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Management and Employee Minutes of Meeting

Meeting Number : 3 Date : 22-08-2017 Time : 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm

Name of the meeting : Quarterly Management and Employees Meeting
Venue : FSN Jubail Office – Conference Room

FSN Management

Nisam Abdulkhader – Project Manager

Jay-Ar Peñas – Safety Manager
A.S. Unnikrishnan – Insulation Supervisor
Arun Unnikrishnan – Painting Supervisor
Prestone Kalang-ad – Safety Officer

Fixed Agenda Items: By

Opening Remarks and Employee Motivation Nisam Abdulkhader

Awareness of PK KPI Criteria. Prestone Kalang-ad

Employees Motivation Jay-Ar Peñas

Communication & Training Prestone Kalang-ad
Open Discussion Jay-Ar Peñas

# Description Responsibility Target Date

Mr. Nisam appreciated the efforts of employees for

attending the quarterly management meeting. He
encourages the employees to strictly comply with the PK
1 Info.
EHSS rules as well as the safety department to
continually increase the safety culture to prevent the
occurrence of incident.

Mr. Prestone gave briefing about the additional criteria on

KPI regarding Saudi Labour law and KPI status for the
month of July 2017. The criteria that still needs
improvement is discussed and the reason how we got low
2 Info.
scores on the ff:
a. Additional Employee motivation
b. EHSS initiatives
Mr. Jay-Ar encourages and empowered the employees to Info.
stop any unsafe activities; any unsafe condition must be
reported to supervisor, safety officer or foreman and need
to correct the unsafe act or condition before continuing the

SABIC affiliate

Recap regarding the previous training about

The next training schedule is circulated to all employees Info.
and it will be held at FSN Jubail camp: Conference Room

Mr. Prestone opens the floor for the employee to give

them a chance to raise their concerns inside PK premises Info.
and in FSN camp.
This are the following concerns from the employees:
a. Vacation status for those who applied
b. Damaged bed frames
Mr. Prestone appreciated the good performance of all
employees. In addtition, he reminded the employees that
gratings must be covered whenever insulation is being
removed or for fixing. He also added that when working Info.
on confined spaces do not forget to log in and log out and
ask about the oxygen meter. Finally, dehydration is a
major concern since it is still a hot season so rehydration
and enough rest is needed.
On behalf of FSN Senior Management, Mr. Jay-Ar gave a
message to all employees and appreciated their great job Info.
and effort and constant support in all activities in a safe


SABIC affiliate

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