Why Islami Nizaam Is Important

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The psychology of muslims today is inferior today because their is no muslim

caliphate and 'Nizaam-e-Islam', nobody wants to join a deen/way of life which is

inferior to the current way of life of the world is liberalism, everyone knows the
person who joins a way of life which is inferior will be at the mercy of the more
powerful ones, that's how the majority of public thinks they aren't scholars. Only
way we can save majority of public from the Hellfire is having a state of shariah
as a beacon of light in this world, and preaching/delivering the message of Islam
throughout the world.

Islam when it's spread gives 3 options to other states ; (i) Accept Islam in your
state as the superior ideology and rule by the laws of Allah because Islam is a
missionary religion with it's own missionary goals, it wants to accomplish certain
things in this world like bringing people to pathway of heaven. (ii) Pay Jizyah and
stay under muslim rule as Dhimmi(non muslim citizen) this way the majority people
will know that the supreme ideology is Islam not man made fraudulent
ideologies/philosophies, also they'll be able to observe the muslim brotherhood
from close how they treat eachother and live like a single body this way they'll be
incentivized to accept Islam and be included in the brotherhood whatever
race/cast/ethnicity you are(unlike this current world view which is racist,
ethnocentric, culture based. People from 3rd world aren't welcome in the 1st world,
they have to get citizenship which is a hard process to go through, in Islam just
say the shahadah and you're in the folds of Islam whatever is your true intention).
(iii) be ready for Jihad, the sword is used to clear the way for the religion of
Allah against people who don't like Islam(also don't like the message of Islam
shared with public) and are motivated by material goals not to let Islam prevail as
Islam will take their power/privilege away, these people bully other
territories/countries into submission of their ideology , these people use every
kind of force against Islam and thus Islam uses the sword against them to bring
justice and honor to the world and it's people. Islam considers itself to be
absolutely true so it can't accept preaching and spread of another ideology that
claims to be the truth and misguides people into Hell, truth can only be 1 and
Allah is Al-Haqq.

"There's no compulsion in religion"- Quran, non-muslim people aren't forced to

accept Islam but they do give Jizyah taxation and are also not included in the
muslim brotherhood as muslims aren't allowed to take them as close friends, also
muslims are compassionate with eachother and hard[The companions (of the Prophet)
are hard against the disbelievers: They are not such that the disbelievers may mold
them as they like. They can neither be cowed nor purchased by any inducement. The
disbelievers have no power to turn them away from the great objective for the sake
of which they have joined and followed the Prophet (peace be upon him) even at the
cost of their lives.(Tafheem-ul-Quran Maududi)] with the kuffar(Quran 48:29). The
non-muslims are given their full rights though(like owning businesses practice
their religions in worship places) and never neglected justice, people might think
this is very hard and strict however one has to realize that the goal of Islam is
Akhira and that's what we are trying to achieve through this.

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