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The Electronically

Steered Phased
Array Antenna in Radar
Group Members:
1. BT20ECE075 Nikhilesh Pesala
2. BT20ECE080 Sudhanshu Ramteke
3. BT20ECE081 Bhavesh Raut
4. BT20ECE082 Pranith Kumar Ravula

Radar stands for Radio Detection And

Ranging. It is a technology that uses radio
waves to detect and track objects. The main
components of a radar system include a
transmitter, a receiver, a signal processor, and
an antenna. The antenna plays a crucial role in
transmitting and receiving radio waves.

In this PPT we will be mainly focussing on

Phased array Antenna.
Phased Array antenna

The phased array is a directive antenna

made up of individual radiating antennas,
or elements, which generate a radiation
pattern whose shape and direction is
determined by the relative phases and
amplitudes of the currents at the
individual elements.
The radiating elements might be dipoles,
open-ended waveguides, slots cut in
waveguide, or any other type of antenna.

Radiation patterns Beam steering

Basics factors of
phased array
Change of beam width
Series and parallel feed
with steering Angle
Radiation Pattern

• When N element are placed in linear array at a

equally placed distance and signal is applied to
each element with phase of the signals in adjacent
element ψ = 2π (d/λ) sin Ɵ, where Ɵ is the
direction of the incoming radiation.

• When the radiation form each antenna is

summed, it is found that there is main beam in
desired direction and another maximum beam are
called grating lobes. Grating lobes are undesirable
and are avoided.

• The grating lobe position changes with the

spacing between elements

• This grating lobes are eliminated by using

directive elements.
Beam Steering

The beam of an array antenna

may be steered rapidly in space
without moving large
mechanical masses by properly
varying the phase of the signals
applied to each element.
Change of beamwidth
with steering angle

The half-power beamwidth

in the plane of scan
increases as the beam is
scanned off the broadside
direction. The beamwidth is
approximately inversely
proportional to cos Ɵ^-1,
where Ɵ is the angle
measured from the normal
to the antenna. T.
Series and parallel feed
Series Parallel

In the series-fed arrangement, the energy may be In the parallel-fed array, the energy to be radiated is
transmitted from one end of the line, or it may be fed divided between the elements by a power splitter.
from the center out to each end
The adjacent elements are connected by a phase shifter .Equal lengths of line transmit the energy to each element
with phase shift ɸ, introduce the same amount of phase so that no unwanted phase differences are introduced by
shift, which is less than 2π radians. the lines themselves. (If the lines are not of equal length. a
compensation in the phase shift must be made.) The
maximum phase change required of each phase shifter in
the parallel-fed array is many times 2π radians
where the signal is fed from one end, the position of the If the pulse width is short compared with the antenna
beam will vary with frequency. Thus it will be more response time (if the signal bandwidth is large compared
limited in band width than most array feeds. The center- with the antenna bandwidth), the system response may be
red feed of does not have this problem. degraded. This situation may he relieved by replacing the
2π modulo phase shifters with delay lines.
Series and parallel feed

Series Parallel
A series-fed array containing N phase shifters, the signal In a parallel-fed array the insertion loss of the phase
suffers the insertion loss of a single phase shifter N shifter is introduced effectively but once.
the phase shifter in a series-fed array must be of lower Loss may be more in parallel feed
loss compared with that in a parallel-fed array
If the series phase shifters are too lossy, amplifiers can The N-element parallel-fed linear array similar to that of
be inserted in each element to compensate for the requires a separate control signal for each phase shifter
signal attenuation. or N -1 total ( one phase shifter is always zero).
Phase shifters

Phase shifters are critical components in

electronically steered phased array
antennas, providing electronic control
over beam direction, enabling rapid
scanning, and adaptive interference
mitigation, thus improving radar
accuracy and effectiveness across various
Frequency-Scan Arrays
in Radar Phased Arrays

Frequency-scan arrays enable rapid and

precise electronic beam steering by
modulating the signal's frequency,
offering versatile solutions for dynamic
radar applications and the potential for
frequency diversity.
Key Technological

Several key technological advancements

have contributed to the progress of
electronically steered phased array
antennas. These include the development of
low-cost and compact solid-state
components, improved beamforming
algorithms, and the integration of digital
signal processing techniques. These
advancements have made the technology
more affordable, efficient, and reliable for
radar applications.
Applications in
Radar Systems

Electronically steered phased array antennas have

found numerous applications in radar systems.
They are widely used in aerospace and defense
for air traffic control, weather monitoring, and
military surveillance. These antennas also have
applications in automotive radar for collision
avoidance systems and autonomous driving.
Moreover, they are employed in marine radar for
navigation and collision avoidance at sea.
Challenges and
Future Directions

While the advancements in electronically steered

phased array antennas have been remarkable,
there are still challenges to overcome. These
include power consumption, thermal
management, and cost-effectiveness. Future
directions in this field involve further
miniaturization, integration with other
technologies such as 5G networks, and the
exploration of advanced materials for antenna
Performance Comparison

Let's compare the performance of electronically

steered phased array antennas with traditional
mechanically steered antennas. The former offers
faster beam agility, higher resolution, and greater
flexibility in beamforming. In contrast, the latter
has limitations in terms of beam scanning speed,
response time, and maintenance requirements.
The performance advantages of electronically
steered phased array antennas make them highly
desirable for radar applications.
Cost Considerations

Cost is an important factor to consider when

adopting electronically steered phased array
antennas. While the technology offers
significant advantages, it may come with a
higher initial investment. However, the long-
term benefits, such as reduced maintenance
costs and improved operational efficiency,
outweigh the initial expenses. The cost-
effectiveness of this technology should be
evaluated based on specific application
Future Outlook

The future of electronically steered phased

array antenna technology for radar
applications looks promising. Ongoing
research and development efforts aim to
further enhance the performance, reliability,
and affordability of these antennas. As the
demand for advanced radar systems
continues to grow, the advancements in
electronically steered phased array
antennas will play a pivotal role in shaping
the future of radar technology.
Key Takeaways

•A phased array antenna is a multiple antenna system

in which desired field patterns can be achieved
through beam steering.
•The fundamental principle of a phased array antenna
is the phase-dependent superposition of two or more
radiated signals using constructive interference to
enhance transmission signals.
•With the different arrangements of antenna
elements, desired radiation or reception patterns can
be achieved in a phased array antenna, which
showcases its spatial filtering characteristics.

In conclusion, the advancements in electronically steered

phased array antenna technology have revolutionized radar
systems. These antennas offer rapid beam scanning, high beam
agility, low side lobe levels, and high gain. They find
applications in aerospace, defence, automotive, and marine
radar systems. While challenges remain, ongoing research and
development will drive further improvements. The future of
radar technology relies heavily on the continued advancements
in electronically steered phased array antennas.

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