Finite Element Analysis of The Effect of Force Dir

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Finite element analysis of the effect of force

directions on tooth movement in extraction space
closure with miniscrew sliding mechanics
Yukio Kojima,a Jun Kawamura,b and Hisao Fukuic
Nagoya, Japan

Introduction: Miniscrews placed in bone have been used as orthodontic anchorage in extraction space closure
with sliding mechanics. The movement patterns of the teeth depend on the force directions. To move the teeth in
a desired pattern, the appropriate direction of force must be selected. The purpose of this article is to clarify the
relationship between force directions and movement patterns. Methods: By using the finite element method, or-
thodontic movements were simulated based on the remodeling law of the alveolar bone. The power arm length
and the miniscrew position were varied to change the force directions. Results: When the power arm was length-
ened, rotation of the entire maxillary dentition decreased. The posterior teeth were effective for preventing rota-
tion of the anterior teeth through an archwire. In cases of a high position of a miniscrew, bodily tooth movement
was almost achieved. The vertical component of the force produced intrusion or extrusion of the entire dentition.
Conclusions: Within the limits of the method, the mechanical simulations demonstrated the effect of force di-
rection on movement patterns. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2012;142:501-8)

liding mechanics is a typical method for extrac- Miniscrews placed in bone have recently been used
tion space closure. Friction is produced between for orthodontic anchorage in sliding mechanics.6-9
the wire and the bracket but is not detrimental This method—miniscrew sliding mechanics—eliminates
to the anchorage.1-3 The brackets slide along a stiff anchorage problems and easily achieves en-masse re-
archwire so that bodily tooth movement can be easily traction of the anterior teeth. However, the orthodontic
achieved. This is an advantage over segmental or force applied from the miniscrew is an external force in
sectional mechanics, in which elaborate loop designs the whole force system. This force can rotate the entire
of the retraction spring are necessary. dentition in the sagittal plane; ie, the direction of the
In conventional sliding mechanics with intraoral an- force has a great influence on the movement pattern
chorage, forces are applied to the anterior and posterior of the teeth. To move the teeth in a desired pattern,
teeth.4,5 Both forces are canceled out in the whole force the appropriate direction of the force must be selected.
system consisting of the anterior and posterior teeth. Therefore, the relationship between the force direction
Therefore, the entire dentition does not rotate in the and the movement pattern should be clarified.
sagittal plane. Alternatively, movement of the Schematic diagrams of movement patterns in mini-
anchorage teeth is unavoidable. screw sliding mechanics have been presented for various
force directions.10 These diagrams will be valid qualita-
tively and provide useful suggestions for treatment
Associate professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Nagoya Institute
of Technology, Nagoya, Japan. planning, but quantitative studies are also necessary for
Postgraduate student, Department of Dental Materials Science, School of precise predictions of movement patterns. On the initial
Dentistry, Aichi-Gakuin University, Nagoya, Japan. movements immediately after applying a force,
Professor, Department of Dental Materials Science, School of Dentistry, Aichi-
Gakuin University, Nagoya, Japan. finite element methods have been used to calculate move-
The authors report no commercial, proprietary, or financial interest in the ment patterns in miniscrew sliding mechanics.11-13
products or companies described in this article. However, the initial movement is generally different from
Reprint requests to: Yukio Kojima, Department of Mechanical Engineering, “Shi-
kumi” College, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Gokiso-cho, Showa-ku, Nagoya, the orthodontic movement. In the case of conventional
466-8555, Japan; e-mail, sliding mechanics, the anterior teeth tipped
Submitted, December 2011; revised and accepted, May 2012. independently in the initial movement but moved bodily
Copyright Ó 2012 by the American Association of Orthodontists. in orthodontic movement.2 This difference is due to a change in the force system during tooth movement.
502 Kojima, Kawamura, and Fukui

Therefore, orthodontic movement cannot be predicted the archwire, but sagittal rotation of the archwire was re-
from the initial movement or the initial force system. stricted by bracket slots of 3 mm in width.
The purpose of this article is to clarify the relationship Kinetic friction was produced in the posterior teeth
between force direction and movement patterns in the when the archwire slid through the bracket slots. This
extraction space closure with miniscrew sliding mechan- friction force tended to move the posterior teeth in a dis-
ics. For this purpose, orthodontic movements were sim- tal direction. The frictional coefficient was assumed to
ulated by using the finite element method. be m 5 0.15 based on the experimental data.17,18
Miniscrews were placed between the second premo-
lars and the first molars in a low position of 4 mm or
MATERIAL AND METHODS in a high position of 8 mm gingivally to the archwire.
After extraction of the maxillary first premolars, the 6 Power arms were bonded to the archwire between the
anterior teeth were retracted distally by miniscrew slid- lateral incisors and the canines. The power arms were
ing mechanics. Assuming symmetry for both sides of made from stainless steel wire (Young’s modulus, 200
the arch, a model of only the left side was fabricated. GPa), 0.01830.025 in (0.45730.635 mm). Orthodontic
Elastic deformation of the archwire was calculated by forces were applied to the power arms from the mini-
using the finite element method. The archwire was screws. A line joining the miniscrew with the power
made from a stainless steel wire (Young’s modulus, arm is the line of action of the force (Fig 1). According
200 GPa), 0.01830.025 in (0.45730.635 mm) and to clinical cases, the magnitude of the orthodontic force
was divided into 3-dimensional elastic beam elements. was assumed to be 1.5 N (150 gf).7-9 To change the force
The mechanical response of a tooth supported with direction, the length of the power arms was varied from
the periodontal ligament was replaced by the tooth ele- 1, 4, and 8 mm.
ment. It represents the 3-dimensional movement pro- This simulation method is closely related to that in 2
duced by elastic deformation of the periodontal previous articles.2,14 Therefore, only the outline and the
ligament when forces and moments act on a tooth. The assumptions of the method are explained below.
calculation method for the tooth element was explained Orthodontic movement was achieved by 3 steps.
in detail in a previous article.14 In this method, the tooth First, forces and moments acting on the teeth were cal-
and the alveolar bone were assumed to be rigid bodies, culated by using the finite element model. Second, the
whereas the periodontal ligament was a linear elastic amount and direction of movement for each tooth
film (Young’s modulus, 0.13 MPa; Poisson’s ratio, 0.45) were calculated based on the stresses induced in the
with a uniform thickness of 0.2 mm. These elastic moduli periodontal ligament. Third, according to these amounts
were determined so that the initial tooth mobility of the and directions, the teeth moved. When these 3 steps
maxillary first premolar calculated by the finite element were repeated, the teeth moved step by step. The force
method was consistent with that measured in vivo.15 system acting on the teeth was updated during each
This procedure was explained in a previous article.16 step. We developed a computer program for executing
To calculate the tooth elements, surface models of the this procedure. A postprocessor for the finite element
tooth were made based on a dental study model (i21D- method (FEMAP version 6.0; Enterprise Software
400C; Nissin Dental Products, Kyoto, Japan). This proce- Products, Exton, Pa) was used for illustrating tooth
dure consists of 3 steps. First, sectional images of the movements and deformations of archwire.
dental study model were taken by using dental cone- Calculations of the amount and direction of ortho-
beam computed tomography (AZ300CT; Asahi Roent- dontic tooth movement were based on resorption and
gen, Kyoto, Japan). Second, by using 3-dimensional apposition of the alveolar bone (bone remodeling). The
modeling software (3D-Doctor; Able Software, Lexing- bone-remodeling rate was assumed to be in proportion
ton, Mass), a stereolithographic model was constructed, to the mean stress in the periodontal ligament. Tooth
the surface of which was patched with small triangular movement depends on parameter CT, where coefficient
plates. Third, the sterolithographic model was converted C is the amount of bone remodeling (resorption and ap-
to a finite element model by using meshing software position) (mm) per unit of time (day) and unit of stress
(AI*Environment; ANSYS, Canonsburg, Pa). (kPa), and T is the elapsed time in days. Then, the unit
The bracket slot was 0.018 in, which was the same of the CT becomes mm/kPa. Because a reasonable value
size as the archwire. Brackets of the anterior teeth of C was unknown, the progress of tooth movement was
were ligated firmly to the archwire. On these teeth, the indicated by the parameter CT.
archwire and the brackets moved as 1 united body. Alter- The center of resistance could not be defined for the
natively, brackets of the posterior teeth were loosely li- entire dentition, since the position of the anterior teeth
gated to the archwire so that they would slide along relative to the posterior teeth varied with space closing.

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Kojima, Kawamura, and Fukui 503

archwire. The posterior teeth behaved as anchorage for

preventing rotation (tip) of the entire dentition. When
the line of action of force passed below the center of re-
sistance of the anterior teeth, a counterclockwise mo-
ment acted on the anterior teeth. The magnitude of
this moment is proportional to the distance L in
Figure 1. When the anchorage of the posterior teeth
was not enough, the entire dentition rotated. This rota-
tion resulted in extrusion of the incisors and intrusion of
the molars. Elastic deformation of the archwire was also
a cause of rotation of the anterior teeth: the archwire
Fig 1. Centers of resistance of the anterior teeth (CR1)
bowed as shown in Figures 2, A, and 3, A.
and posterior teeth (CR2), and the line of action of the ap-
plied force (F). H, Horizontal component; L, distance to In cases of the low-position miniscrew (Fig 2), when
CR1; V, vertical component. lengthening the power arm, rotation of the entire denti-
tion decreased with a decrease in L. In all cases in
Instead of that, the centers of resistance were calculated Figure 2, the line of action of force passed below the
for the 6 anterior teeth and the 6 posterior teeth. These center of resistance of the posterior teeth; this was not
centers of resistance were defined in the same way as for effective for preventing rotation of the entire dentition.
1 tooth: ie, the tooth segment could translate without In cases of the high-position miniscrew (Fig 3), the dis-
rotation when applying a force to the center of resis- tance L was smaller than that of low-position mini-
tance. The method for determining the location of the screws. In addition, the line of action of force passed
center of resistance was explained in a previous article.19 above the center of resistance of the posterior teeth;
this prevented rotation of the entire dentition. There-
RESULTS fore, the anterior teeth could move almost bodily with
the high-position miniscrew.
Figure 1 shows the initial locations of the centers of
If a clockwise rotation of the entire dentition is
resistance in the anterior and posterior teeth. Figure 2 il-
desired, a longer power arm or a higher-position mini-
lustrates orthodontic tooth movement at CT 5 1200
screw will be necessary. However, the long arm is un-
mm/kPa for the low-position miniscrew, when the length
comfortable for patients, and it is difficult to place the
of the power arm is changed to 1, 4, and 8 mm. Initial
miniscrew in a higher position. Consequently, clockwise
tooth positions are illustrated in Figure 2 with muted
rotation of the entire dentition might be difficult in clin-
red outlines. The central incisors moved distally by ap-
ical treatment.
proximately 5 mm. The amounts of extrusion of the cen-
As mentioned above, the anchorage effect of the pos-
tral incisor, distal movement of the second premolar, and
terior teeth is important in sliding mechanics. It enables
intrusion of the second molar are shown in Figure 2.
a nearly bodily movement of the anterior teeth, even
Current locations of the centers of resistance for the an-
when the orthodontic force does not pass through the
terior and posterior teeth are indicated with solid circles.
center of resistance of the anterior teeth. This is an advan-
For the high-position miniscrew, tooth movements at
tage of sliding mechanics. If an anterior tooth segment is
CT 5 1200 mm/kPa are illustrated in Figure 3. The cen-
retracted alone without sliding mechanics, rotation of the
tral incisors moved distally by approximately 4 mm but
segment will be sensitive to the force direction. In that
did not extrude. Figure 4 illustrates tooth movement
case, to achieve stable bodily movement, it is necessary
at CT 5 1200 mm/kPa for the high-position miniscrew,
to know the accurate location of the center of resistance
when the power arm of the 8-mm length was shifted to
of the anterior teeth and apply a force that passes accu-
the canine bracket. This movement pattern was similar
rately through it. Also, in the case of the segmented
to that in Figure 3, C. The anterior teeth could move
arch technique, an appropriate moment-to-force ratio
bodily irrespective of the positions of power arm.
is necessary to achieve bodily tooth movement.
Intrusion or extrusion of the entire dentition depends
on a vertical component of the applied force V, which in-
The effects of the force direction on the movement creases with an increase in the force angle q (Fig 1).
patterns can be understood by observing Figures 2 and Therefore, the entire dentition can be intruded with
3. Their mechanics are discussed in this section. a combination of a short power arm and a high mini-
In sliding mechanics, force and moment acted on the screw position (Figs 2, A, and 3, A and B). There was
anterior teeth from the posterior teeth through the no vertical force V in the case of q 5 0 (Figs 2, B, and

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504 Kojima, Kawamura, and Fukui

Fig 2. Movement patterns with a low-position miniscrew placed 4 mm gingivally to the archwire. In all
cases, the entire dentitions rotate, because the lines of action of the force pass below both centers of
resistance (CR1 and CR2). Rotation and intrusion of the entire dentition decreases with an increase in
the length of the power arm. A, Power arm 1 mm in length; B, power arm 4 mm in length; C, power arm
8 mm in length.

3, C); then the entire dentition neither intruded nor ex- Rotation of the arch produced distal movement of
truded. In the case of a short power arm (Fig 2, B), the the posterior teeth. However, in the absence of rotation
entire dentition rotated, because the line of action of (Fig 3, C), the second premolar moved distally by 0.9
force passed below the centers of resistance of the ante- mm. This magnitude is approximately a quarter of the
rior and posterior teeth. When the upper end of the movement of the anterior teeth. In conventional sliding
power arm was higher than the miniscrew position, the mechanics, the posterior anchorage teeth moved mesi-
entire dentition slightly extruded (Fig 2, C). ally by approximately half of the distal movement of

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Fig 3. Movement patterns with a high-position miniscrew placed 8 mm gingivally to the archwire. In all
cases, rotations of the entire dentition are smaller than those in the case of low-position miniscrews;
the anterior teeth move almost bodily, because the lines of action of the force shift closer to the center
of resistance of the anterior teeth (CR1) and pass above the center of resistance of the posterior
teeth (CR2). Rotation and intrusion of the entire dentition decrease with an increase in the length of
the power arm. A, Power arm 1 mm in length; B, power arm 4 mm in length; C, power arm 8 mm in

the anterior teeth.2 Less movement of the posterior teeth maxillary teeth, Lee et al20 carried out a reliable and
is an advantage for miniscrew sliding mechanics over quantitative measurement in a clinical situation. They
conventional sliding mechanics. showed that a group of high-angle forces (q 5
To evaluate the dependence of the direction of the 18.87 ) had significantly greater intrusion than did
angle of force on the displacement pattern of the a group of low-angle forces (q 5 12.55 ). This

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506 Kojima, Kawamura, and Fukui

Fig 4. Movement pattern with the power arm of 8-mm length bonded to the canine bracket. This move-
ment pattern is almost the same as that in Figure 2, C. The anterior teeth can move bodily irrespective of
the position of the power arm.

dependency is consistent with our simulation results the periodontal ligament—Young’s modulus E and
(Figs 2 and 3). Poisson’s ratio n—were selected for a light force level.
Initial movements in miniscrew sliding mechanics We determined that E 5 0.13 MPa and n 5 0.45 by
have been calculated by using precise finite element referring to the mobility of the teeth.15 In that case,
method models. In 1 model, the movement pattern of buccolingual and axial movements of the maxillary first
the posterior teeth changed in regard to whether the premolar became 30 and 15 mm, respectively, when
power arm was located mesially or distally of the ca- applying a force of 1 N (100 g). These amounts of
nine.11 In other models, there was no bodily movement movement are reasonable.
of the anterior teeth, but there was tipping.12,13 These 3 Elastic deformations of the alveolar bone and the
results differed from those we obtained, where the teeth are negligible, because their Young’s moduli
anterior teeth could move bodily irrespective of the are much larger than those of the periodontal liga-
positions of a power arm 8 mm in length (Figs 3, C, ment. Therefore, the alveolar bone and the teeth
and 4). This is due to the difference between the initial were assumed to be rigid bodies when stress in the
tooth movement and the orthodontic movement. During periodontal ligament was calculated. To validate this
tooth movement, the force system varied, changing the assumption, we carried out preliminary finite
movement pattern. Although the calculated results of element calculations. For this purpose, we made
the initial movement provide useful information at the a 3-dimensional finite element model, in which a max-
moment of application of force, they will not predict illary first premolar was supported by the alveolar bone
the pattern of orthodontic movement. through the periodontal ligament. Two types of elastic
The simulations in this study were based on mechan- modulus of the alveolar bone and tooth were assumed.
ical laws, and their results are valid only within the limits One type was the actual elastic modulus, and the other
of the assumptions. This method might not be sufficient was an extremely large elastic modulus that corre-
for predicting orthodontic tooth movements in clinical sponded to rigid bodies. Irrespective of the elastic
situations. Assumptions used in the method are dis- moduli, the same amount of tooth movement and
cussed below. the same stress distribution of the periodontal liga-
The stress-strain relationship of the periodontal liga- ment were obtained when applying orthodontic forces.
ment has strong nonlinearity; ie, Young’s modulus rap- This means that the alveolar bone and the tooth can be
idly increases with an increase in applied force. In assumed to be rigid bodies.
a previous article, we demonstrated that the nonlinear During clinical treatment, various forces act con-
property of the periodontal ligament had almost no ef- stantly on the maxillary teeth from the mandibular teeth,
fect on orthodontic tooth movement.16 Therefore, we the tongue, and the cheek. The amount and direction of
assumed that the periodontal ligament was a linear elas- these forces are indefinite, and their effect on orthodon-
tic material in this study. This assumption enabled the tic movement is not clear. Therefore, these forces are not
simulation method to be simple. The elastic moduli of considered in the simulation method.

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Kojima, Kawamura, and Fukui 507

The archwire was assumed to have the same size as a clinical study.20 However, additional quantitative com-
the bracket slot. The same assumption was also used parisons are necessary to validate the simulation
in other finite element analyses.11 However, in clinical method.
situations, archwires with smaller sizes than the bracket Calculation models of the teeth used in this study
slots have been used.6-9 In such cases, there are some were based on cone-beam computed tomography im-
spaces between the archwires and the bracket slots. ages. This method can be used for making individual
The bracket can rotate in this space; thereby, root tooth models and enables us to simulate the orthodontic
labial tip will occur in the anterior teeth. This tooth movement for each patient. This will be helpful for
secondary tip will be added to the movement of the clinical treatment planning.
entire dentition. This phenomenon should be noted in
clinical situations. In our next article, we plan to CONCLUSIONS
discuss tooth movements originating in the space
between the archwire and the bracket slot. In en-masse space closure with miniscrew sliding
The actual time required for tooth movement could mechanics, the orthodontic movements of the maxillary
not be estimated in this simulation method, because dentition were simulated by the finite element method.
the parameter C (bone resorption rate) was unknown. The relationship between the force direction and the
Therefore, the progress of tooth movement was movement patterns was clarified. When the power
indicated by the parameter CT. However, C could be arm was lengthened, rotation of the entire dentition
estimated from tooth movements in clinical situa- decreased. The posterior teeth were effective for
tions.21,22 For example, Upadhyay et al21 carried out preventing rotation of the anterior teeth. In cases of
a randomized controlled trial for mini-implant sliding the high-position miniscrew, bodily tooth movement
mechanics, in which anterior teeth were retracted about was almost achieved. The vertical component of the
6 mm in 8.6 months (258 days). If the speed of move- force produced intrusion or extrusion of the entire
ment is constant, the anterior teeth will move about 5 dentition.
mm in 200 days. In our simulations, the anterior teeth
moved 5 mm in CT 5 1200 mm/kPa; ie, the C was esti- REFERENCES
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October 2012  Vol 142  Issue 4 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

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