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absolute truth is the truth which is there despite whatever anyone believes eg:

NASA says the landed on the moon, the conspiracy theroists will say they didn't ,
in this the absolute claim is 1 which is the actual event of what happened, either
NASA did or didn't land on the moon.

Science doesn't claim it has the answer for the absolute truth, when humans
believed that sun revolves and rotates around the earth we were wrong but our
limited knowledge didn't stop us from advancing in the scientific field despite our
wrong premise and idea this proves that we humans can be wrong and still using that
faulty ground to build a foundation on falsehood, also when we didn't know mount
Everest was the tallest mountain in the world, the tallest mountain was still
Everest we just didn't know. Scientific 'facts' are always subject to change, for
example; steady-state universe model was refuted by the discovery of the cosmic
microwave background radiation which showed the universe had a origin from Big Bang
and it's still expanding.

So the so called fact of steady-state theory was refuted. From this we realize
science just like our human mind is limited and from science we cannot reach
ultimate truth we can only reflect on material aspects of this reality through
science. So to base your whole belief system on this premise that science is
ultimate truth has now reality and this idea is totally false.

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