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Personal, Family and Community Health Clinical class

Job Search Verification Form

Discuss the Mission and Vision of the Agency

The agency’s mission is to ensure that they are constantly advancing their cures specifically for

treating the different types of children’s diseases. The agency is a research hospital thus there is

constant uncovering of new treatment techniques that will play a huge role in restoring wellness

both in the local and international cliental interest. The agency’s vision is to ensure that all the

children receive equal payment (Alhabi and Baker 1). For instance, no child should be denied

treatment services because they could not afford treatment or are from the minority ethnic

communities. The medical institution is obligated to ensure that the patient’s health is prioritized

despite of all other factors to be considered.

Position of Interest: Pediatric nurse

Discuss the application Process

The first step in the application process is ensuring that you have the required documents to work

in the company. For instance, the registered nursing certificate and licensing which indicate that

you are qualified to be a pediatric nurse (Alhabi and Baker 2). Send the application details to the

company and include details about your previous work experiences and achievements. List the

job skills the agency is looking to fill the position

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The agency is looking for a pediatric nurse to fill in the position and the main skill required for

the job is excellent communication (Alhabi and Baker 3). Working with young children requires

that the nurse has excellent communication skills to help give comfort to the young patients and

establish a good professional relationship.

Job Search Verification Form 2

Discuss the Mission and Vision of the Agency

The hospital’s mission is to ensure that they have enough medical personnel that will deliver

high quality services. The vision is to ensure that all the patients receive high quality services

from the medical institution. All the employees are held accountable for the services offered and

their commitment to the medical institution.

Position of Interest: Assistant pediatric nurse

Discuss the application Process

I should ensure that I have all the necessary documents required for the assistant pediatric nurse.

I should submit my application form and my qualification document to the company’s website

and explaining why I am the best candidate for the job. I should ensure that the documents are

submitted before the deadline is closed.

List the job skills the agency is looking to fill the position

The job skill the agency is looking to fill the position is someone who is reliable and available.

Working in a pediatric institution requires that an assistant pediatric nurse is available whenever

there is an emergency that should be responded to suppose other health professionals are busy.

Behavior Based Interview Questions

A time when you faced a stressful situation

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One time during my early days in the profession I was faced with a stressful situation that

demonstrated my best coping skills. I had an emergency and a child was brought in to the unit

with an extremely bad cough (Alhabi and Baker 4). Looking further into his details, I uncovered

that the child had never received any immunization shots from when he was an infant until that

time he was seven years old. The situation was quite stressful because the parents did not believe

in vaccination even though the child was high risk to other children in the medical institution.

The circumstance helped me realize that patience is my best coping skill. I had to seek for

support from other health professionals to help in convincing the parents on why their child

needs immediate vaccinations to help in restoring his health.

A time when I had too many things to do

One time I had a lot of things to do in my list and I was forced to prioritize my tasks. There was a

time in my previous medical institution where there was a health professional’s shortage and I

had a lot of tasks that needed my attention on my list. That was quite overwhelming because I

required significant help which was not available at that time. Therefore, the best way that I

could handle the tasks is through creating a priority list. For instance, I prioritized dealing with

emergencies and those patients who were high risks (Alhabi and Baker 5). Dealing with

emergency first played a huge role in ensuring that I dedicated enough time to other cases that

required minimal attention. Prioritizing the tasks also ensured that I developed an excellent

schedule that I followed to help in accomplishing all the assigned tasks despite the shortage

being experienced.

A situation I had to deal with a very upset customer

One time in the office I had to deal with a very upset customer who came to the medical

institution and requested for a specific doctor. The doctor was not in the office on that particular
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day and that made the client so upset and it as quite difficult to calm him down. However, I had

to ensure that he received treatment because of he had an extremely high fever (Alhabi and

Baker 6). Therefore, I had to take charge of the situation and ensure that the patient is calmed

down. I explained that the doctor he requested for was out of town for an indefinite period but he

will receive high quality services in the medical institution. I emphasized that he should receive

treatment so that his fever can be stabilized and receive high quality care. Eventually, I managed

to calm the upset client and agreed to receive the necessary help.

One time I had to agree to a policy

One time I was faced in a tough decision even though I did not believe in when I had to respect

the patient’s decision. One time a patient walks in the emergency room and I am supposed to be

part of the team treating the case. However, the patient’s religion prohibits the patient from

receiving certain types of medication. The medication forms a huge part of the treatment and

strive to explain to the client why the medication must be administered. I had to believe the e

clients’ are right policy because of saving my career. I stopped insisting and let the other health

professionals handle the case and develop medication accepted by the religion

Accomplishment and Failures from the past year

The main accomplishment that I have achieved for the past year is participating in the research

development in manufacturing vaccinations. Children have quite a unique immunity system and

that is what makes them prone to diseases (Alhabi and Baker 7). Therefore, participating in the

whole research process and releasing the final batch was my main highlight for the past year. The

vaccines have been a success for the past year because more children have improved immunity

system. However, I have also faced some failures in the past year which have significantly

affected my profession. For instance, I have received patients complaining about the services I
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offer and sometimes they are not up to standard. The failures have played a huge role in shaping

my improvements in my profession. For instance, I have improved how I deal with the clients

and conduct a review on my performance to ensure that I do not receive any more complaints.

Curative Paper

I had a fulfilling experience when in nursing school especially during my studies. The

experiences that I got while in the nursing school played a huge role into shaping me for who I

am today and how I am practicing my profession. I learned from the nursing school something

about the art of caring. Initially, I thought that caring was all about looking out for an individual

and tending to their needs (Alhabi and Baker 7). However, nursing school taught me that caring

for someone extends much more than tending to their needs, it extends to helping them remain

comfortable and become positive that they will receive the required treatment. The nursing

school experience taught me that I should strive to connect with my patients. For instance, I

should connect with the patients through understanding their unique cultures, perspectives and

experiences while offering my services. Sometimes patients require more attention as a way to be

given hope that life will get better for them.

The Jean Watson’s theory plays a huge role in enhancing my experiences in the nursing

school. The theory teaches some of the aspects that are essential in ensuring that I become an

excellent nurse. For instance, I learned that I should remain confident in the skills that I have

gained overtime while offering my caregiving services (Alhabi and Baker 9). Clients trust a

confident nurse because they believe that he understands the services he is offering. Confidence

makes people unique and that is essential in ensuring that it capitalizes on his profession.

Furthermore, the theory also talks about commitment and how it is essential in the profession.

Commitment is what helped in building my career since I understood that what I am required to
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do in my profession. Commitment is what ensures that I follow up my patients and develop an

excellent connection with them during the recovery process.

Nursing school is essential since it has helped in building on my conscience. For instance,

I know when I have made mistakes and ensure that I do everything in my power to make the

necessary connection. Nursing school for me was a change to ensure that I polish my skills and

remain dedicated towards improving my career (Alhabi and Baker 10). Therefore, applying

Watson’s theory in the process is what helped me in transforming into a professional caregiver.

Furthermore, nursing school ensured that I understood how life is valuable and my career is

specifically for ensuring that I improved my strategies in human interactions. I now understand

pain and how it can interrupt one’s life and the most essential thing required by the patients is to

feel supported by the health professionals. The nursing school experience has also taught me how

to be patient when handling young children and the patience also extends to their parents because

of experiencing too much pressure. Therefore, the nursing school played a huge part in helping

build my interest in working with physicians to ensure that patients go through a speedy recovery

in the medical institution.

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Work Cited

Alharbi, K. M., and O. G. Baker. "Jean Watson’s middle range theory of human caring: A

critique." Int. J. Adbanced Multidiscip. Sci. Res 3 (2020): 1-14.

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