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Needs Assessment- Data

A needs assessment was administered via Google Forms to the 9th

and 10th-grade students selected to participate in an academic
group based on the information discussed in the participant
selection section.

Survey Response
Details Key
Question Type:
Likert Scale
Number of
Questions: 7

I need help managing my

time effectively

I understand the requirements When I am struggling in

needed for graduating highschool a class, I ask for help
Needs Assessment- Data

Survey Response
Details Key
Question Type:
Likert Scale
Number of
Questions: 7

I need help keeping up with my I am open to participating in and

assignments learning from this small group

I know resources available to me if I I understand how my GPA impacts

need extra help with academics what I want to do after highschool
Needs Assessment- Write Up

Needs Assessment Write Up

The needs assessment was given to students who were
already identified as needing academic support described in
the participant selection section. The questions were
developed in order to help inform the type of group we wanted
to run and gauge interest from the students we had identified.
We decided to include questions that would cover the
student’s perspectives about their main needs in school. Since
the students were already selected for the group, the survey
did not impact participation but instead covered material for
Two questions highlighted the need for multiple sessions
to teach students skills for completing and submitting
assignments on time. Out of 10 students, 7 identified a need for
time management help, while 8 agreed or strongly agreed they
required support to keep up with assignments. Although the
remaining students disagreed, none expressed a strong
disagreement. These responses demonstrate that time
management and assignment completion are areas for
improvement, allowing the group to concentrate on skills to
assist students with managing their time and track assignments
Students agreed that they comprehend the graduation
requirements and how GPA affects their plans. The results
indicated that 100% knew the graduation requirements, and 9
out of 10 agreed on how GPA affects their post-high school
ambitions. This suggests that although students comprehend
these concepts, their current knowledge is insufficient to
motivate academic improvement. With this information, it will
be crucial to determine what students already know about
these subjects and what motivates them.
Needs Assessment- Write up

Regarding questions about resource utilization, the

results raised further questions. Seven students agreed that
they seek assistance when struggling with academics, while 8
out of 10 indicated that they know about available resources.
When discussing this with my supervisor, we considered that
even if students ask for help, their approach may be
ineffective, and they may lack the skills to plan resource
utilization, even if they know about them. Thus, instead of
emphasizing the significance of seeking help and resource
availability, the findings show the necessity of addressing the
techniques for requesting assistance and planning to utilize
academic support resources.
Finally, 9 out of 10 students agreed to participate and
learn from the small group, indicating their interest in acquiring
new skills and their willingness to engage. This informed me
that the selected students are interested in participating. In
developing the lessons, it was helpful to know that students
wanted to be there and thought they could learn from the
Overall, the needs assessment highlighted that the
group's top priority should be teaching students study skills
that improve time management and assignment completion.
The assessment also revealed that students are aware of the
requirements and how they could impact their future, but their
academic achievement data suggests that they may not be on
track to meet those standards. While students indicate that
they seek help when needed and know the resources available
to them, their current grades suggest that their outreach and
resource utilization may not be effective. Finally, the needs
assessment provided positive feedback that students are
interested in learning and growing from participating in the
small group.

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