Interview Questions 1

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Questions for Missy Benzinger- (All of these are optional)

- What would you tell someone who wanted to start a non-profit for the first time?

I would tell someone who wanted to start a nonprofit for the first time that they should take a
year to really think about if this is what they want to do with their life. It is a huge commitment to
make, and nonprofits take up 80% of your time.

- Where does most of your funding come from?

All of it is from the public- I love working with people and involving them in the animals care, so
it's a more personal and special experience. Giving people animals to root for is vital for funding,
and the main way we get donations- monthly sponsorships.

- What are your most common urgent needs for your organization?

Critical care. There aren't ever enough vets, espcially when you work with large animals. Some
large animal vets are harsh, and you want someone caring and connected to the animals
working on them. The other most urgent need is funding too even see a vet.

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