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December 2007 – The PA Jaycees ROAR!

State Core Team

71st PRESIDENT on the future possibilities for the

Sherry Cracium Pennsylvania Jaycees.
(717) 227-0051 (H) Hello Pennsylvania Jaycees!
It’s hard to believe that I am writing my Please plan to join us for the Year End
last newsletter article as you 2007 State Celebration and Local Officer’s Training
School at the Yorktown Hotel in York held
President. The end of the year will be
January 18th - 20th. There will be training for
Chairman of the Board here before we know it! the 2008 local officers and members, year
Kim Melachrinos
(717) 512-9265 (C) end notebook judging, year end awards, and But, let’s not forget that the year isn’t over installation of our 2008 officers. See the
yet! Chapters all over Pennsylvania are registration form included in this newsletter
selling Christmas Trees, hosting events for and online at our website
Vice President the Children in their communities, delivering Come join the fun!
Mark Gibson gift baskets for those less fortunate, and
(717) 880-0711 spreading Christmas joy to everyone they As we head into the end of the year, please
meet. Thank you to all of the chapters doing remember that it is important to have all
great things in their communities this members renewed that you wish to have
Secretary Christmas Season! renewed. Members not sent to us before
Holly Zulick December 24th, will not be renewed in 2007
(570) 385-4346 I’d like to thank the Myerstown Jaycees for and they will be dropped from the National
inviting me to their Turkey Smoker in rosters. In order to get them back on the
November and to their I&A Banquet in roster, we will need to send them as new
December. I lost a lot of money at the members in 2008.
Deb Baber Turkey Smoker, but it all goes to a good
(717) 624-9239 cause and I had fun doing it! President Keith The 2008 Team is already hard at work should be very proud of his chapter’s many preparing for the upcoming year and as
successes in 2007! Chairman of the Board, I will also be leading
the Task Force Committee. If you have any
Administrative Assistant The Hanover Area Jaycees held their annual suggestions for planning or bylaws & policy
Tony Patte
(570) 347-0835
Cadillac of Banquets, involving members changes, please let me know. from neighboring chapters, Littlestown
Jaycees and Upper Adams Jaycees. And later Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy
that same week they held the Children’s New Year!
Executive Presidential Shopping Tour to help out 75 less fortunate
Advisor children in the Hanover Area. I enjoyed In Jaycee Spirit,
Andrew Bolin helping out with both of these wonderful Sherry Cracium, 71st President
(717) 521-1400 events.1

As the Meadville Jaycees wind down after a

Newsletter Editor successful parade held the last Saturday in
Donna M. Hurd October and gear up for their Christmas Tree
(717) 866-6087 Sales during December, they hosted a social
for their members to meet the State President
and First Partner. The Meadville Jaycees
have been feeling a little distanced from the
rest of the Pennsylvania Jaycees. We hope
that they become an active part of our
Pennsylvania Jaycee Family moving
forward! Thank you to the Meadville
Jaycees for your hospitality and discussion
From President Elect Amy Newton:
Greeting Pennsylvania Jaycees. It is an honor organization strong and keeping your word that
to be elected the 72nd President of this great being a Jaycee has value, that having Jaycees in
organization. I want to thank everyone who our community makes it stronger and that service
to humanity is the best work of life. I can’t
attended the November Board meeting and promise miracles for next year, but I will say this if
supported the election by having their votes be we all work together more will be accomplished.
recognized. The importance of this cannot be People who share a common direction and sense of
taken for granted. In recent years, it seems we community can get where they are going more
have had an issue with getting a quorum to quickly and easily because they are working
hold an election. Each and every chapter together with one another not against. I have a
strong work ethic and level of commitment to this
should have representation at our elections,
organization and I do expect that same
board meetings, etc. This is how our commitment from the members of my team. We
organization makes decisions and it is ever so are all working towards the same goal and that is
important that each and every chapter and to make the PA Jaycees stronger. In 2008, my
member’s opinions on every matter, topic, and team will be going ON DUTY to make sure the
issue be known before a vote is taken and this Pennsylvania Jaycees are meeting their fellow
is done through discussion. Come out and Jaycees, networking, recruiting and
communicating!! Our mission is to lead and serve
learn how this process works. Asks questions,
the Pennsylvania Jaycees. Thank you for your
speak up, make your voice be known and your time and for your support.
votes count! And this should not just be in the I also want to thank all those individuals and
realm of Jaycees, but also in your chapters who helped with my hospitality
communities. I am passionate about Jaycees room. You are all such wonderful friends and
because (an excerpt from my Speech given at I appreciate everything you all did make that a
the November Board Meeting) special event. Thank you for all the heartfelt
…it has been part of my life for the past 10
condolences and sympathy cards that I
years…and it feels like it’s been part of me my
whole life. I know the words of the creed by heart, received for the passing of my grandmother.
but I live those words everyday. That’s how I Again, it goes to show what a special group of
knew I was joining the right organization for me. people Jaycees really are.
I am sure everyone in this room remembers the For those who are looking to join the On Duty
person who recruited them…first of all, do you team for 2008 please don’t hesitate to email or
remember what they said to you that made you call me…and to those who already stepped up
join, did you thank them for bringing you into the
greatest young persons organization in the world?
to the challenge, get ready! I appreciate your
Maybe you should and maybe I should, because if commitment to the PA Jaycees and look
it weren’t for them you wouldn’t be sitting in this forward to working with you all! Thanks for
room right now. The best way I know how to handling planning in my absence.
thank them, is to do the best job I can as President
of the Pennsylvania Jaycees. To show the people Your President Elect for 2008,
who worked so hard to fill this room with US, our Amy L. Newton
members, people who know how precious time is
but still choose to serve in a day and age where
On Duty
people often say we’re too busy, don’t have time. 570-205-1871
We were the 10% that said YES and are keeping
this organization going, but guess what…now our
work has begun. We now have to become the ones Thanks,
who will find the next rank and file that will be AMY
standing here in 10 years saying thank you to US.
Thank you for sticking around and making our
Have a
Happy New
PA Jaycees Year End Convention
January 18th – 20th 2008
Yorktowne Hotel
48 East Market Street
York, PA 17401
Room Rate $92 per night
 Be sure to tell the hotel you are with the PA Jaycees
 Make reservations directly with the hotel (800)233-9324
 Please make room reservations by December 19, 2007

Jaycee Package
 Local Officers Training School (LOTS)
 Year End Awards and Installation Banquet
 Inaugural Ball
 Early registration $65 if paid by January 4th 2008
 On-site registration $75
 Board of Directors Meeting

Senators and others not of Jaycee age

 Year End Awards and Installation Banquet $35
 Inaugural Ball $15
Please send registration and payment to:
Andrew Bolin
38 Ridge Avenue
Hanover, PA 17331
Checks Payable to: Pennsylvania Jaycees
Contact Andy at 717-521-1400 e-mail:

Chapter: Full Awards Inaugural

Name Package and Ball

____________________________ Contact: _________________________

Phone #: _________________________

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