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Dental Cavity
Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.. hello everyone, the honourable judges and all my friends. I’m Nayra from
MINU KH. Mukmin Sidoarjo. Well, on this beautiful occasion, I would love to tell a story about a boy
named Doni. OK, here is the story by the title “OUCH! IT’S HURT!”
Well everyone, there was a boy named Doni. Doni lived together with his grandmother. That time when
Doni was busy playing phone in the Livingroom, suddenly…

Doni : “grandma.. grandma….. where are you grandma…”

Doni : “grandma…. WAS THAT YOU?? Hiii grandma please where are you????”
And then….
Grandma : “Surprise….! Happy birthday Doni..”
Doni : “Uuuhh grandma! What was that?? I was so scared!”
Grandma : “hehehe.. sorry my love, now don’t be angry, grandma brings a birthday cake for
you… taddaaaa..”
Doni : “wow… thank you so much grandma.. this is my favourite cake. Chocolate cake!..

Yeah… today was Doni’s birthday. Grandma gave him a surprise and brought him Doni’s favourite cake.
Doni was very excited. He took one big sliced cake and ate it in one bite “hmmm nyam..nyam…” until he
got asleep
Grandma : “Astaghfirullahal’adziimm… Doni.. wake up dear.. wake up! You have to brush your
teeth before you sleep Doni. If you don’t brush your teeth, it will cause damage and cavity on your
Doni : “hmm…no grandma, I’m so sleepy”

Doni kept ignoring his grandma until he fell asleep and didn’t brush his teeth.
In the morning Doni woke up late. He took a bath as quick as he forgot to brush his teeth again. And then
he rushed the time and got ready to go school while he still left his teeth unclean.
In the school he met Niko who was eating a bar of chocolate in the corridor (hmm.. nyam nyam..). Doni
started thinking and making an evil plan.
Doni : “hmm… yummy yummy..”
Niko : “Donii!!! Give my chocolate back!”
Doni : “hmm.. don’t be too stingy Niko, I just want to take a bite.”
Niko : “Ugh.. Doni, why your breath smells so bad?? Eww!”
Doni : “Hey how dare you! This smells so good.. see.. HAH!”
Niko couldn’t resist the smell of Doni’s breath anymore. It’s so gross. He left him while Doni kept eating
the chocolate. Until…

Doni : “nyam..nyam..nyam yummy.. ouch! Ouch.. what is this? Ouch it’s hurt! My tooth…

YEAH, Doni got tootache. Everyone got panic. Immediately, his friends took him to the school health
clinic to get first aid. Doni cried and couldn’t resist the pain until the doctor shot him medicine to feel
better. A few minutes later, he got tired and fell asleep, and suddenly…

Monster Bacterium : “Doni…. Oh…. Doni… heheheh…”

Doni : “who.. who… who are you?”
Monster Bacterium : “I am monster bacterium. I’m coming here to live in your mouth and get
ready to build a beautiful home on your teeth hahaha..”
Doni : “Noooo please.. no.. go away from me please go! Grandma…”

(He woke up in sudden)

Doctor : “Doni are you fine?”
Doni : “(crying) doctor, I just got nightmare. I met a huge bacterium monster. It
wanted to hurt my teeth doctor huhuhu.”
Doctor : “Doni, keeping our teeth clean is important because the bacteria will
always live in dirty teeth. The bacteria in the plaque will produce acids that can harm
enamel and cause cavities. Teeth dan mouth are the first door food and diseases, So, that’s
why do not forget to brush our teeth regularly Doni because brushing and flossing can
prevent our teeth from damage and bad bacteria. And don’t forget reduce consumsing of
sweet and sour food.
Doni : “Yes doctor, I’m sorry. I feel so sorry for not listening to my grandma.
She always reminds me to brush my teeth but I often go without brushing and left my teeth
unclean doctor.”

Alright my friends, from this story we can learn that clean teeth will always make our teeth stay healthy
and far away from any bad bacteria. We must always remember to brush the teeth twice a day, after
having breakfast and before we go to sleep. And, don’t forget to do regular dental visits once every six
Okay, that’s the story from Nayra. Remember, “beautiful smile comes from healthy tooth and mouth,
Thank you Wassalamu’alaikum.. Wr. Wb.

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