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Name: Ms.

Sutter Grade: Higher Autistic Class

Central Focus: Teaching the Musical Alphabet

Concepts: Learning the the first 6 notes names on the staff, playing a disney song on boomwhackers

Date of Lesson: 10/16/23

NJSLS for Music: Learning Objective(s): College and Career Ready Practices:

Given Bloomwhackers students will 1. Apply appropriate academic and

1.3A.3.Cr2b - Use standard and/or learn the musical alphabet and play technical skills.
iconic notation and/or recording a small section of Beauty and the 2. Utilize critical thinking to make
technology to document personal Beast. sense of problems and persevere in
rhythmic phrases, melodic phrases, and solving them.
harmonic sequences. Students will be able to (SWBAT)
recall the pitches of the treble clef.
1.3A.3.Pr4c - Analyze selected music
by sight-reading in treble or bass clef
using simple rhythmic, melodic, and/or
harmonic notation.

1.3A.3.Pr5b - Rehearse, identify and

apply strategies to address interpretive,
performance, and technical challenges
of music.

Planning the Lesson (information to support the lesson and allow adequate planning):

● Teacher Resources:
o Slideshow Presentation:
▪ Note Names Lesson
o Orff Instruments
▪ Boomwhackers
o Beauty and the Beast Section

o Piano
o Removable piano Labels for Notes
o Musical Alphabet Cards
o Crayons
● Academic Vocabulary and Language Function: Musical Alphabet, Pattern
● Student Materials : N/A
● Cite principles from educational theory and/or research:

“Dr. Alice Hammel Honored as 2023 Lowell Mason Fellow.” NAfME, 10 Oct. 2023,

“The Kodály Concept.” Organization of American Kodaly Educators, Accessed

13 Oct. 2023.

“Musical Alphabet .” Musical Alphabet,
des%20only,centered%20on%20the%20second%20line. Accessed 13 Oct. 2023.

● Student prior knowledge needed: N/A

Instruction: Teaching the Lesson (the actual process of instructing the class/students)
1. Engage: Motivate/Introduce (How will you engage and support students to create, perform, or respond to
music by developing and applying knowledge/skills, contextual understandings, and artistic expression
related to the topic/song/composition/activity?)
a. Students will do a do now when they walk into class, which will have two questions based on
either previous knowledge or just taking an educated guess.
i. How many letters do you think are in the Musical Alphabet? (PA)
ii. How many letters are in the English Alphabet?

2. Instruct: Instruct (A numbered, sequential list delineating how learning tasks will be presented from the
beginning to the end of the lesson. Include questions as well as students’ activities/involvement. It is NOT
necessary to use complete sentences.
a. A video about the musical Alphabet will talk about what it is.
b. Show the musical alphabet and start on slideshow showing each note with a colored description
c. Hand out the Musical Alphabet Worksheet and explain the colors go with the Notes
i. Musical Alphabet Worksheet
1. checking throughout the lesson to make sure they are following the correct pattern
of notes written (IA)
d. Do a Musical Note Name game, putting the notes in order
i. Have students go up to the piano looking at the piano stickers and play from the 7 notes we
just discussed.
e. Than there will be a brain break asking students about the notes, being able to skip steps or just
being able to go from step to step
f. Teacher than displays boomwhackers and have each student take one Boomwhackers (either F,
G,A, B or High C)
g. Teacher will demonstrate how to hold the boom whackers and play it
h. Teacher will now call on the students to take the boomwhackers
i. checking to see if students are holding the instrument correctly (IA)
i. Using the section of Beauty and the Beast song, student will play along with the correct pitched
boomwhacker cued by the teacher (each studnet will get a total of two times to play the
instrument) (FA)

3. Embedded assessment: (Describe how you will determine that students have learned? Label embedded
assessments as PA (pre-assessment), IA (informal or formative assessment), FA (formal or quantitative
assessment) and SA (summative assessment)
a. 1-1- PA
b. 2bi- 2ci- IA - checking throughout the lesson as new notes are learned
c. 2g- FA
d. 2h- SA

4. Closure/Assignment: How will you review/remind students of what they learned? How will you
encourage them to continue their learning?
Exit slip: Ask the students what they learned using an exit Ticket slip.

Encourage: Assign the students to ask their parents if they know the musical alphabet.

Differentiated instruction How will you differentiate content, procedures, and assessments for special needs
students? Address at least one of the following domains: cognition, communication, behavioral, emotional,
physical, or sensory.

Higher Functioning Autistic


Make the Slideshow presentation not too crowded and wordy, make the font big as well as simple and
colored coded based on the Boomwhackers note colors, they will be using at the end.. Kinesthetic learning
with the boomwhackers will encourage a hands-on learning environment, as well as visual and aural with the
video and the written worksheet given.

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