified Object
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Match: Even though there is a person standing in front of the painting in the search
image, the painting, not the person, is the subject of the search. Since no image is
showing on the second infocard, it is not valid and cannot be used for rating. The
remaining infocard is a match to the unique features of the search image.
Search Image

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Identified Object

Match: All of the thumbnails share the unique features of the search image, and every
one of them identifies the plant as buckwheat. Because of this visual similarity and
unanimous agreement, the search image and the identified objects are a Match.
Search Image

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Identified Object

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Match: Two search images are shown, but only one is surrounded by the red box.
This is the image for rating. In this case, all the images show dogs that look very

similar to the search image and all are identified as German Shepherd dogs, which
seems to be the correct object here.
Search Image

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Identified Object

Match: This distinctive tower is shown from a variety of angles in the eight
thumbnails and identified as the First National Bank Tower in every instance.
2.2 Likely Match
Likely matches often occur for animals, plants and things where there is a natural
order or grouping and the identified object is:

• Too specific:

o The identified image is similar to the search image but too specific or
from a different but related subcategory.

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• Too general
o The identified image is similar to the search image but more general
than necessary.

Search Image

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Identified Object
Likely Match: The flower in the search image shares many unique identifying features
with most of the provided image search links, which are described as Agapanthus
Africanus. (A minority of the links identify a different flower.)

Search Image

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Identified Object
Likely Match: The search image shows an individual plant with specific
characteristics. The identified object is a genus (category) of plants that contains many
individual types. Clicking the "Show More" link leads to a page describing and
showing plants that are very similar to the one seen in the search image. Because the

identified image is more general (an entire category) than the search image (a specific
plant), the pair is rated Likely Match.

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Search Image

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Identified Object
Likely Match: The search image is of a short-haired cat. Clicking the provided link
show that the Turkish Van cats have a wide variety of looks, including the one in the
search image. While it isn't absolutely clear that this is in fact a Turkish Van, there is
no evidence showing that is not.

Search Image

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Identified Object

Likely Match: More than half of the websites identify this dog as a Jack Russell
Terrier. The other websites say this is a Parson Russell Terrier. Because this dog
shares unique characteristics with both breeds, and there is not unanimous
agreement on its breed, this pair is rated Likely Match.
Search Image

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Identified Object

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Likely Match: Many of the websites behind these images show the same name in
title or caption: Jagannath Temple, but some do not. The structure in the search

image shares some unique architectural features with the other identified temples, so
this is a Likely Match.

2.1 No Match

Rate No Match when there is little or no plausible connection or match between the
identified object and the search image. By plausible we mean: With the minimal
information provided by result type and links, we have to assume that the search
image and the identified object are not the same.

A connection is NOT plausible when:

• The images are obviously not showing the same objects.

• The title and or hyperlink page strongly suggest that the identified object is
something other than the result or the search image.
• The evidence is conflicting and no agreement can be found

Search Image

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Identified Object

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No Match: The dog in the search image is clearly not a Lhasa Apso.
Search Image

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Identified Object

No Match: The flowers have similar colors and shapes but a rose bush is bush and
has thorns. The search image is a flower with a smooth stem.
Search Image

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Identified Object
No Match: The search image shows autumn leaves. The website snippets show an
abstract painting, a painting of ducks on a pond, and digital art featuring dunes. Not
only is there no agreement between these three items, none of them match the
search image or any of its unique features.

Search Image

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Identified Object

No Match: The websites linked to these thumbnails each show a different art piece,
and none of them resembles the one in the search image.
Search Image

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Identified Object

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No Match: While both objects in the images are dogs, the dog in the search image is
not a Golden Retriever. This becomes clear when looking at the webpage where there
is a strong common look to all of the Golden Retrievers, which the dog in the search
image does not share.
Search Image

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Identified Object

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No Match: The facade in the search image is very iconic and looks like a church. The
Salzburg Residence also has a fountain, but it is obviously a different building as it
lacks the two towers in the search image.
Search Image

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Identified Object

No Match: The webpages behind each image describe eight different kinds of cats.
Since there is no agreement about the identification of this cat, there is no match

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