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Table Of Contents

q Software Startup Page 1 - 4

q Create New Laser Program Page 5 - 8

q EZCAD Barcode Development Page 9 - 29

q Setup Fix Code and Jump Code Page 30 - 39

q Setup Laser Point And Fiducial Point Page 40 - 49

q Teach Laser Point And Fiducial Point Page 40 - 49

q Appendix Page 61 - 64
Sortware Startup
• To Open software, double click icon
Machine Laser Marker on Desktop

Page 1
• After open software interface, click log in

• Choose user engineer and password is ‘1’

Page 2
• Click Start up to perform machine origin

Page 3
• Click reset button if there are error
message or alarm coming out. If no error
then just leave it

• After reset click start-up to perform

machine origin

Page 4
Create New Laser

Page 5
• To start a program development click
Product button

• Then select Product set at the left side

Page 6
• Click New button to create new program

• At Product Editor key in Program name

and PCB size

• Click Save button

• Make sure there are not PCB in machine

then click Width adjust to adjust conveyor
width to PCB size

Page 7
• Select the new developed program then
click current product to load it

• You will see Current processed products

change to new program name

Page 8
EZCAD barcode

Page 9
• Select Product debug tab

• Then click open mark page to ope Ezcad to

develop new barcode

Page 10
• After open Ezcad interface, select draw
barcode icon

• Then one left click at the empty space

beside to show the barcode

Page 11
• At the left hand side select barcode type

• key in barcode position (normally we put

X0 Y0 so the barcode at the center of laser
mark) and barcode size

• Click Apply

Page 12
• Double click at the list of object list and
key in the barcode name

• This barcode name is important as we will

put in all laser marking point and barcode
setting page

Page 13
• To edit the barcode, we may use Hatch tab
from the left side.

• Hatch windows mainly is to edit the

barcode line pattern and select Pen
Number which represented marking

Page 14
• Line pattern means the laser line in the
barcode. More close the line will cause
the laser mark more clear

• Marking parameter is the parameter of

laser like laser speed, power and
frequency. For different barcode we can
choose different Pen No for different laser

Page 15
• Click at the barcode tab from the left hand
side iconwill enable us to change the
barcode pattern

Page 16
• Must key in desired barcode and
estimated jump code then press apply

*Different quantity of words and number may cause the

barcode size and position slightly out. So every time change
barcode must confirm the length and position in Ezcad

Page 17
• Example of barcode pattern

Page 18
• To create a text laser mark, select draw
barcode icon

• Then one left click at the empty space

beside to show the barcode

Page 19
• Select TrueType Font-180 from Font

• Then choose the type of Font you want

Page 20
• Click apply and you will see the barcode
become text form

Page 21
• Key in the desired word then click apply

• you will see the text change to the desired


Page 22
• Open Hatch and Font icon to edit laser
point and characters of word

Page 23
• Edit the position and size of Font here

Page 24
• After the edit font size please put X0 Y0 on
the position so your words will be at
center of the cad

• This to make sure the word is at the center

of the laser point

Page 25
• Double click on the name columm of the
font then key in the font name

Page 26
• After done save the laser file

• Then close the Ezcad windows

Page 27
• Go to Product set tab

• Select the laser file path with the file we

save just now

• Click save

Page 28
• Go back to Product debug tab

• Click close Mark page

• Close mark page must be click otherwise

cannot go to main interface page

*First time develop Ezcad program must select the

laser file path first then only able to close Mark Page

*The mark page need to be close otherwise the main

interface may not able to open
Page 29
Setup Fixed Code
and Jump Code

Page 30
• After Close mark page, Go to set up page
to add code name that we create in Ezcad
and edit barcode serial number and jump

• This page also enable us to add Font name

that we create in Ezcad before

Page 31
• Click add new type, key in the barcode
name. the barcode name must be same
with the name we give in Ezcad

• Click save button

Page 32
• Key in the fixed code and click add butto

• Key in jumpcode and click add button


Page 33
• The Set Bit value must change to same as
Now Bit value

• Click save button

• Code show is auto-generated output,

please do not edit. the output code must
be tally with the desired code

Page 34
• Click text button to see how the jump
code generated

• Local database protection must be click so

the jump code will not overlap during
running production

Page 35
• If want to change new code from existing
barcode please click withdraw button until
CodeShow columm is empty and Now Bit
columm is 0

• After that only key in new fixed code and

jump code

Page 36
• Click add new type button

• Key in the font name that we create at

Ezcad before

Page 37
• Key in the desired word in Fixed code
columm, the desired word must be same
as what we create in Ezcad.

• Click add button beside, the set bit must

change the value same to now bit

• The code show word must same with fixed

code. Do not edit the code show since it is

Page 38
• Click save button and click Text nutton to
see whether the words generated is

Page 39
Setup Laser Point
And Fiducial Point

Page 40
• Select Product page then select product
set tab

Page 41
• Front Panel is top side of PCB and Reverse
Panel is bottom side of PCB

• Mark Point is fiducial mark and laser point

is barcode or font lasering point

Page 42
• To create fiducial mark, select mark point

• Click add point and the mark point editing

windows coming out

• key in the fiducial point diameter and

desired lighting brightness

• Click determine button

• Repeat same step to create second point

of fiducial
Page 43
• You will see the list of fiducial point

• Click save button

Page 44
• To add laser mark, select Laserpoint, click
add point then the laser Edit windows will
coming out.

• Edit the lighting brighness

• Laser enable must tick otherwise this

point will not be lasered

Page 45
• Select the barcode name that we setup

• Click determine

• Repeat the same step to create more laser

point for multiple board.

Page 46
• Repeat the same step to create font
lasering point, just the laser code name
change to font code that we create before

Page 47
• Make sure all the laser point we add is in
the list

• Click Save

Page 48
• Repeat the same step as front panel to
create fiducial and laser point for Reverse

Page 49
Teach Laser Point
And Fiducial Point

Page 50
• Go to product debug tab

• You will see the fiducial and laser point we

create just now is in the list

Page 51
• Put pcb at entrance of machine

• Press PCB position button to load PCB into

lasering position

• PCB to entrance means move PCB to

entrance position. PCB to Exit means
unload PCB to exit position

Page 52
• Double click first mark point position so
the camera will move to the position

• Click change light button so the camera

lighting will turn on

• Click live image to view live image of


• Click Display center line so we can see the

center position of laser

Page 53
• We can set marking area to actual barcode
size or font size so we can confirm
whether the barcode or font have enough
space for lasering

Page 54
• Move the center of line to desired
position then click set position

• we will see the X,Y position has been


Page 55
• Choose read mark then press carry out the
machine will try to capture the fiducial
mark then show the result pass or fail

• If fail we may try to finetuning the mark

diameter and lighting brightness

• Do the same step for second fiducial mark

Page 56
• For laser marking position teaching, select
the laser point the move the camera to
desired lasering position

• Click set position then the XY position will

be update.

• Do the same step for the rest of laser


Page 57
• For the laser point that in same row make
sure the Y position is the same

Page 58
• To teach the bottom side fiducial and laser
position, click To safety button to move
the camera to origin position

• Click flap right or left to flip the PCB to

bottom side.

• After the conveyor flip click PCB int again

to reload the PCB to lasering position

• Repeat the same step to teach fiducial and

lasering point

Page 59
• After done all the teaching unload the PCB,
make sure the laser switch is turn on. If it
is off then turn it on and wait for 30
seconds for laser to get ready

• Select Main interface page

• Click start up to run production

Page 60

Page 61
• Select General set from left top of the
software interface then select system set
for more setting of machine

Page 62
• From Run mode columm we can choose
whether machine run in production mode
or pass throught mode or dry run mode

• Start cooperate equipment must be tick so

machine can communicate with input and
output conveyor

• Shield safety door is to enable safety door

interlock alarm. the Alarm will triggered if
the door open during production running. .
To enable it must untick it .
Password :ZST2018
Page 63
• in Product page then Product set interface,
if we just want to run top side of PCB then
just tick Only laser the front

Page 64

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