A Detailed Lesson Plan in Arts Grade 5

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Arts Grade 5


A. Content Standards:

The learner demonstrate understanding of emphasis through drawing.

B. Performing Standards:

The learner creates a portrait of himself and his family which shows the elements and
principles of art by drawing.

C. Learning Competencies:

The learner, identifies different types of emphasis used by artists in drawing.

D. At the end of the discussion the pupil’s should be able to:

a. Describe and name the different types of emphasis.

b. Use emphasis to draw representations of people, animals and houses or anything that
they see around them;

c. Appreciate the importance of emphasis in an artwork.


Topic: Emphasis ( Principles of Art )

Reference: http://www. Purchase.edu/live/files/3396-activity-principles-of-art-emphasis

Material/s: Power point presentation, visual aids


Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activities

1. Prayer
Please all stand and let us pray Angel of God, my guardian dear to whom is
God’s commits me here, ever this day be at my
side to light and guard to rule and guide.

2. Greetings
Good morning class! Good morning ma’am!

3. Review
Before we start our new lesson class we have a
short recap for our last topic. Yes aldrich
What our last topic?

Our last topic is all about contrast.

Very good, thank you Aldrich!

So what is contrast class?

Yes joan
Contrast is achieved when opposite elements
are arranged together.
Ok very good joan!

B. Lesson Proper

1. Activity
( The teacher shows artworks)

Okay class, before we proceed to our lesson I

have here a picture.

Are you ready class! Yes ma’am!

Class what have you notice in the first picture?

(The pupils will give their answer)

Very good!
Class what you have notice in the second
picture? (The pupils will give their answer)

2. Analysis
The artworks I’ve shown you are the drawings
consisting of color, texture, size.

So based on what I have said our lesson for

today is about the emphasis.

Emphasis: is used to attract a viewer’s

attention to the focal point, or main subject,
of an artwork.


Color- Color symbolism in art, literate, and

anthropology refers to the use of color as a
symbol in various cultures and in storytelling.

Very good, thank you!

Give me examples of color

(The pupils will their answer)

Texture- The visual and tactile surface characteristics

that are added to a work of art.
Very good!

Refers to the physical dimensions of a work of

Size- art in relation to the viewer.

Thank you!

The perceived distance between the

Depth- background and the foreground of a

Very good!

3. Abstraction
Class did you understand our topic? Yes ma’am

What is a emphasis again? Is used to attract a viewer’s attention to the

focal point, or main subject, of an artwork.

Very good class! It seems that you really

understand our lesson today. Let’s give
yourself a clap!

4. Application
Since you already learned our lesson let’s
apply your understanding in our lesson.

Group yourself into 2 and create an artwork

which includes the emphasis of arts. ( The pupils will do the activity)

You are given 5 minutes to do your activity


5. Values Integration Yes ma’am

Class, do you believe that art plays a
significant role to our life?

Art appreciation improves our quality of life

Really? Who wants to answer this question? and makes us feel good.

Yes rica

Very good!

Thank you for all your active participation

with your wholesome ideas class. Let’s give
yourself a clap!

IV. Evaluation

Make your own activity using the table below. Put (/) mark on the appropriate box and answer it
on your paper.

STANDARDS Excellent Good Satisfactory

1. I can make an
artwork through
finger printing.
2. I use two colors for
my art.
3. I am proud with my

V. Assignment

Draw a house using the kinds of emphasis

Prepared by:

Emie Rose B. Talledo


Checked by:

Nikka Jane C. Curan

Strategies 106 Instructor

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