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Artificial Intelligence

Breakthrough in Manufacturing Profits

Executive Summit


AI T
Artificial Intelligence … Real Results
This summit is an executive-level forum for learning about the
application of Artificial Intelligence to Manufacturing and the
resulting breakthroughs in cost, delivery time, and revenue. The
duration is three hours. Executives who have more time may wish
to remain and discuss “Deep Dive” implementation issues with
a CEO who is deploying AI in a Manufacturing company. Time is
built into our agenda to allow for open Q&A and discussion.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) + Lean Six Sigma (LSS) = A Formidable Weapon

for Improving Capacity, Throughput, On-Time Delivery and Profitability
Prior to AI, business operated with two factors of production … labor and capital. AI has been shown
to be the third factor of production. A company operating with all three factors of production will have
superior performance to a competitor using only labor and capital without AI. The world of process
improvement has clearly changed since 2001, and companies and the military must also change.

Today AI is a powerful diagnostic tool for discovering previously hidden patterns in Big Data and for
eliminating wastes (inventory, scrap, rework, set-up) that increase process lead time. This was not
possible with LSS alone. However, when combined effectively in addition to foundational LSS tools and
methods, AI can be deployed to create competitive advantage and to achieve results like the following:
• Cycle time reduced by >30%,
• EBITDA and/or operating profits improved to >25% of sales
• Production capacity increased by >20% with no increase in manpower or capital equipment
• On-time delivery-to-promise date to >95% with no increase in inventory
Former Intel CEO Brian Krzanich (Oct 2017) offers “almost every company you can think of, every
application, it’s going to be affected by Artificial Intelligence … you are going to be using Artificial
Intelligence (AI), or you’re going to be outpaced by people who are.”

Dr. Kai-Fu Lee, acclaimed AI expert and author of 2018 book “AI Superpowers:
China, Silicon Valley, and the New World Order” offers the following:
“I believe that China will soon match or overtake the Unites States in developing and deploying
Artificial Intelligence. In my view, that lead in AI deployment will translate into productivity gains on a
scale not seen since the Industrial Revolution.”
“AI-driven factories will under-cut the one economic advantage developing countries historically
possessed: cheap labor.”
“The Age of Discovery in AI is over, and has been replaced by the Age of Implementation.”
Unlocking Your Organization’s Full Potential with a Combined AI + LSS Approach
Scrap, rework, and setup time waste … these challenges and related wastes are combated daily across
a wide range of industry settings (manufacturing, supply chain, maintenance and logistics). These
wastes are virtually impossible to overcome with LSS tools in non-repetitive (low volume, high mix)
environments, including the on-time delivery of spare parts no longer in production.

Mike George will share a “nuts and bolts” example of his application of AI in a manufacturing company
which serves as an easy to understand entrée into AI. Participants will learn how his business used AI to
discover previously untapped opportunity and to realize unprecedented performance. These results are
highly transferable and can be achieved in your business too:
• On-time delivery improved from 52% to >95%
• Scrap reduced from 8% to 3%
• Overall costs reduced by 23%
• Operating profits improved from -3% to >20% in less than 18 months

Artificial Intelligence, the Overwhelming competitive Advantage
7:30 — 8:00 am Continental Breakfast and Networking
8:00 — 8:30 am Welcome and Introductions
8:30 — 9:45 am Huge AI reductions in cost and cycle time: Mike George, CEO of AIT
9:45 — 10:00 am Break
10:00 — 10:45 am AI Case Study: Bill Anderson, CEO, Kessington Aerospace
10:45 — 11:30 am Q&A Discussion, Next Steps, and Wrap-Up
11:30 am — 1:00 pm Lunch (allows for checkout of guest room)

Optional Deep Dive on AI deployment

1:00 — 1:45 pm Dan Blackwell: “Adding AI to existing Lean Six Sigma CPI”
1:45 — 2:15 pm Bill Anderson: “AI metrics of World class success”
2:15 — 3:00 pm Mitch Johnson et al: Company specific implementation issues.


Chicago New York $295 per person
Waldorf Astoria Loews Regency
September 11, 2019 October 1, 2019

To register visit

Michael L. George, Sr. CEO of AI Technologies and the world’s foremost expert on
Lean Six Sigma (LSS). He is author of the pathbreaking books “Lean Six Sigma” (2002) and
“Lean Six Sigma in the Age of Artificial Intelligence” (2019). He was Founder and CEO of
George Group Consulting (sold to Accenture) and CEO of International Power Machines, a
manufacturer of Uninterruptible Power Supplies (sold to Rolls-Royce). BS in Physics University
of California; MS in Physics University of Illinois.

Michael L. George, Jr. President of AI Technologies, Inc. Prior to that he was President of
Blackland Group, LLC and Vice President of George Group Federal Services. Mr. George earned a
B.A. in Physics and a Master in Business Administration from Southern Methodist University.

Bill Anderson CEO and President of Kessington Aerospace, a manufacturer of machined

components for aircraft engines, brakes, landing gears and fuel controls. Bill was formerly a
Vice President of Textron after serving in USMC aviation for 25 years. BS, US Naval Academy.

Dan Blackwell VP AI Technologies, 30 years of experience in Lean Six Sigma deployment.

Developed the AI Pull System to apply Neural Networks for manufacturing. BS IE Iowa State.

Mitch Johnson VP AI Technologies, 34 years of industry experience (Commercial and DoD).

Led George Group Lean Six Sigma deployments for US Navy and USMC. BS IE Oklahoma State;
MBA University of Texas Arlington.
972.501.1417 | 972. 980.5979 FAX | 222 W. LAS COLINAS BLVD., SUITE 1650 E | IRVING, TX 75039

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