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Contemporary Research on Management and Business – Siska Noviaristanti

© 2022 The Authors, ISBN: 978-1-032-28259-6

Open Access: www.taylorfrancis.com, CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license

Motivation to work on employee performance (survey at RSUD

R. Syamsudin, SH-Sukabumi)

Y.S. Saleh & Y.W. Suwandi

Magister Management STIE EKUITAS

ABSTRACT: This research comes from the existing phenomenon, that employee performance
has not been optimal due to the optimal motivation of research work carried out at R Syamsudin
Hospital, S.H. Sukabumi City. This is a hospital owned by the Sukabumi City Government that has
been established as a regional referral hospital in West Java, a hospital that serves health referrals
from various regions. The research uses a quantitative method with descriptive and verification
analysis, with the goal to find out the condition of work motivation and employee performance
and to find out the influence of work motivation on employee performance. The sample used
195 respondents, with a simple linear regression method. Results from quantitative methods,
using descriptive analysis, showed that the average work motivation of 3.81 showed good criteria,
employee performance with an average of 3.75 showed good criteria. The results of the verification
analysis show that there is a positive and significant influence between the work motivation variable
on employee performance with a determination coefficient value (R2) of 0.775 or 77.5%, and other
variables outside the model of 0.225 or 22.5%.

Keywords: Work Motivation, Employee Performance, RSUD R. Syamsudin, SH.


Human resources as the main factor in making changes and developments with the support of
facilities and infrastructure from various sectors, one of which is in the field of health services.
RSUD R Syamsudin, S.H. Sukabumi City hospital is owned by the Sukabumi City Government and
has been established as a regional referral hospital in West Java to provide referral health services
from Sukabumi City, Sukabumi Regency, Cianjur Regency, Bogor Regency and Lebak Regency.
This determination brings its own consequences for the development of the hospital.
Along with the current development, the hospital can not only be managed by the local gov-
ernment alone. In carrying out its services the hospital requires a very large cost to pay for the
operation of its services, thus it requires a strategy so that the Hospital can compete and sur-
vive the current competition. In this case the Hospital is not only managed solely for social
purposes only, but is oriented to profit marking as well, because if it only relied on the budget
of the local government alone it would be difficult for hospitals to progress and develop. Along
with the development of the world of health that adapts to the current needs, every hospital is
required to provide complete services in accordance with patient expectations so that it needs
to always improve the quality of its services, including professional health and human resources
In improving the quality of service, the hospital needs to encourage its employees to work better.
Employee work motivation as a determining factor in improving employee performance. The results
showed that the motivation of the employees of RSUD R. Syamsudin SH is still low, as can be seen
from the results of performance evaluations obtained over the last five years as follows:

286 DOI 10.1201/9781003295952-72

Table 1. Evaluation of the Performance of RSUD R. Syamsudin, SH.
Sukabumi City Period 2014–2018.

NO Year Number Predicate Information

1 2014 89.80 AA Healthy

2 2015 90.15 AA Healthy
3 2016 90.80 AA Healthy
4 2017 86.35 AA Healthy
5 2018 79.80 A Healthy

Source: RSUD R. Syamsudin, SH. Sukabumi City

Based on the data above from the results of the performance evaluation of Syamsudin Hospital,
SH. Sukabumi City, from 2014 to 2016, there was an increase with the predicate AA, while from
2016 to 2018, there was a significant decrease from 90.80 to 79.80. The factor that becomes a
decrease in performance is caused by decreased employee performance. This can be because work
motivation is still below average, with many employee delays in work hours and also other causative
factors. Mangkunegara (2017) performance is the performance of work or work results (output)
both the quality and quantity achieved by human resources unity period of time in carrying out their
work duties in accordance with the responsibilities given to him. Sherman Bohlander and Chruden
(Emron, Yohny, and Imas, 2016:167). The study of motivation is an attempt to determine answers to
statements, such as why some employees seek higher levels of responsibility and some don’t, and
why some wage incentives stimulate some employees but others don’t. These statements continue
to be appointed by those in charge of human resource management. The process of motivation is
complex and always changing, it is impossible for the answer to these statements to be clear. Many
variables must be identified and considered to understand the motivational process.


The method used in this study is a descriptive and verification method using a descriptive survey
method and explanatory survey. The data collection method was a questionnaire to employees of
RSUD R. Syamsudin, SH –Sukabumi. There were 195 respondents.

2.1 Instrument test results

Validity test results showed that 14 statement items for motivation and 15 statement items for
employee performance showed valid, reliable test results of employee motivation and performance.
The variables were declared reliable, and normality test results using Kolmogorov–Smirnov tests
were said to be the norm because alpha values >0.05 for work motivation values (X)= 0.090 and
Employee Performance values (Y) = 0.060.


3.1 Descriptive analysis results

The descriptive research on work motivation formed with four dimensions, namely needs, encour-
agement, actions and overall satisfaction resulted in an average of 3.81 with good criteria. For
employee performance variables formed with three dimensions namely knowledge, skills and
competence resulted as a whole in an average score of 3.78 with good criteria.

3.2 Verification analysis

The calculation of the coefficient of determination (r squared) expressed in percentages illustrates
the amount of contribution of all free variables, i.e., Work Motivation (X) in determining variations

in Employee Performance (Y) is 0.775 or 75.5%. While other factors that are not studied and
also affect employee performance are indicated by the value of ρyε = or by 0.225 or 22.5% (see
Figure 1).

Figure 1. The effect of work motivation on employee performance.


The results of research on work motivation and employee performance in RSUD. R. Shamsudin,
SH, can be summed up as follows:

4.1 Work motivation and employee performance

a. Work Motivation.
The results of data in the field of Employment Motivation measured by four dimensions of Needs,
Encouragement, Action and Satisfaction show that the average value of the Work Motivation
variable (X) is 3.81 with a good range of criteria.
b. Employee Performance.
Based on the analysis of each employee performance statement item measured by two dimen-
sions: Knowledge, Skills, and Competence, the average value of employee performance variable
(Y) is 3.78, thus the criteria of employee performance, is in the good criteria.

4.2 The effect of work motivation on employee performance

The results of the test statistically showed that the effect of Work Motivation on Employee Perfor-
mance was significant. These results are supported by statistical testing showing that the effect is
significant, which is based on the magnitude of the t-count value (25,797) > t-table (1.66). The
meaning of the statistical test states that Work Motivation has a direct influence on Employee Per-
formance by 77.5%, meaning that if Work Motivation increases then Employee Performance will
increase as well.


Work motivation needs to be improved at R. Syamsudin Hospital, SH, namely by providing ade-
quate compensation both directly and indirectly, clear work procedures, and future guarantees for
employees, so that employees feel motivated in work.
Employee performance needs to be improved through the skill dimension, meaning that in
improving employee performance, employees are given training, workshops, etc. that can support
the skills of the employees themselves. Employees whose education is still low can be brought to a

higher level, by being given awards for outstanding employees, given scholarships and time if the
employee is studying, and employees can be given guarantees for their future so that employees
will commit to their place of work.


Anwar Prabu Mangkunegara. 2017. Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Perusahaan. Bandung: Rosda
Edison, Emron, Anwar, Yohny dan Komariyah, Imas. 2016. Manajemen Sumber. Daya Manusia. cetakan
Permendagri No. 61 tahun 2007 “Rumah Sakit RSUD R. Syamsudin, SH. Kota Sukabumi. Merupakan Rumah
Sakit Tipe B+ (Rumah Sakit Pendidikan).
Undang-Undang Nomor 44 Tahun 2009, Undang-undang yang mengatur tentang Rumah Sakit.


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