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NAME: Owolabi Samuel Temitope Reg No: NTI/PGDE/2023/2711

COURSE: Introduction to Educational Technology PDE 717

1. Explain the concept of Media in Education
2. Explain the reason communication is said to be incomplete if it has not passed
from source to destination.
3. What is Computer?
ii. Briefly describe 4 component of Computer system.
iii. Distinguish between Computer Assisted Instruction and Computer
Managed Instruction.
iv. Identify 4 Computer resources.
v. Write short notes on the following:
1. Software tools
2. Multimedia/ hyper media software
3. Internet resources

1. Educational media are defined as any devices, content materials, methods, or
experiences used for teaching and learning purpose
The use of media in the classroom enables students to see concepts and new
examples when they are watching television, listening to music, or are at the movies.
Media education acknowledges and builds on the positive, creative and pleasurable
dimensions of popular culture, while also teaching young people how to manage the
risks and impacts of digital and traditional media. It incorporates production of
media texts and critical thinking about media to help us navigate through an
increasingly complex media landscape. That landscape includes not only traditional
and digital media, but also popular culture such as toys, fads, fashion, shopping malls
and theme parks.

2. Transmission of the message is only a beginning. There is no communication

until the information is received, read and understood by the employee in the
same sense and in the same meaning at the other end. Therefore,
communication is what the receiver understands, but not what the sender
Communication is not successful unless the receiver understands the message as the
sender meant it.
3. A computer is a machine that can be programmed to carry out sequences of
arithmetic or logical operations automatically. Modern digital electronic
computers can perform generic sets of operations known as programs. These
programs enable computers to perform a wide range of tasks. Computer is
also an electronic device that takes input data from the user and processes
these data under the control of set of instructions (program) and gives the
desired result as output and may saves output for the future use.
Types of Computer
 Microcomputers (personal computers)
 Minicomputers (mid-range computers)
 Mainframe computers.
 Supercomputers.

3ii. There are four main computer hardware components that this blog post will
cover: input devices, processing devices, output devices and memory (storage)
1. Input Device: In computing, an input device is a piece of equipment used to
provide data and control signals to an information processing system, such as
a computer or information appliance. Examples of input devices include
keyboards, mouse, scanners, cameras, joysticks, and microphones. An input
device is any hardware device that sends data to a computer, allowing you to
interact with and control it.
2. The processing devices: are the computer hardware components that help to
handle the processing of the information, storage and retrieval process of the
information. In computers, processing devices play a key role in the processing
of information with the help of programs. A processing device is any hardware
inside a computer that interprets and manipulates incoming data during this
This includes devices such as the CPU, memory and motherboard.
3. An output device is a piece of computer hardware that receives data from
a computer and then translates that data into another form. A piece of
equipment/hardware which gives out the result of the entered input, once it is
processed (i.e. converts data from machine language to a human-
understandable language), is called an output device. For example printer,
monitor, etc.
4. There are mainly two types of semiconductor memory: random-access
memory (RAM) and read-only memory (ROM). RAM is a temporary data
storage domain, whereas ROM serves as a semi-permanent storage domain. If
RAM is likened to notebooks or memo pads, then ROM is comparable to
dictionaries and textbooks.
Example of storage devices are Floppy disk, Hard disk, Magnetic disk, Pen
drive etc

3iii. Computer Managed Instruction (CMI) is an instructional strategy whereby the

computer is used to provide learning objectives, learning resources, record keeping,
progress tracking, and assessment of learner performance. CAI refers to the use of
the computer as a tool to facilitate and improve instruction.
CML is an instructional management application that utilizes the computer to direct
the entire instructional process while CAL is Instructional delivery system through the
means of Computers.

3iv. Interrupt Request lines

DMA channels
I/O ports
Memory ranges

3v. Instructional Software: Instructional Software (IS) programs include pictures,

sounds, animations, and other various stimuli used to enhance the development of
skills such as reading, writing and problem solving. example Graphic Software,
Reference Software, Desktop Publishing, Tutorial Software.
2. A software tool is a program that automates some of the labor in- volved. in the
management, design, coding, testing, inspection, or main- tenance of other program.
Programming tools like assemblers, compilers and linkers translate a program from a
human write-able and readable source language into the bits and bytes that can be
executed by a computer.
3. Hypermedia is a system through which hyperlinking can occur. Specifically, it is a
collection of graphics, data, files and texts.
Hypermedia is an extension to what is known as hypertext, or the ability to open
new Web pages by clicking text links on a Web browser.
4. internet Resources means all Domain Names, electronic addresses, uniform
resource locators (URL) and other online resources. Examples in education-
Annenberg Learner, Common Core State Standards Initiative,, National
Center for Education Statistics (NCES), National Education Association.

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