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Radford University

Student Newspaper
11/07/2023 @rutartan

Marty Smith Receives Outstanding Alumni Award


The most captivating story in sports is the under-

dog story of humble beginnings and low expectations, but
through hard work and dumb luck, the underdog comes
out on top.
Marty Smith is the epitome of an underdog, prov-
ing everybody wrong on his climb to the top of sports
journalism. Smith was honored with an Outstanding
Alumni award on Saturday, October 21st.
Smith is a New River Valley native from Giles
County. He grew up in the beautiful mountains of south-
west Virginia, where he fostered his competitive spirit in
sports like basketball and baseball. When Smith trans-
ferred to Radford, he tried out for the baseball team as a
walk-on, but he didn’t cut; he felt lost. He had this passion
for sports but had nowhere to put it. A sophomore, Smith,
walked into Assistant Sports Information Director Mike
Ashley’s class of 83’ Office, asking for an opportunity to
use his passion for sports.
“I sat down with Mike, and I said, “I don’t know
what I can offer you, but I can do whatever you need and
whatever you can give me,” said Smith.”If you just walk
in the door, you have so many opportunities because its
real-life deadlines, it’s having the ability to converse with
people, it’s looking them in the eye, saying your name, its Alex Castanien’s Photo
building that bridge of mutual trust and respect while you can Soul and Sideline CEO: principles of Leadership from
are a student and that’s a rare commodity.” Champion Coaches. Smith reminisced his time in class
Ashley, Class of 83’, is a member of the Radford with legendary sportswriter Roland Lanzby, who was an
University Athletics Hall of Fame, inducted in the class of adjunct communications professor here at Radford Uni-
2022. “The truth is that Marty came here ready to launch; versity. Lanzby has written three best-selling basketball
he was hungry, passionate, and grounded by strong family biographies about Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, and his
roots and was destined for success wherever he ventured.” latest biography on Magic Johnson.
When Smith was a senior, he was the editor of this “He looked right at the girl in the front row and
paper, the Tartan. “Monday morning, you walk into the asked what do you want to do with your life? What do you
athletic department or the communications department want to be? And she was taken aback, and she was hesi-
and say, I want work right now, and I want to learn right tant to share her dream in front of her peers,” said Smith.
now, and they are going to go follow me,” Smith said to “And he went to every single one of those 60 kids in that
student media members after his speech. “Ultimately, class and said, what do you want to be? My answer was I
it comes down to how you treat people, how hard you wanted to write for sports illustrated, and he said you can.
work and if you have indomitable positive energy.” When And do you know what was wild about that, he could ask
Smith left Radford University, he wrote for Lynchburg that question of us because he was leaving that class to fly
News and Advance, covering liberty football and NAS- to Chicago, Illinois, to cover the Chicago Bulls and the
CAR, before getting an opportunity to work for ESPN. Boston Celtics.”
“I felt that at that time, NASCAR was my fastest Smith is a real-life Appalachian folk hero to all
path to the big time,” said Smith. “I was at that paper for aspiring sports journalists. Still, his story inspires all col-
ten mouths, and I got the opportunity to write about a guy lege students to believe more in themselves and to strive
from Lynchburg that just got promoted to vice president for more regardless of major or concentration. “I am so
of NASCAR. As soon as I wrote that piece, He called me: grateful for everybody at this school who did it for me and
his name was Paul Brooks, and I said Paul, get me out of to y’all, the students listening to me, there is nothing you
here.” Smith skyrocketed to success after joining ESPN. can’t not do. You can do whatever you want to do and you
Smith was ESPN’s beat reporter for NASCAR, and his can do it with this education. Some people will have fancy
reporting led him to be featured on Sports Center and Col- pants degrees from big-time schools and paid all kinds of
lege Football Gameday. money to get it. That piece is an opportunity to crack the
Smith is a two-time New York Times bestseller door, and if somebody cracks that door, you kick that sum
with his books Never Settle Sports Family and the Ameri- bitch down.”
2 the Tartan 11/07/2023 Radford University

The Staff
Editor in Chief: Serenity Sears
Major: BFA Dance & BS Media Studies

Managing Editor: Abigail Ridpath

Major: BA English/ minor in Creative Writing
Section Editor: Stephanie Perez
Major: BS Public Relations OUTSTANDING ALUMNI
Contact: AWARD
Copy Editor: Owen Saunders
Major: BS Communications Studies 03 NEW UNIVERSITY LOGO:
Copy Editor: Bella Smith
Major: BS Dance Education/ minors in Entre-
preneurship and Photography 04 TURNING THE PAGE TO
Copy Editor: Alex Castanien
Major: BS Media Studies 05 FALL DANCE FESTIVAL
Staff Writer: Goldie Owens
Graduate Student in Strategic Communication 05 NACA
Staff Writer: Abigail Morin
Major: BS Media Studies TO 1989 (TAYLOR’S VERSION)

Staff Writer: Aidan Hilton 06 FALL’S FUTILITY

Major: BS Theater/ minors in Cinema and Envi-
ronmental Science
Web-Designer: Benjamin Goldfeder
Major: Cybersecurity/ minors in Management
and Legal Studies HANCEMENT PLAN

Radford University 11/07/2023 the Tartan 3

The Staff

Staff Writer: Kimberly Barajas

Major: BS Criminal Justice

Staff Writer: Lauryn Washington

Major: BS Dance/ minor in Education

Staff Writer: Aiden O’Connor

Major: BS Media Studies VOTE
NOVEMBER 7th, 2023

Faculty Advisor: Bill Kovarik It’s not too late...

Contact: Ballot dropbox is located at the Courthouse: 619 2nd St. Room 143 Radford, VA. 24141
Ballot dropboxes will be available at all regular polling places on Election Day, Nov. 7,
from 6:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m.


New University Logo: Out With The Old


Radford University president Bret Danilow- ready up, though. I can’t go back on my word.
icz unveiled a new university brand identity Plus, I really want to launch some mugs. May-
at a presentation on October 20th, including be they should’ve thought twice about chang-
a new logo. ing the logo.”
According to the university’s official state- McCauley plans to break the mugs any day
ment, “more than 3,000 students, faculty, now. “I know the vote will be to break them.
staff, alumni and community members” had They already told me I couldn’t chuck ‘em off
shaped the rebranding with feedback and in- of Muse. But I’m more of the ‘ask for forgive-
put. One of those staff members was not Jen- ness, not permission’ type.”
nifer McCauley, an employee at the universi- The bookstore also plans to dispose of out-
ty bookstore. dated T-shirts at a community bonfire. Stu-
“It would be nice to be in the loop some- dents are encouraged to bring their own out-
times,” McCauley says. “I just ordered one dated apparel to ceremoniously make way for
hundred coffee mugs for the store with the old the new logo.
logo. What am I supposed to do now?” Students can stop by the university book-
Concerned that no one will buy them, Mc- store to vote before the polls close on Satur-
Cauley placed a poll in the bookstore for stu- day.
dents to vote on: smash the mugs against a
brick wall or donate them to a homeless shel- This article is intended to be satire. Any names,
ter. quotes, and locations are included for humorous
When asked why the coffee mugs couldn’t purposes and should not be taken seriously.
simply be sold at a reduced price, McCauley
shrugged. “I didn’t think of that. The poll’s al-
4 the Tartan 11/07/2023 Radford University
Turning the Page to the New Chapter
In 2018, shortly before the pan- students exact-
demic, Radford shared a strategic ly where they
vision of Radford University, Pres- are in their ed-
ident Bret S. Danilowicz shared the ucational path
closing of the strategic plan for the as they were
University as they work to embrace once there too.
the past and envision the future while Taylor Nguyen
fulfilling the responsibility as a uni- said teaching
versity to enhance academic support, first-year stu-
provide better student support, and dents has been
modernize virtual space. rewarding
Five years down the road, Radford and humble,
University’s leadership is taking a I have helped
closer look at the strides made toward connect them
realizing the vision outlined in “Em- with resourc-
bracing the Tradition and Envision- es to resolve
ing the Future.” This transformation scholarships,
can be steadily observed through- academic
out the region, with the remarkable struggles, and
growth of Radford University Caril- mental health, Goldie Owen’s Photo
lon’s exceptional medical programs, and even feel safe on campus. all students, with a
which now enroll a sustainable 30% By offering assistance tailored particular focus on enhancing acces-
of the student body. to their current needs and circum- sibility for undergraduates. This initi-
With Radford University Caril- stances, these peer instructors have ative stands to bring substantial ben-
ion (RUC) experiencing substantial proven to be a vital support system efits to all education departments on
growth, the strategic plan opens new for students as they progress through our campus as enhances the learning
possibilities for expanding program coursework. experiences, prepares students for fu-
offerings in critical medical posi- Significantly the campuses have ture careers, and fosters a culture of
tions. This expansion includes the been under remodeling since 2018, innovation and discovery.
provision of enhanced learning spac- Reed and Curie Hall for the College Radford University’s goals re-
es, designed to facilitate effective of Science and Technology has al- volve around ensuring accessibility
learning for students pursuing these lowed the college to put technology for all, centering education on the
crucial medical roles. on the display to be visible. needs of a diverse community, fos-
Radford is the first institution to The planetarium was updated last tering active learning and hands-on
offer competency-based education year to provide science students with experiences, encouraging the free-
(CBE), This innovative approach has interactive science experience across dom to learn through real-world en-
significantly expanded the universi- the New River Valley. counters and preparing students for
ty’s academic offerings by providing As the strategic plan concludes, success in all aspects of life.
self-paced certificates and creden- the university anticipates a future Vice President for Economic De-
tials in education, cyber, data, and marked by the success of the Artis velopment and Corporate Education,
more. These programs are thought- Center of Adaptive Innovation and Angela Joyner, unveiled the universi-
fully designed to cater to the needs of Creativity. This moment represents a ty’s new brand, a collaborative effort
the workplace. significant evolution in the way we guided by alumni, students, faculty
By offering CBE, Radford has approach interdisciplinary education, and staff. Together, they identified
effectively aligned with its mission fostering an environment where stu- five distinctive brand colors, each of
which is to empower students from dents are inspired to connect their which uniquely captures the essence
diverse fields. This enables individu- diverse interests in innovative and of Radford. This visual representa-
als from various fields to access trans- transformative ways. tion features a shield symbolling re-
formational education that equips Radford University as we begin silience and the mountains that sur-
them with the skills and knowledge on a journey to enhance the power round our community.
they need to thrive in their chosen of student choice. Over the next two Joyner said, “I Believe that brand
field. years, Radford will be directing its ef- is essentially what people believe in
The university has a strong part- forts towards four key areas, each of their hearts and minds.”
nership with the Highlander Success which will play an important role in With a shared commitment to
Center, a valuable resource hub dedi- shaping the university’s identity and these strategic goals and brands re-
cated to supporting students through- impact: defining Radford’s nature, flecting Radford’s uniqueness, the
out their academic journey. This col- driving regional economic develop- university looks forward to a future
laboration was particularly beneficial ment, stabilizing student enrollment, filled with promises, progress, and a
for first-year students who are navi- and repositioning resources. strong sense of what it means to be
gating the challenges of 100-200-lev- The two topics that President a Highlander from current and pro-
el courses. Danilowicz highlights are undergrad- spective. Radford strives for excel-
The provision of peer instructors, uate research and the aim is to ensure lence in education and making a dif-
who play a crucial role in guiding that the research is within reach for ference in everyone’s life.
11/07/2023 the Tartan 5
Radford University
Fall Dance Festival 2023
On October 12th, the Radford University Witt is an experienced dancer and is one of the
dance department held its annual Fall Dance Festival. most dedicated in the school of performing arts; she
There were three performances that were started dancing when she was three years old. “Some
all held in Bondurant Auditorium on October 12th, people play sports. I did dance,” she said. “I did dance
October 13th and October 14th. It showcased all the competitions and benefit performances.”
hard work and effort that Radford University’s dance Witt performed in two back-to-back pieces
department students had been practicing for majority this year, the first being Flurry and the second being
of the semester. Rhythm Chatter.
This year, the Flurry was an original piece choreographed by
dance department the dancers in the piece in collaboration with Deborah
presented a variety McLaughlin. The piece is a whimsical performance
of dances at their centered around Witt, who is seen pretending to drink
showcase, which from a coffee cup while dancing around the stage.
included tap, mod- Back-up dancers pranced in the background with pink
ern and ballet. and purple balloons, throwing them in the air and
The auditorium catching them all on rhythm.
was filled with Witt said, “The most difficult part of prepara-
students and proud tion is remembering all the choreography, and dealing
parents of the per- with other performers’ schedules for rehearsal.”
formers. “I was The dance department’s next performance
really excited for is the First-Year Seminar performance, which takes
them to see my place November 6th at 7:30 in Peters Hall, followed
improvement from by the Informance Dance Concert on November 13th
Radford University Department of Dance’s Photo last year,” said at 7:30p.m.
Meridythe Witt, a junior performer in the Fall Dance

On October 12-14, the R-SPaCE Executive dience seemed to love him as much as we did when we
Board attended the National Association for Campus met him.
Activities conference, or NACA. I had the best time at NACA this year, much like
Our executive board left Wednesday, October 11, last year. Some of this year’s featured acts were The
at 7:30 am to drive down to Charleston, South Carolina. Great Dubois, who were in The Greatest Showman; co-
We went a bit early because the advisor of R-SPaCE, medians such as Ryan Kelly, who you might know from
Katarina Alatis, is the Fundraising Chair for the NACA Tik Tok; and Movie Night, an alternative music group—
Foundation of NACA South. but those are just a few examples of the many acts we
As R-SPaCE President, I had the opportunity to saw that weekend. Not only did we get to see these acts
experience NACA for a second time first-hand. With it and what amazing shows they could bring to our cam-
being my second time attending NACA, I had a bit more pus, we got to meet some of them that we hope to bring
knowledge about what to expect. Essentially, NACA to our campus in the upcoming year!
displays to colleges across the country different artists Michael Ziegenfus, R-SPaCE Director of Nov-
and vendors who could potentially perform or sell them- elties and Class of 2025, states, “NACA was a great
selves for campus events. experience all around. It’s made me very excited for the
Everyone remember Kevin Li from last year, things we may bring to campus this spring.”
who was recently on America’s Got Talent? Before he R-SPaCE will be attending more cool events
went on America’s Got Talent, he performed for Radford like this in the future that build resumes and are a lot
students on campus last March. of fun—so if you want to learn more about joining
R-SPaCE met him at the NACA conference last R-SPaCE and possibly attending an event like NACA
year, and we enjoyed being with him so much, we knew in the future, come to one of our meetings in room 237
that we would have to bring him to our campus. The au- upstairs in the Bonnie.
6 the Tartan 11/07/2023 Radford University

Taking it back in Time to 1989 (Taylor’s Version)

with your friends (the perfect song for me and all
Hey y’all! My my lovely college friends).
name is Abby I also liked the new vault tracks, but I did not love
Ridpath, Manag- them. For example, the first vault track is called
ing Editor of the “Slut!” (Taylor’s Version) (From the Vault)” which
Tartan, and this is I was expecting to be a bit harder-hitting. Instead,
my second review it was a soft song with a hard-hitting meaning. The
of Taylor Swift’s next vault track is called “Say Don’t Go (Taylor’s
music in regard Version) (From the Vault)”, which was honestly one
to her re-releases. of my favorite tracks from the album. This song had
This review is of a good up-beat vibe, but at the same time, as some-
my most antici- one who could relate to this song, the lyrics hit pret-
pated re-release of ty hard. I would recommend it for anyone who had a
Taylor Swift’s Offical Store Album Cover 1989. situationship or relationship that did not work out. I
Overall, I must say my standards were high for loved “Now That We Don’t Talk (Taylor’s Version)
this re-release, and even though I love Taylor Swift, (From the Vault)” too for the same reasons as “Say
this re-release was not everything I was expecting. Don’t Go.” I thought “Suburban Legends (Taylor’s
In my opinion, the original 1989 is what set Taylor Version) (From the Vault)” was a beautifully poetic
up to become the song that gave me a vibe of high school lovers who
huge star she is today, and if the original album was both always hold a special place in their hearts for
just that good, you must make sure the re-release is the other person. The final vault track is “Is It Over
better or people are going to be disappointed. How- Now (Taylor’s Version) (From the Vault).” I liked
ever, I did still enjoy hearing the old classics such as the meaning, but I don’t like what it sounds like
“Style,” “Blank Space,” and “Shake It Off.” with a squawking bird in the background (at least
A few of my favorite songs on the album are “You that’s what it sounds like to me). Overall, I’d rate
Are In Love,” a song my cousin showed me when the album a 7.
I was twelve and holds a special place in my heart; Stay tuned for a review of Reputation (Taylor’s
and “New Romantics”—a song about having fun Version), and Taylor Swift (Taylor’s Version).

Fall’s Futility
If you’ve been around campus any time in the time could be better spent elsewhere.
past few weeks (and I can assume you have, unless As silly as it sounds, I see this leaf-collection
you’ve acquired this newspaper via middleman), you’ve system as a huge
noticed the gorgeous, fiery oranges and reds that hang boulder, waiting
over sidewalks and lawns. There’s hardly a stretch of to be rolled up a
campus that doesn’t feature some jaw-dropping colors. hill. Just as you
Catch the trees on a clear, sunny day and their radiance reach the top,
increases tenfold. Catch them on a windy day and you exhausted and
might be showered in yellow or orange confetti. broken, the boul-
Undoubtedly, groundskeeping has noticed this der tumbles back
too, and they seem to be stuck in an intense battle, fight- down, mocking
ing with their blowers and the huge leaf-vacuum truck. you with its
I have to chuckle every time I walk past a few of these twisted stone
maintenance men, corralling and collecting the leaves, face. Thankful-
because I look up and know the trees have a lot more ly, though, the
where that came from. I’m sure maintenance is well leaves do not
aware of that fact too. persist constant-
Of course, there are valid reasons to get the ly—just a few
leaves up quickly. Layers upon layers can turn side- months. But I bet
walks into slip-n-slides. It’s also near impossible to tell October will be
where sidewalk ends and grass begins when blanketed back before we Lauryn Washington’s Photo
in leaves, leading to some uneven footing. But when know it.
leaves innocently blanket Moffett lawn or a sel- To quote Albert Camus, “One must imagine
dom-trodden flower bed, I can’t help but wonder if our Sisyphus happy.”
11/07/2023 the Tartan 7
Radford University
Enhancing Inclusivity and Equity: Radford
University Quality Enhancement Plan
Radford University adopt-
ed the Quality Enhancement
Plan within the strategic plan
The Quality Enhancement Plan
team and Center for Innova-
tive Teaching and Learning
will be hosting the first faculty
workshop embracing inclusive
teaching methods to improve
student performance on Thurs-
day, Jan. 11, 2024.
The university hiring Dr. Eb-
onyse Mead as Education De-
veloper for Inclusion and Be-
longing Education shows the Photo By: Unsplashed Ginnet Delgado
university’s dedication to being
inclusive, Meade has done ra- learning environment. which is defined as student
cial equity, particularly in early Committing to a yearlong earning an ‘A’ or ‘B’ grade in
childhood education, but since program will be provided to their courses. While the uni-
they have been an instructor, help faculty explore all the in- versity-wide success current-
they have been chaired of com- clusive teaching topics. ly stands at 70%, it is crucial
mittees. Radford Student who iden- to address an existing equity
Mead said, “Because I am tifies as American Caribbean gap. Specifically, there is a no-
black and a woman, I believe I Israeli said, “My identity has ticeable difference in success
have the obligation to help cre- been affirmed and valued at rate with Caucasian students
ate change to make things more Radford seeing the increase of achieving higher levels of suc-
equitable and inclusive for a so- foreign students and getting to cess compared to their African
ciety that doesn’t create spaces know them.” American and Hispanic stu-
that are considered other.” The Jasmine Isekeije said “I iden- dents. The program is focus-
support that Radford has creat- tify as African American, and ing its efforts on the College of
ed this position for Mead to be my race has been valued and af- Science and Technology, and
here at Radford is a positive to firmed on campus through the Behavioral Humanities.
the educational experience. Black Student Alliance events. Isekeije said “I have had no
Mead has been working on Teaching faculty about ex- problem feeling like I am a part
this program along with Dr. ploring their own identities of the Radford community be-
Sarah Kennedy and Dr. Allison helps them understand biases, cause people here are extreme-
Wisecup to facilitate the plan set realistic expectations for ly friendly.
and workshop sessions. students and adapt to the evolv- At the student level QEP
Students had the voice to ing college environment. Fac- team will be looking at aca-
share their ideas in the devel- ulty diversity plays a crucial demic and campus belonging,
opment process, in the develop- role in maintaining a dynamic the team is making an effort
ment phase we went to specific educational experience for stu- to a culture across this campus
groups. The team hosted stu- dents. It’s important to provide where students feel that they
dent leadership night allowing educators with insights into belong here because we know
the team to share, and the stu- their student’s diverse back- that is important.
dent leaders felt very strongly grounds, enabling them to be Within faculty, we will be
about faculty participating in more aware of sensitive topics assessing how their structure
the program. and use effective teaching ap- course, syllabus and practices
We have action teams in each proaches. have changed from the begin-
college to provide support, the Isekeije said, “I feel like I ning of their courses.
team is utilizing those people belong in my courses due to the Radford University’s com-
to get feedback from more stu- way they catch my attention in mitment to inclusivity, faculty
dents. class. I have yet to get bored development and addressing
There’s a lot of inclusive ped- with a project.” equity gaps through its Quali-
agogy that students will be ex- The program’s evaluation ty Enhancement Plan reflects
ploring, but one of the main goals criteria will be centered on the a dedication to providing an
enriching and equitable educa-
is exploration of themselves and academic achievements of stu- tional environment, where all
exploration of who their students dents in 100-200 level cours- students can succeed and feel a
are by doing so they are better es. The program objective is true sense of belonging within
equipped to create an inclusive to attain a success rate of 80% the Radford community.
8 the Tartan 11/07/2023 Radford University
ABOUT theTartan:

Townhouse for Sublet

3 bed, 3.5 bath, 2 family rooms, 2,000 sq ft

The rent is reduced to $1,395 per month

Up to 6 adults may share this townhouse. Wi-Fi is included

In-unit washer and dryer

pool, BBQ

Central air and heat

Pet friendly

The term of the sublet is 8 months

The unit is available Dec. 1, 2023 or sooner

The community has access to Radford Transit (free to students)

Furniture rental is available through the leasing office

If interested, please email me at:

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