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The Endangered Species Act




ENSC 1000


The Endangered Species Act

The Endangered Species Act was developed in 1973 specifically for ensuring that the

endangered species is well-protected. The act protected both indigenous plants and animals that

faced a high extinction rate from the human activities. For instance, most human activities

destroyed the habitat for such animals and plants thus they are slowly dying and being extinct.

The Act ensures that people understand what plants and animals require significant protection

and live towards ensuring that they are well-protected (Ford, 2020). The endangered species act

also is developed to ensure that awareness is created towards those plants and animals. People

are motivated to learn about the endangered species and why they should be protected.

Sometimes people engage in human activities oblivious of how they might affect the endangered

animals and plants. Therefore, the act emphasizes on educating people on the significance of

refraining from other activities and why they might affect the endangered species.

The Endangered Species Act emphasizes on the significance of identifying other species

that should be under state protection. Organizations should ensure that they file a petition once

they identify specie that is in extinction danger. The ESA works on ensuring that a scientific

research is launched and the specie is thoroughly examined including some of the possible

reasons why it is facing extinction. After a thorough investigation, the ESA initiates the

protection process and passes a law that forbids the citizens from engaging in activities that

might further endanger the specifies (Bellon, 2019). The government ensures that

environmentalists are trained to ensure that they offer the necessary care and protection for the

species. The ESA is reinforced among the citizens ensuring that they understand the possible

consequences that will be faced. The main objective is to ensure that the community and the

government collaborate to ensure that the species are protected from possible extinction.

Additionally, the Act ensures that the endangered animals and plants are constantly under

observation. For instance, the species are analyzed to identify whether there is any improvement

ever since the laws were put in place. Moreover, the follow up is to examine whether the

government needs to put up more measures. The ESA will protect the animals and plants until

they are well-recovered and are not under extinction threats. The ESA ensures that there is a

commitment towards recovering the plants and animals (Ford, 2020). The ESA ensures that the

protection movement is both local and international to protect the species that are under

extinction threats. For instance, the act collaborates with the government to ensure that any trade

involving extinct species. They instead focus on ensuring that all the foreign specifies are

retained and protected in their natural habitats. The act contains consequences for those foreign

states engaging in species trade.

In conclusion, the ESA strives to ensure that the endangered animals and plants are protected to

prevent extinction. However, it is quite challenging to protect the animals and plants when the

people are still engaging in activities that endanger their existence. Therefore, ESA spreads

awareness about the species and how the community could collaborate in ensuring that the

species remain protected. Furthermore, the community will refrain from activities like hunting

which is the main cause of species extinction. ESA ensures that the people and the government

work together to help the species recovery process.



Bellon, A. M. (2019). Does animal charisma influence conservation funding for vertebrate

species under the US Endangered Species Act?. Environmental Economics and Policy

Studies, 21(3), 399-411.

Ford, M. J. (2022). Biological viability assessment update for Pacific salmon and steelhead listed

under the Endangered Species Act: Pacific Northwest.

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