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I decided to make an infographic poster as a multimodal remix of my work from project

2 because it is a quick and easy way to learn new information. An infographic poster falls under
the visual communication genre. Some conventions of this genre that my project follows are the
use of icons, information, and illustrations. One way that my project subverts from the genre is
how I used more words than data illustrations to explain and get my point across. Usually,
infographics rely more on showing data than using words.
My intended audience for this project is the general population who may be interested
in AI. You do not need much background knowledge on AI to understand what is mentioned in
the poster. This genre fits the audience because it is easy to comprehend. It is easy to process
and understand because there are not very many words, and everything is put into simple
In this multimodal project, the modes that I utilized were colors, pictures, fonts, space,
and words. For colors, I used red and green to emphasize the advantages and disadvantages.
Visually, this helps keep things organized and separate from each other. I chose to use a picture
in the background because I felt that it was a finishing touch that brought the whole project
together. At first, the background was a tan color, and I thought the poster looked boring and
out of date. Adding this image to the background brought the infographic to another level. I
chose to include the icons by each reasoning because each one correlates to the advantage or
disadvantage being talked about. By glancing at these icons, you can get an idea for what each
section is about. Another mode I used was the font. I decided to bold the title, “The Expansion
of AI”, in order to make it clear to my audience what this infographic poster was about. I chose
not to bold the part underneath that says “A Double-Edged Sword” because I felt that it would
make it stand out better, and that it was more visually appealing that way. I bolded the subtitles
“Advantages” and “Disadvantages” so the two sides were clear. I also chose to bold each reason
so that they would stand out from the analysis below them. An additional mode I chose to use
was space. I chose not to put more than the title at the top because I felt that if I did, it would
get confusing and it would not be clear what the title of the poster was. From the middle to the
bottom, I utilized as much space as I could. I did not want to leave blank space around the
information because I thought that would make the infographic poster seem bland and
unappealing. The way I used text throughout the poster was by stating an advantage or
disadvantage and then explaining these reasons with just a couple of sentences. Giving an
explanation rather than just stating pros and cons gives reasoning behind it to the audience.

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