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Vincent College of Cabuyao

Mamatid, City of Cabuyao, Laguna 1




This chapter addresses the question of how the problem will be scrutinized, and the

methodology employed in this study and presents the following elements: Research Design

Research Locale, Respondent of the study, Sampling Design Data, Research Instrument, Data

Gathering Procedure, Ethical Consideration Data Analysis.

Research Design

The researchers used qualitative research for this study to establish the marketing

techniques applied by coffee shop owners in Mamatid, Cabuyao, Laguna, as well as the owners’

challenges and experiences with competition in the market.

The focus of qualitative research is multimethod, with an interpretative, naturalistic

approach to its subject matter. According to Busetto et al. (2020) it is the study of the nature of

phenomena and is particularly ideal for addressing questions about why something is (or is not)

observed, evaluating complicated multi-component treatments, and focusing on intervention

improvement. The Qualitative design was selected since the respondents in this study were

purposefully grouped.

Furthermore, the researchers had no control over the respondents’ environment or

opinions. Although such factors may affect the result of the study, this was disregarded by the

St. Vincent College of Cabuyao
Mamatid, City of Cabuyao, Laguna 2


Research Locale

This study was conducted in Mamatid Cabuyao city only this place was selected because

there are too many coffees shops business around here in Mamatid area. We choose this place

to conduct our research study because we want to help then to establish the marketing

strategies that will benefit for their business.

In order to obtain the most information from this study, the researchers intended the

coffee shop owners and the customers to participate.

Respondent of the study

The respondents of this study were 10 coffee shop owners and 50 customers at the age

18 – 27 years old around the Mamatid, Cabuyao, Laguna area. For the gathering of qualitative

data, the researchers will make purposive sampling from the population. They will be requested
St. Vincent College of Cabuyao
Mamatid, City of Cabuyao, Laguna 3


to participate in the survey that will be carried out. In which people consent to share their

knowledge, self-efficacy, experiences, and attitudes on the research.

This study will utilize a sampling technique called Purposive Judgement in which the

researcher identifies the criteria or characteristics that are relevant to the research question and

selects participants who meet those criteria. It is the most applicable technique to the

researchers to gather data and make inferences about a population. To get a better result from

the study, the researchers wanted to have a fair and unbiased sample selection method.

Sampling Design Data

Research Instrument

The instrument used was a researcher made questionnaire checklist to gather the

needed data for the customer’s and coffee shop owner’s profile. The draft of the questionnaire

was drawn out based on the researchers’ readings, previous studies, professional literature,

published and unpublished thesis relevant to the study. In the preparation of the instrument,

the requirements in the designing of good collection instrument were considered. For instance,

statement describing the situations or issues pertaining was toned down to accommodate the

knowledge preparedness of the respondents. Open-ended options were provided to

St. Vincent College of Cabuyao
Mamatid, City of Cabuyao, Laguna 4


accommodate to free formatted views related to the topic or issues. In the way, the instrument

is authorized to obtain valid responses of the customers and coffee shop owners. In the end it

encourages open responses to sensitive issues at hand. In addition, the instrument was

validated by few consulting and former professor before it laid on to the study.

Data Gathering Procedure

A written letter of request was prepared by the researcher's advisor, and it was sent to

the coffee shops owners so that the owner and customers could be interviewed. We, the

researchers, will start gathering information face-to-face as soon as the approval is granted. We

will use our gadgets as a witness regarding the said survey the time that they were answering

our survey question. Once we finished gathering the following data and information we needed

for our research. The researchers will carefully analyze each piece of data one by one and do a

proper analysis so that we are able to provide an accurate interpretation of the experienced

challenges and strategies of the coffee shops. Their matching responses to the question are thus

retained with the consent of the respondents and the researchers.

Ethical Consideration

To protect the respondents' privacy and security, the researchers prioritized and kept in

mind that the data and information they provided would be kept totally confidential. The
St. Vincent College of Cabuyao
Mamatid, City of Cabuyao, Laguna 5


responses provided by the respondents will be exclusively utilized within the context of the

study to develop potential solutions to the research problem.

Furthermore, the researchers gave consent and permission to conduct the study. Before

presenting the research questionnaire, the researchers took care to inform the respondents

about the study's objectives and purpose.

Data Analysis

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