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Game/Graphic Design/Vista Dev: Christoph Langum

Editing: Audrey Stolze

Art Director: Megan Lippert

Design Feedback: Our playtesters (thank you!),
D. W. Lawrence, Emma Lee Nagle

Cover Art: David Revoy (CC-BY-4.0)

FoundryVTT Converter: Joshua Frazer
Martketing: Grim Press

Join Us!
Looking for a group to play games with? Have a
question or feedback? Join us on Discord!

Virtual Tabletops
Horizon is available for FREE on Role, and coming
soon to Foundry VTT! We hope to add options for
other virtual tabletops as soon as possible!

Our Partners!
Our friends at Grim Press helped us market
Horizon, and we’ll be using Domille’s awesome
battlemaps on stream!

Disclaimer: Though the text of this book falls under the Horizon Framework License, as do the character sheets
associated with it, the art assets and typefaces do not. That is to say: you may use any text in this document as you
see fit, but the typefaces, logos, and art remain the sole properties of their respective owners. It is recommended that
designers use the web version of this rulebook, as it lacks special formatting, fonts, and art.
The autosave logo and trade dress are the sole property of autosave.
Legal/Using This Framework................................1 Character Creation.................................................14
Framework Rules....................................................1 Pages 1 & 2.....................................14
Game Master.....................................1 Pages 3 & 4....................................16
Players................................................1 Page 5.............................................21
Attributes...........................................1 Page 6 & 7......................................22
Standard Roll.....................................1 For The GM.............................................................23
Contested Roll..................................2 What Do I Need?..........................23
Group Roll.........................................2 Session Length..............................23
Fortune..............................................2 Setting Difficulty...........................23
Modifiers (+/-)..................................3 Roleplaying NPCs.........................23
Catchphrase.....................................3 Creating NPCs..............................23
Spaces (Distance).............................3 When To Roll.................................25
Connections & Owes Me One.......3 When To Shut Up.........................25
Get A Life & Hurt.............................4 When To Speak Up.......................25
Dodge................................................4 Choice Over Paths.......................26
Order.................................................4 Crafting The Narrative.................26
Phases Of A Turn.............................4 Yes And, No But............................26
Player Advancement.......................6 Session Zero..................................27
Fight..................................................8 Adding Hazards............................27
Falling................................................8 Exploration & Travel.....................27
Dying & Death.................................8 If Using Forks (Fork Examples)....27
Render Inert.....................................8 Reload (Optional Rule).................29
Player Inventory...............................9
Protective Gear................................9
Object Life.......................................9
Cost & Worth (Currency)...............9
Tools, Crafting, & Repair...............10
Echo (Optional)..............................12
Legal/Using This
The only requirements for you to use this framework and its rules are (a)
include the Horizon logo somewhere in the contents of your project (work,
media, book, game, etc.), and (b) include a copy of the Horizon Framework
License somewhere in the contents of your project. So far as legal licensing,
Horizon uses a (slightly modified for relevance) version of the MIT License,
which can be found below and is linked here.

Horizon Framework License

Copyright © 2023 autosave

Permission is hereby granted, irrevocably, perpetually, free of charge, to any

person obtaining a copy of the Horizon Framework (hereafter “framework”)
and associated documentation files (the “framework”), to deal in the
framework without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the
framework, and to permit persons to whom the framework is furnished to do
so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the framework.


Horizon Attributes Forks (Optional)
Games in need of more crunch and complexity
can utilize attribute forks for more specialized
Horizon is an open source tabletop roleplaying
framework. It aims to be simple at its core, bound challenges. Examples are included on the following
only by a few mechanics, and easily malleable for page. Each forked attribute starts with a value
designers and GMs alike. equal to the attribute it is forked from, with the
ability to be modified independently thereafter.
• Strength: Brawl, Drag, Grab, Lift, Push, Throw
Framework Rules • Intellect: Construct, Focus, Retort, Heal,
The rules for playing games with the Horizon Sanity
Framework are detailed in this chapter. If playing • Finesse: Craft, Dance, Draw, Drive, Escape, Pick
via Discord, inviting Vista (the Horizon rules Lock
lookup and rolling bot) is recommended. • Observe: Discern, Doubt, Find, Listen, Keep
Game Master • Charm: Convince, Deceive, Distract, Seduce
The Game Master (GM) rolls and roleplays for • Obfuscate: Hide Object, Hide Self, Steal,
the game’s NPCs, while facilitating rulings and Withhold
constructing the narrative. • Fate: Chance, Gamble, Predict, Will
• Survival: Forage, Hunt, Track, Trap
• Moxie: Defend, Endure, Guts, Nerve
Players • Fear: Dare, Frighten, Intimidate
Each player roleplays a single character,
attempting to overcome challenges and contribute
to the progression of the game’s story. Standard Roll
When the GM calls for a Standard Roll, the
Attributes individual rolls a number of D6s (six-sided dice)
Horizon uses 10 attributes to measure an equal to the applicable attribute’s value.
individual’s (the framework’s general term that For example, if Larry is attempting to move
describes both players and NPCs) ability, potential, a heavy object, the GM may call for Larry to roll
and luck. Strength. Larry has a 3 in his Strength attribute,
meaning his Strength value is 3, so he rolls 3D6.
• Strength: a measure of physical power. The individual then counts the number of dice
• Intellect: a measure of logic and reasoning. that resulted in 4 or above, referring to the total as
• Finesse: a measure of agility and dexterity. the number of successes. If a die results in a 6, it’s
• Observe: a measure of situational awareness. a Triumph, which counts as 2 successes. The GM
• Charm: a measure of personality and nature. then details the results.
• Obfuscate: a measure of ability to hide things.
• Fate: a measure of luck and destiny.
• Survival: a measure of potential to remain alive.
• Moxie: a measure of stability and fortitude.
• Fear: a measure of ability to intimidate and scare.
Contested Roll Group Roll
When the GM calls for a Contested Roll, opposing When more than one individual is working to
individuals each roll a number of D6s equal to achieve the same goal, the GM may call for a
their value in an applicable attribute. The GM Group Roll. Each individual making the roll does
may tell each individual to roll different attributes. so as a Standard Roll, but only the highest number
Some common examples of which attributes are of successes is used. A Group Roll can also be
contested with others include: contested by another individual or group.
For example, if Avery and Diane are both trying
• Strength vs. Finesse: When an individual is to move a guard away from a doorway, the GM
trying to escape another’s grasp. may call for a Group Roll. Avery wishes to sneak
• Observe vs. Obfuscate: When an individual is behind the guard, and catch them off balance,
attempting to find something hidden by so the GM tells Avery to roll Obfuscate. Diane,
another. however, wishes to use brute force, so the GM
• Fear vs Moxie: When an individual is trying to tells Diane to roll Strength.
scare another. Avery has a 4 in Obfuscate, so rolls 4D6 and
• Intellect vs. Survival: When an individual is gets a 1, 2, 4, and 4 for a total of 2 successes.
trying to break or free themselves from a trap. Diane has a 5 in Strength, so rolls 5D6 and
• Charm vs. Observe: When one individual is gets a 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 for a total of 4 successes.
attempting to lie to another. As Diane rolled more successes, her 4 successes
• Fate vs. Survival: When an individual is trying are used for the Group Roll against the guard.
to remain alive through sheer dumb luck or Finally, the guard rolls Strength to avoid being
force of will. moved, rolling 3D6. The guard rolls a 4, 4, and 5 for
a total of 3 successes.
After both opposing individuals roll, they each Diane and Avery rolled a greater number of
count the number of dice that resulted in 4 or successes, so the guard is moved.
above, referring to the total as the number of
successes. If a die results in a 6, it’s a Triumph,
which counts as 2 successes. The GM then details Fortune
the results, with the individual that rolled the Fortune is a resource that represents an individual’s
higher number of successes being the victor. influence on the world around them. An
Should a Contested Roll result in a Stalemate individual’s maximum Fortune is equal to their Fate
(each individual rolls an equal number of attribute + 3.
successes), there is no victor, and nothing Fortune can be spent after making an attribute
happens. roll—be it Standard, Contested, or Group—to
If using forks, Contested Rolls become more reroll any of the dice rolled. Fortune cannot be
specific. Examples of what forks are used for, and spent on Echoed rolls, or when making Ability
what they are typically contested with can be Rolls.
found in the For The GM chapter on page 26. Fortune is spent in a 1:1 ratio, meaning each
point spent allows the spender to reroll an equal
number of dice. An individual can only spend
Fortune once per roll, after deciding how much
they wish to spend.
In a Contested Roll, Fortune cannot be spent
after the individual knows what an opposing party
rolled. Individuals regain 1D6 Fortune per in-game
Modifiers (+/-) Connections &
There are two types of modifiers: Contextual, and Owes Me One
Eternal. In either case, a plus or minus sign before
Connections are a mechanical representation
a number indicates that the applicable roll is made
of player relationships in roleplay, and exist to
with more or less dice than usual. Regardless of
symbolize a bond. While making characters,
modifiers, an individual can’t roll less than 1 die, or
players will likely have previously established
greater than 10.
connections. Should the GM allow this,
a maximum of 2 starting connections is
Contextual recommended per player.
A Contextual modifier only applies in a specific When a situation occurs that would warrant
context. For example, “When you Impose On an individual owing another a favor, the individual
Act, you gain a +1 to Moxie” indicates that only then Owes Them One. When a player is owed a
when Imposing On Act would an individual add an favor by a connection, they tick “OMO” (Owes
additional D6 to their Moxie rolls. Me One) next to that connection. When a player
instead owes a connection a favor, they tick
Eternal “OTO” (Owe Them One). OMO and OTO work
An Eternal modifier lasts indefinitely, and offers the same mechanically.
little to no context. For example, “+1 to Observe” A connection may only owe one favor to the
means that the individual permanently increases same individual, and the way that favor is called
their Observe value (along with its forks, if using upon is up to the connection, and only works
them) by 1. should the GM find the favor feasible. Favors can
be represented more specifically mechanically by
allowing a temporary or permanent advantage
Catchphrase once called in.
Once per session, a player can say their
Catchphrase to regain 2 spent Fortune. If in Order, Temporary Advantage
a player can only say their catchphrase during their A temporary advantage, when called, grants a
turn. positive mechanical consequence of some sort
(e.g. the player gains a +1 Contextual bonus to an
attribute for a short time, borrows a special item,
Spaces (Distance) gains useful advice, etc.).
Distance is measured in spaces. 1 space is roughly
1 meter (~3 feet) in all dimensions. On a gridded or
hex map, each player occupies 1 space. NPCs and
Permanent Advantage
A permanent advantage should be granted by the
objects, however, can be larger and may occupy
GM very rarely, justified in the owing of extreme
more spaces.
favors or connections (saving a life, a long-term
close relationship, etc.). Permanent advantages
are…permanent. Examples include: learning a new
language, an Eternal attribute bump, or gaining
very important game-changing knowledge.
Get A Life & Hurt Phases Of A Turn
Get A Life (or Life) is how much Hurt (damage) When Order is declared, each individual gets two
an individual can have inflicted upon them. An phases on their turn: Act, and Move. Minor tasks
individual’s Life is equal to their Moxie + Survival like speaking a short phrase, drawing a weapon,
+ 5. When Hurt is inflicted to an individual, they or dropping or picking up an object can be done
subtract the amount from their current Life. before, during, or after either of these phases on a
Life is recovered at a rate of 1D6 per in-game turn.
day (without the help of Talents, or other outside A rule or Talent description that prefaces
influences). either of these phases with “On” (i.e. On Act...,
On Move...) allows individuals to do special things
Dodge on their turn. Typically, however, individuals
When an individual wishes to avoid Hurt (and will choose one of the options listed below
is conscious), they can choose to Dodge. An during their phases. No matter which option an
individual’s Dodge value is equal to their Finesse individual chooses for a phase, it takes the entire
or Intellect, whichever is higher. phase to enact.
Dodging is always a Contested Roll against
the thing being dodged. If the dodger rolls a The Act Phase
number of successes equal to or greater than the When you Act, you can do one of the following.
effect being dodged (usually an attack), no Hurt is
inflicted on them. Aim
You aim a projectile or thrown weapon at an
individual. This is made as a normal attack with
Order the weapon, but only allows you to make 1 attack
The GM declares Order when two or more parties regardless of the weapon, and skips your Move
are involved in resolving a situation that would be phase this turn. Aiming a weapon starts that
chaotic otherwise. Most often, Order is declared attack at 1 success.
during complex debates—to allow everyone a turn
to speak—or during combat, to allow everyone a Attack
chance to inflict some Hurt. You attack with a weapon. The number of attacks
When Order is declared, each involved you can make is determined by the weapon, but
individual rolls a D100 (a 100-sided die or a pair of can be changed by Talents.
percentile dice). Turns are taken sequentially, from
1-100, then start over from the beginning when all
Better The Odds
individuals have had a turn. Order ends when the
You attempt to will fate to allow for another
GM decides the situation is resolved.
individual’s roll to go better. The way you roleplay
A turn taken during Order can last minutes or
this depends on the situation, but allows you to
moments. During a discussion, a turn in Order
spend your own Fortune and give it to another
should last no longer than 1 minute. In combat,
a turn in Order should last no longer than 10
You can spend no more than 3 Fortune when
you Better The Odds, increasing the individual’s
In the rare case that two or more individuals
current Fortune by the same amount.
roll the same number when Order is declared,
This option cannot be used to increase an
giving them the same place in Order, the GM
individual’s Fortune above their maximum, and the
chooses who goes first; having each party roll
individual must be within 6 spaces to benefit from
a D6, with the higher roll going first. If the tied
this Act. This Act can be chosen once per player
individuals are allies, the GM may allow them to
per session.
choose who goes first.
The Move Phase
Disarm You can travel 4 spaces during this phase, or do
You attempt to take something from an adjacent one of the following.
individual. Make a contested Strength roll
against the individual. If you are the victor, the Climb/Swim
individual drops whatever you were reaching for. You climb a scalable object or swim a number of
You may attempt to Disarm with a projectile or spaces equal to your Strength value. If climbing
thrown weapon from a distance by rolling Finesse an especially difficult surface, or swimming in a
contested with the individual’s Strength instead, fast or toxic liquid, your GM may require you to
so long as they are within the weapon’s range. roll Strength to swim or climb successfully.

Hide Dive
You attempt to hide yourself or an object. Roll You dive below, onto, or behind a surface within a
Obfuscate, making a note of the number of number of spaces equal to half (rounded up) your
successes. An individual looking for you or a Move value (typically 2). If you Dive behind a solid
hidden object makes a contested Observe roll object that is larger than you, it becomes more
against those successes, noticing you or the object difficult to hit you, granting you +2 to Dodge. If
if they are the victor. you Dive beneath an opaque liquid, this bonus is
You cannot Hide simply by declaring it. To instead +1.
attempt to Hide, you must have a place to
hide yourself or an object, or another means of Jump
concealing yourself. You jump vertically or horizontally a number of
spaces equal to your Strength value.
You attempt to defend an adjacent individual. So Saunter
long as you remain imposing, choosing to do so You travel up to half (rounded up) your Move
On Act each turn, the individual gains a benefit value, attempting to draw the attention of those
when dodging. The individual rolls Dodge as nearby. Up to 3 individuals of your choice who can
normal when they Dodge, while you roll Moxie at see you make a contested Observe roll against
the same time. The individual then uses whichever your Charm. Individuals you are victorious against
roll (yours or theirs) results in the higher number of who Attack On Act next turn must do so against
successes to Dodge. you (if possible).

You attempt to convince an individual to hear you
out. Roll Charm contested with the individual’s
Observe. If you are the victor, the individual is
more likely to listen to you. The extent of this
depends greatly on the situation at hand, along
with those involved, and is detailed by your GM.
Succeeding in negotiating does not magically
make a foe become a friend, nor drastically change
an individual’s ideals, but merely contributes to
their willingness to listen.

You use an object with special properties.
Player Advancement At the end of each session, players that have
Players advance by increasing their Tier (what 4 AP in an attribute can spend them to make an
a traditional “level” is called in Horizon). Tiers Ability Roll with that attribute. Ability Rolls are
range from 1-5 by default, though a GM may made as a Contested Roll against the attribute
choose to add more. The GM decides when their a player is trying to increase. Fortune cannot be
players advance, granting each of them a new spent on Ability Rolls. If an Ability Roll results in a
Tier at the same time, typically after major group number of successes greater than the attribute’s
achievements. current value, its value increases by 1, to a
maximum of 10 (see Modifiers on page 3).
Talents & Roles
Each time a player gains a Tier, they choose Using Ability Points For Abilities
a Talent. Players that wish to make character Rather than rolling to increase an attribute when
creation as easy as possible, however, may instead their AP reaches 4, a player can instead choose
align with a Role (a preset selection of Talents). to wait until they reach a total of 20 AP across all
Choosing a Role does not mean a player can’t attributes, and spend them to gain a new ability.
deviate to other Talents at future Tiers. Roles exist Abilities are always Contextual, and are chosen
to represent standard class/specialty combinations randomly by rolling a D100 on the Ability table. If
that can be found across many genres. Once a player rolls and gets an ability they already have,
chosen, a Talent cannot be changed. they reroll until receiving another result.
A player can use one ability per in-game day at
Ability Points Tier 1, two abilities per in-game day at Tier 3, and
The first time each attribute roll a player rolls three abilities per in-game day at Tier 5.
a Triumph (a 6 on a D6), they gain an Ability
Point (AP). AP can never exceed 4 for the same

Roll (D100) Ability
Vanish: You can turn invisible On Act. You can remain invisible for up to 10 minutes, or
until you inflict or are inflicted Hurt. While invisible, you have +2 to Obfuscate.
Clone Step: You can choose to leave a duplicate of yourself behind after leaving a space
On Move. The duplicate is an illusion, revealed as such should an individual interact
4-6 with it physically, or roll greater than 3 successes with Observe while adjacent to it. The
duplicate remains for up to 10 minutes, vanishing early should you choose to dismiss it.
The duplicate is inanimate while active.
Fire Breath: You can breathe fire when you Attack On Act. The breath uses Moxie, has 1
attack, a 1-space range, and inflicts 5 Hurt to individuals that fail to Dodge it.
Meditate: When your turn arrives in Order, you can choose to spend both phases
10-12 meditating. If you do, roll Fate. If you roll at least one Triumph, you instantly regain 1D6
Avian: You can transform into a hawk, eagle, or raven (your choice) On Act. Your attribute
values remain the same for the duration of this transformation, but you gain the ability to
13-15 fly 8 spaces On Move. While transformed in this way, you cannot benefit from protective
gear, and anything you are wearing or carrying vanishes and cannot be used. This
transformation lasts for up to 10 minutes, or until you inflict or are inflicted Hurt.
16-19 I’m In: You can choose an adjacent lock and instantly unlock it On Act.
20-23 Wall Climb: On Move, you can travel on vertical surfaces until your turn ends.
Flameshot: The next time you fire a projectile with a weapon, it catches fire. If an 7
individual fails to Dodge the projectile, they are inflicted 3 more Hurt than usual.
Night Vision: On Act, you can grant yourself the ability to see in the dark for the next
hour, able to ignore the penalties of partial and total darkness.
Treeshift: On Act, you can transform yourself into a tree. Your Move phase is skipped for
the duration of this transformation, though your attribute values remain the same. While
32-35 transformed in this way, you cannot benefit from protective gear, and anything you are
wearing or carrying vanishes and cannot be used. This transformation lasts for up to 10
minutes, or until you inflict or are inflicted Hurt.
36-39 Ready: When Order is declared, you can replace your roll with your Finesse value.
Revenge: When inflicted Hurt by failing a Dodge roll, you can choose to inflict the
attacker 3 Hurt.
Laser Sight: You can fire lasers from your eyes On Act. The lasers use Observe, have 1
attack, a 5-space range, and inflict 3 (5-space —) to individuals that fail to Dodge it.
48-51 Leap: When you Jump On Move, you can choose to travel triple the normal distance.
Sow Discord: On Act, you can choose an individual within 5 spaces and cause a thought
of betrayal about someone they trust. You choose the individual the thought is about.
Flight: On Act, you can give yourself the ability to fly up to 8 spaces On Move. This flight
lasts up to 10 minutes, or until you dismiss it.
Barrier: You can create a barrier around yourself On Act. This barrier acts as protection
with 5 Life.
Drop Eaves: On Act, you can grant yourself the ability to hear across great distances for
the next 10 minutes. While this ability is active, you can pinpoint the origin of any sounds
within 20 spaces, and hear through adjacent thin surfaces such as: doors, walls not made
of stone, and walls made of metal.
Bioluminescent: On Act, you can emit light in a 3-space radius. The color, direction, shape,
70-73 pattern, and brightness of the light is up to you and can be changed on your turn. The
light persists for up to 1 hour, or until you dismiss it.
Understand: When you hear or read a language you don’t know, you can choose to gain
the ability to understand and communicate in it for 1 hour On Act.
Heal: On Act, you can choose an individual that is not dead within 5 spaces to regain 2
Teleport: You can choose to teleport into a space within 20 spaces On Move. If the space
82-85 is occupied by another individual, roll Fate contested with theirs. If you are the victor, the
individual teleports into the space you left. If they are the victor, you don’t teleport.
Converse: On Act, you can choose any individual you’ve met. If the individual is not dead
and is willing, an illusory image of them appears in an adjacent space to you. You may
then have a conversation with the individual, with them understanding you regardless of
language, for up to 1 hour. The conversation ends early if you or the individual wish it to.
Detonate: You can choose 3 spaces within 10 spaces On Act, causing three small
90-93 explosions to erupt in each space. Individuals inside the explosions that fail to Dodge are
inflicted 5 Hurt.
Eject: When your turn arrives in Order, you can spend both phases focusing on this ability.
Choose up to 5 willing, adjacent individuals as you describe a location. At the start of
94-100 your next turn, each chosen individual instantly teleports to the location you described
(regardless of their distance from you). The GM decides where you teleport to based on
the accuracy of your description.
Fight Dying & Death
When diplomacy fails, or isn’t an option, combat An individual with 0 Life is dying. If in Order, a
can occur. In combat, all rolls are Contested dying individual can only move 1 space On Move,
Rolls (usually Attack vs. Dodge). Examples of the and can only roll Survival On Act. The individual
attributes rolled when using a weapon to attack, must roll at least 1 success to stay alive while
the number of attacks a weapon has, its range, and dying. As with most rolls, remember that Fortune
whether or not its single use or uses ammunition can still be spent while dying. A dying individual
(expends) can be found in the Fight table. When that rolls a Triumph regains 1 Life.
an individual expends their last of a weapon’s An individual adjacent to a dying one can
ammunition, they can’t Attack with it again. attempt to help them by rolling Intellect
A weapon that has a parenthetical in its Hurt contested with the dying individual’s Fate. If
column deals that Hurt to those who can’t Dodge the helper is the victor, the dying individual is no
it in a certain shape area (sphere: , cone: , or longer dying, and gains Life equal to the number of
line: —). successes the helper rolled.
If an individual wants to throw something
feasible, they can do so a number of spaces equal Render Inert
to their Strength value. If an individual grabs So long as they are adjacent to an individual and
something that is not technically a weapon and using a blunt weapon (hand, arm, pommel of a
uses it as one, they attack with it as they would sword, etc.), an individual who reduces another to
with Body. 0 Life may declare that they wish to render them
inert, rather than deal fatal Hurt.
Rendering an individual inert effectively knocks
them unconscious. For each in-game hour an
After falling, an individual is inflicted 1 Hurt per
individual is rendered inert they roll Moxie. If at
space they fell.
least 2 successes are rolled, the individual becomes
conscious once more.

Weapon Attribute Attacks Range Hurt Expends
Axe Strength 2 1 Space 4 If Thrown
Body Strength/Finesse 2 1 Space 1 No
Bow & Arrow Finesse 2 15 Spaces 3 Yes (Arrows)
Crossbow Finesse 1 20 Spaces 5 Yes (Arrows)
Crystal Ball Fate 1 5 Spaces 6 No
Dagger Finesse 3 1 Space 2 If Thrown
Grenade Observe 1 Strength 4 (5-Space ) Yes
Hammer Strength 2 1 Space 5 If Thrown
Horns Strength 1 1 Space 3 No
Mine Obfuscate – 1 Space 3 (10-Space ) Yes
Phaser Finesse 2 15 Spaces 3 No
Pistol Observe 4 10 Spaces 4 Yes (Bullets)
Plasma Sword Finesse 3 1 Space 5 No
Shotgun Observe 2 2 Spaces 5 (2-Space ) Yes (Shells)
Sword Strength/Finesse 3 1 Space 3 No
Throwing Star Finesse 2 10 Spaces 2 Yes
Player Inventory Protection
The amount players can carry with them can be
kept simple by keeping it realistic. Could you carry Protection Life
15 weapons, a giant statue, a broken guitar, and a Chain Shirt 5
zombie leg at the same time? No? Well, it would Evolving Armor 5; +1 Life per Tier
stand to reason that a player couldn’t do that Full Plate 15
either. Half Plate 10
Keeping track of things based on their
Kevlar Vest 8
weight is doable, but not fun for (most) players.
However, should a capacity calculation be needed, Leather 3
determine it based on the character’s Strength Leather (Layered) 5
value times 25. Magical Barrier 10
Pillow Adhered With Duct
Protective Gear Tape
Gear that offers additional protection does so by Sci-Fi/Tech Barrier 8
adding additional Life on top of the individual’s Shield (Metal) 10
current Life. An individual may benefit from Shield (Wood) 5
multiple sources of protection simultaneously only
Typical Fantasy Rare (But
if the GM allows them to. 20
Not Really) Metal
When Hurt is inflicted to an individual wearing
protective gear, they subtract it from their gear’s
Life, rather than their own. Should a piece of gear Intoxication
be reduced to 0 Life, the gear is broken, with An individual subjected to the effects of an
any remaining Hurt inflicted to the individual, as intoxicant bases how they are affected on their
normal. Moxie value. An individual that consumes alcohol,
The amount of Life a piece of protective gear for example, can imbibe a number of drinks equal
has can vary greatly, and common examples can be to double their Moxie value before becoming
found on the Protection table. Gear can typically, obviously drunk.
depending on the GM and game, be repaired via A GM may rule that a substance is stronger,
a special set of tools or service. See the Tools, however, and decrease the amount required to
Crafting & Repair section for more details. become intoxicated to an individual’s Moxie value
(instead of double it). On the opposing end, a
Shields GM may increase the amount of a substance an
An individual can only wield one shield at a time individual can consume without noticeable effects
and, while doing so, may Impose On Move (able due to tolerance.
to continue doing so On Move on future turns), The way an individual behaves while intoxicated
as well as On Act. While wielding a shield, an depends on the intoxicant but, regardless, has
individual has a +1 Contextual bonus to Dodge. the following Contextual modifiers until the
The amount of protection gained by a shield varies intoxication ends: -1 to Intellect, Finesse,
based on what it’s made of. Observe, and Obfuscate; +1 to Fate and Charm.

Cost & Worth (Currency)

Object Life Currency depends entirely on setting (cash for
A carriable object has 5 Life, a wearable object has
modern games, credits for sci-fi, pounds for
2, and larger objects have Life equal to the number
mysteries in London, etc.), but it is recommended
of spaces they occupy times 5.
to minimize the types of currencies available to
avoid the players and GM having to keep track of
too many things.
Tools, Crafting, & Repair If the item is a weapon or weapon projectile,
A tool can be anything an individual uses to assist it inflicts 3 more Hurt than usual. If the item is
in…anything. For example, an individual picking a protective gear, it has 5 more Life than usual.
lock will likely require a lock-pick, and one creating
armor may need an anvil and forge. Repair
When repairing an object with tools, the amount
Crafting of Life restored should be based on the number of
See the Tools table for examples of which successes rolled. For each success rolled, an object
attributes are rolled for which tools, and the is restored 1D6 Life.
Crafting table for examples of crafted items.
Crafting is based on the number of successes Improvised Tools
rolled (as shown in the Successes column) over a An individual may attempt to use an object that
number of hours (as shown in the Hours column). is not technically a tool to do something a tool is
The materials required to craft something can be usually needed for. When an individual rolls with
found in the Materials column. an improvised tool, they have a -2 Contextual
For each hour an individual spends crafting, penalty to attribute rolls made with it.
they make one check with the applicable tool.
For each success rolled, the individual reduces the
total number of successes required to craft the
item. When an individual rolls all of the successes Tool Attribute
required to craft an item, and has spent at least Alchemy Kit Intellect
the required number of hours crafting it, they craft Archery Tools Finesse
it successfully.
Botany Bag Survival
An individual that exceeds the number of
successes normally required to craft an item Builder’s Tool Belt Intellect
increases its quality, whereas one that fails to Cooking Kit Observe
meet them within the time required does not craft Cordwainer’s Tools Finesse
it and must start over (though the same materials Demolitionist’s Bag Fate
may be used to do so).
Disguise Makeup Bag Obfuscate
When an item is crafted, the materials used
to craft it are expended. Crafted item quality is Engineer’s Toolbox Intellect
measured in three levels: Suitable, Impressive, and First Aid Kit Intellect
Flawless. Glassblower’s Tools Moxie
Hacker’s Square Disk Intellect
Suitable (required number of successes) Hammer & Anvil Strength
The item looks and functions as intended. The
Hunter’s Kit Survival
item is worth the normal amount.
Investigator’s Tools Observe
Impressive (1-5 additional successes) Leatherworking Tools Finesse
The item is well made and functions beautifully. Lock-pick Finesse
The item is worth more than usual. If the item is Mage’s Wand Fate
a weapon or weapon projectile, it inflicts 1 more
Masonry Tools Intellect
Hurt than usual. If the item is protective gear, it
has 2 more Life than usual. Pottery Kit Observe
Sewing Kit Finesse
Flawless (6+ additional successes) Tailor’s Tools Finesse
The item is of the highest quality, and is worth far Welding Torch Finesse
more than usual.
Category/Item Tool Hours Successes Materials
Acid Alchemy Kit 3 6 Alkaline material
Backpack Leatherworking Tools 12 24 Leather, cloth, metal
Chest Builder’s Tool Belt 20 40 Wood, metal, cloth
Clothing Sewing Kit 10 20 Cloth
Fishing rod Hunter’s Kit 2 4 Wood, wire/string
Quiver Leatherworking Tools 6 12 Leather, cloth, metal
Rations (3 days) Cooking Kit 3 6 Foodstuffs, salt
Shoes Cordwainer’s Tools 15 30 Leather, cloth, rubber
Snare Hunter’s Kit 1/2 3 Rope, wood
Tinder Hunter’s Kit 1 2 Flammable cloth/firesteel/flint
Torch -- 1/60 1 Wood/metal, flammable cloth, fuel
Protective Gear
Chain Shirt Hammer & Anvil 40 80 Metal, leather, cloth
Full Plate Hammer & Anvil 60 120 Metal, leather, cloth
Half Plate Hammer & Anvil 50 100 Metal, leather, cloth
Kevlar Vest Sewing Kit 20 40 Kevlar
Leather Leatherworking Tools 15 30 Leather, cloth, metal
Shield (Metal) Hammer & Anvil 40 80 Metal, leather
Shield (Wood) Builder’s Tool Belt 20 40 Wood
Arrows (10) Archery Tools 3 6 Sharp edge, wood, small stones, feathers
Bow Archery Tools 6 12 Wood/carbon fiber, wire/string, leather
Bullets (6) Demolitionist’s Bag 9 18 Gunpowder, metal
Crossbow Archery Tools 15 30 Wood/carbon fiber, wire/string, metal
Crystal Ball Masonry Tools 15 30 Crystalline stone
Dagger Hammer & Anvil 8 16 Metal, leather
Grenade Demolitionist’s Bag 15 30 Gunpowder, metal, fuse
Hammer Hammer & Anvil 10 20 Metal, leather
Mine Demolitionist’s Bag 12 24 Gunpowder, metal
Phaser Engineer’s Toolbox 30 60 Metal, prism, radioactive stone
Pistol Demolitionist’s Bag 20 40 Metal, leather
Plasma Sword Engineer’s Toolbox 30 60 Metal, prism, radioactive stone
Shotgun Demolitionist’s Bag 20 40 Metal, leather
Sword Hammer & Anvil 16 32 Metal, leather
Throwing Hammer & Anvil 8 16 Metal
Stars (3)
Material Hierarchy Poison
The specific amount of a material required to craft An individual that is exposed to poison rolls
something can be kept vague for simplicity, or Moxie, requiring a number of successes based on
specified by a GM whose players prefer crunchy the strength of the poison (as determined by the
crafting. In either case, the order of the materials GM). Should the individual fail the roll, they are
should be listed by which is most required to inflicted 1D6 Hurt per the number of successes
which is least required. they failed by.
For example, making a backpack requires For example, if Twyla was shot with a poison
leather, cloth, and metal. Because a backpack arrow, their GM may tell them to roll Moxie on
(usually) requires more leather than cloth, leather their turn. The GM states that Twyla needs 5
is listed first. successes, as this is a strong poison. Twyla rolls,
but gets only 1 success, so is inflicted 4 Hurt from
Stuff the poison.
Things that are considered general gear used
during adventuring are simply referred to as Stuff. Sensory Deprivation
Stuff is dependent on setting, but some examples When surrounded by an effect that obscures
can be found in the Stuff category of the Crafting the senses, players have Contextual modifiers
table. to certain attribute rolls. The GM decides the
extent of these modifiers, but standard examples
include: partial darkness/fog (-2 to Observe),
Light total darkness (-3 to Observe and Finesse, +1
Some items emit light when used or lit. The to Obfuscate), and sensory overload (-3 to all
amount of light emitted is different for each item, attributes).
and some examples can be found in the Light
Echo (Optional)
Light An optional rule, Echo is a mechanic that allows
Light Source Light Emitted individuals to save a roll for future use. Once
per in-game day, when an individual makes an
Candle 2-Space Radius
attribute roll that resulted in at least 2 successes
Lantern 3-Space Radius/Cone and that no Fortune was spent on, they can choose
Large Fire 10-Space Radius to Echo it. When an individual Echoes a role, they
Light Bulb 10-Space Radius replace the number of successes it resulted in with
Small Fire 5-Space Radius 0, making a note of the number of successes that
Torch 4-Space Radius were replaced.
Until the end of the in-game day the roll was
echoed on, the individual can change one future
Hazards roll they make with the amount of successes of
Sometimes, individuals encounter obstacles the one that was echoed.
hazardous to them. How this occurs mechanically For example, a player negotiating with an
depends on the situation. See some examples NPC rolls Charm, and gets 5 successes. The
below. player decides that they would rather save those
successes for something more important, and
Drowning chooses to Echo it. The player replaces their 5
An individual can hold their breath a number of successes with 0, failing to negotiate with the
minutes equal to their Moxie value. Should an NPC, and makes a note that they have an Echoed
individual exceed this time, they are inflicted 1D6 roll of 5 successes for the remainder of the day.
Hurt each turn until they are able to breathe freely That night, the player fails another roll with only 2
once more. successes, and opts to swap it with their Echoed
Pets have three types: Companion, Bulwark,
and Mount. Pets cannot have their rolls Echoed, A pet can never have both the Companion and
have 0 Fortune, and do not use forks. Caretakers Bulwark types. Hurt can either be inflicted to a pet
(the individual a pet is loyal to) roll for their pets, (Companion), or it can’t be (Bulwark).
though may not gain Ability Points from these
Hurt cannot be inflicted to a pet that has both
Companion the Companion and Mount types, but the pet can
A Companion pet cannot inflict or be inflicted be ridden and used On Move by an individual. A
Hurt, or used in combat at all. pet that has both of these types that is ridden
in combat acts erratically, as it is not trained for
Bulwark it. An individual riding a pet with the Mount and
Hurt can be inflicted to Bulwark pets, and Companion types in combat has a -2 Contextual
they may inflict it as well. Bulwark pets may penalty to their Dodge rolls.
be commanded in combat by their caretaker.
Regardless of the pet, a Bulwark pet’s attributes
are based on their caretaker’s. Bulwark pets have A pet that has both the Bulwark and Mount
half (rounded up, a minimum of 1) the attribute types can be ridden in combat without issue, and
values of their caretaker. commanded to Attack On Act or On Move.
A Bulwark pet’s caretaker can spend their own
Fortune to alter the pet’s rolls as they would their Protection
own. A pet that has both the Bulwark and Mount types
When a caretaker’s turn arrives in Order, can benefit from protective gear in the same way
the caretaker can choose to either command a their caretaker does, should a GM allow it. A pet
Bulwark pet On Act or On Move (but not both on requires custom-made protection (a suit of armor,
the same turn). leathers, etc.) made specifically for it to benefit
Bulwark pets can move up to their Move value from protective gear in combat.
when commanded, and then Attack once with
Body. Bulwark pets gain a second attack when Bearing Burden
their caretaker reaches Tier 3, and a third attack A pet with the Mount type can be used to tow
when their caretaker reaches Tier 5. and carry things. It is up to the GM what a pet
could feasibly carry and/or tow but, if an exact
Mount number should be needed, base it on the mount’s
An individual riding a pet with the Mount type can Strength value times 25.
move up to the mount’s Move value On Move.
If the pet also has the Bulwark type, the pet can How Many Pets
be commanded to Attack On Act or On Move as An individual can only have a single pet of the
normal. The Mount type always coincides with Bulwark or Mount type at a time. There is no limit
either the Companion type, or the Bulwark type; a on the number of Companion pets an individual
pet never has solely the Mount type. may have, however, unless the GM sets one.

Multiple Types
Pets often have multiple types, which interact in
specific ways.
Character Creation Assign Attribute Values
Allocate the following values across your
Creating a character in Horizon is made quickest
Strength (STR), Intellect (INT), Finesse (FIN),
by aligning with a Role (a preset selection
Observe (OBS), Charm (CHA), Obfuscate (OBF),
of Talents). Otherwise, a player can choose
Fate (FTE), Survival (SUR), Moxie (MOX) and
whichever Talents best suit their character.
Fear (FEA) attributes: 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4.
A link to fillable Horizon character sheets can
Choose one value per attribute, placing the 4s
be found here.
in those you’d like your character to be best at,
and the 2s in those your character is not so good
Pages 1 & 2: The at. These are the number of D6s you roll when
Roleplaying Pages your GM tells you to roll an attribute.
If playing in a game that uses attribute forks,
The first two pages of your character sheet are the start each fork at the same value as its attribute.
roleplaying pages, and what are usually referenced For example, if you chose 3 as your Strength
during roleplay. value, your Brawl fork would also start at 3. For the
attributes that you assigned 4 to, this works a bit
Known As & Pronouns differently. While each attribute fork still starts at
In Known As put what your character responds 4, you gain 3 points you can spend to increase that
to when called, then place their preferred attribute’s forks as you see fit. For each point you
pronouns in Pronouns. If aligning with a Role (see spend, a fork’s value increases by 1.
page 16), place its name in the Role field. For example, if you chose 4 for Obfuscate, you
can choose to add 3 across the Hide Object, Hide
Catchphrase Self, Steal, and Withhold forks. You could increase
Place your character’s catchphrase in the all of its forks by 1, one of them by 2 and another
Catchphrase field. Saying your catchphrase allows by 1, or increase one fork by 3.
you to regain 2 spent Fortune, but you may only
benefit from it once per session. Your catchphrase Place the value you chose for the attribute here.
may be changed later.
Some example catchphrases include: 1
Leave these
• “I’m too old for this...”
• “What could possibly go wrong?”
• “By your command.” 2
• “I’ve got a bad feeling about this...”
• “Did you hear that?”
• “We have to go back!”
• “Seems like a bad idea.” If using forks, put
• “That’s one way to do it, I guess.” the attribute’s value 3
• “I can fix it!” in these fields as
• “Has anyone seen ___?” well. If the value
• “Alright, nobody move...” was a 4, you gain 3
• “I’ll try anything once.” points that you can
• “What’s love got to do with it?” spend to increase its
• “On that note...” forks.
• “Wait, hold on. What’s happening?”
• “I’m not lost, I swear.”
• “Not with that attitude.”
• “I don’t appreciate your tone.”
• “Okay, I have a plan, but you’re not going to like it.
Ability Points (AP) 1 2 3 4 Spaces
The first time each attribute roll you get a The distance you can travel on the Move phase of
Triumph (a 6 on a D6), you gain an Ability Point, your turn (your Move value). Place 4 in the Spaces
and mark it by ticking one of the four boxes next field.
to that attribute’s value. For more information on
how Ability Points work, see Player Advancement Dodge
on page 6. Your Dodge value is the number of D6s you roll
Until you roll a Triumph, leave the Ability to avoid Hurt. Your Dodge value is equal to your
Point boxes unticked. Finesse or Intellect (whichever is higher).

Tier Inert, Dying, Dead

Ask your GM what Tier your character should be, Leave the Inert, Dying, and Dead fields unticked.
then place that number in the Tier field. Go to page 8 and read the Dying & Death and
Render Inert sections for more details on when
Echo you should tick these fields.
Ask your GM if you’re using the Echo optional
rule. If you are, visit page 12 to see how Echoing a
roll works. When you Echo a roll, place the number
of successes you have Echoed in the Echo field. Connections
If you aren’t using the Echo rule, you don’t need Ask your GM, keeping your character’s past
to worry about this field. In either case, leave the in mind, what connections they would have.
Echo field blank. Early on, this typically includes 1-2 close friends
or family members. Leave OMO (Owes Me One)
Get A Life & unticked for your connections, unless your GM
Protection says otherwise.
Your maximum Life is equal to your Survival OTO (Owe Them One) should be ticked only if
+ your Moxie attributes + 5. When something you owe another player or NPC a favor. View the
inflicts Hurt to you, subtract it from your current Connections & Owes Me One section on page 3
Life. For now, though, place the same number in for how connections, OMO, and OTO work.
your current Life as your maximum.
If your GM is allowing you some kind of
protective gear (usually armor or a shield),
include the gear’s Life in the Protection field.
Otherwise, leave the Protection field blank.
Before This I Was
Fortune Each story begins somewhere, and your character’s
After you make a roll, you can spend 1 Fortune to did before this game began. In the Before This
reroll one die. You can spend any amount of your I Was field include 1-5 sentences about your
current Fortune on a roll, rerolling an additional character’s past. This process is easiest to do with
die per each point spent. However, spend Fortune your GM, or with your GM and your fellow players.
wisely, as you only regain 1D6 per day. Fortune
cannot be spent on Echoed or Ability Rolls. Character Description
Your Fortune is calculated based on your Fate Include a basic description of your character in
attribute. Your maximum Fortune is equal to your the Character Description field. Odds are this
Fate attribute + 3. Spending Fortune deducts it description will change over time. If you aren’t sure
from your current Fortune. At character creation, what to put in this section, start with some of the
place the same value in your current Fortune as basics like hair and eye color, height, and clothing
your maximum. and accessories your character is wearing.
Place the name of your Talent here.
Ask your GM what languages your character
knows, and add Sign. Each character in Horizon 1
knows Sign: a universal language based on

Fears & Habits

Write at least one thing your character fears in
Fears, and give them at least one habit in Habits.
Pages 3 & 4: The If your Talent has a Contextual modifier, tick
Conflict Pages this box. If it has an Eternal modifier, tick the
Eternal box. Your Talent tells you which it has.
The third and fourth pages of your character sheet
See Modifiers on page 3 for more information.
are usually the ones referenced during conflict.

A new character doesn’t normally start with
abilities, so leave the Abilities field and the T1,
T3, and T5 boxes blank. When your character
gains an ability, place it in the Abilities field, then 3
tick off the T1 box if your character is Tier 1, the Finally, put the description of your Talent here.
T3 box if your character is Tier 3, and the T5 box if
your character is Tier 5.
When you use an ability, untick one of the Tier 1 Talents
T1, T3, or T5 boxes. These boxes mark how many You can choose one of the following Talents at
uses of your abilities you have remaining. At the Tier 1.
start of a new in-game day, you regain all of your
ability uses, so tick the boxes once more. For more
information on how abilities work, see Player CHARMING
Advancement on page 6. CONTEXTUAL
When you roll Charm and get a 1, it counts as a

You gain one Talent per Tier. You can choose the +1 to Intellect.
Talents yourself, or align with a Role (a preset
selection of Talents; see page 19). Talents grow in FAST
strength as you do, and are separated by Tier. If CONTEXTUAL
your character is Tier 1, choose one Tier 1 Talent. You can travel an additional 2 spaces On Move.
If they are Tier 2, choose one Tier 1 Talent and
one Tier 2 Talent, and so on.
Talents cannot be changed once chosen,
but aligning with a Role doesn’t mean you can’t
You can spend 2 Fortune, choose an adjacent
deviate from that Role’s Talents later.
individual, and restore 1D6 to their Life On Act.
+1 to Obfuscate, and you can Hide On Move if When you Impose On Act, you can attempt to
you travel no more than 1 space. protect two individuals instead of one.


When you Aim On Act, you have a minimum of 2
When you Saunter On Move, you can travel 4
successes, rather than 1.
spaces, rather than 2.

When you roll for Order, you can roll twice and
You inflict +1 Hurt with weapons that have a
choose either result.
1-space range.

When you Attack with Body, you gain an
+1 to Observe.
additional attack, and inflict +4 Hurt.


When you Impose On Act, you gain a +1 to Moxie.
+2 to Strength, and you automatically succeed
You also gain 5 to your maximum Life.
on rolls to climb and swim.


You learn three languages of your choice.
You can spend 3 Fortune, choose an individual
within 10 spaces, and restore 3 Life to them On
Tier 2 Talents Move.
You can choose one of the following Talents at
AGILE +2 to Charm.
+1 to Dodge.
Tier 3 Talents
You can choose one of the following Talents at
+3 to Strength when determining thrown
distance. BOB & WEAVE
You reduce Hurt inflicted by adjacent individuals
GLYPHS by 1.
You can read and understand all text.
CLIMBER Tier 4 Talents
CONTEXTUAL You can choose one of the following Talents at
When you Climb On Move, the distance you can Tier 4.
travel is doubled.
CONTEXTUAL +2 to Dodge.
When you roll Intellect, you can spend 1 Fortune
to roll Charm instead. CATCHPHRASE!
DIPLOMAT When you use your catchphrase to regain spent
CONTEXTUAL Fortune, you can choose to regain 1D6, rather than
When you Negotiate On Act and are speaking a 2.
language that is not your first, you have a +2 to
FATE WEAVER You require half the normal amount of time to
CONTEXTUAL craft objects with tools.
When you reroll a die by spending Fortune, you
treat any 1s as successes. GUIDING INFLUENCE
I KNOW WHAT I’M DOING When an individual within 10 spaces rolls 0 suc-
ETERNAL cesses and doesn’t spend Fortune on the roll, you
+2 to attribute rolls to repair or craft objects with can spend your Fortune to allow them to reroll.
ETERNAL +2 to Fear, and +2 to Moxie for Contested Rolls
You have a +2 to Intellect rolls made to help a against Fear.
dying individual return to life.
ETERNAL +3 to Obfuscate.
You reduce any Hurt inflicted from falling by half
(rounded up; a minimum of 1 Hurt). OW
SURVIVOR You inflict +2 Hurt with all weapons.
+2 to Survival, and you can roll Survival instead PARRY
of Fate when rolling to avoid death while dying. CONTEXTUAL
When you are the victor in a contested Dodge roll
SWIMMER against an adjacent individual’s attack, you can
CONTEXTUAL spend 1 Fortune to Attack them once. This attack
When you Swim On Move, the distance you can can be made with any weapon that has a 1-space
travel is doubled, as well as the duration you may range.
hold your breath before drowning.
You can forgo your Act phase to take two Move +1 to all attributes.
phases (allowing for a total of 3 Move phases on
your turn). TRUTHSEER
‘TIS THE WILL NOT THE WAY You require no roll to know if an individual is lying,
ETERNAL regardless if you know the language they are
+3 to Fate. communicating in.

Tier 5 Talents CONTEXTUAL
You can choose one of the following Talents at The first time each session you are reduced to 0
Tier 5. Life, you are reduced to 1D6 Life instead.


While you have 0 Fortune, you can choose to When an adjacent individual attempts to move
spend 3 Life to reroll a die as you would when into non-adjacent space, you can roll Strength
spending 1 Fortune. contested with their Finesse. If you are the victor,
their Move phase is skipped that turn.
You can have a minimum of 2 successes on an Roles (Optional)
Intellect roll. You have the following options if aligning with a
When your Life is below 10, your attacks inflict 2 Fast, Pugilist, Bob & Weave, Parry, Hit Me
additional Hurt. The Boxer Role usually represents a fisticuffs- or
martial-arts wielding brawler. This Role is focused
on melee combat.
When you Aim On Act, you can Attack twice BRAINIAC
instead of once. Elementary, Glyphs, Diplomat, Crafty, Focus
The Brainiac Role usually represents a knowledge-
seeking intellectual. This Role is focused on
gaining information, crafting, and communication.
Other individuals who are not inert, dying, or dead
that start their turn within 5 spaces of you regain COVERT
1D6 Life (should you wish them to). Hidden Steps, I See You, Climber/Swimmer,
I Am The Night, Sniper
SPECIALIZED The Covert Role usually represents a character
ETERNAL that prefers to sneak and keep their distance
Choose one attribute’s value to become 7. during conflict. This Role is focused on stealth and
inflicting Hurt from a distance.
I Can’t Turn It Off, Agile, Not Today, Can’t The Notes field on page 3 of your character
Touch This/Sonic Speed, Stay Close sheet is a place for quick notes during play. It is
The Dancer Role usually represents an agile and recommended to keep your more detailed notes
elusive support character. This Role is focused on elsewhere.
distraction, Hurt avoidance, and healing.

Charming, Watch This, Cunning Not Smarts,
Catchphrase!, Truthseer Fight
The Face Role usually represents a charming The Fight box on page 4 of your character sheet
and cunning character. This Role is focused on is where you keep track of your character’s
charismatic roleplay interactions and support. weapons. The fight box has space for six weapons,
though your character will likely gain more as they
progress, so only the ones you use the most should
MEDIC be kept here.
Healer, Support Beacon, Not Today, Sonic If your character is in a game that is not
Speed, Stay Close using combat, you can leave these fields blank.
The Medic Role usually represents a support and Otherwise, ask your GM what weapons your
healing character. This Role is focused on restoring character has, and add Body as your first
Life and keeping the party alive. weapon.
Visit Fight on page 8 for how combat works
SOOTHSAYER in Horizon, and reference the Fight table on the
Observant, Portent, Fate Weaver, Guiding same page for weapon details.
Influence/‘Tis The Will Not The Way,
Desperate Times Place the name of your Place your weapon’s
The Soothsayer Role usually represents a character weapon here. Your first attribute here. For Body,
that molds the world to their will. This Role weapon should by Body. put Strength/Finesse.
is focused on the Fortune resource and reality 1 2

Tank, Get Behind Me, Survivor, Can’t Touch
This/Parry/Sonic Speed, Hit Me/Stay Close/ Put the number of attacks
your weapon has here.
Where Are You Going
For Body, put 2 (or 3 if you
The Warden Role usually represents a character
have the Pugilist Talent). 3
that protects others in combat. This Role is
focused on defense and survival, depending on
how you build it. Put the
range of your
weapon here. 4
For Body, put
1 Space. 5 6
Put the amount of Hurt your If your weapon
weapon inflicts here. For expends a
Body, put 1 (or 5 if you have resource, put it
the Pugilist Talent). here.
Stuff Place the amount of Life your pet has in the
The Stuff field on page 4 is for anything that might Life fields. A pet’s Life is equal to its Survival
be useful in a conflict, but is not technically a + Moxie + 5. When your pet is inflicted Hurt,
weapon. While more detailed inventory is kept on subtract it from its current Life (the leftmost
The Inventory Pages, this field is meant as more of field). For now, put the same number in both
a reminder and quick reference during conflicts. fields. 4
Ask your GM what Stuff your player has, and
then determine if any of it may be relevant in a
conflict. If you think an item might be relevant,
include it in the Stuff field.

If your pet has the Bulwark type and
is benefiting from protective gear,
put the gear’s Life in both Protection
Page 5: The Pet Page
Page 5 is The Pet Page, which is to help you keep
track of any pets your character has. If your Put the amount of
character has no pets, leave this page blank. spaces your pet can 6
move in Spaces (usually
Pets 4, but ask your GM).
Reference Pets on page 13 for more information
about how pets work in Horizon. The Pet box 7
contains a number of fields to help you manage Put your pet’s Dodge value in the Dodge
your pets. field. Its Dodge value is equal to its Finesse
Place the name of your pet here. or Intellect (whichever is higher).
If your pet has 1
the Companion
type, tick this Put Body in Weapon, and Strength/Finesse
box. If your pet in Attribute.
has the Bulwark 8
type, tick the 2
second box in-
stead. If your pet Place your pet’s attributes in the
has the Mount Attributes fields. If your pet has
type, tick the the Bulwark type, its attributes
third box. should be half of yours (rounded
up, a minimum of 1). If your pet
Put 1 in the Attacks field (unless you’re Tier 3 or
doesn’t have the Bulwark type,
5, then put 2 or 3 respectively), 1 Space in the
you can stop here.
3 Range field, and 1 in the Hurt field.
Pages 6 & 7: The
Inventory Pages
The final two pages of your character sheet are to
keep track of your character’s inventory. Ask your
GM what Stuff your character has, along with
what amount to put in the Currency field if using
currency, and fill out these pages accordingly.

Place the name of the object in Name, with

its quantity (i.e. the amount of it you have) in
parenthesis. Then, put its description in Object

If your GM is using currency, put what the object

is worth in Worth (ask your GM). The Source field
is optional, but can include where you received the

That’s It!
Your character is ready to play! Send your
character sheet to your GM. If using a Virtual Table
Top you’re unfamiliar with to play, it’s a good idea
to learn more about it before the game. Horizon
is available on Role, and soon to be available on
Foundry VTT! You can find guides on each linked

Foundry Player Orientation

A Tour Around The Role Virtual Tabletop
For The GM Using the Horizon NPC sheet to manage NPCs
is recommended in most cases. For important or
This chapter is for GMs running Horizon. If you more complex NPCs, it may be better to fill out a
have any questions that aren’t addressed here, normal character sheet, however.
please email us or join our Discord server!
Determining Pet Speed
What Do I Need? When in doubt, a pet should have 4 in Spaces. If an
To run Horizon, you’ll need a bunch of D6s (ide- individual has a particularly fast or slow animal as a
ally at least 7), a D100, two or more players, and pet, however, you may wish to modify this number
this book. If playing remotely, and running a game appropriately. As the spaces a pet can travel On
with combat, using a Virtual Tabletop and Discord Move are really only relevant in combat (and km/h
(along with Vista) is advised. If playing in person, are used for longer travel, see the Travel table on
grabbing some minis and graph paper might come page 27), it’s best to keep it simple and not realistic
in handy. with pet speeds. Even though a horse could
Implementing a set of roleplaying safety tools technically move 75 spaces on its turn, it’s best to
(like X Card or Script Change) is recommended as never exceed 6 spaces or go below 2 spaces for
well. both balance and convenience reasons.
If a pet is faster or slower than average, modify
Session Length its speed by +1 or -1. If a pet is extremely fast or
The recommended length of a Horizon game is slow, modify its speed by +2 or -2.
2 to 4 hours. It is ideal to take a break halfway
through a game. Non-combatant NPCs
When creating a non-combatant NPC, give them
3 in every attribute, 3 in Dodge, 11 in max and
Setting Difficulty current Life, 4 in Spaces, and 0 in Fortune. Use a
Generally, a task that requires 2 or 3 successes random name generator for Known As.
is considered of average difficulty, whereas 4
or 5 successes offers a hard challenge, and 6 or
Combatant NPCs
7 is nearly impossible to achieve. If something
When creating NPCs for combat, base the level of
is impossible, say so. A player that asks to lift a
challenge they offer on your players. If creating a
building probably can’t do it, so not calling for a
fight with many Minor (less threatening alone but
roll is recommended if the difficulty for achieving a
strong together) enemies, give them 0 Fortune,
task is too great.
Life equal to your player with the lowest Life, 2 or
3 in all attributes, and 4 in Spaces.
Roleplaying NPCs When creating a Major combatant (one
Keep it simple when roleplaying NPCs, especially that’s made to persist and offer a more intense
early on. If playing with your voice (not running a challenge), base their attribute values off the
solely text-based game), don’t worry about doing highest of each of your players’, with Life equal
different voices or accents. Remember that the to your highest player’s Life times the number
cadence and pattern of your voice, along with of players you have, and calculate their Fortune
character descriptions, can help differentiate as normal (Fate attribute + 3). Give Major
NPCs just as well. combatants 5 or 6 in Spaces.

Creating NPCs
NPCs do not usually have Talents, Roles,
Catchphrases, Tiers, or abilities. They can,
however, Echo rolls if you are using the optional
Echo rule.
Adding Aspects After you’ve added the attributes of a
Combatant NPCs tend to be differentiated by combatant NPC based on your players, and
special properties called Aspects. Aspects are like determined whether they are a Minor or Major
player abilities, but typically much simpler and threat, you can either roll on the Aspect table to
without uses per in-game day. Minor NPCs usually allow for random Aspect choices, or simply choose
only have one or two Aspects, while Major NPCs one that best fits the NPC you’re making.
may have three or more. For example, if you’re making a vampire NPC,
it’s likely you’ll choose the Regeneration, Undead,
Night Sight, and Lifedrinker Aspects.

Roll (D100) Aspect
Gone: On Act, the NPC can turn invisible. This invisible ends early if the NPC inflicts or is
inflicted Hurt.
4-6 Undead: The NPC does not breathe nor eat.
7-9 Winged: The NPC can fly On Move.
10-12 Lifedrinker: When the NPC inflicts Hurt with Body, they regain 2 Life.
13-15 Water Dweller: The NPC can breathe water, but not air.
16-19 Amphibious: The NPC can breathe both water and air.
20-23 Fluid Steps: On Move, the NPC can walk on liquid surfaces.
24-27 Elemental Breath: The NPC can exhale a 5 (5-space ) of fire, ice, stone, or air On Act.
Mind Reader: On Act, the NPC can focus on an individual within 5 spaces, and attempt
28-31 to read their thoughts. The NPC rolls Intellect contested with the individual’s Moxie. If
the NPC is the victor, they learn the thoughts of the individual for the next minute.
32-35 Blur: The NPC can Move twice, rather than once, On Move.
Night Sight: The NPC can see in the dark, able to ignore the penalties of partial and total
40-43 Electric Eyes: On Act, the NPC can shoot a 4 (4-space —) of lightning from their eyes.
44-47 Regeneration: The NPC regains 1 Life at the start of each turn.
48-51 Extra Turn: The NPC rolls twice when Order is declared, and gets one turn for each roll.
52-55 Bampf: The NPC can teleport to an empty space within 6 spaces On Move.
56-59 Hunter: The NPC can use an item taken from an individual to track them without rolling.
60-63 Explosive: When the NPC is reduced to 0 Life, they explode in a 3-space .
Corrosive: Any individual that is adjacent to the NPC when Hurt is inflicted to them is hit
with a terrible acid, and inflicted 2 Hurt.
70-73 Plant: The NPC can subsist solely on photosynthesis and water.
74-77 Hive Mind: The NPC can communicate mentally with other NPCs that have this Aspect.
Illusionist: The NPC can create an illusion in an empty space within 5 spaces On Act.
Individuals adjacent to it that roll 3 or more successes, or interact with it physically, are
made aware that the image is an illusion. The illusion can speak as the NPCs wishes, but
remains stationary.
82-85 Evasive: When the NPC rolls Dodge and gets a 1, it counts as a success.
Escape Artist: The NPC cannot be slowed down or stopped On Move, nor can its Move
phase be skipped.
Extra Turns: The NPC rolls three times when Order is declared, and gets one turn for
each roll.
94-97 Shapeshifter: The NPC can turn into another individual it has seen before On Act.
Fortune Breaker: Individuals within 5 spaces of the NPC (other than the NPC themself)
cannot spend Fortune.
100 Godly Might: The NPC has 10 in Strength and Moxie.

Time Not Life When To Roll

You may wish to base the amount of time a It’s up to you when to call for a roll, but it is not
combatant NPC remains in combat on the amount recommended to do so for unchallenging tasks.
of turns they’ve had in Order, rather than on their A player should not have to roll Observe to
Life. When using this method, you should still notice whether or not the sky is blue, nor Fate to
roleplay your players inflicting Hurt as normal. determine whether or not they trip over a crack in
A Minor combatant should persist no longer the sidewalk.
than 2 turns, whereas a Major combatant should
remain for 4 or 5. Combat that takes longer than 5
turns to resolve is not recommended unless it is a When To Shut Up
major, game-changing fight. Don’t be afraid of silent responses, or offer
guidance when it is not necessary. When you pose
Perfectly Balanced... a challenge, and the players are having trouble
scenarios do not exist. Altering a challenge on with that challenge, give them time to figure it
the fly is the easiest way to avoid ending the fun out. Running games can put your nerves on edge,
too soon, or allowing a repetitive challenge to but it helps to remember that you are a very small
continue too long. When in doubt, a standard percentage of what makes a game what it is. Don’t
challenge should occur over three steps: be afraid to shut up and wait.

• Establish: introduce the players to the When To Speak Up

challenge. If players are having an immense amount of
• Change: alter the challenge to surprise the trouble resolving a challenge, it’s ok to speak up
players and keep it interesting. and offer guidance. Moreover, if the solution to
• Lose: end the challenge with the characters the challenge is not discovered by the players,
being victorious. (the secret button to unlock the passage went
unnoticed, and Terrance has spent 20 minutes
Combat scenarios will typically end with the looking at a bookcase that you put there because
players being victorious, though finding the line it was cool) change the solution. If a player comes
between one that is too easy and one that is up with a creative solution that progresses things,
too hard is difficult without changing things as allow it to work. People play roleplaying games
they happen. Balancing combat is nearly entirely to have an impact on the world, the story, and
dependent on your group and their preferred everything else; things will bend, break, and
playstyles. As such, it will likely take some time devolve into chaos and that’s just fine most of the
(especially with a new group) to figure out what time.
methods are most enjoyed by all involved.
Speaking up when players disagree, argue Unifying Arcs
with no end in sight (especially out of character), In between spotlight arcs, allow space for general
or when other such interpersonal issues arise is nonsense (low-stakes play). Create unifying
recommended. Taking a step back, pausing the arcs—ones that all of the players have reason to
game, and allowing for an open discussion can act upon—in the background. Remember, the
do wonders for resolving a conflict. If a particular players aren’t the only ones using downtime to be
player is causing or having a problem, talking productive.
to them alone may work better. In any case,
remember that the goal is to have fun, and don’t Sudden Developments
be afraid to be direct. Breaking repetition can be done by sudden,
shocking developments that change the world at
large (high-stakes play). It is recommended to do
Choice Over Paths
this only once or twice during a single long-term
A GM that offers their players little to no choice
may be accused of “railroading”. Typically,
railroading occurs when a GM sinks a bunch of
time and energy into preparing things for a game,
The Big Bad
Unifying arcs often include big bad evil villains
but the players aren’t interested in it or would
because it’s easy to get players to care about the
prefer to do something else. It’s impossible to plan
destruction of the world they live in, and a great
for every scenario, and things you work on may
motivator in general. Most often, “The Big Bad”
be skipped or delayed, and that’s ok. Facilitate
themselves only appear at the end of a major
the game the players want to play, expand upon
arc, spending most of their time operating in the
what they’re interested in (you can literally ask),
background. Sometimes, big bads will appear (as
and delay things you had planned for when they
Sudden Developments), offer a show of force, and
become relevant.
escape or leave as well.

Crafting The Narrative

Starting with a list of major occurrences is a good Yes And, No But
way to begin crafting the narrative of a game. Let The common improv advice is quite good for
the players fill in the gaps. running tabletop roleplaying games. When a player
fails, starting your response with “no, but” offers
The Start a more open-ended solution for the player to act
The journey should start with a commonality in; “yes, and” does the same for successes. For
(usually a goal that all the players wish to achieve). example, if a player fails to pick a lock, you might
Think on what should bring the players together, say something like: “You failed to pick the lock but,
why it fits with the characters your players have while attempting to do so, notice that the door is
made, and why they should each care about the old and frail and could be broken quite easily.”
goal at hand.

Spotlight Arcs
Create character-driven arcs for each player. This
is when character backstory (Before This I Was)
is most likely to come up. When one character’s
spotlight arc reaches a natural stopping point, or
has gone on too long, switch to another spotlight
or unifying arc.
Session Zero Exploration & Travel
The session where the game hasn’t actually Exploration and travel depend greatly on setting,
started, but where characters are either made or the speed at which the players travel, and what
discussed, is usually referred to as Session Zero. they can do during it. When the players are
During this session, it’s important to go over the traveling, it’s recommended to measure their
following points with your players: distance traveled in km/h (kilometers per hour),
because 1 space is equal to 1 meter and 1 kilometer
• Character Creation/Character Creation is equal to 1000 spaces.
Questions Some quick references are included in the
• The Use of Safety Tools & Topics To Avoid Travel table to save time when players use typical
• The Rules & Any Changes You’ve Made To Them modes of travel.
• How To Best Communicate With You/Other
• The World & The Players’ Place In It
Mode of Transport Speed (km/h)
If running a game that includes combat, ending Automobile 190
a Session Zero with a Danger Room scenario (a Blimp 80
term lifted from Matthew Colville, and an X-Men Cheetah 104
reference) is recommended. In the Danger Room,
Donkey 15
nothing that occurs changes the actual game; its
purpose is for players to test out their characters Elephant 25
and how they interact together in combat. Giant Hawk 48
Running a Danger Room gives players a chance Giant Sloth .24
to change character traits before the actual first Horse 55
session. The Danger Room could be applied to Hot Air Balloon 12-16 (Based on Wind)
a roleplaying scenario as well, allowing players
Sail Boat 7-11 (Based on Wind)
new to roleplaying a chance to become more
comfortable with it. Spaceship 25,800
Speed Boat 112
Tyrannosaurus Rex 27
Adding Hazards
Adding more hazards is a good way to challenge Velociraptor 40
players. The most common additions include
environmental hazards—such as darkness, fog,
storms, earthquakes—but the most challenging If Using Forks
are invisible. Perhaps just talking to a particular (Fork Examples)
adversary gives a player a headache, or attempting If running a game that uses Attribute Forks, more
to spend Fortune fails because of an unknown specific rolls are more common than general
influence. Hazards are a great way to foreshadow ones. Basically, if there is a fork that offers a more
danger, or change of any kind, and give personality relevant use than its attribute, the fork should be
to a location or adversary. rolled. If a specific fork is not relevant, however,
the attribute should be rolled. Some examples
of what forks are rolled for can be found in this
As your players advance, there’s a good chance
they will acquire new forks. Such forks should be
added to the appropriate attribute. A player that
learns to play an instrument, for example, may add
that instrument as a fork under Finesse.
Strength Forks • Escape: can be used to escape binds or another’s
• Brawl: can be used for anything regarding a grasp.
physical challenge though, generally, is meant • Pick Lock: can be used to pick locks.
for things like wrestling or fighting. For example,
if an individual is trying to overpower another Observe Forks
after being grabbed (rather than escape), they • Discern: can be used when trying to glean
would roll Brawl instead of Escape. specific information. For example, when an
• Drag: can be used to pull something heavy. individual is looking for something in a book,
• Grab: can be used to stop another they would roll Discern.
individual from moving. Usually, Grab is • Doubt: can be used to tell another’s intent, and
contested with Escape. is usually rolled against Deceive (when doubting
• Lift: can be used to lift something technically the truth), Convince (when doubting another’s
possible for an individual to lift, though would argument), or Withhold (when trying to pry out
prove difficult. private information).
• Push: can be used to push something heavy. • Find: can be used when searching for something
• Throw: can be used to throw something an in a larger area. When looking for something in a
especially far distance, or to throw something at smaller more specific instance, Discern should
a target that is small and/or difficult to hit. be used (Find is to notice the book on the shelf,
whereas Discern is to learn information from it).
Intellect Forks • Listen: can be used to isolate or notice sound.
• Construct: can be used when building a • Keep Watch: can be used to watch an area,
structure. object, or individual closely. Most often, Keep
• Focus: can be used when an individual is trying Watch is rolled by players trying to avoid danger
to avoid being distracted (so is often rolled while resting.
against Distract or Seduce), or to recall
information. Charm Forks
• Heal: can be used to help a dying individual. • Convince: can be used to persuade another.
• Retort: can be used to see how effective a Convince can be rolled against anything,
comeback is. Usually, Retort is rolled against depending on context, but is most often rolled
Nerve. against Doubt.
• Sanity: can be used in extreme situations to • Deceive: can be used to lie, and is most often
keep one’s wits about them. rolled against Doubt.
• Distract: can be used to draw another’s
Finesse Forks attention, like for Saunter On Move.
• Craft: can be used when creating or repairing an • Seduce: can be used to enamor another.
object. Usually, Craft is rolled in conjunction
with tools, but may not require them in all Obfuscate Forks
instances. For example, an individual making a • Hide Object: can be used when trying to
fire does not technically require any tools to do smuggle, disguise, or hide an object. Hide
so. Object is most often rolled against Find or Keep
• Dance: can be used when performing elaborate Watch.
dancing. • Hide Self: can be used when an individual is
• Draw: can be used to draw something difficult trying to hide themselves. Hide Self is usually
(a portrait, calligraphy, etc.). In certain settings, rolled against Find, Listen, or Keep Watch.
however, this fork may be used to quickly draw • Steal: can be used to steal an object. Steal is
a weapon instead. most often rolled against Keep Watch or
• Drive: can be used to drive/steer a land, water, Observe.
or air vehicle. • Withhold: can be used to keep information
private. Withhold is usually rolled against Doubt.
Fate Forks • Intimidate: can be used to threaten or
• Chance: can be used to determine something otherwise impose one individual’s will on
randomly based on an individual’s luck. another. Intimidate is usually rolled against
• Gamble: can be used when gambling something Nerve.
that is not entirely up to chance, but involves
skill as well. Reload (Optional Rule)
• Predict: can be used to predict what is going to If allowing firearms into your game, using the
happen in the future. This should only be rolled Reload mechanic is recommended.
once per in-game day, and responses should
be kept vague (with accuracy based on
When an individual’s firearm runs out of
• Will: can be used when attempting to will
ammunition, they must spend 1 phase to reload
something to happen. Will should only be rolled
it before firing it again. An individual may also
in desperate scenarios. For example, if a player
choose to reload a firearm with greater than 1
spends the last of their Fortune, but still fails
munition capacity before the firearm is empty.
a roll that would result in an extremely negative
For example, if Emory fires all four shots of his
result, you may allow for a Will roll to change
pistol, he must spend 1 phase (either Act or Move)
what happens next. Gauge whether or not a
to reload it before firing it again. However, should
Will roll is warranted by an individual’s actions,
Emory fire only two shots (making 2 attacks, rather
and how they roleplay them.
than 4) On Act, he may still choose to reload the
weapon On Move that turn (reloading two shots,
Survival Forks and allowing him to fire all four next turn).
• Forage: can be used when searching for plants.
• Hunt: can be used when hunting an animal.
• Track: can be used to track another individual.
• Trap: can be used instead of Craft or Construct
specifically for making traps.

Moxie Forks
• Defend: can be used when an individual Imposes
On Act.
• Endure: can be used when an individual is trying
to resist a large amount of pain.
• Guts: can be used when an individual is posed a
challenge that would be emotionally hard for
them. Guts is usually rolled against Dare.
• Nerve: can be used to avoid being frightened or
offended and, as such, is usually rolled against
Frighten, Nerve, and Intimidate.

Fear Forks
• Dare: can be used to pose a frightening
challenge to another individual, and is typically
rolled against Guts.
• Frighten: can be used to scare another. Frighten
is usually rolled against Nerve.

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